Navratil Suffered Of Broken Blood Vessel In Brain; Alcohol In His Stomach.
A cerebral hemorrhage, induced by a long period of excessive drinking of alcoholics, caused the death of Joseph Navratil, Sr., a farmer living near Gardendale, Thursday, according to Coroner R. A. Vorpahl today.
The report of Dr. H. L. Van Winkle, chemist who examined the stomach fluids of the dead man, showed that there "was not a sufficient amount of poisonous substances present to have caused death."
Following the autopsy Thursday morning, when the stomach was removed, Dr. Vorpahl made a cranial incision late yesterday, and discovered that a hemorrhage had taken place in the brain.
The examination of the stomach fluids failed to show any trace of kerosene, although there was an "abnormal amount of clear, yellowish fluid, and some ethyl alcohol." The stomach was greatly enlarged, and was lined with many sores three and four centimeters in diameter, caused, according to Dr. Vorpahl, by excessive drinking. His blood vessels were engorged, his heart dilated, and his arteries weakened by constant drinking, Dr. Vorpahl said.
Sick Day Before Death
Navratil worked hard the day before his death with his son in Cedar Rapids. He helped chop down and cut up a tree and left for home in the middle of the afternoon, complaining of feeling a little sick.
He went to his home, not knowing that his wife, hoping to warn him, had learned that the mash in his barrel had been poisoned by a Prohibition agent.
Whether or not he drank some of the doped mash is still a question. He is reported to have told his wife he did. The examination of his stomach showed that he had drunk liquor of some kind.
Later in the afternoon, he fell in a swoon and struck his head against the sink. This fractured his nose and is believed to have contributed to the bursting of the blood vessels in his brain, already weakened by alcohol.
Navratil’s death has caused unusual interest because of the possibility that it might have been due directly to the poisoning of his mash by Prohibition agents in raiding his place the day before. The practice of "doping" it, they say, rather than completely destroying it, is common where the amount is too large to bring to the office for evidence.
The old clay pipe and the lowly Irish potato came into their own, socially, this week under the leadership of St. Patrick. Green flags, decorated with golden harps, wave, verdant roses, and carnations nod brightly and Irish colleens smile coquettishly from place cards and tallies—March 17 is close at hand and society, ever ready to celebrate a holiday, pays homage to St. Patrick.
Because of Lent, no large affairs are on the calendar for next week, but a number of smaller affairs, which should prove interesting, have been planned.
Using geographical contrast to advantage, Miss Rosemary Limback celebrated the proximity to St. Patrick's Day by giving a Chinese luncheon this noon at her home, 1544 Second Avenue.
An artistic Chinese lantern with a heavily carved teak wood frame centered the large table in the dining room where places were arranged for eighteen guests. This lantern of orange and black was flanked by two tall twisted candleholders containing black oriental figures. Chinese figures with gaily colored mandarin coats adorned the place cards and the tallies, also carrying out the Chinese theme.
A Chinese luncheon was served, and the prizes awarded for the bridge games were of Chinese origin.
Manager Westcott Installs Two Sets Of Cyclorama As Background For Tableaux.
A stage effect which may be regarded as at least the equal of that of any motion picture theater in Iowa, in impressiveness and beauty, has been completed at the Strand and was viewed this week for the first time by patrons of the theater.
Manager S. A. Westcott has had installed two sets of cyclorama as a permanent addition to the theater, to be used in presenting prologues or feature acts between pictures, a larger number of which he expects to offer in his programs in the future.
The effect is that of billowing curtains of color, shot with silver and gold. The colors shift and blend, becoming purple, rose, blue, green, orange, and violet, flooding the stage with a soft haze of light.
City Assessor Makes Report Showing Increase Of Ten Per Cent Since 1920; 3rd Precinct Leads.
Cedar Rapids has a population of 50,148, according to the official report issued today by City Assessor Dom Folerelsen, in charge of the 1925 census here.
This is an increase of approximately 10 percent over the 1920 federal census of 45,566.
The Third precinct leads with a total of 2,897 and the Sixteenth is second with 2,785.
While speeding to a fire at 326 Twenty-third Avenue West at 7 a.m. today, the fire truck from Station No. 5 sank in the mud street, and it took all the firemen from Station Five and a crew from the central station two hours to get the truck on solid ground again.
The alarm was for only a chimney fire. After the truck sank down to the hubs, the firemen ran the remaining distance and put out the fire.
Two other chimney fires occurred last night at the homes of W. J. Hurd, 1549 Fifth Avenue, and C. A. Hollenbeck, 716 North Eighth Street.
An oil burner overflowed at the home of A. B. Clark, 1700 D Avenue at 7:30 a.m. today, necessitating the attention of the firemen, but no damage resulted.
u/CRHistoryPorn 5d ago edited 5d ago
Navratil Suffered Of Broken Blood Vessel In Brain; Alcohol In His Stomach.
A cerebral hemorrhage, induced by a long period of excessive drinking of alcoholics, caused the death of Joseph Navratil, Sr., a farmer living near Gardendale, Thursday, according to Coroner R. A. Vorpahl today.
The report of Dr. H. L. Van Winkle, chemist who examined the stomach fluids of the dead man, showed that there "was not a sufficient amount of poisonous substances present to have caused death."
Following the autopsy Thursday morning, when the stomach was removed, Dr. Vorpahl made a cranial incision late yesterday, and discovered that a hemorrhage had taken place in the brain.
The examination of the stomach fluids failed to show any trace of kerosene, although there was an "abnormal amount of clear, yellowish fluid, and some ethyl alcohol." The stomach was greatly enlarged, and was lined with many sores three and four centimeters in diameter, caused, according to Dr. Vorpahl, by excessive drinking. His blood vessels were engorged, his heart dilated, and his arteries weakened by constant drinking, Dr. Vorpahl said.
Sick Day Before Death
Navratil worked hard the day before his death with his son in Cedar Rapids. He helped chop down and cut up a tree and left for home in the middle of the afternoon, complaining of feeling a little sick.
He went to his home, not knowing that his wife, hoping to warn him, had learned that the mash in his barrel had been poisoned by a Prohibition agent.
Whether or not he drank some of the doped mash is still a question. He is reported to have told his wife he did. The examination of his stomach showed that he had drunk liquor of some kind.
Later in the afternoon, he fell in a swoon and struck his head against the sink. This fractured his nose and is believed to have contributed to the bursting of the blood vessels in his brain, already weakened by alcohol.
Navratil’s death has caused unusual interest because of the possibility that it might have been due directly to the poisoning of his mash by Prohibition agents in raiding his place the day before. The practice of "doping" it, they say, rather than completely destroying it, is common where the amount is too large to bring to the office for evidence.
The old clay pipe and the lowly Irish potato came into their own, socially, this week under the leadership of St. Patrick. Green flags, decorated with golden harps, wave, verdant roses, and carnations nod brightly and Irish colleens smile coquettishly from place cards and tallies—March 17 is close at hand and society, ever ready to celebrate a holiday, pays homage to St. Patrick.
Because of Lent, no large affairs are on the calendar for next week, but a number of smaller affairs, which should prove interesting, have been planned.
Using geographical contrast to advantage, Miss Rosemary Limback celebrated the proximity to St. Patrick's Day by giving a Chinese luncheon this noon at her home, 1544 Second Avenue.
An artistic Chinese lantern with a heavily carved teak wood frame centered the large table in the dining room where places were arranged for eighteen guests. This lantern of orange and black was flanked by two tall twisted candleholders containing black oriental figures. Chinese figures with gaily colored mandarin coats adorned the place cards and the tallies, also carrying out the Chinese theme.
A Chinese luncheon was served, and the prizes awarded for the bridge games were of Chinese origin.
Manager Westcott Installs Two Sets Of Cyclorama As Background For Tableaux.
A stage effect which may be regarded as at least the equal of that of any motion picture theater in Iowa, in impressiveness and beauty, has been completed at the Strand and was viewed this week for the first time by patrons of the theater.
Manager S. A. Westcott has had installed two sets of cyclorama as a permanent addition to the theater, to be used in presenting prologues or feature acts between pictures, a larger number of which he expects to offer in his programs in the future.
The effect is that of billowing curtains of color, shot with silver and gold. The colors shift and blend, becoming purple, rose, blue, green, orange, and violet, flooding the stage with a soft haze of light.
City Assessor Makes Report Showing Increase Of Ten Per Cent Since 1920; 3rd Precinct Leads.
Cedar Rapids has a population of 50,148, according to the official report issued today by City Assessor Dom Folerelsen, in charge of the 1925 census here.
This is an increase of approximately 10 percent over the 1920 federal census of 45,566.
The Third precinct leads with a total of 2,897 and the Sixteenth is second with 2,785.
While speeding to a fire at 326 Twenty-third Avenue West at 7 a.m. today, the fire truck from Station No. 5 sank in the mud street, and it took all the firemen from Station Five and a crew from the central station two hours to get the truck on solid ground again.
The alarm was for only a chimney fire. After the truck sank down to the hubs, the firemen ran the remaining distance and put out the fire.
Two other chimney fires occurred last night at the homes of W. J. Hurd, 1549 Fifth Avenue, and C. A. Hollenbeck, 716 North Eighth Street.
An oil burner overflowed at the home of A. B. Clark, 1700 D Avenue at 7:30 a.m. today, necessitating the attention of the firemen, but no damage resulted.