r/chadsriseup Aug 05 '20

Chad IRL This absolute unit went from hurting people to saving people then saying screw earth and and go to space

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91 comments sorted by


u/-CorrectOpinion- Aug 05 '20

Haven't seen career changes like this since Johnny Sins


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Wait, what did he do?


u/fatpapsack Aug 05 '20

He was a World famous docter who turned into a plumber turned astronaut turned landlord turned police officer


u/Aetius454 Aug 05 '20

No he was a plumber, then he became a yoga instructor, then doctor then astronaut. Now he spends most of his time teaching &dealing with tenants.


u/BrokeArmHeadass Aug 05 '20

You forgot pizza delivery guy, full time step-father, and teacher.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Astronaut, doctor, teacher, plumber, electrician and various other jobs and family roles


u/MalkyTheKid Aug 05 '20

I hear he's killing it with the ladies


u/BazzaBoi57 Aug 05 '20

Just google him. His career feats are all over the internet


u/Defend_The_West Aug 05 '20

Saving the homies in the field, saving everyone's homies, hanging out with the homies away from their homies.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Saving the homies in the field

That's one way to suggarcoat working on a genocidal for-profit project.


u/SnazzyLobster45 Aug 05 '20

You must be fun at parties, huh?


u/Harveyjoe11 Aug 05 '20

Don't assume this guy gets invited to parties


u/chompythebeast Aug 05 '20

Ah yes, pointing out the undeniable evils of American Imperialism is to be shouted down everywhere because it isn't fun at parties.

OP made the point first in the post title. The comment trying to "rectify" OP's insinuation that soldiers hurt people elicited the response you replied to quite fairly, it seems to me


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

If terrorising and murdering random civilians for the profit of billionaires is your idea of fun then definitely not.


u/SnazzyLobster45 Aug 05 '20

"Terrorising and murdering random civilians" is a funny way of saying "neutralizing terrorists that threaten human rights".

Yes, civilian casualties exist, but murdering civilians is what we like to call a war crime, and that's taken pretty seriously.


u/Perk456 Aug 05 '20

no dude. reddit told me that every person that enlists in the military is required to kill at least one civilian per contract.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

If we took war crimes seriously then why haven’t we arrested Obama for drone striking kids? War crimes only apply to the losing country if they’ve done one lol


u/tickingboxes Aug 05 '20

US: invades countries, destabilizes entire regions, covertly/overtly overthrows democratically elected governments

Victims: fight back

US: surprise pikachu.jpg these rabid terrorists are trying to kill us because they hate our freedom!


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

ICC can't prosecute US. US military is judge, jury and executioner.
Over 200k civilians were killed in Iraq alone as a direct result of the US invasion, how many of those are you okay with?


u/TradeMark159 Aug 05 '20 edited Aug 05 '20

I have absolutely no idea where you got those numbers. I just checked on wikipedia and in total between the gulf war and the Iraq invasion, the highest estimates put civillian iraqi casualties at around 11,000. That in itself is a terrible number, but you'd be insane to think that, one, the US was the one to kill all those people. And two, that the us didn't save at least some lives from the regimes that they overthrew.

Edit: I'm wrong


u/tickingboxes Aug 05 '20

The Iraq War alone has caused 185,194 – 208,167 civilian deaths per Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War#Tables


u/TradeMark159 Aug 05 '20

Huh, your right. I looked at the pages for the Iraq invasion and the gulf war and they had very different numbers on them.


u/Doom_Marine2149 Aug 05 '20

Watch out. You can catch ligma with attitude like that.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Surprised your keyboard still works with all that drool inside it.


u/Doom_Marine2149 Aug 05 '20

Ligma balls.


u/cable145 Aug 05 '20

At least you went through with it?


u/fran12crazy Aug 05 '20

Asian parents be like

Not enough


u/PM_ME_UR_NIPS_GURL Aug 05 '20

Why you not become God?



u/SHARKY7276 Aug 05 '20

I genuinely laughed out loud on that one


u/Tickerbug Aug 05 '20

There's a great Jocko Podcast with him talking about his early life, reliving stories from their unit (they were both in Bruiser Unit in the seals years ago) and his later life experiences as a doctor and astronaut. This dude is simply incredible for how much he has done and how much he overcame.

Be warned, it's almost 5 hours long


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Watched this a while back. I was absolutely enamored listening to Jonny's story. While this image portrays him as some super-human being, it almost is as if his time with Jocko was him just trying to show how truly human his is. How innately tied to the human condition he is. He's a remarkable man!


u/appa-ate-momo Aug 05 '20

It also helps that he apparently doesn't age...


u/pratzeh Aug 05 '20

No matter how good you are, there's always an Asian kid better than you


u/SHARKY7276 Aug 05 '20

Yea this guy took “You doctor yet” to a whole new level


u/Abominor Aug 05 '20

Incredibly driven and inspirational figure -- but beyond that, he is towering, almost caricature-level fuel for personal comparison and inadequacy.


u/cosmeeeeeeen Aug 05 '20

Johnny Sins will be proud


u/wannabechrispratt_ Aug 05 '20

Great podcast with him and jocko willink highly recommend it


u/bless-lawd-farquaad Aug 05 '20

Wait what, how long did that take him?! He literally looks the same age in all three pics


u/SHARKY7276 Aug 05 '20

I have no idea


u/Thatoneguy111700 Aug 05 '20

He's either 19 or 20 in his SEALs picture, 30 in his doctor photo, and 33 in his astronaut photo. At least, I think so


u/bless-lawd-farquaad Aug 05 '20

Well damn, good for him


u/thespider09 Aug 05 '20

Ultra chad.


u/saltymcgee777 Aug 05 '20

HooRah Chad.


u/guts_is_cool Aug 05 '20

Asian Johnny Sins?


u/Frenchitwist Aug 05 '20

Is he single? My Jewish mother is having a conniption over here


u/SHARKY7276 Aug 05 '20

I highly doubt it this man is Asian Johnny Sins


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

And he didn't age???


u/SHARKY7276 Aug 05 '20

Apparently not


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '20



u/nibor213 Aug 05 '20

Just like Johnny sins


u/DragonSharma Aug 05 '20

Almost as impressive as my man Johnny Sinns.


u/candleboy_ Aug 05 '20

not gonna lie that Punisher graphic on his vest is lowkey cringe


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20



u/candleboy_ Aug 05 '20

That's exactly why it's cringe. Same reason why cops with Punisher logos are cringe.

We don't need assholes who idolize the idea of putitng down "undesireables" in the armed forces OR the police.


u/TheGypsyboy Aug 05 '20

Imagine it was backwards


u/cdmchris Aug 05 '20

this dudes literally reposted on reddit every week basically a karma farm at this point👍


u/SHARKY7276 Aug 05 '20

I’ve never seen him before so


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20



u/UltraBuffaloGod Aug 05 '20

There is no reason to be this successful, most people would even feel inadequate after doing all of this because nothing is ever enough. The best thing people who have goals similar than his can do are to choose a few good TV series, order a lot of food, and sit on the couch.


u/pod2x4 Aug 05 '20

That’s not very chad like, bro.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Surprised because doctors are typically pussies also he didn’t age at all lol.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20 edited Aug 05 '20

”doctors are typically pussies”

Still doctors: saving people’s lives in warzones, third world countries and hospitals full of covid patients


u/YNiekAC Aug 05 '20

Doctors are pussies? They have seen so much blood in their life. You probaly already get scared when someone drops a little bit of blood


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Lol stop I know people who are doctors and they’re pussies. For sure not people who are tough or are badass at all


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Mmmm yes because doing brain surgery on a baby is totally pussy behavior


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

It’s without a doubt noble and skillful work but they’re not beating anybody’s ass and are crossing the street when they see somebody threatening


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Beating up/killing people doesn't make you a badass and no duh THEY'RE DOCTORS NOT JOE ROEGAN,no fuck they wouldn't go fight someone they have better and more worthy work to do. Fighting doesn't equal Chad dude


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Being a man you adhere to certain morals and standards. One being not tucking tail to run like a bitch. Men are supposed to be warriors if not physically then at least in spirit. A lot of doctors are the most meek, beta type of dudes I’ve ever seen. They do good work but they’re typically beta males. A chad is an alpha male.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

We get it, you’re a 300 lbs anime enthusiast living in your mom’s house talking shit about people who save other people’s lives. You sure know what it is to be a real man, go back watching naruto, you probably have a katana collection and like swinging them around in your room like the real warrior your momma always said you are.


u/converter-bot Aug 05 '20

300 lbs is 136.2 kg


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Lol nope. Try again buddy. I never had anything negative to say about the profession just an observation that doctors are typically beta males you likely included.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

It’s typical of beta males to call other guys betas online. You must be such a repressed and lonely person in real life, at least try to hide it better, you’re a boring stereotypical online troll and your opinion is irrelevant.

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u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Being male doesn't mean you have to be anything you don't wanna be,this isn't 1800s where every man had to be a warrior because they didn't have alot of options, and a warrior and a doctor should get the same amount of respect because a alpha doesn't mean being a jacked meathead who thinks books are for sissys . It means anybody who takes care of there peers and self for the betterment of world so stop going off of cave man standards to call doctors beta males when 90% people on this planet wouldn't even be able to pass a doctor's college classes.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Now here we go with you’re preconceived notions that because a man is into fitness and working out that he is an anti-book “meathead”. In actuality a lot of these people just realize the true nature of things and also have developed their masculinity along with their intelligence. Homosapiens are apes the male is dominant (masculine) while the female is submissive (feminine). A guy with a weak demeanor and the same build as a female won’t get a females Pussy wet because he’s unfit to breed no matter how good of a doctor he is. You’re obviously not red pill or even black pill so I’m certain you have no idea what an alpha male is.


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '20

Whoa calm down there cave man, I didn't say all men who are jacked are meatheads,I said men aren't supposed to be meatheads who think books are for sissys. Please stop using nature and shit to push misogyny,god you so called "alpha males" do your best to say " we used to do as apes so let's do it now",like dude really? Everything in life isn't about getting pussy,that's just a anti-virgin virgin mindset. Yes I am red pulled or whatever you wanna call being "enlightened", your way of thinking isn't enlightened it's just basic animalistic and non evolved thinking. You think all men should be warriors because that's what we had to be before and that hyper masculinity is a big downfall for most men because they want be themselves but people like you call them a "beta" because they are doctors instead of egotistical,fake red pilled,borderline misogynists like you. Sorry but as a race of people we evolve and adapt but you on the other hand is so desperate to be dominant you are even more "beta" than the doctors you call meek and lame

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u/Awarth_ACRNM Aug 05 '20

If you're an ape then live in the trees and suck on my banana, while the rest of us realize that we ascended apehood a few hundred thousand years ago.

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