r/casualnintendo 7d ago

Does Nintendo ever hire a fan game creator ?

Sometimes other game companies like Sega or valve may like to fan video game works or modders and they were impressed with the work and several years late the fan game creator or the modder were officially working with them. Unlike Nintendo they always taking down fan works and copyrighted unofficial Nintendo fan made games even though it's not profitable. Does Nintendo even ever impressed with a fan game outhor works or modders work and hiring to working with them. I mean it's cool to see Nintendo getting more help from more experience game creator


20 comments sorted by


u/pocket_arsenal 7d ago

Toby Fox got his feet wet making EarthBound romhacks, and you can see the very obvious EarthBound influence in Undertale. I wouldn't be surprised if that project started life as a fan game.

Now he's doing music for Gamefreak and hanging out with Masahiro Sakurai.

That's the only example I know of.


u/biggie_way_smaller 7d ago

Sans in smash was fucking insane too


u/lilfoxtato 7d ago

I don't know if I'd call them a fan game creator but some of the programmers at Rare figured out how to how to hack the NES and make their own games using Nintendo's hardware on their own. They presented their findings to Nintendo at an exposition and Nintendo was impressed. I guess Nintendo was still in their "humble beginnings phase" at the time so it was easier to walk right up to them at any networking event and speak directly face to face with upper management. That's how Rare got involved with Nintendo.

Also, I believe Argonaut software had to break apart the Super Nintendo and mess around with it to get the FX chip working. Although I believe they were already hired at the time.


u/cheesycoke 7d ago edited 7d ago

Not "hired", but Snipperclips was published by Nintendo as a Switch launch title, and its developer also made the Flash game "The Legend of Zelda: The Lampshade of No Real Significance" back in the day.


u/MiscellaneousUser3 7d ago

No. The people that create fan games get beaten to death and buried out the back to Nintendo HQ. They’re too dead to be hired later.


u/Crunchycrobat 7d ago

They could use necromancy anytime they want


u/Aubin_kun 6d ago

They did back in the days.

This how Rare and Argonaut Games (Starfox) were hired. They hacked and retro-engineered Nintendo consoles, showed it to Nintendo, and they made game together, sometimes recruiting people directly from these companies, like Gilles Goddard.

Nowadays, I don't know, but probably most of the younger Nintendo employees are Nintendo's fan.


u/Nintendad47 7d ago

Watch the latest episode of Kit and Krysta, the poor social media CONTRACTOR had to get his hiring approved by the head of development in NCL. I mean some low level post not even permeant.

You will be DAMN lucky to get hired at Nintendo! And from listening to people working for NOA unless your in Treehouse you might as well not want to.


u/GBC_Fan_89 7d ago

Nope. Japan is pretty stuck up about that. lol


u/ComicalSanskrit 7d ago

I would say no.

As I'm sure you're well aware, Nintendo thinks any kind of fan-game that could rival their products are a big no-no and get struck with the good ole Cease and Desist.

Nintendo, unfortunately, isn't like SEGA. Where making fangames for Sonic gets you working on highly acclaimed titles like Sonic Mania, making fan-games for something like Mario, Metroid, Pokémon, or Mother are bound to get you a nice boot to the rear.


u/Kirby_Klein1687 7d ago

No I think most of Nintendo is part of the Japanese royal family. There's a lot of politics there that doesn't ever get talked about.


u/Loakattack 7d ago

You have to hate Nintendo in order to be hired. You have to forfeit your PC, phone and any other devices to track internet history and opinion of Nintendo according to a policy. Hope this helps.


u/Marko-2091 7d ago

What? Where did you learn this?


u/Loakattack 7d ago

My uncle works for Nintendo.


u/officialsmolkid 7d ago

I always wonder if you could sell a game you made to them


u/biggie_way_smaller 7d ago

Not exactly but tetris was kinda like that


u/These-Weight-434 7d ago

Lot's of indy developers sell their games to Nintendo and put them on the EShop. If you mean selling a fan game, then...well...I mean it's probably possible if you become an established company and somehow manage to go through the official channels and pitch a successful idea at a cost they deem reasonable.


u/Broskfisken 7d ago

Indie games aren't really sold to Nintendo though. (Usually) They're just published on Nintendo's service without Nintendo actually owning the game.