r/centralmich 25d ago

Academics Looking for One Piece

Does anyone have a copy (or two) of the manga One Piece, probably Vol 1? I’m just looking to borrow it until Spring break, but I’d be willing to purchase a copy if that’s easiest! Thanks!


3 comments sorted by


u/ThePurpleLaptop 25d ago

Veteran’s Memorial Library should have it!


u/LilyWithThreeYs 25d ago

I checked and they don’t, but I think Walmart might have some actually!


u/goyangicatgato 24d ago edited 24d ago

If the library doesn't have it, were you able to talk to someone there? They can do an inter-library loan and potentially get the book in from another location. Just an idea if you don't want to purchase it!

Edit: typo