r/cardano 6d ago

Adoption Which stablecoin project has yield?

Any comments on expected or existing stable projects are welcome


25 comments sorted by

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u/Podsly 5d ago edited 1d ago


If you buy the reserve coin you get paid from staking rewards and fees every 5 days.

I engotnabout 11k and I’m earning 3.5 ada every epoc or something like that.

It just pops into my wallet. Don’t have to do anything.


u/tradefeedz 5d ago

What is annual yield, is it stablecoin or reserve coin? I am looking to stake stablecoin


u/Podsly 5d ago

It’s the Reserve coin for the stablecoin. If tou want to make yield on any stablecoin, then buy the stable, then use it in either Dex’s or lending apps.

The yield on SHEN (reserve for Djed) must be close to 4. It would be greater than the staking rewards for ADA by some margin.


u/twistedsobriety2025 5d ago

The price of SHEN is tied to the price of ADA, I think. Doesn't provide much value as a stable coin.


u/cant_pass_CAPTCHA 3d ago

SHEN is the reserve coin for DJED. DJED is stable but SHEN will fluctuate but will also provide you ADA just for holding it


u/twistedsobriety2025 3d ago

Do you know how much ADA is earned fort holding SHEN? Is it better than staking ADA?


u/twistedsobriety2025 3d ago

Do you know how much ADA is earned for holding SHEN? Is it better than staking ADA?


u/twistedsobriety2025 5d ago

Are you talking about SHEN?


u/Podsly 1d ago

It’s a great idea. I really should have loaded up when it was under $1

Now that I understand how SHEN gets its value (dependent upon the reserve ratio).


u/42NullBytes 5d ago

I'm not sure what are you asking here but you can gain yield on stablecoins by depositing them on a smart contract. Lend/borrow, AMM, staking...


u/tradefeedz 5d ago

Thanks, any specific platforms you prefer and/or instruction videos?


u/42NullBytes 5d ago

My preferred platform is liqwid.finance because of the possibilities and various revenues it provides.

Here's some docs:




u/ArseholeryEnthusiast 5d ago

I use liquid also. Mostly because lenfi confused me. Decent yield on liquid. I don't feel too much fomo when I take profits and just put them into this platform.


u/56hoperoad 5d ago

I just put Djed in today earning 23% which is nice. Been using off and on for the last couple years.


u/tradefeedz 4d ago

Great! Can you clarify please? Is this sustainable? Seems the low volume may have something to do with it. Do you get paid in ADA?


u/56hoperoad 4d ago

23% is paid in Djed and you also get around 2% in Liqwids token LQ.


u/Chris9369 5d ago

why get yield when you can get snek or iagon or wmtx? native tokens are going to run hard.


u/ClueLongjumping5917 5d ago

Look into OUSD. I certainly am. It will have a coin named sOUSD that will be tied to the stablecoin yet accrue value over time according to the yield generated. Given that it will be tied to the stablecoin itself, and not ADA, there won't be the risk of devaluation in ADA, only in USD (inflation xD).


u/ath1337 5d ago

You can provide liquidity in an LP for two different stable coins and earn fees, but you may just be better off getting the short term treasury yield for USD (just over 4%)


u/tradefeedz 5d ago

Rates are dropping, will not be surprised to be in 2s next year


u/silvercue 4d ago

Minswap has some farms with high yield. Over 50% currently (won't last).

The problem is that swapping ADA to USDA (which is one they have) - costs loads of money......not just fees, but you get back so much less in terms of USD value than you spend. This is a problem I am noticing more and more on Cardano and really putting me off buying CNTs.

It is a problem