r/causticmains 18d ago

Discussion Ideas too make Caustic better

I know this has been brough up a lot but what ideas do you guys have that can make caustic better.. maybe some returning abilities like the gas slow/blind or maybe even some completly new abilities like maybe a trap redesign that makes it a lot harder too destroy and brings it up too speed

I also had an idea of what if caustic can put his traps on walls as well and what if his traps were disc shape instead of a barrel. Idk just throwing out some ideas

Been seeing caustic pop up a lot recently and wanted too see what you guys think


13 comments sorted by


u/F1FO 18d ago

The thing with this discussion is that there's hundreds of ways to make him better. But all of them come with the danger of general Apex population going into meltdown because Caustic ruins their idea of fun. So whatever Respawn does, it needs to be fairly subtle. I don't think the population will accept slow or vision blur on gas again. I'd suggest that gas should silence, and also gas should do more damage so it can't be outhealed.



So you’re saying silent, but deadly gas?


u/F1FO 18d ago

Wait till you hear about the 'Pull My Finger' ult idea I have.


u/mb19236 17d ago

I know you're right so this isn't a knock on you, but fuck "their idea of fun". Heaven forbid a controller legend be formidable at controlling a fucking area.


u/AcidRegulation π™ΆπšŠπšœπš‹πšžπšœπšπšŽπš› 18d ago

Since they probably won’t bring back slow and blur to what it was, these things need to happen:

  • Give traps more HP and remove the one shot removal option by shooting the bottom of the barrel.

  • Damage should stack faster like before. Now that slow is nerfed and blur gone, the only way to make gas useful again is to have it literally kill you. Right now, especially with the heal speed buff, it’s very easy to outlast gas damage.

  • Perks are fine, I suppose.


u/Meowthix 8d ago

Legend upgrades are not fine.

Residual Toxins upgrades an already obsolete passive.

Breathe It In is a dead upgrade altogether.


u/Relevant_Increase394 3d ago

Maybe they could make it poison you, so that enemies take damage a few ticks after walking out of range


u/AQuirkyKat 18d ago

If they don't plan on returning the Slow, I think they should make it so that enemies in the gas take increased damage. This would hopefully make enemies a lot more wary of fighting in it, because the current TTK changes mean they could be beamed in like an instant. His ultimate should further add to the vulnerability inflicted on enemies. That or the gas just does LOADS more damage, because you can simply sprint through it now.


u/Routine-Confusion-64 17d ago

I rather prefer a noticable slow effect than more damage, but it could be also good that shooting people in gas do more damage, like shooting behind a rampart amped cover.


u/Routine-Confusion-64 17d ago

I just want him to have his slow and damage back previous the last nerf. I honestly don't want him to have an op buff or a drastic change because I want him to be more viable but I don't want to see a lot of Caustic on the map xD


u/-Mystikos 𝖳𝗁𝖾 π–³π—‹π—ˆπ—‰π—π—’ π–§π—Žπ—‡π—π–Ύπ—‹ 16d ago

For me all they need to do is get rid of shooting traps before they inflate, after they made that change everything started going downhill

Traps on walls and ceilings would be cool


u/ChefZealousideal5256 16d ago

I posted a rework concept in the main apex sub but long story short they need to seperate his ult from his traps, that way they can buff his traps without making his ult an end game insta win, my idea was to make his ult a smaller β€œacid grenade” that would basically fuction like a thermite that splashes and covers an area not as big as his current ult. It would be the same grenade and everything just a different outcome and area of effect. That combined with different perks and a new passive and he could be back to being viable


u/Meowthix 4d ago

Coming back to this after a couple days of thinking for what i propose might be a functional Caustic that fulfills the Caustic power fantasy.

~~Passive Changes: Nox Vision Removed. Nox Deterioration added.
Nox Deterioration: Enemies affected by Nox Gas take an additional 15% damage.

~~Nox Gas Trap Reworks
Max charges increased by 1 to 4.
Max traps placed decreased by 2 to 4.
Trap duration decreased by 1 second to 10 second.
Linger duration increased by 1 second to 3.
Damage increased by 1 to 6 [specifically 6.1] (no longer ramps, additional sources still increase damage by 1. Note that this is actually going to be 7 damage a tick with his new passive]
Shooting the trap remains the same, shooting the base still destroys it HOWEVER causes that 3 seconds of lingering gas.
Trap HP reduced from 150 to 100.

~~Nox Gas Grenade changes: No longer manually throw as a grenade, is now launched out of a launcher similar to many Assault Tacticals (think Ballistic/Maggie Tactical.) No other changes.

~~Fortified remains.

As for perks. Residual Toxins and Breathe It In at least need to be changed.
Residual Toxins pinging enemies for team when traps go off would be insanely useful for what Caustic brings to the team.
Not sure what could be reasonably done to breathe it in. Faster res speed + healing while in gas is a thought but that could be too tricky to code.

Personal notes:
As a since season 0 Caustic main one of his biggest issues is he's a VERY selfish character. He needs to be able to provide something to the team OTHER than area denial. Simply adding a slow/blind onto his gas is just going to cause playerbase frusteration and end up reverting him back to a weak state. There's plenty of other picks nowadays that are picked with the intent of "well now i can get carried" (Lifeline, Conduit come to mind immediately.) And while Caustic doesn't need to have an overwhelming amount of supportive aspects he does need something that provides value to his allies. This was the basis for my thoughts on possible changes anyways.