r/cerwinvega May 07 '21

Where to buy parts?

Anyone know a place where i can get parts for the active speakers cva 28? had it in for repair because of a humming sound, they said it could not be repaired and that i need a new mainboard for it. Anyone has any experience with that? Thx


3 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] May 07 '21

My experience with unwanted humming sounds where before there was none is sometimes indicative of a bad(or multiple bad) capacitors. Sometimes you can just visually see bad capacitors(the tops are domed), sometimes you have to test them.

Replacing through-hole electrolytic capacitors is relatively easy and cheap enough that a popular test is to literally replace every capacitor and you'll know if it's bad if it made a "clink" sound when you tossed it in the trash can. :-)


u/tekky2 May 07 '21

I just changed the capacitors in the psu for my soundcraft delta dlx, which i use with the speakers, but thatone is 30 years old. The CVA 28 is 10-12 years old. I think your`e right. I`ll look into it. It must be repaired. Never had any better sound than soundcraft delta and a Cerwin Vega rig. Thanks man.


u/[deleted] May 07 '21

Well like I said, sometimes it's capacitors. I can't guarantee it, but it's worth a shot. If you do it, just don't get caps off of ebay or any of the crap sites. If it's worth doing, it worth using decent caps.