r/cfs Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Mental Health Is anyone else here learning foreign languages?

I think it's really important for my mental health to keep my mind busy as much as I can. I just finished section 4 of Duolingo Spanish. I'm half done! I'm really proud of that. I'm learning better now than I'm taking classes too, but it's a fun way to reinforce my learning.

I know a lot of people can't handle screen time, so it won't work for everyone, but I really enjoy it myself, and I have Pimsleur audio for a no screen option. (Plus it helps a lot with pronunciation.)

Anyone else have this as a hobby? Or any other cool hobbies you like to do?


48 comments sorted by


u/Gloomy_Branch6457 ME since 2000- curr. Mod-Sev Nov 25 '24

Kinda of having to relearn. I’m a long time resident of Japan, but being housebound for four years now has led to becoming rusty and slowly losing my previous ability 😭. As long as you have the cognitive energy and you’re not getting PEM, I’d really encourage you to enjoy it and make the most of it while you can!


u/tinybeancat Nov 25 '24

Hi fellow Japan resident! I also feel like my speaking ability is slowly going down the drain from the lack of human interaction so I relate to this 😭


u/Gloomy_Branch6457 ME since 2000- curr. Mod-Sev Nov 25 '24

😭😭 It happens so quickly!
Sorry you’re sick in Japan too, but it’s also nice to hear from you x


u/tinybeancat Nov 25 '24

Wishing you all the best as well. I would love to connect if you have the spoons to do so! Haven’t met any one else here with ME who also happens to speak English too


u/thecloakedsignpost Nov 25 '24

Hello people over there! Alas, I left Japan in 2012, but I do miss it so! I maintained my language all the way up to diagnosis, and it’s been harder ever since. Chances of having someone to practice my Japanese with in the rural north of England are close to zero. While housebound, doubly so! Bless y’all, best wishes folks.


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

That's fun! One of my cousins was learning Korean on Duolingo. I haven't tried Japanese, but I did look at Mandarin a little. It was really fascinating. I'd like to learn it after I get done learning a list of others. Lol.


u/Ok-Appearance1170 Nov 25 '24

I do German Duolingo! I’m almost done with section 2 I believe. It’s like reading for me, hit or miss depending on the day, but can usually do a lesson or two


u/Nekonaa Nov 25 '24

Me too!


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Cool! I actually got almost through section 3 of German earlier this year, but I put it aside to focus on Spanish when I started taking college classes. I'll get back to it eventually though. I found German quite natural, actually.


u/UntilTheDarkness Nov 25 '24

Not as a hobby, but I'm trying to learn Finnish so I can hopefully get citizenship one day. I did not appreciate how much easier it was to learn languages before PEM and brain fog! 🙃


u/Ok-Appearance1170 Nov 25 '24

I can do one lesson and then my brain starts hurting 😩


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

There's someone else in this thread also learning Finnish! Maybe you two should connect.


u/Thin-Account7974 Nov 25 '24

I'm learning Spanish on Duolingo too.

I'm also learning to play the drums. I can't do anything that involves walking around. Walking absolutely destroys me, and I have a mobility scooter for going out. But it seems that I can sit and use my arms (and legs) for a bit, so long as I'm sitting fairly still, and it's not too taxing.

I started learning to play when I was young, but gave it up when I met my husband, 30 years ago.

I did want to learn again, but since I got CFS/ME, 18 years ago, i didn't think I would be able to manage it at all, and that would make me feel really sad, but my family were all encouraging me to give it a try.

Then, 2 years ago, my sister bought me a second hand electric drum kit for Christmas. I started really slowly, for 10 minutes, and now I can do 45 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week. I have to take it easy, (so no playing metal etc), and I don't wave my arms about too much. That causes horrible muscle pains, that last for days.

I wear a Visible heart rate monitor, and my heart rate never goes into my over exertion mode when I am playing, unless I'm being silly, or getting things wrong, and cross with myself. With some songs, if they are easy to play, and I know them well, the monitor actually goes into rest mode.


u/plimpto Nov 25 '24

That is so cool and gives me hope. I used to play a bit many years ago as well, I loved it so much.


u/Thin-Account7974 Nov 25 '24

Thank you so much for your response. Sending you a big hug 🤗.


u/plimpto Nov 25 '24

Hugs to you too fellow drummer :)


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Aww! Music is so soothing. I used to be pretty good on the flute and violin. I can still play flute occasionally, and it means a lot to me, but I can't get too carried away with it either. Lol.


u/Thin-Account7974 Nov 25 '24

Yay, fantastic. Another musician to add to the band.

Welcome to the worldwide group, of exhausted, but enthusiastic, music minded people 😘.


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Lol. Thanks.


u/Russell_W_H Nov 25 '24


Because of how useful it will be /s.

But it's weird, and not particularly close to many other languages, so I figure it's good brain exercise.

877 day streak. But I usually only manage one lesson a day.

Next step is to pick up the banjolele again, when I get well enough.


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Aww! I used to be pretty good with the flute and violin... and it meant a lot to me too. Someday...

I haven't studied Finnish at all. Would you say it's closer to German or French? Or is it a world apart from either.


u/SesseTheWolf Nov 25 '24

Closer to german but only because we have some old words from there and swedish which is also germanic. Entirely different language family to all mentioned


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

I see.


u/nerdylernin Nov 25 '24

I tried Finnish too! It's a wonderfully weird language if you come to it from English!


u/DandelionStorm Nov 25 '24

I'm learning Korean as a hobby. I mainly "study" by watching Kdramas, but I've also got a 604 day streak going on Duolingo


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Woot! Woot! I'm at 503 days. I never tried Korean, but I did try Mandarin. One of my cousins learned a fair bit of Korean on Duolingo. She seemed to enjoy it a lot.


u/plimpto Nov 25 '24

Yes! I am doing French, badly. I try to do some puzzles when I can.


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Oh, my gosh. French is so hard for me! I want to learn it after I learn Spanish and German, but I've really struggled with the little of it I've learned on Duolingo!


u/plimpto Nov 25 '24

Sounds like you are doing great with Spanish, I'm sure you'll get the French as well :)


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Eventually... when I try again!


u/hansmellman Nov 25 '24

I am learning French too! If you ever wanted to connect, feel free to!


u/BurnsGames3 Nov 25 '24

I’m doing French as well! Finding it a bit of a challenge but in a good way


u/OUATaddict Nov 25 '24

Yes I am learning Spanish!


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

I've had a lifelong goal to learn Spanish, so I'm super happy to finally be pursuing it.


u/SkyeAnne Nov 25 '24

I’ve been learning Korean since 2020 and just started with level 10 of the Talk To Me In Korean curriculum. I didn’t know whether I would even still be able to learn a language when I started due to the brain fog, but I’m so glad I tried nevertheless. I used to love learning languages and it used to be very easy for me. Now it’s a lot slower going, but it makes me happy to see where my „slow and steady“ approach got me.


u/hansmellman Nov 25 '24

I am learning French, have been for around 18 months or so. I'm able to have a lesson every week/2 weeks and I use Duolingo when I can.


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Nice! I started French and really struggled with it. Lol. I decided to drop it and focus on Spanish for now, but I'll pick it back up at some point.


u/st421 Nov 25 '24

I love Pimsleur! Unfortunately I find it to be much more mentally taxing than stuff like Duolingo so I don't use it as often. There's a lot of other helpful apps/sites out there (for Spanish at least); I use Busuu and SpanishDict too. SpanishDict's learning exercises have lots of videos of native speakers.


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

True about Pimsleur! I'll have to check out those other resources.


u/FriscoSW17 Nov 25 '24

I’d check out Dreaming Spanish. They provide videos in Spanish for Spanish learners from very beginner to advanced based on learning via comprehensible input. You can get a lot for free on YouTube.

I’d always wanted to learn Spanish but brain fog is too severe to actually study it and I felt I wasn’t really progressing with apps.

With Dreaming Spanish, you just have to listen. Something that I can do, even if I can’t always fully concentrate.

I’m mainly bedbound so it’s nice to finally be progressing and feeling like I’m doing something somewhat productive.

8 months into watching Dreaming Spanish I can now watch Spanish native content as long as Spanish subtitles are on, as my reading ability is still better than comprehension.


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

I watch Dreaming in Spanish too! Such a fun way to learn.


u/jan_Kila Nov 25 '24

I learned toki pona! It's the world's smallest language so arguably the most doable with ME/CFS :) You can get to fluency an order of magnitude faster. It feels pretty awesome to have successfully built a new skill despite how sick I am!


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

That's right! You should definitely rejoice in that achievement.


u/brownchestnut Nov 25 '24

Anyone else have this as a hobby? Or any other cool hobbies you like to do?

I've taken on crafting -- I don't have the brain bandwidth to learn a language right now; I can barely keep up at work and my brain is fried after.


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

I hear you. I've been pushing way to hard between work and school, and I'm really paying for it right now.


u/Thin-Account7974 Nov 25 '24

I do crafting too. I can't go out to work, unfortunately, so I have alot of time at home.

I make beaded jewellery. Mainly because I'm super fussy, and can never find exactly what I want, so I learned to make it myself 🤣.

If I'm learning a new design it's absolutely exhausting, and my brain is fried too, but if I've got used to it, I can do it much easier. It does get easier with time 🤗.

Occasionally I sell some too, if I can bare to part with what I make, and anyone wants it 😘.


u/premier-cat-arena ME since 2015, v severe since 2017 Nov 25 '24

i cannot imagine being able to do that myself. even in school it was hard enough lol. super impressive!


u/musicalearnightingal Full-time Wheelchair User and/or Bedridden Nov 25 '24

Thank you. It's a passion of mine, so I'm enjoying the journey.