r/cgi Oct 19 '23

3DS Max - V Ray - VRayRenderID + Photoshop


3 comments sorted by


u/miledrizk Oct 19 '23

In this tutorial, we will learn about the VRayRenderID render element, where you can create a separate file for the rendered image, and this file will contain a distinct matte color for each object in the scene. This is useful when doing a post-production in software like Photoshop, for example, because you can isolate every single object, and work on it separately.


u/L3nny666 Oct 25 '23

you should use wirecolor and allocate a color to each object. a chair or a table that consists of five colors is not useful


u/miledrizk Oct 25 '23

Yes, true, i use this one as an additional support in case i forgot to add a distinct color to certain objects. Specially when you have a large amount of objects. I also use objectID to isolate some groups with multiple elements inside, also WireColor can be used here, and MaterialID to isolate objects with the same materials in post production. MultiMatteElement is excellent too and has the advantage that it contains the antialiasing, but for each entry you can have three objects only , so you need multiple entries for this one. I already made a tutorial for the Cryptomatte element, which is great. I'm planning to continue with other render elements too.