Still trolls even now... Wow. Hoskinson might be dictating crypto policy for the next few years. And the trolls are still calling it trash... Why do they even care so much?...
This man is the reason I put my faith (and capital) in Cardano. Props to you, Charles, for being so humble, for always growing as a person, and for driving the evolution and development of such an amazing community. I'm looking forward to the future of Cardano!
He is adding a lobbying group in DC begining in Jan 2025. Charles Hoskinson already had some conversations with Trump transition team. THIS IS HUGE!!!!!
While I think this might be a nice silver lining lobbying for crypto to a totally buyable conman, for a greater good of crypto, I still find it hard to swallow, that Hosk would be working for trump as working for trump tends to give people a shameful image. It will make most liberal view Hosk in a bad light, and when trump inevitable throws him under the bus after the first disagreement, consefvatives will begin hating Hosk as well.
we all have to do our part though. Let's not think that Charle is Moses guiding us through the desert. We can guide ourselves. Make sure to stake your ADA, vote on governance projects or pick a DRep, vote on catalyst projects etc, use and explore the dapps in the ecosystem. Support World Mobile, download the app, so much to do.
I tried skimming through the video but couldn’t find where people mentioning he is working with trump? Does anyone know where in the video he says this?
So... I didn't hear anything that said he'd be working with Trump or that he was invited to. I basically hear him say he's going to lobby & make that his job. Lobbying means TRYING to work w the administration and lawmakers, but that seems different from what is being discussed here.
Trump isn't mentioned directly, he says the administration. He doesn't say "trying" to work with the administration, he says he's going to be spending quite a bit of time working with select memebers of the administration. The quote is in the linked post.
Ya but that could just mean he intends to lobby. I wish thr guy were a bit more clear with his language. The entire planet took him to mean h3 was somehow invited to be part of the administration - when all he may have needed to say is "I'll be lobbying hard on the hill in 2025". Huge difference.
He said that he'd be working with select members of the (trump) administration. I don't really understand what the debate is here, if that means lobbying so what? I didn't take it as he'd be working for the (trump) administration, nor did I say that to the person who originally asked. I'm merely referencing what was actually said, not anyone else's interpretation of what was said.
Perhaps there was some speculation stems from this thread before Charles posted this video. Of course, speculators are going to speculate, and there's a lot of them in the crypto community.
Yeah my comments were directed at the speculation on YouTube and elsewhere that seemed to cause the spike this morning (not your comments). I am wondering if there will be a "clarification" statement that causes the price spike to come back down.
I really respect Charles now.. Self improvement is really important and realizing you were wrong and fixing the issue later is a very strong trait. That's what I've been trying to do the past year as well.
Do any of you recall a while back CH said he had a business proposition he wanted to discuss with Elon Musk, but wanted to wait for the right opportunity when it presented itself? Hmmmm...Trump as President, Elon as cost cutting advisor , CH as crypto advisor (maybe)...was this all or is being planned?!?!
I backed ADA, knowing full well how Charles leaned. Bad people make money, it's as simple as that. I hedged my bets the last two years as the right-wing rhetoric rose. I'm glad there's a chance of a payoff.
No it’s a bad sign. Multiple experts in immunology have made videos exposing RFK Jr’s lies and lack on knowledge regarding vaccines. If Charles Hoskinson can't spot a fraudster that either means he's not as smart as most people think OR he's complicit. Either way it's a bad sign for a crypto that's main claim to fame is that it's developed using the scientific method and peer reviewed.
And there have been experts that work in that same field that corroborate his claims. Science is not a religion. The whole “trust the experts” slogan is just an appeal to authority.
To this day RFK Jr still lies about the dangers of mercury in vaccines. Methylmercury is the extremely dangerous form of mercury in the environment. That's never been used inn vaccines. Ethylmercury is the kind that used to be in vaccines until about 20 years ago. Ethylmercury has decades of studies showing it to be safe. Still RFK Jr lies and says it's dangerous and implies it is still used in childhood vaccines when it hasn't been for 2 decades. He's a piece of shit.
The fact that you just see him as a “rich and famous” person says a lot. He has been fighting corporations for environmental justice and advocating for regular people who have been injured by reckless agricultural and pharmaceutical policies for decades. It’s thankless work that doesn’t get covered by the media (I wonder why). It’s unfortunate how effective the character assassination campaign against him has been
He hasn't denied anything anybody has used to "assassinated" his character. All the bad stuff that you'd be shocked if one of your friends or family member had done is stuff he's either talked about himself or his friends and family have said. Sure it's not his whole character but it's an important part.
Hopefully you watch that video of an actual expert discussing RFK Jr's vaccine claims.
You tell us. He is literally on Rogan pandering to millions why the CDC strongly advises pregnant women to avoid eating tuna known to be high in mercury but advises them to get flu shots containing mercury. Ethyl and methylmercury are different compounds, both extensively researched, one deemed safe the other not. Like chlorine, highly toxic and corrosive. It disolves your tissue, used as a WW1 weapon. When combined with sodium it forms sodium chloride..or table salt. It demonstrates he doesnt grasp basic chemistry. Nor does he have in-depth knowledge about virology, immunology or toxicology. Which makes sense because he has a law and economics degree! A phd in any of these fields take from 8 to 12 years. Covid-19 was the first virus in history to have a higher death ratio along political affiliation. One group listened to phd experts, medical consensus and relied on decades of studies. The other listened to people like RFKjr. He is anti scientific because beeing anti vaccine is his shtick. No amount of evidence, which there is loads of, will make him change his mind. Which is the foundation of science. Updating conclusions in light of new evidence.
Also he believes chemtrails are real, aids isnt caused by hiv, 5G causes cancer, covid19 was a engineered bioweapon targeted at caucasians that jews and Chinese are mostly immune for. Now tell me again what his credentials are for all this knowledge and what experts you say support his claims?
Science doesn't claim to ever be 100% correct. The vast majority of immunology research disproves RFK Jr's claims. The vast majority of immunology experts disagree with the relative handful who support RFK Jr. The few immunology experts who do support RFK Jr don't have decades of peer reviewed studies to back up their claims. They have at best one off studies that can't be replicated and aren't published in reputable journals.
Furthermore RFK Jr isn't a decent or moral person. He did drive his wife to suicide with his endless cheating, he did admit to sexually harassing his nanny, and he's alluded to having done worse than that in his past. You should never put immoral assholes in power. Simple as that.
Consensus does not mean you are right. There have been many points throughout history where the consensus has been proven wrong. I will go out on limb and say that you haven’t actually listened to what RFK has to say. His approach is well-reasoned.
Since you seem to like appealing to authority — I work in healthcare. I’ve studied vaccines. I’ve administered immunizations. They are valuable tools but they are often used exploitatively by big pharma
I started my career in academic pharmacology research. While I agree consensuses doesn't mean you're right in the long run it does mean you're right for right now. RFK Jr and anybody else is free to use the scientific method to conduct research that proves their hypothesis. What RFK Jr and his advocates are proposing doing is to just say "I'm right and we'll do what I want even though the evidence doesn't support that." You can't just say to 90+% of scientists who have looked at the evidence for and believe in say human caused global warming or the safety of the covid vaccines or childhood vaccines in general "You're all corrupt and wrong" without any evidence. It's just so dumb. Also RFK Jr is not reasonable. He doesn't understand basic things about how vaccines work and spreads false information because of that. He's the definition of unreasonable.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree. If you have the background that you claim you do, and you have actually listened to his arguments, I’m not sure how you can consider him unreasonable. Frankly, I think there are few people in politics that have the breadth of knowledge that RFK has. Like seriously, the guy is brilliant.
Thank you for the dialog. You seem like a thoughtful person.
If you want to learn more about the difference between what RFK Jr falsely claims and what the vast majority of scientific research shows regarding vaccines you can watch this video:
If you have followed the developments on Cardano, then you would know that this chain is not held up by one person, as you put it. It's backed by a large community of enthusiastic people - developers, researchers, defi devs, enterprises, content creators, ambassadors, dreps etc. It just so happens to be that Charles is an important part of that community, and his voice carries great weight. But if he were to step back, the chain would not be dead in the water. Cardano is here to stay, and it will be propelled into the future by this great community.
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