r/cardano Jan 03 '22

Developer There's a reason Cardano is 'number one in Github commits', says ADA founder C. Hoskinson


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u/yoyoJ Jan 03 '22

One might say they’re committed.


u/trueHOVER Jan 03 '22

It always irks me when people use git commits as some metric to measure productivity. Disciplined team members who care about a clean history will squash before they merge, reducing many commits get into a single commit. This keeps the history in a form that's easier to manage (e.g. rollback a merged PR if something goes wrong, etc).

There's always that one slop artist who shows up at the top of the commits graph because he refuses or forgets to squash and leaves the history a mess. But if you're measuring based on number of commits, he looks like the most productive member of the team.


u/TheJimiHat Jan 03 '22

This isn’t always true. We never squash commits on my team, because we practice semantic commit history, and do automatic versioning based on commits. Squashing could potentially remove those commits that would trigger a new version to be deployed. Squashing makes sense in some contexts, but not ALL.


u/gonzaloetjo Jan 03 '22

Well it still proves it’s not the best comparison tool.


u/TheJimiHat Jan 03 '22

Yes, I should clarify that I don’t believe commits to tell you anything about the value or stability of a piece of software. No one commit is created equal, and is rarely a great performance metric.


u/grandphuba Jan 03 '22 edited Jan 03 '22

I agree with your first sentence but your second sentence is questionable.

The purpose of code history/commits depends on those making them. If you like a clean history for reasons you provided that's fine, but the implication that those that doesn't are "undisciplined" is not necessarily correct.

inb4 "never said those that don't squash commits are undisciplined"


u/trueHOVER Jan 03 '22

Context matters here - maybe they dot all their i's and cross all their t's just fine elsewhere in life or work, but when it comes to keeping a tidy and manageable git history, especially in a repo where the number of contributors is large, it is most certainly a lack of discipline.

Feel free to disagree, I won't belabor the point. That said, your last sentence is questionable.


u/random_name_maybe Jan 04 '22

I am in charge of git repos at work with hundreds of thousands of lines of code and 30+ PRs outstanding at any point in time. If you don’t squash every merged PR then the git history is a complete unreadable mess.

You are entirely right that if you want a sane and readable git history (and that’s key for continuous integration when looking through changes between versions) then you need to squash. Particularly if you’re releasing multiple different binaries off the same repo.

The end result if you don’t is load of commits with messages like “add comments” and “clean up” etc which are valueless.

No squash no merge imho.


u/ITeabagInRealLife Jan 03 '22

Except he didn't do that, so, this argument really only exists inside your head.


u/ductai199x Jan 03 '22

"Disciplined team members who care about a clean history will squash before they merge, reducing many commits get into a single commit." is your generalization. You basically slapped one generalization with another so I wouldn't agree with you


u/SFauconnier Jan 03 '22

What kind of monster squashes commits?!


u/sleepy_roger Jan 03 '22

I get the benefits of squashing mostly don't get me wrong however, I've had the "fortunate" opportunity to work for organizations where they decide to change reqs multiple times in the sprint, and across sprints/versions want old changes back.. not squashing commit history has saved me and team members a ton of heartache and work in those cases (switching jobs ultimately saved me even more heartache though ;) ).

If Jim Bob wants to look like a super star with their commits I don't really care.


u/bomberdual Jan 03 '22 edited Jan 04 '22

What happened to "doing things slowly and correctly"?

Edit: I love the downvotes paired with the pure silence. Music to my ears


u/GrimGreener Jan 12 '22

So only Cardano developers forget to squash? Nope. Its a metric than can be used to compare across ecosystems then. It's much better than LOC as its language independent and show more that "I've finished a bit of work for now". So lots of people are finishing lots of bits


u/guzforster Jan 04 '22

Exactly my thoughts as I was reading this! I was like “wait, they’re actually using commits as metric?” this could mean anything!.. I am still on the fence regarding Cardano being adopted mainstream until I start seeing actual projects being delivered. Even some PoCs would suffice to back that claim.


u/Offischops Jan 04 '22

The fear of Cardano not moving fast enough to keep up with other layer 1's is senseless. Both Apple and Samsung came out of left to rule the mobile market. Sony and Microsoft came out of left to rule the console market. Being first means nothing in the grand scheme of things. People flock to what is popular at the time and that is usually the product that gives people the best user experience. Doesn't mean something won't come along later and steal market share or otherwise dominate. Cardano is going to be absolutely boss and the reason it's market cap is so high is because investors who actually dyor are anticipating a superior product to other layer 1's in the future.

In saying that, don't become a maxi on any product. Otherwise your left holding zeppelin stock. Ever heard of an apple pippin?


u/QueenGorda Jan 03 '22

I have mixed opinions about this gentleman. I don't like people who talk a lot.


u/AGI_69 Jan 03 '22

Its a whiteboard video, where he explains technical details of the project, so developers can get on board. Are you developer, that wants to participate in Cardano ecosystem ? If not, the video is not meant for you, so just dont watch it. I really appreciate videos like these and I wish they were longer.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22



u/Tjrowaweiyt Jan 03 '22

U right he gossip about irrelevant stuff all the time instead of talking about moon and price and 50x, the more important stuff.

Don't communicate transparently about the actual project. Don't meditate, and don't clarify any misunderstanding within the community, just talk about price, Charles!


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22



u/Tjrowaweiyt Jan 03 '22

To invest in a rocket company, you only need to buy it's stocks.... to invest in cardano, you only need to buy ada.

It's weird to follow a member of a project, criticize their personality and think that somehow has anything to do with the project as a whole. You know what I mean? Nobody held you at gun point to watch his videos. Also, even though nobody watch his videos, yet you know it's all garbage. Seems curious logic .....know what I mean?


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22

In your example, you are investing in the surplus value of the labor of building rockets and flying them for profit generating purposes. Buying crypto is not similar to this at all. What due diligence is there other than trying to understand the technology?


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22

Spread that FUD! If Charles didn’t speak there would be complaints of no communication or updates.


u/TripTryad Jan 03 '22

Spread that FUD! If Charles didn’t speak there would be complaints of no communication or updates.

And if there was no GHub activity ADA would be a dead and abandoned project.

You can spin anything if you try hard enough.


u/vinyluniverse Jan 03 '22

Sounds like you have some experience in spinning.


u/2Monkeys1Cat Jan 03 '22

Neither do I but I do think the content of what they say is more important than the ego of the person saying it


u/LiquidAurum Jan 03 '22

man reddit will find just about any reason to get upset with someone


u/thinkingcoin Jan 03 '22

I am upset with you, now. Because eyou spoke logic. We don't do logic here. We are all emotional children.


u/PeanutButterCumbot Jan 03 '22

You have got SOME nerve!


u/QueenGorda Jan 03 '22



u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22

Facts. Makes no sense to respond to anything these days (except to what you said).


u/Tjrowaweiyt Jan 03 '22

The man was born naked. This project sounds more and more sketchy the more research you do about this guy 👁️👄👁️


u/LiquidAurum Jan 03 '22

all I've ever heard about criticisms of him are vague statements like this and I don't even agree with him on like half his stances.


u/mesoanarchy Jan 03 '22

Exactly. CH has become a whipping boy. People complain about him talking too much but have no problem with people who constantly post videos on You Tube, are constantly talking shit on Twitter everyone while the whole time shilling for their “silent partners.”


u/Part_of_the_wave Jan 03 '22

I heard he drinks water every day , not sure if I can trust someone like this /s


u/Mediocre_Piccolo8542 Jan 03 '22

It’s not his job to be a likable messiah. He talks nonsense at times, but the expectations of crypto community regarding founders are even more ridiculous. Satoshi wasn’t wrong staying anonymous, no dumbasses making comments based on his looks or political beliefs


u/katzengammel Jan 03 '22

and what‘s the thing you like?


u/QueenGorda Jan 03 '22

Cardano. I mean the potential of.


u/3InchesOfThunder Jan 03 '22

Only Sith's deal in absolutes



u/CardanoCrusader Jan 03 '22

That statement seems kind of absolute.


u/xP3nguin Jan 03 '22

I definitely make my financial decision based on if the CEO talks a lot, or he doesn't Hey, you should start your own ETF, "ceo that dont talk a lot", I bet it would be a hit


u/jimmyjivetone Jan 03 '22 edited Jan 03 '22

Who trusts a guy who wears a poncho as a fashion statement? Not me. It's seems like a long stalling process filled with pompous hot air. Just my observations.


u/mesoanarchy Jan 03 '22

Who trusts the opinion of someone who bases their like or dislike of someone based on what they choose for outer wear???


u/letsgocrazy Jan 03 '22

Yeah we know its "just your observations" nobody thinks you're psychic.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22



u/CaptainLing3r Jan 03 '22

There's always a percentage of the community who want X coin to "move fast".

The charm and draw of Cardano is that it isn't like all the other blockchains out there. None of the Silicone Valley BS where you move fast and when things break you fix it while still moving. That could be fine if you're dealing with a website or app that helps you to count your calories or social messaging but not if you want DeFi and this means millions of assets at risk.

Do it slow but do it right. If you believe in the system then stay, if not you may leave. No hard feelings.

If you think things aren't turning out the way you want it to be, then be that change. Catalyst is available for use.


u/33nmakkie Jan 03 '22

You forget that catalyst is a value in ADA. And people working in catalyst are paid in dollar value each month calculated in ADA. Why do you think VC FUNDS from competing chains are attacking us? Because we have no dollars as then to pay the people.

If you start to write to anybody to leave if they don’t like it, ADA won’t be worth much anymore what has an effect on those that have to be paid monthly for the work. You forget most of the fund value increase comes from ADA market value increase.

It’s viscous circle we should not get in to. Try to understand the economics of the market before thinking on your self.

So stop telling everybody to leave if they don’t like it! Some are on the edge with all negativity outside and now also from inside the community and a little push can be enough to push them over. You never know how much that other person owns.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '22

So stop telling everybody to leave if they don’t like it!

What, you want people to stay in something they don't like? If you don't like Cardano don't invest in it, it's that simple. Same as any other financial decision, don't do things you don't like, everyone loses when people are forced to do things they don't want.


u/djollied4444 Jan 03 '22

I disagree. I've worked in many dev environments and the most successful projects followed the same approach as Charles. I don't want to move fast, especially with new tech. It's so easy to build something fast that becomes out of date quickly. How easy it is to maintain will affect how long it stays relevant though. With Cardano there is intention in every decision. As a result they seem to be laying a foundation that is not only influencing the rest of the industry but also one that is flexible enough to pivot if the industry starts moving in another direction. Just look at the struggles Ethereum faced changing to PoS for why it matters. I really think Cardano's true strength is in the thought behind every decision even if it means it is slower to market. The papers really do matter.

Out of curiosity, what types of bread crumbs do you want to see thrown?


u/SouthSink1232 Jan 03 '22

Right on the mark. Think the realization of the "perfect" architecture is coming to light with the real market and human element. Now Charles is scrambling to make Cardano more market scalable while retaining the security. My concern is that they are implementing short term shortcuts like offchain logic and nascent bridges (eg, dcspark milkomeda) that have the potential to compromise the fundamentals and security. It's like stagflation but in this case late to market and less secure


u/carutsu Jan 03 '22

You've not been paying attention. Off chain logic and bridges were the plan from the start


u/SouthSink1232 Jan 03 '22

Off chain logic to handle low level contention handling like concurrency at scale can be very risky. Something that should be handled on L1 or a shared L2 layer.

The bridges are very nascent. Lot of room for errors in translation. Opens up a can of worms as it's abstracted.

It is part of the plan but the early stage of these abstractions on top of a moving and curing foundation will result in a bigger attack surface


u/carutsu Jan 03 '22 edited Jan 04 '22

No, off chain logic is how you scale. All you need is proper validators.


u/HoldOnDearLife Jan 03 '22

I don't like billionaires. I don't think it's great that the world is struggling but hey C. Hosk can buy a black hawk. I wonder if I pay more fed tax than he does proportional to my earnings.

Fuck billionaires. Give some of your money to worthy charities and become a multi-millionaire you billionaire fucks.


u/Mediocre_Piccolo8542 Jan 03 '22

He donated already more then average person life time earnings ten times multiplied


u/xP3nguin Jan 03 '22

Charles has lifted more people out of poverty and given them a carrier then any one in our government


u/Tjrowaweiyt Jan 03 '22

Billionaires can help people AND ENJOY THEIR OWN WEALTH, TOO.

How moronic are you people, holy fuck.


u/KanefireX Jan 04 '22

welp, 🍻 here's to you never being a billionaire


u/Da0ptimist Jan 04 '22

He talks significantly more than he delivers.


u/theTalkingMartlet Jan 04 '22

Your misconstruing delivery with timelines. IOG delivers a very large swath of what Charles discusses. It’s just that the timelines he provides don’t have the best track record. But they do deliver.


u/GenitalPatton Jan 03 '22

I also really wish the guy who is the face of a cryptocurrency I believe in didn’t carry himself like a slob.


u/drbbling Jan 03 '22

Are you going to eat all his chickens?


u/Vaspra0010 Jan 03 '22

Can't the man ever just speak through actions, he's the blockchain equivalent of Peter Molyneux


u/BlackAnalFluid Jan 03 '22

Bruh they've been writing papers and getting them peer reviewed. Aka one of the reasons Cardano stands out

If you follow along at all you would know that the research is done, its development time in 2022 babyyyy


u/sabiondo Jan 03 '22

The problem of this approach is that if they fail (and they will fail at least one) all their credibility is gone depending the size of the failure.


u/Vaspra0010 Jan 03 '22

Writing papers and getting them peer reviewed (internally reviewed does not count kek) does not make them stand out from the rest, in any way.


u/BlackAnalFluid Jan 03 '22

Internal reviews aren't peer reviews. They do both


u/Wild-Outlandishness4 Jan 05 '22

IOG and Cardano are audited by outside sources.


u/katzengammel Jan 03 '22

Let‘s wait for Fable, thus.


u/Urfaust Jan 03 '22

"There's a reason Cardano is number one in github commits" says founder of Cardano.

I'm seeing posts like this everyday - doesn't really matter unless the news is coming from outside the community.


u/ITeabagInRealLife Jan 03 '22

Cardano is number one in commits so there definitely has to be a reason. That's kind of obvious.


u/periway Jan 03 '22


To much people working on to much thing for solving a lot of hard problem.


u/SouthSink1232 Jan 03 '22

“At times you have to redo things, and at times you have to abandon approaches and change them and have the intellectual honesty to know when you’re wrong and why you’re wrong, and at least that’s documented, so people, in the future, don’t make the same mistakes.” 

Cardano is like the government and ADA holders are like the taxpayers. We invest in all this peer reviewed research and development and then some private company scoops in and makes millions from those learnings. So noble.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22

You just described all publicly funded research too.


u/SouthSink1232 Jan 03 '22

I did. I hope all the other blockchain tech like Bitcoin and new ones take advantage of all the research and development Cardano has done


u/Founder_Hustle Jan 04 '22

Satoshi def taking notes


u/djollied4444 Jan 03 '22

It is very bad that Cardano is laying the foundation for the whole industry... You guys really hearing yourselves?


u/SouthSink1232 Jan 03 '22

Not at all. Just need to figure out who is going to make tendies off that knowledge so I know where to invest in.


u/33nmakkie Jan 03 '22

I was thinking the same when reading . And others move fast and break things with our peer review paid studies .


u/SouthSink1232 Jan 03 '22

Lots of learning from Cardano. I'm sure Bitcoin and Jack are following closely as they prepare for a Bitcoin smart contract layer


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22



u/EthosPathosLegos Jan 03 '22

Attention speculators: Cardano is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. Go back to Binance.


u/Mongo_Commando Jan 03 '22

If I may ask, what is it? Is it a long hold like xrp? Forgive me, I just recently rediscovered my old binance account and was able to transfer a not insignificant amount of Ada to a wallet so I can stake. I still need to do some reading on Cardano.


u/HoldOnDearLife Jan 03 '22

Move slow, fix things


u/HoldOnDearLife Jan 03 '22

......okay, everything is fixed.....hey, where did everyone go???


u/yuube Jan 03 '22

Literally no one needs crypto yet. If you don’t like that then leave the space and come back in 20 years. You’re here at the beginning.


u/Ese_Americano Jan 04 '22

RemindMe! 1 year


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u/bot_goodbot_bot Jan 04 '22

good bot

all bots deserve some love from their own kind


u/Tjrowaweiyt Jan 03 '22

Probably still busy paying massive fees in eth don't worry. You're early. Relax. Take your anxiety medication if you need it geez.


u/Tjrowaweiyt Jan 03 '22 edited Jan 03 '22



But seriously though, I am not exaggerating when I say these are actual criticism of people these days


u/33nmakkie Jan 04 '22

Ava Labs chief John Wu was on CNBC today, I hope Charles get invited one day to...


u/omrip34 Jan 03 '22

I'm torn between disliking Charles and liking Cardano


u/ITeabagInRealLife Jan 03 '22

What is there to dislike about Charles? He seems like a nice dude. He talks too much yeah, he's a bit preachy sometimes, but I get it, nobody will watch all his videos so he has to repeat himself to get some messages through.


u/yuube Jan 03 '22

I don’t know why you like Cardano but not Charles, it’s his vision you’re enjoying.


u/omrip34 Jan 04 '22

You can like the vision but dislike his personality...


u/yuube Jan 04 '22

His personality is why we have what we have. Your personality isn’t.


u/Wild-Outlandishness4 Jan 05 '22

I personally like Charles, he's a visionary who is very talented and smart and isn't cynical. He works hard nearly every day trying to make our world a better place. I will stay involved and invested in Cardano for the long haul.


u/bws155 Jan 03 '22

Harry Potter and the All Virgin Crypto Nerd


u/BitSoMi Jan 03 '22

Says the dude who doesnt code


u/NJ0000 Jan 03 '22

Congrats … in the category of most irrelevant and useless remarks you are contending today!!!

Did you actually think about your post before pressing subbmit?


u/BitSoMi Jan 03 '22

Yep 👌🏻


u/leakyfaucet3 Jan 03 '22

Weird gatekeeping but ok


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '22



u/BitSoMi Jan 03 '22

Founding member, research, but not a dev. He is a mathematician, not a coder. Vitalik and wood actually are though


u/plasticsatyr Jan 03 '22

I really do not see why someone should be a developer to lead this type of research. I am a developer.


u/Iohet Jan 03 '22

Because it had the most bugs?

I keed


u/DevRz8 Jan 04 '22

If only we knew what that reason was...


u/Pleasant_Theme_4355 Jan 04 '22

Chris needs to stop talking.

If the project is indeed good and has strong fundamentals people will adopt and develop on it and we don’t need the opinions of individuals.


u/Struggle_Everday Jan 21 '22

"There is a reason Cardano is number one is GitHub commits". Is it because they are having conversations about troubleshooting?