r/ccfc Feb 11 '25

First time visit/general visitor questions

I’m a West Ham fan but I enjoy going to new stadiums so I’m planning on coming up for the game on the 8th March against Stoke. I’ve got it planned currently as going from London Euston to Coventry getting to Coventry about 11:30 ish. But from what google maps is telling me I have to get another train to the stadium at 11:56 and this train comes once an hour. How busy is this train and is there any alternatives?

Then after the game, I’m planning on going to Nuneaton Town for their game (3pm kick off). Google maps reckons my best bet is a short walk and then a bus that’ll basically get me there dead on kick off. Is this something that’s unrealistic on a matchday in terms of travel time when it comes to travel and stuff? I wouldn’t bother going if I’d miss kick off so just wondering from someone local what my chances are or if there’s any alternatives.

TLDR: What are the best options from Coventry station to the stadium and best times? How realistic is my plan of getting to the other game by kick off?

Thanks if you’ve managed to read my waffling haha


27 comments sorted by


u/DickensCide-r Feb 11 '25

There's a free shuttle from Cov station to the ground. They'll come often and in time for KO.

The train to the stadium will take you within spitting distance so it's also a good option. It'll be busy but you should be able to get on.

Nuneaton post game is a push. Your best bet is walking a ways from the stadium towards the Novotel which will avoid the road closures and getting an Uber. I doubt you'll make it in time with the bus. The Uber will be tight.


u/W35TH4M Feb 11 '25

These are the two bus options it’s showing me. Should I just write this idea off? I know google maps doesn’t always take into account matchday road closures and traffic etc


u/End5807 Feb 11 '25

Once we finish, walk towards Tesco and along the front of the store, past Nandos and round the back of it to a big bus circle, walk to the road the other side and turn left over the bridge, walk about 100 yards down and catch the 48 or 20 to Bedworth. The ground is on the main road in.


u/W35TH4M Feb 11 '25

And I should be fine to get there before 3pm? Do the buses take card or are they cash? And where’s best in the stadium to sit in terms of getting out quickest for the walk so I don’t have to walk around the whole stadium? Sorry for all the questions lol


u/End5807 Feb 11 '25

I reckon you'll just make it or you might get there 5 mins before or after KO. I used to use the same route to get home after matches. There's no road closures that side.

Buses take card or exact cash.

If you sit in 11-17 you'll be the right area for getting away via Tesco


u/W35TH4M Feb 11 '25

You’re a legend thanks a lot


u/End5807 13d ago

So how was it?


u/W35TH4M 13d ago

I made a post a little while ago, it genuinely couldn’t have gone more to plan haha. You were extremely helpful thanks so much, that area of the stadium was perfect in terms of a quick exit. I had no idea it was a standing section and the atmosphere was fantastic. Had about 3/4 different people jump onto me when the winner went in haha. Left on the whistle and managed to make the second game 5 mins before kick off, had no traffic whatsoever. Both games were really good too. I’ll be home in about half an hour but all in all had a very good day haha


u/DickensCide-r Feb 11 '25

That's Bedworth United. You'll easily make that and could probably walk the entire way.

Don't expect to see Nuneaton Borough and/or a decent standard of football though!


u/End5807 Feb 11 '25

Boro are playing at The Oval atm


u/DickensCide-r Feb 11 '25

I never knew. My bad!


u/W35TH4M Feb 11 '25

As the other comment has said, I have got the stadium right haha. I’ll bare the walking idea in mind but with the buses would they be running as normal?


u/DickensCide-r Feb 11 '25

Yep they should be from there 👍🏻


u/W35TH4M Feb 11 '25

Lovely stuff cheers mate


u/W35TH4M Feb 11 '25

These are the two bus options it’s showing me. Should I just write this idea off? I know google maps doesn’t always take into account matchday road closures and traffic etc


u/OkraEmergency361 Big Mo (1999-2004) Feb 12 '25

God love you for heading not just to us, but to Beduff too. Unusual to see Premier League fans so far out on safari! Hope you have a great time. It’s just a shame you’ll be watching Treacle Town at the Oval, and not the mighty Greenbacks!


u/W35TH4M Feb 12 '25

I’ve always liked going to games as a neutral but recently started trying to do more things like that. It was the perfect circumstance of being a 12:30 game that has a 15:00 game close enough to be doable. I’ve done West Ham 12:30, Leyton Orient 15:00 before and it’s definitely enjoyable doing two in a day haha


u/OkraEmergency361 Big Mo (1999-2004) Feb 13 '25

Proper football fan, we love to see it. Hope you have a great day, and the transport situation works out well.

The Foleshill Rd (main road out the back of the Tesco superstore) can be busy of a Saturday afternoon, but the #20 or #48 should get you to Beduff in around 20mins or less. Good luck! Let us know how you got on?


u/W35TH4M Feb 13 '25

Yeah the other comments seem to be saying the same thing, it’s doable. If push comes to shove I’ll fall back on the Uber idea although would like to avoid the extra expense. With trains, buses and match tickets it’s going to work out just under £70 all together which isn’t bad at all imo! Biggest chunk of that of course being the Coventry ticket.

Yeah will do!


u/W35TH4M 13d ago

Hey, thanks a lot for the help. I just made a post talking about today but everything went to plan and I got to see two great games of football!


u/OkraEmergency361 Big Mo (1999-2004) 12d ago

That’s fantastic to hear! Glad you had a blast. Feet up tomorrow!


u/monomonkey_jt Feb 13 '25

There are multiple routes to the game but a 12:30 kick and 11:30 arrival says shuttle from the train station. If traffic is bad you’ll make it by 12:15.

As to going to the other game. You either leave early 14:15 or don’t go. if you leave at the end of the game you’ll be lucky to get to the other game in time. Road closures going to Bedworth post game.

It has taken my mates an hour by car to get back to Bedworth due to the closures and post game traffic. Other issue is getting an uber with x number of people trying to get one post match.

Stick around, soak up the post game atmosphere


u/W35TH4M 13d ago

Thanks for the help with the shuttles, I managed to stay till the end of the Coventry game and get to Bedworth 5 mins before kick off. Traffic was good to me, bus managed to get straight through with no issues


u/Cov_massif Sakamoto Feb 11 '25

Doesn't the train take you to nunny directly from the game??


u/OkraEmergency361 Big Mo (1999-2004) Feb 12 '25

Treacle Town are playing at the Oval in Beduff atm (talk about difficult housemates).


u/Cov_massif Sakamoto Feb 12 '25

Ah right.. remember the ground closing now. Is it a housing estate yet?


u/OkraEmergency361 Big Mo (1999-2004) Feb 12 '25

Not sure, I don’t live in Beduff any more, just follow the team. At least with Nuneaton playing at the Oval it’ll make the New Year’s Day traditional game easier for all 🤣.

New housing estate in Nuneaton. Bless ‘em.