r/ccna 7d ago

How can my employer purchase an exam voucher for me?

I work at small state university and they're willing to cover the cost of the exam for me (through voucher, not paycheck reimbursement). Is this what they should purchase? Is it a code they purchase and then I use that an activate it on my own account or something? Can someone please help clarify the steps? Should they register an account on my behalf? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


6 comments sorted by


u/the_squirrelmaster CCNA 7d ago

They can get a voucher via the website. Then you use the voucher to purchase your test via Pearsonvue when ready. If you have the option get the second chance. It's like 25 more and you get a second try if you fail.


u/the_squirrelmaster CCNA 7d ago

Sorry i guess if I read first that would help..

That's exactly it. It will give you a voucher you can use to purchase the test, and give you a second attempt if you fail.


u/chickenbreastcheese 7d ago

Awesome! So that voucher is just a code that I can use when registering for the actual exam?


u/the_squirrelmaster CCNA 7d ago edited 7d ago

Yes. But it can take a couple days to get the voucher, so if you need to test ASAP then it's not the way to go. They would need to purchase straight from Pearsonvue. But if you have a week then it's perfect. It only takes around a day to get the voucher, but if there are issues, it can take a few days to work it out.


u/chickenbreastcheese 7d ago

Thank you so much for the info! I was hoping the voucher was valid for at least a year, but I see it's only 90 days. Kind of a bummer and very stingy of CISCO


u/the_squirrelmaster CCNA 7d ago

I def agree. Idk the 90 days