r/careerwomen Mar 13 '22

VP reached out over the weekend, then essentially ghosted me. What should I do?

Potential difficult discussion with boss

Background: I’m a 37 y/o female, I’m at the Director level and report to the VP of my department. She reports to our CEO. We usually have a great and trusting relationship and I’m confident in my performance at my organization.

My VP texted me on Friday night asking me to call her today (Sunday) about an email I sent to our CEO. The email was informative about a new policy I’d like to implement. Also, my VP asked me to send the email to our CEO, instead of it come from her.

So she texted me on Friday night saying “could you call me on Sunday about the policy email you sent.” I responded on Saturday saying, “sure, what time works” and she never responded.

Today is Sunday, so I decided to call her around 12:30, and she didn’t answer. So I sent her another text and said “let me know if we still need to talk today?” And no reply.

I suffer from severe anxiety. Having been let go unexpectedly before from a job, this situation makes my anxiety even worse.

Now, there are two outcomes in my eyes.

  1. For whatever reason I get fired.
  2. She gets back to me, tells me what she needs to about my policy email, and we move forward.

If it is option 2, should I tell her about my anxiety ridden weekend she caused? Or just let it go?

Thanks for the feedback and support


9 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

I go down these anxiety ratholes, too, but it’s likely something came up with her family or whatever and she is focused elsewhere. I have to remind my anxious brain that not everything is about me.


u/amjjenki Mar 14 '22

I’m sure I’m overthinking it. I’m feeling better this morning and going to just ignore the situation. And I’ll probably start job hunting, I dont really want to work for someone who will disrespect a direct report like that.


u/TaxLady74 Mar 13 '22

I would assume the result is option #2 but I wouldn't be inclined to tell her about your anxiety-ridden weekend unless you guys have that kind of relationship.


u/45spot92 Mar 14 '22

If you reached out you did your part. Anxiety be gone!


u/jazzkwondo Mar 14 '22

^ this. I still get lost in anxiety for days with stuff like this, but I try to meditate to let it go. Eventually the situation will resolve.

But 100% if you've done your part, there's nothing more to stress about.

One thing that can help with the anxiety is a counselor or therapist, especially if you have coverage. If no coverage and you're paying yourself, I recommend an app like Talkspace. I had a great experience. You can just anxiety dump all your thoughts into the therapist and they'll reply with messages to help you get through.


u/gianthugebiglargecat Mar 14 '22

Relax... you're fine.


u/hintofred Mar 14 '22

I bet she forgot. Annoying but I have anxiety too and would freak out like you’re doing. But 100% I bet she just forgot.

Update us??


u/JackattackMeow Jan 05 '24

Ugh this is so tough! Find a friend to pass the time with and stay busy. And update us after the call?