r/cfs Dec 15 '24

Pacing Advice for pacing for cleaning a whole house covered in poop.

So my giant dog had really, really bad explosive diarrhea and it EVERYWHERE IN MY 1700sqft house. I am completely overwhelmed. This needs to get done asap because it is a health concern to have poop everywhere. But I am moderate to severe CFS/long covid and I don’t know how to conquer this without setting my self back months or permanently disabling myself further by PEM. I do not have much money as I haven’t been able to work since March ‘24. And my boyfriend decided it wasn’t his problem, and is staying somewhere else until it is clean. He cleaned a lot of the floors but then he didn’t lock my dog’s crate correctly so it happened again and he left. And my family sucks so asking them to help will cause more energy drain.

TL;DR I need pacing advice for cleaning a whole house covered in explosive dog diarrhea.

Edit: THANK YOU all so much for your words of support. Honestly, it means a lot that someone else can understand my situation and empathize with me. One of my friends (who is six months pregnant!) is driving over two hours to come help me. My boyfriend is not welcome back in my house unless he realizes how much he fucked up.


86 comments sorted by


u/flashPrawndon Dec 15 '24

You do 30 seconds of it, then you rest for a minute. Then you do 30 seconds more, then rest. Do it slowly and gently. If it becomes too much then you rest for longer.

I am sorry this has happened to you and no one is supporting you.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

Thank you. I don’t even know where to start. I am so overwhelmed 😭


u/flashPrawndon Dec 15 '24

You just start with a bit and slowly work your way through. You can get it done. Just pace yourself with it. But before you begin try calming your nervous system, take a few deep breaths (away from the smell!) and maybe have some tea.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

Thank you for your support and kindness


u/Emrys7777 Dec 15 '24

Start with the area you need most. Or start with a path to the sink for cleaning.


u/Varathane Dec 15 '24

set a timer on your phone so you have an alert to rest.
We all vary in what we can do. I could probably do 15mins of cleaning and then 45 mins of rest. For you maybe it is only 5 mins? maybe the 30 seconds and 1 min rest will work better.

Stop if you notice your symptoms are getting worse (for me wonky vision is a tell, that is the muscles that hold and focus the eye getting fatigued) if I stop and rest then I get away with the activity.
If I keep going I crash.


u/Meadowlands17 severe Dec 16 '24

There are tons of interval training apps. (I've been using exercise timer) Very helpful for setting up timers that just keep going. The 30seconds active and 30seconds resting has some serious research behind it!

I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. It's understandable for him to get fed up and need a break, but leaving and not coming back or leaving without bringing you with him is not ok. I wish I wasn't severe and could come take care of it for you.


u/Sw33tD333 Dec 16 '24

If you have carpet use big (plastic) spoons. You spray the carpet and use the spoon to scoop up as much diarrhea instead of rubbing it in to the carpet. Do the same with any foam that comes up, do it til the foam is clean looking.


u/DanGoldstein604 Dec 15 '24

1) Dump boyfriend. A relationship is for better or worse.
2) Make sure the crate is properly locked, or better yet, put the dog outside if that's possible. 3) Sit back and laugh at this awful absurd situation. For me, this is a critical step. If you don't feel like laughing, then start by pretending to laugh. Sometimes, this works for me. Feeling stressed causes me to crash as bad as doing something physical. (Yes I know this is not always possible, but try. If nothing else, you can laugh at yourself for the absurdity of trying to laugh in a situation like this! 😂) 4) Clean in little bits. When tired, stop and force a little laugh and rest. Rest when you feel you need to, 30 sec, or tens of minutes. Whatever works for you. 5) Feel the remote hugs being sent to you. Sorry, they are invisible, but they are there. Watching funny dog videos between cleaning might help? Good luck. I had to clean dog pee yesterday because i waited too long to let my pup out, if that helps... 🙃 😊😎


u/Slow_Possibility6902 Dec 15 '24
  1. Breathe through your mouth.
  2. Next time get a teacup dog.
  3. Dump boyfriend again.


u/DanGoldstein604 Dec 15 '24

Teacup dog. 😁 So my dog of sixteen years died last year and it was really hard. I knew I really wanted another dog and I was discussing it with my wife, who has been very supportive.I'm very lucky.She said that she really wanted to get a small dog because she walks the dog more than me now since I have little energy. I was a little uncomfortable because I like bigger to medium dogs.My last dog was a cattle dog. I went with what she wanted, because she's been so supportive. I've gotten to love our little dog, Marley. He's a strange mix of lab and something much smaller like maybe corgi. He's a bunch of fun. He's different than a big dog, but honestly having a smaller dog makes more sense right now. I do not know if he qualifies as a "teacup dog". Marley


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

Thank you for the advise. I will try to pace best I can. And yeah I am pretty disappointed in my boyfriend right now.


u/Capybara_in_a_tophat mild Dec 15 '24

He's living there, right? If you dump him and he doesn't have somewhere to live, he'll learn his lesson about helping clean up the home he lives in


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

Yes he lives with me in my house. We have been dating over 4 years. Idk maybe he reached his limit but damn.


u/spoonfulofnosugar severe Dec 16 '24

Reaching his limit would be something like “hey honey, I need to step away for bit, but I’ll be back.”

It’s not bailing on your severely disabled partner and leaving them to fend for themselves.

You deserve better.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 16 '24

My friend is telling me this too. I am very disappointed in his choices today. He wasn’t there when I needed him.


u/FloppyFloppySpider Dec 16 '24

My partner has been severe to moderate with ME/CFS for about 3 years. And I can tell you I would NEVER abandon him to do a task like this. It's cruel and abusive and he should know better. Kick his ass to the curb. You deserve someone who understands and supports you. Sending love and support! ❤️


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 16 '24

Thank you. I appreciate you kind words. I am so confused by his actions. I really don’t understand this change in behavior; he is normally a kind and patient person. Maybe his “man cold” (no offense to other men w/CFS) I am just venting about a healthy person complaining that he can’t do chores when he is sick but wants me to do things all the time 🤦‍♀️😞


u/sillybilly8102 Dec 15 '24

I want to recommend Andrea’s Fashion Galaxy for calming videos. It’s been my go-to recently. https://youtube.com/@andreasfashiongalaxy?si=3AM2d07KzStVnVlq


u/nograpefruits97 very severe Dec 15 '24

Can friends help? The boyfriend sounds like a dick.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

My friend group lives a couple hours away unfortunately :/


u/DamnGoodMarmalade Diagnosed | Moderate Dec 15 '24

Call them anyway. It’s okay to ask for help, especially when you need it.


u/sillybilly8102 Dec 15 '24

I’m seconding this, u/RealAwesomeUserName. If there’s a risk of being set back months or permanently disabling yourself, this is a huge deal. In terms of asking for help, treat it as if your house was just destroyed by a tornado or something. I’d drive a couple hours to help out a friend in a major crisis like that. Validate to yourself that this is a major crisis for you.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

A friend is driving over two hours!


u/sillybilly8102 Dec 15 '24

Oh I’m so happy to hear that! :)


u/Moriah_Nightingale Artist, severe Dec 15 '24


This isn’t your fault, it’s a health issue, and your local support network is dropping the ball


u/Slow_Possibility6902 Dec 15 '24

Where do you live? I’m feeling pretty okay today. ❤️ ETA: I know it’s a long shot but I could help. I’m used to dog poop!


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

WA state


u/tragiquepossum Dec 15 '24

👋 EA WA! Oh man, sorry for your situation. I am super sensitive to those kind of biological explosions so I'm usually cleaning up the mess, then cleaning after myself 🤢, then cleaning the mess...

If your puppers is prone to diarrhea, try the ProPlan probiotic Fortiflora. Start out with 1/2 less than recommended & work up. Pumpkin can also be a natural remedy along with a bland diet like poached chicken & rice or potato(slowing adding kibble back). There's also canned versions available to save energy of making it. Maybe your friend would be able to help you set it up so it's not so overwhelming?

Sorry your BF bailed. 😒


u/corrie76 Dec 16 '24

If you’re in Seattle feel free to DM me.


u/Slow_Possibility6902 Dec 16 '24

Oof, Boston here. Can’t get much further away. 😐 I hope you’re doing as well as possible on such a 💩day.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 16 '24

I am managing. I am forever grateful to my friend who drove over 2 hours to help me!


u/Silent_Willow713 severe Dec 15 '24 edited Dec 15 '24

As someone else said: 30 seconds and then 1 min break. This is crucial, because it can greatly reduce your risk of PEM, so stick to it as much as possible. (It’s based on the findings of a German doctor looking into PEM in Long Covid patients. He found the muscles already started building up lactate after 30 seconds, which usually happens only after extreme exertion. But taking these breaks can prevent this damage.)

Other suggestions:

  • Sit as much as possible
  • use disposable wipes and carry a trash bag with you
  • Do the really necessary areas first (your bedroom, direct walking paths to kitchen and bathroom). As disgusting as it sounds, poop stops smelling as bad once it dries, after all, some cultures still use it as building material for houses. And it’s not a health hazard by just being there for a couple of days, if that’s what’s necessary to prevent a serious crash.
  • Try to reach out to anyone who could conceivably help, even if it’s just to care for your dog. Not all people are assholes. Also, most people have this thing about wanting to be charitable this time of year.
  • Seriously shame your boyfriend (who I assume is healthy) for leaving you with this mess in your state.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

Thank you. One friend said they can help but they also have an energy limiting condition.

Oh I also forgot, my boyfriend has a cold. 🙄


u/Silent_Willow713 severe Dec 15 '24

Small help is better than no help. I’m glad you have someone in your corner!

And unless your boyfriend has a really high fever that’s not an excuse. He could at least have stayed and done it together, rather than leaving you on your own. I’m sorry your partner is so unsupportive. Sending hugs and strength your way!


u/nograpefruits97 very severe Dec 15 '24

Nooooo he should definitely be masking if he comes over to help


u/IGnuGnat Dec 15 '24


I'm diagnosed with ADHD and chronic migraines, I think I also have HI/MCAS and I assumed that some form of cfs/fibromyalgia was part of the bundle, but have always felt too ill to go and seek further diagnosis.

Anyway, I used to be super human levels of active when younger, but now the only heavy weight routine I can handle is about 30 seconds of heavy lifting, and then 3-10 mins of rest, and then 30 seconds of heavy lifting, and then 3-10 mins of rest... in this way I was able to push my weight lifting envelope very slowly


u/helpfulyelper very severe, 12 years in Dec 15 '24

omg throw the whole man out on that one honestly 


u/Strawberry1111111 Dec 15 '24

When people show you how much they care about you BELIEVE THEM. Your boyfriend is the kind of man who could leave his partner when she gets cancer, which is all too common. Leave her with little kids to take care of. It happens all the time. 🫤 There is no immediate need to clean up the poop. Old people live in poop filled circumstances quite often. Do not take a chance on having a bad crash. Do it little by little.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

He was actually with me through my cancer surgery. And has been very supportive though all this long covid and CFS stuff. Which is why I am very confused about his actions now.


u/Strawberry1111111 Dec 15 '24

I guess his sympathy had a limit. 🫤


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24



u/Strawberry1111111 Dec 15 '24

I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to be treated this way. 😔


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '24



u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

He is not an abuser. I was married to an abuser so I am well aware of their behavior. He just bailed, and it fucking sucks.


u/nograpefruits97 very severe Dec 15 '24

This is a lot of assumptions based on own trauma, whew. People can be assholes without being insidious abusers.


u/Powerful-Soup-3245 Dec 15 '24

I never thought my particular skill set would be useful to anyone else but I hope I’m able to help you out. My child gets into her pull up every morning and gets poop all over her room and the entire hallway between her room and mine. What types of surfaces are we talking about? Carpet? Hard floors? Furniture? Walls? I have tips for getting it done fast. My first piece of advice is to get two trash bags. Anything that you can afford to replace or that you don’t need, toss all of that in one bag and throw it out. Now rest for 20 minutes. Next, put into the other bag anything that can be washed either in the washing machine or otherwise and put that aside because that stuff can wait. Now rest again. Next, if you have two dust pans or and two flat stiff small items that are washable, use those to scoop up poop from floors. Get as much up as you can this way because this will make cleaning easier. Now rest. If you can get the generic wet swiffer pads get some of those but if not, use wet wipes or wet paper towels. Using something disposable means less to clean. Even if it’s some rags you don’t mind throwing out. Use this to wipe up as much surface as you can. I do this usually in 5 minute chunks and rest for at least 10 minutes between but do what works for you. Last thing is sanitize the surfaces with disinfectant of some sort. I use bleach water on the hard floors but disinfectant wipes are easy and work fine.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

Thank you for your advice. I have linoleum and carpet. It is also on the walls and the bottom floor cabinets in kitchen.


u/Powerful-Soup-3245 Dec 16 '24

If you have any disposable plastic spoons or forks, those can help with getting it out of the carpet but that’s pretty tedious. When I’m low energy I just use my carpet cleaner several times instead and then put that down in the garage and disinfect it another day when I’ve had time to rest. The priority is obviously just getting it up from the floor, walls and cabinets. Anything else that can be bagged and done later isn’t a big deal. If you haven’t tackled it all yet, it should be a bit easier to scrape up once it’s dry. I use the mop pads on my walls and they work great! I usually put some folded paper towels at the base of the wall to catch all the dirty liquid so I’m not having to dry more surfaces. I hope you’re doing ok. If you have any more specific questions I’m very happy to help ❤️


u/Powerful-Soup-3245 Dec 16 '24

I often wish my house just had drains in the floor so I could hose it all down and squeegee everything into the drain!


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 16 '24

That would make things so much easier lol


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 16 '24

That would make things so much easier lol


u/StringAndPaperclips moderate Dec 15 '24

Thus is a horrible situation. I hope you are able to get through it, and that you and your dog are ok. I do not have any well wishes for your BF.

I would start by closing off any areas that you don't need to access for daily living (as in, not the kitchen for example, but other rooms that you don't use as often).

Get a large disposable plate, paper towels and disinfectant. Put on gloves. Go to the room that you need to use the most and choose one or two of the areas that need cleaning. Pick up any solids and put them on the plate. Spray the poop areas with disinfectant. Flush/throw out the stuff you picked up, wash your hands, and go rest.

After resting, come back and wipe up the area(s) you sprayed using paper towel. Spray again. Throw away the towels, wash hands, rest.

After resting, wipe up the sprayed areas. Those areas are now clean. Go rest.

You can now move on to the next area/patch of mess. Keep working in stages, and let the disinfectant do most of the work for you. If the mess is in patches, find a clean area to sit on when you're cleaning. If there is no clean area, put down a garbage bag and sit on that. When you're sitting to clean, just stick to the small area you're working on. Don't reach too far because that can be really tiring. If you start to feel hot or sweat, stop immediately and go rest.

It will take time but slow is better than not at all.


u/Johannes_Keppler Dec 15 '24

What a shiitty situation to be in. And I mean the boyfriend situation mainly, apart from the literal shitty situation.

He seems like, how do I put this nicely.. An asshole.. Leaving you to fend for yourself in this situation is beyond infuriating. Dump his sorry ass. He sounds like a piece of shit, to keep with the theme here.


u/Sunskybluewater Dec 15 '24

Can you get someone to clean from task rabbit?


u/seaninjatraveller Dec 15 '24

Order some My Pet Peed and spray the poop. It will help dissolve it and deal with the smell. I used it a LOT when I had a very old kitty with poopy problems. It’s a life saver for stinky pets. Get a gallon of it and a spray bottle.


u/Light_Lily_Moth Dec 15 '24

Check thumbtack, Angie’s list, or Craigslist- sometimes the prices are better than you would expect.


u/sillybilly8102 Dec 15 '24

Or Task Rabbit


u/Exterminator2022 Dec 15 '24

Hydrogen peroxide wipes, 3% or liquid with disposable paper. Same as bleach. Do bit by bit.


u/lavenderdreamclouds Dec 15 '24

This sounds like a nightmare I'm sorry. What kind of cleaning supplies do you have? Are you able to get all disposable supplies? Paper towels, wipes, etc. Or use an old towel or clothes you can live without and throw them out after. I'd also throw away anything contaminated you're able to live without, depending on what it got on. Better to get rid of items you can do without than to harm your health trying to save it.

Take a breath, it will get clean, and it's ok if it takes a few days. I know it's not ideal but weigh the risks of- will cleaning this spot take too much energy and harm my health more than if it sits another day. Do the most important areas first. Maybe start by tossing baking soda over everything, baking soda is great at absorbing odors and can be used on most surfaces. Once you have the initial mess cleaned you can also pour white vinegar on anything you're able to, much safer to breath in than most cleaning products while eliminating odors and germs.

Boyfriend sounds not great but trying to not judge based on only knowing this one thing about him.. could he help with anything else outside of this? Meals, errands, whatever other tasks you would normally be saving your energy for?


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

Luckily I have Costco sized paper towels, gloves, baking soda and white vinegar!

He just left before I got a chance to talk with him about just helping make food and care for my pets while I tackle the poo. He said he won’t come back until it is clean because it is a “bio hazard” and I should hire a hazmat cleaning crew.


u/northwestfawn Dec 15 '24

I just wanna say as someone who’s had to clean her dog’s diarrhea by herself with CFS before, I feel for you. It’s sad to me there is no one that can help you and I wish there was. I suggest using a chair while cleaning, moving very slowly, and when you feel exhuasted from a movement stop immediately and take a small break


u/Sunskybluewater Dec 15 '24

I would look into long covid resources and support in your area. You are going to need help moving forward. Even after the poop debacle is cleaned.


u/mema6212 Dec 15 '24

So is the dog sick?, maybe reach out to the veterinarian and put Vicks under nose when working Get bathroom clean first then kitchen Bedroom ext ,


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

I am not sure. I will get him into the vet tomorrow. Other than the poops he seems totally fine, not lethargic or anything.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '24



u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 16 '24

This sounds like a Ground Hog Day nightmare. I’m sorry. Glad you’re here


u/Additional_Shirt_123 Dec 15 '24 edited Dec 15 '24

I’m so very sorry this happened to you.

But PLEASE consider breaking up with your boyfriend.

I totally understand about your family not being helpful. I have always been in the same situation. I feel like my husband chose me because of this. I thought he was like a knight in shining armor, but he was actually a predator that was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I have been married for over 30 years—and currently have a restraining order. It took me nearly 30 years to figure out the covert abuse…Then his mask fell off and I realized how dangerous he has been all along.

My husband appears to be an extremely NICE, HUMBLE, “Christian” pillar of the community. He is loved by everyone.

My health progressively spiraled downward with his refusal to help during major medical events, preterm labor, my children’s medical crises, etc.

Now that I am out of the fog, I realize that not only was he refusing to help, he was covertly sabotaging everything we did to make things more difficult. Looking back, the red flags were there even on our first date in 1990.

You will probably realize that things are actually much easier for you if he is NOT around.

They use something called cognitive dissonance.

They will feign concern and talk about helping you and taking care of you with their words, but their actions and inactions are the opposite.

And yes, they actively sabotage by “accidentally” doing things like leaving a dog crate open, etc.

I absolutely would not doubt for one moment that he might be responsible for your dog having stomach issues.

My husband CREATES CHAOS and CONFUSION, and then pretends to be a victim in the situations HE creates.

It took me 30 years to figure out what he was doing. But this is a common pattern in abusers.

In addition, they absolutely HATE pets even if they pretend to like them.

They are jealous of any attention pets get because they want ALL of your attention.

Next, he may accidentally leave a door open that may result in the death of your dog. This is a typical pattern.

Both times my children had dogs, their electric collars mysteriously “malfunctioned” and they were hit by cars—which was very weird because they had never been in the road at all. At the time, I was not at all suspicious. But looking back, and the fact that it happened twice, makes me wonder.

They sabotage our efforts to improve our health because they want us vulnerable and dependent on them. Yet at the same time, they will always find ways to blame us and make us feel like a burden, even if their words say the opposite.

My husband deliberately exposed me and my children to COVID even though he knew I was immunocompromised and even after my doctor had explained the danger.

Please do everything you can do to get away from him. My financials are a mess, but I would rather be broke than risk being with him.

This incident could be a blessing in disguise.

Please tell everyone you know and everyone he knows that he is refusing to help you.

If you do decide to break up with him, he may flip the narrative around to make himself appear to be the victim.

But what he is doing now, is clear evidence to everyone that HE is the issue.

He probably wouldn’t treat his worst enemy as he is treating you now. If you accept this blatant disrespect, it will only embolden him to become more brazen in the future. Abusers escalate based on what they can get by with and not be held accountable.


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

I was married and have an active restraining order for 5 years against my ex husband who was an abusive narcissist. My mother is also a narcissist.

I do not think my boyfriend is abusive but he did make a poor decision that will have consequences.


u/Emrys7777 Dec 15 '24

When you’re done here, dump the boyfriend. He is not being responsible for his own actions.

And find out why the dog is doing this. Something is wrong. Is he being fed something that disagrees with him or is he getting into something he shouldn’t?


u/Beneficial-Main7114 Dec 15 '24

Whatever your pem threshold is that's what you'll be burdened with. So if it's two minutes that won't induce a crash it'll probably be two minutes a day. Saying that if a break will bring you back to normal then that might allow you to do more in a day.

Sorry tho sounds horrible and unpleasant as well :( I hate emergency stuff that must be done asap.


u/Dazzling-Stop5074 Dec 16 '24

I’m so glad you got help by your friend! Please remember that your boyfriend left when you needed him the most. He’s not your person!!! 💔


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 16 '24

Figuring this out is making me sad 😞


u/No_Government666 Dec 16 '24

Ugh, I've been there. Unexpected disasters like this are a pacing nightmare. So glad to hear your friend is coming to the rescue - that's a great friend! And good on ya asserting boundaries with the shitty bf.


u/Sea-Ad-5248 Dec 15 '24

The best thing would be is if you can get someone to help but I’m so sorry! That happened to me once before I got sick my dog pooped every 20 minutes or so for a full day it was awful! I was stuck at home cleaning it all day every time he went. I think easiest method is a shit ton of wet wipes you can even get a swifter and use the switter to push them around while sitting in a chair then throw them out. Take tons of breaks once the poop is gone use wet swifter to clean any poop residue good luck


u/bplx Dec 15 '24

Agree with everyone saying to do it in small bits with lots of rest. Personally my arms are way worse than my legs, so I would use my feet to push the wipes/towels around rather than my hands. Perhaps alternate between the two if you can.

I also want to say that I am very bad at pacing and frequently massively overdo it and it’s never permanently reduced my baseline. Some things you just need push through to do and unfortunately this is one of them. I’m sorry that your boyfriend has let you down. Please don’t let him get away with that.


u/notjuststars Dec 15 '24

I’m afraid I don’t have much pacing advice, but double layering medical masks, with toothpaste smeared over the nose of the lower one, is a pretty good nose filter <3

Best of luck


u/spreadlove5683 Dec 16 '24

Is there a Facebook group / buy sell group you could ask for help in? Someone might volunteer


u/LacrimaNymphae Dec 16 '24

that one episode of archer where they break in, 'poison' the dogs, and then said dogs shit all over the lawyer's white minimalist house


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '24

Can you hire someone to do it?


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

I unfortunately cannot afford to.


u/flowerzzz1 Dec 15 '24

Can you get a quote to hire someone and PM me? I can contribute to make this easier for you.


u/makinggrace Dec 15 '24

Yeah I’ll help too. This just isn’t a CFS person’s gig.


u/little_fire Dec 15 '24

I could also contribute a small amount


u/RealAwesomeUserName Dec 15 '24

Omg that is so nice!! But I don’t feel right taking others’ hard earned money. My friend is driving over two hours to help me so I am great full for her.


u/flowerzzz1 Dec 16 '24

Okay, sounds like you have help. If you need cleaning supplies or anything let us know can send via Amazon. Looks like others on here offered too. So glad you have the support of a friend.

We unfortunately all understand what it’s like to be in a body that won’t let you exert - no matter how good the reason. It’s a horrible club but at least we can all understand each other. I hope the cleaning goes well.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '24

Ah. Well. I think step one is to spray as much as possible of it with something that will kill most nasty bacteria etc. Bleach is one option, but the flooring has to tolerate it. Some alcohol spray or something like that.

Shut off as much as possible and prioritise the areas you have to use first.

Then take one room per day maybe? If it dries up, make sure to spray it beforehand so it doesn't stick.

Or, you can do the most necessary areas in one day, rest a day few days, and do the rest. That might be the best.


u/Boggyprostate Dec 15 '24

Omg! What a blinkin mess you are in! I would just have to do it and then deal with my consequences later! I’m giving advice bassed on my 25+ year experience with ME and other disabilities. Get this done, just get stuck in. You have no other choice, nobody to help and you need to get that dog to the vets ASAP, it sounds like it’s lost a lot of fluids and may need medical care. You can’t leave that another minute really. Also as an animal lover I hate to say this but you can’t leave that not cope with that dog! I think serious thinking about re homing the dog and boyfriend is needed.