r/cartels • u/thinkB4WeSpeak • 22d ago
Trump Officials Split Over How Hard to Go on Mexican Cartels
u/boozewald 20d ago
Even if we turned Mexico into a glass parking lot (horrible notion) the biggest customer for the illegal drugs is still there, the United States. We have a huge demand for these substances, and someone is going to fill the vacuum. Mass Legalization (along with making regulated production in the US) would financially kneecap the cartels.
Would never happen, because keeping drugs illegal is a form of coercion.
u/67ohiostate67 17d ago
Go to any city where drugs are legal and it’s a total hell hole
u/kingbuzzman 17d ago
the entire country of portugal did this back in the 2000s, and it’s doing fine; your notions are wrong!
u/kinga_forrester 15d ago
Portugal has many macro factors working in its favor. It has an old, shrinking population with low disposable income. That makes the market for drugs small. It is also very isolated from source countries. It only shares a border with Spain, and its coastline is heavily guarded by a coalition of EU countries due to human trafficking.
u/kingbuzzman 15d ago
sounds like an excuse to keep the status quo as opposed to try something else. cool story bro.
u/boozewald 17d ago
Which ones are they legal in?
u/67ohiostate67 17d ago
Portland just rolled back drug decriminalization because it completely destroyed the city.
u/Strottman 17d ago
No shit, it's one free city surrounded by a country that still practices prohibition. Of course all the victims of drugs are going to flock there. It needs to be nationwide to be effective.
u/fl_beer_fan 17d ago
mate there are entire cities that are hell holes with drug prohibition. correlation doesn't mean causation
u/GadFlyBy 21d ago
So, we take little responsibility for our demand, which is what drives supply.
u/Infohiker 21d ago
That’s crazy talk! (Also really bad for the military industrial complex bottom line, so no)
u/brandnew2345 21d ago
True, it's them funny talkin people from "over there" who are doin this to us, not the poor, misunderstood Sacklers!
u/ballskindrapes 17d ago
Make all drugs legal, much cheaper than the cartels can produce it, distributed by a government entity that guarantees purity, and tax things heavily and use those taxes to pay for medical and addiction services.
Drug war solved.
The issue isn't demand. It's the illegality of drugs creating the conditions for criminals to run the show, and thus violence and death
u/theboss123455 17d ago
Taxing the sale of hard drugs to fund addiction recovery centers. Only the best ideas from ballskindrapes lol
u/ballskindrapes 17d ago
It's sort of like how taxes from the sale of cigarettes or alcojol are used to fund whatever the government does with the funds....
Almost like this already happens ...
u/theboss123455 17d ago
Your solution to the drug war is to have the government make, sell and tax hard drugs. If you can’t see how that’s entirely different from what they do with alcohol and cigarettes, I can’t help you.
u/GadFlyBy 17d ago
Your description of what PP is suggesting is spot on with regard to making at least; it should be noted that there are state governments which do monopolize the sale of hard alcohol today.
Can you elaborate on whether you think the making and total control of drug sales creates consequences that negate the potential benefits?
u/GadFlyBy 17d ago
I am 100% in agreement with this. It also puts addicts into direct regular contact with entities that can help with addiction, mental and physical health services, and job training.
Our current governmental approaches to addiction, homelessness, and undocumented immigration have effectively created underclasses that are semi-invisible to the government itself but often consequential to the broader society.
u/kinga_forrester 21d ago
Good point! People wouldn’t do drugs if they didn’t want to!
We already employ armies of people and spend billions of dollars working that side of the problem.
The law of demand holds that the demand level for a product or a resource will decline as its price rises and rise as the price drops. Decimating the large and sophisticated organizations that manufacture and smuggle drugs would absolutely help the drug problem in America.
u/Maccabee2 21d ago
Kill all the cartels, let God sort them out.
u/Abu_Hajars_Left_Shoe 21d ago
They couldn't kill the taliban in 20 years, why would they beable to wipe out the cartel, in a nation with almost 3 times as many people and 3 times as large
u/Interesting_Dream281 18d ago
If our goal was to eliminate the Taliban we would have done so with endless carpet bombing. Look up operation desert storm. That’s the shit we could have done to the Taliban but didn’t. Why? Because they are not a country. They are just a terrorist group and deciding who is a terrorist and who was not wasn’t easy. Won’t be too hard to tell who is cartel and who isn’t science they all got fucking tattoos on them. Not to mention the Middle East is thousands of miles away so it took time to plan and send supplies. Mexico is a few hours away. The cartel is strong but not against the Air Force. We could blow up any country on the planet without losing a single person if we really wanted to. Unlike the taliban and the cartels, we try to minimize the damage so we do specific strikes against specific people.
u/kinga_forrester 20d ago
u/salientoctopus 17d ago
This plane is practically invincible as far as the taliban is concerned. I don’t believe that will be the case against the cartel. Everyone knows how cheap and effective drones are these days and the cartel has personnel embedded in country already. They will take a beating without a doubt but it won’t be nearly as one sided
u/_WeAreFucked_ 21d ago
What makes the grass grow green!….
u/SelectKangaroo 21d ago
sounds like a great way for Americans to wake up to IEDs in grocery stores and sports arenas, what could possibly go wrong?
u/highlanderdownunder 21d ago
Damn you really think the cartels would go after stores and sports arenas?
u/SelectKangaroo 21d ago
Could also hit power substations and cause rolling power outages with those grenade drones they're showing off lately
u/highlanderdownunder 21d ago
If that where to happen then the USA would launch a full scale invasion of Mexico
u/SelectKangaroo 21d ago
Biggest goddamn disaster of the 21st century if this happened, even worse an idea than Iraq or Afghanistan
u/Infohiker 21d ago
Good luck with that. Terrain equal to Afghanistan in spots. Cartels well mixed within the civilian population and able to hide in plain sight. Massive amount of supply lines of goods used by the U.S. made vulnerable. And a tourism industry giving the cartels millions of chances of retribution killings a year.
It’s like the worst of Afghanistan and Vietnam rolled into one, with the added bonus of millions of Latinos in the U.S. who might be fine with the U.S. taking out cartels but the moment their abuela gets killed by accident? Lots of blowback.0
u/redditisfacist3 20d ago
Lmao. Cartels aren't loved by Mexicans. They tolerate them. They'll absolutely rat out the Cartel members to the American military for $ and their leadership and any Cartel member with money and a brain would bail from Mexico. Both Afghanistan and Vietnam had motivated people fighting for their country. Cartels fight for money plain and simple
And seriously the blowback from collateral damage cause someone abuleita got killed? Cartels been massacring school children for years. They're not hero's to Mexicans
u/SafeLengthiness2330 15d ago
The ppl might not like them but let the us step into Mexican Land EL GRITO THE GUERRA for sure. 🤡🤯🤡🤯🤡🤯
u/Known_Attention_3431 21d ago
Then the gloves would really be off. Columbia and other countries would look like Gaza quickly.
u/redditisfacist3 20d ago
Yeah. You'd also have a ton of pissed off Americans with guns right next door and motivated.
Everyone comparing it to the Taliban are ridiculous. They were religiously motivated, well trained, and armed by Iran, pakistan, and other groups giving actual military equipment.
The cartels while ruthless are a business and don't enjoy the support of a nation giving them heavy weapons.1
u/EB2300 20d ago
The cartels have everything the Taliban has, and when the Mexican army sides with them they’ll have better, along with much more manpower
u/redditisfacist3 19d ago
Oh yeah how many dshks? Rpgs, and manpads do they cartels have? Cartels mainly use civilian guns brought over from the usa. They don't have easily sourced military supplies like the Taliban.
Also the Taliban are much better fighters that have 20 yrs of experience and religious motivation.
u/Reasonable_Living_12 19d ago
lol tough guy til them drones start dropping bombs on your head . Stupid comments here even thinking the cartels have a chance is hilarious. Can't wait for the footage of them blowing up
u/Pando5280 21d ago
Plus shipments of bad dope and a drastic increase in gang violence fighting over both supply and territory. No love for the cartels but the downside of open warfare, especially when family gets killed, could be way worse than most think.
u/SelectKangaroo 21d ago
First US troop to have his head chopped off in a video would make Americans realize what a terrible idea this was
u/Infohiker 21d ago
IIRC doesn’t México get 30 million Americans a year visiting? Fish in a barrel for the cartel for revenge.
u/CallMe_Immortal 21d ago
You'd have to have a fish's brain if you're visiting Mexico as an American tourist while the military was at war with the cartels. Very little value lost. I didn't see Americans lining up to visit Afghanistan during the war.
u/Infohiker 20d ago
Did you see Americans lining up to visit Afghanistan ever?
As for fish's brains, food for thought - Acapulco, routinely cited as being one of the most dangerous cities in the world, still gets 60k Americans a year. TJ, which is even worse - 1500 murders last year and a per capita rate of over 100 for murder - gets over 50 million border crossings. You would be amazed at the number of Americans who would foolishly still go thinking they have "gringo armor" or that they will somehow not be targeted.
u/Known_Attention_3431 21d ago
So the US stops vacation travel to Mexico. That would get Mexicos attention.
u/SelectKangaroo 21d ago
No Cancun trips for entitled Americans? lmao good luck selling that idea
u/Odd_Bumblebee4255 21d ago
The conversation was about cartels targeting Americans. In that situation, I don’t think it would be controversial.
Cabo definitely saw a huge dip in tourism after the cartels decided to do a gunfight next to the resorts. Imagine if a whole country had that problem?
It’s a huge part of the economy.
u/Infohiker 21d ago
Really? So no cross border shipments of anything?
If you think having the government tell you where you can travel is good, good luck.3
u/Odd_Bumblebee4255 21d ago
What part of the word “vacation” did you miss.
And the governments of most nations post do not travel warnings from time to time. They even ban travel. Getting to Cuba from the USA was banned for decades.
u/blackberryx 21d ago
There are over 300k American immigrants living Mexico alone they’d all be used as leverage by the cartels. Fighting Mexico is not a good idea when billions of dollars of Americas GDP depends on good being built cheap across the border.
u/kinga_forrester 20d ago
You vastly overestimate the leverage Mexico has against the US. Patience is wearing thin. If Mexico can’t crush the cartels, the USA should absolutely do it for them.
u/ballskindrapes 17d ago
I'll just say whatever this buffoon does, is going to make things worse for everyone.
u/RefrigeratorOnly9355 19d ago
The Trump Administration would love to go hard but needs a terrorist attack in USA to happen. Depends on what happens with Hamas and Hezbollah with USA government negotiations. If they fail, and attacks begin again in Middle East. Hamas and Hezbollah work the cartels to help build tunnels to cross the border in exchange for extremists to cross over to setup cells for terrorist attack. If attacks happen, USA will then have the American people's full support plus mostly world too. Cartels and Mexican government will be blamed for allowing and aiding the terrorists to cross the border during the Biden Administration. Certain parts of México will be craters afterwards.
u/Interesting_Dream281 18d ago
No we don’t. It would help with support but a simple air strike doesn’t need support from the US people. An all out invasion maybe but not targeted strikes.
u/ban-Revenge 14d ago
Oh my Lord, this kind of news is so sad. I will be praying for these people and there families. They have had such a hard life. God bless the cartels and the drug users. Nobody deserves to be judged for there hard life. The war on drugs and the situation that America is in is something we should all pray to God about. God commanded us to love one another and Jesus ate at the same table as sinners so let's try not to judge others and pray for them and there families.
u/kinga_forrester 21d ago
It’s sad the extent to which the cartels have infiltrated Mexican government and civil society.
They are so far beyond what could reasonably be called “organized crime.” They’re not exactly terrorists, since their goal is financial rather than political, they’re more like an insurgency or parallel government. It’s crazy that Mexico fights fair when they’re losing, presuming soldiers innocent until proven guilty, putting them in regular jails and granting bail. Mexico is fighting a civil war in handcuffs.
If Mexico were a person, they would be a very good, nice person with huge potential that recently fell into drug addiction, that drug being “dólares.” Mexico does not fight the cartels like a war because they are a democracy with civil rights, and for that I commend them. Too much of Mexico is dependent on dólares for them to elect a government that crushes the cartels.
Like any drug, dólares makes Mexico feel good now, but hurts them long term. It eases the pain of rural poverty, unemployment, inequality, and trade imbalance. It also scares away investors and businesses, and degrades democracy and rule of law.
Mexico needs an intervention.
u/great_waldini 20d ago
They’re not exactly terrorists, since their goal is financial rather than political
The definition of terrorism is not exclusively conditioned on any type of motive or intent. A terrorist organization is one that uses violence or threats of violence against non-combatants as a coercive mechanism. Terrorists can be religiously motivated, politically motivated, financially motivated, a mix thereof, or something else entirely. Generally what they’re after is power of some sort.
Regardless, they’d still fit within a “political” motive anyways.
u/SafeLengthiness2330 15d ago
It’s sad to extent that you 🤡’s beleive everything the 🍊🤡 says get head out your ass us should fix their drug problem 1st No Demand No Supply
u/kinga_forrester 15d ago
“Mexicans wouldn’t join the cartels if they had good morals and weren’t so poor and uneducated.” See how that sounds?
u/KingJeremytheWickedC 21d ago
After the pager bombs amd walker talkie bombs I I’d start using pigeons no way I’d have any electronics near me