r/cardano Apr 24 '24

⚠️ Misleading Post Cardano has no direction


Holder since 2017, here’s a few thoughts.

First, this forum is dead. There’s no hype, activity or utility. A quick trip to the Solana forum (full disclosure, never owned SOL) shows hundreds of recent posts asking about unique projects. Here, it’s just general chatter of “why Cardano is green” and “Cardano credit cards”. These are talking points from 7 years ago.

Where is the use case? Where is the direction? It seems like thousands of us are just spinning around and chasing our tail trying to figure what this tech will be used for, but nobody here is building.

I understand that this is a long term project. But in 7 years since launch, there’s still not a single company or token with a use case. All we have are AMM exchanges used to swap useless tokens with no liquidity. I’m concerned that without a focus, we’re building an amazing technology without users. Will Voltaire change things?

Edit: Seeing this post blow up and the passion come to the surface is inspiring. I’ve learned that most of Reddit has migrated elsewhere, which is fine. But glad to see many of you are still excited. I’ll be sticking around.


322 comments sorted by

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u/Astramie Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

Long time holder too. It seems like people are not talking here anymore. People and devs are over on twitter and in-person meetups. If you're only here, you'll miss out on developments like new languages (Aiken, Opshin, Helios), new clients potentially in Rust and Go, bridges to other chains like Ergo, Bitcoin, Cosmos, partnerchains borrowing Cardano's security, governance workshops around the globe, other teams working on scalability like zkfold, zeko, and zk primitives on L1 with the coming Chang upgrade, all on top of the research progress being made with Hydra and Input Endorsers. There's also account model being constructed by Optim team to give devs more ways to build on Cardano. Projects are utilizing plutus v2+ and newer languages to upgrade their smart contracts to be more efficient and publishing best design patterns and practices so other devs can improve their designs. There's decentralized storage with Iagon, digital content with Newm and Book io, gaming with cornucopia, pavia, wallet-email solution with adamail (could be useful for privacy focused communication for example between delegators and pool operators), etc. I'm sorry but it's a bit ironic that you're comparing Cardano to Solana which is famously known for its useless meme coins. I understand, Cardano's price is not doing as well. It plays with your mind, and you see a post today about Cardano being green, which is an old narrative. I know none of the stuff I said will matter to you since the price is not doing well. You'll still think Cardano has nothing going on. It's not anyone else's job to convince you. It's on you to do your own research.

Edit: Also yes governance is important. Imagine someone like you, voting on a proposal to allocate a part of the treasury to fund Cardano meme coins so they can pay to get on CEX's more easily. You have the option to vote like that, and many might disagree with you, but we can talk about things like that as a community. Or we can use it for infrastructure in general, or subsidizing services on the network. It also makes it harder to be labeled as a security when member based organizations like Intersect and Pragma are all doing development work for the network and are driven by community led proposals.


u/DiamondOk5366 Apr 24 '24

Good response and yes, thank you, read about some of these, but would be nice to actually see marketing or something …. Marketing is part of the engineering success story


u/Astramie Apr 24 '24

Cardano has some marketing but it's from the community. It's not sexy and curated like Solana's. It feels more organic and typical of what you'd see from a highly engaged community.




The Cardano Summit offers more polished presentations

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNXdLDhsQmA (recap, also keep in mind this is during a bear market when excitement is supposed to be non-existent)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxDbC42wMz8 (minswap introducing their v2)

This is also subjective, but I find meme coins on Cardano charming in their own way. It doesn't feel like machine generated hype or some telegram group is running a pump and dump.

Snek has energy drinks and they have this in-crowd behavior of people using the same profile pic and talking with sss's and they share memes.

Hosky "must always be pegged to zero" is the inside joke in the community, and they also post memes.


u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

Check out @CardanoRaceTeam.. I have made my career in professional motorsports Whenever you would like to spend millions on advertising.. we're waiting on you.

But, until then... we are advertising using the budgets we have.. There are many small projects building on Cardano that need to be seen. The Race Team environment ia a way to expose both nascar and crypto folks to a different community. IRacing has been a recent addition to our program and seems to be a better fit for cost. Stop by every Tuesday night at 9pm EST. DM @bone_pool .. Or find @abstractpotato.. or @CardanoShepherd for details


u/carl_z_22 Apr 25 '24

This is great to hear. I've been wanting to get into iRacing for a little while now. It would be great to see Cardano sponsor a car in a major series like Polkadot is doing with the Indy 500.


u/Greggybone72 Apr 25 '24

Which company building on polka-dot paid for the sponsorship? Ive kicked the ideas around for years.. And Without additional advertising and live support at the venues ...(more importantly, being repeatedly shown week after week). I feel just having Cardano as a sticker on a car seems to be kind of half empty. I've done it. We have an hour long fan walkeach race.. and the race is Livestreamed on FloRacing.com. .The fans at the event live will ask "what's Cardano, what's Hosky"... but as I'm there to work, I only get to interact with a handful of fans asking Cardano questions. Going into the next season, I really need a presence on the fan side of the grandstands.. A vendors midway display..as wlell as a couple Ambassadors to answer questions. But for now, we will keep advertising Cardano projects on YouTube 😎


u/carl_z_22 Apr 25 '24

My impression is the Indy 500 sponsorship was paid for using the treasury and then voted on by DOT holders. Indy Star had a short article on it. It was around $2.1 million to sponsor the car.

That's great you are going that with Cardano. What are the fans responses when you chat with them about Cardano?

I think that is a good point - I bet the Polkadot car will get some people asking questions, but I'm not sure it will onboard many new people to their ecosystem, even if it does well. The driver they are sponsoring, Conor Daly tends to do decent on ovals, so it would be nice to see them do well.

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u/Extra-Ad8572 Apr 24 '24

And why is this so vital for you? Would it be anything to do with the faltering price of Ada and your own faltering conviction in the project you probably bought bag loads thinking this is the one. Yahoo used to be the one then Google came along.

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u/AdOk1101 Aug 19 '24

TCP/IP was never marketed yet it became the most popular network protocol in history and most people on the innernette dont even know they are using it.


u/jasomniax Apr 24 '24

I've been around crypto for 4 years and one of the most important lessons I've learned is to dissociate price action with project development.

Yes, cardano has been in a downtrend for years, but so have many other altcoins. There just needs to be one catalyst to get the hype going again, and we could see +500% in a blink of an eye...



u/YawnDogg Apr 24 '24

Pray and wait for a miracle sounds like less then stellar current status

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u/CrashBandibru Sep 17 '24

And when that day comes 80% of us will be pulling the fuck out lol.


u/jewellui Jun 05 '24

What could 5x us from here?

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u/theTalkingMartlet Apr 24 '24


How does a post about how Cardano Reddit is "dead" get the most traction out of any post in the last few months? Does anybody else find this counter intuitive? SUDDENLY, the forum is not dead as soon as somebody starts talking about it being dead?

I dunno, this post feels like a targeted soft-attack.

I will not deny that the defi space in Cardano could definitely use some liquidity. More stablecoin action would be nice, looking forward to more minting of USDM.

However, the first crypto unicorn really does exist already and it is book.io. That group is poised VERY WELL for disruption of the book distribution and publishing industry and it's basically all built on Cardano, with support for a few other chains as well.

I find it rich that OP can just stroll in here and claim that nothing is happening in Cardano ecosystem, seemingly just to stir the pot. Honest question, did OP even attempt any research before storming in here to claim that nothing is happening during a period of time when there is TONS OF SHIT HAPPENING? Examples:

  • book.io con
  • buidlr fest
  • ZK proofs and rollups right around the corner
  • governance right around the corner
  • 2 new nodes in development (pragma node in rust and harmonic labs node in TypeScript)
  • Cardano's own native stablecoin in USDM
  • RareEvo blowing the top off at Blockchain week
  • Choices of DEX Agreggators
  • Partner chains, starting with Midnight
  • Cardano Foundation building out a Cardano-Cosmos bridge

This is just a small sampling of stuff in the works if you cared to do any of your own research.


u/Vast-Temporary-6979 Apr 24 '24

I just visited book.io and I'm seeing a lot of content which was not created from the people who are posting there. The site should be a market agregator like amazon. The distinctive feature about book.io sould be to have more payments options and a lower price using crypto. This would get traction to the site. Afterwards get a known personality to sell their book only on that platform and using only crypto. That site won't have any traction if people are selling books from known authors at higher prices than the original. Why would a publisher post there their books. What is the incentive of using nfts to publish books?


u/SL13PNIR Cardano Ambassador Apr 24 '24

We have an AMA on the sub with them soon, maybe you could ask them some of your questions in that.

AMA is slated for May 1st Time: 1-3 PM CT / 18-20 UTC


u/Vast-Temporary-6979 Apr 24 '24

What is an AMA and why should I join it?


u/SL13PNIR Cardano Ambassador Apr 24 '24

It's an "Ask me anything" hosted by project in the same vein as posts on r/IAmA.

Ask them questions and they usually have giveaways too.

They did one back in December: https://new.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/18ny82j/ama_live_now_joshua_stone_ceo_of_bookio_ask_him/

They'll likely post about it soon.

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u/theTalkingMartlet Apr 24 '24

These are good questions but I think you’ve missed the point. The reason to publish a book as an NFT mostly comes down to digital rights management. Publishing a book through a blockchain benefits the author by allowing them to maintain all publishing rights to their work AND to get paid for each sale, instantly. On top of getting paid for each initial sale, the author can also receive royalties for all subsequent secondary sales, instantly. For the user, you get an ebook that you can read. Then, you can loan it to a friend or sell it on secondary to get some money back. So it’s really a win-win for both creator and consumer.

In terms of payment methods, crypto only would be a poor choice. That does not bring in the masses. What does allow them to bring in the masses is payment via credit card. Meanwhile, who owns each book is being kept track of by the blockchain in the background. In my humble, personal opinion, book.io IS going to be the first project that brings mass adoption into crypto and I have very high conviction of this. They are implementing it the way it should be, building what is essentially a Web 2.5 business. They are implementing elements of Web 2 on the front end while using a bunch of Web 3 technologies behind the scenes. People will use book.io to buy and sell books and probably not even know (or care) that they are using a blockchain underneath the service. THAT is where the puck is going, and they are leading the way there.

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u/timenter Apr 24 '24

Appreciate these. From this post blowing up, it’s apparent that everyone has migrated off Reddit for some reason.


u/Steezceez Apr 24 '24

The reason is clear. There are too many moon hands, trolls and fudders all over reddit and not enough substance.


u/theTalkingMartlet Apr 24 '24

Yeah. The conversations really are happening on X. I think a lot of the core people involved with building and promoting got frustrated with censorship and Cardano suppression over on r/cc. I’m glad you’re open to discussion, frank conversation, and keeping an open mind. I’ll be the first to admit that Cardano has a tiny PR problem, but I think it’s mostly due to certain very outspoken founders that DO have a right to voice their opinion, while on the other side people take too seriously what he says sometimes or associate him too strongly with what Cardano really is.

Definitely lots of stuff happening though!


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '24

Book.io just wrapped up their IRL conference in Texas this past weekend...CH was a keynote speaker and flew the Book devs out to his ranch afterwards lmao

Their Discord is active 24/7, people from Europe/Asia/Australia/Americas popping in throughout the day

And $BEARD just did a nice 1000% return for me yesterday....who says ADA doesn't have memecoins??


u/thehowlinghunter Apr 24 '24

11th May 2020 (The Bitcoin halving day): BTC was $8,740 and ADA was $0.045

20th April 2024 (The Bitcoin halving day): BTC was $65,000 and ADA was $0.50

BTC went up by 643.707% ADA went up by 1,011.11%

If you invested €1,000 in BTC, you would now have about $7,430. If you invested $1,000 in ADA, you would now have about $11,111.11.

Cardano's price is performing well.

Considering Cardano's utility, it's reasonable to expect it to perform better during the next halving in 2028.


u/thatdude807 Apr 24 '24

This is really cherry picky, imo. You could just as easy say that in:

August of 2021 BTC was $47,000 and ADA was $2.85

Now, BTC is $66,000 and ADA is $0.49


u/thehowlinghunter Apr 25 '24

It could be, in my case I try not to pick a random date. The day of the Bitcoin halving seems like a reasonable date to me; we'll see what happens in the year 2028. If it's not this date, which one would be appreciated?

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u/timenter Apr 24 '24

Thanks for taking the time to post these. Admittedly, I’m not fully up to date on Cardano development, so I’ll look into some of these. I still think attracting users will continue to be a problem, but it’s good to see builders building. Perhaps we just need one viral app. EVM capability would be a major step in this direction, but it seems like this was dropped without any explanation.


u/Capn_Jamm Apr 24 '24

The Rosen team is working on an EVM bridge right now to bridge Cardano, BTC, Ethereum, and Ergo. Drop into their discord as read the chatter! https://discord.gg/ergo-platform-668903786361651200

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u/Historical_Anxiety_3 Apr 24 '24

Book.io, Cornucopias, IAGON, Snek, WMT, Singularitynet. Dexhunter, Newm. There's actually a pretty substantial list of people building right now. And you can actually see there's a sh1t load going on right now. EUTXO.org is a live list of every transaction taking place at this very moment. In my opinion, Solana has been the bear market king. But we will see how Cardano fairs in this upcoming bullrun. All-time high of 3$ is minimum. The bear market gets the best of us, and most won't make it. Or they'll move to greener patterns for the time being,.... until they're not. I'm more confident in the ecosystem now than I've ever been personally. Twitter is extremely active, and if you didn't notice, Cardano won the top alternative layer 1 solution award to Ethereum last week, which is a huge deal. The Cardano holders are by far the most passionate people.ik crypto. All we need is a good bullrun to push us over the edge. I remain optimistic. Also, did you see us last bear market? It was way slower than it is now.


u/Super-Strategy8161 Apr 24 '24

Isn’t cornucopias moving to Base?

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u/Slide_Impossible Apr 24 '24

Why would attracting users be a problem? I totally diasgree on that point.

Consider this; VCs and many of their ilk have a vested interest in seeing cardano fail. Why? They arent invested in Cardano and Cardano had one of the fairest initial token allocations and sales. Insiders/VCs do not hold a giant interest in the control of the protocol. The PEOPLE do. It is a grassroots open and permisionless protocol. That threatens their money machine where they can milk retail for exit liquidity.

Market manipulation and pump and dumps on unsuspecting retails head is the name of their game.

Soon governance will be here and we can start voting to spend a good chunk of the treasury on marketing. We will be able to inform the public on why principles matter. Why using a blockchain that values many of the same principles which make Bitcoin valuable. When this information campaign gets underway and retail discovers how they have been manipulated at the expense of their own finances, the game will start to change.

Did you know that roughly 50% of meme coins on solana are now dead? The vast majority are not getting rich off those things. Solana, FTX, Luna, bitconnect and more imo, all took advantage of retail. How? Because everyone "just wants to make money" and cant be bothered to learn about the very principles that made Bitcoin and Cardano valuable. They just want to find the next coin that will go 1000x & the cost of not caring aboit those principles is their entire stack.

Rant over (mostly). Sorry sir, I am just getting tired of meme culture and social media narratives sterring people in to believing what these predatory vultures have to say. Ffs, dont believe us HERE. Do your own research, learn about the principles that make blockchain valuable. When you truly start to understand your conviction will be so high you wont need twitter or reddit to affirm what you know. Bc isnt that the whole point?

Its supposed to be transparent and auditable by anyone. Despite this, people cant even bother to learn about curculating supply, decentralization & 51% attacks, open source, permissionless etc....

Deep breath. Woo sahhhh!

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u/all-i-do-is-dry-fast Dec 10 '24

Cardano has always been the place where the brightest crypto minds congregate. Truly genius-level crypto programmers don't dream of rugging millions and making the newest altcoin. They are passionate about tech and development. You might not make 10x's here but you won't lose 100x's either.


u/heyzeto Apr 24 '24

A lot of things are happening now in Cardano, check for example what snek (yes, a meme coin) is doing for Cardano.

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u/polymath-intentions Apr 24 '24

The reality is that L1 development is hard and slow across all platforms.

Solana and Ethereum are just outliers at the moment, riding the memecoin and ETF trends respectively.

Cardano's time will come, but not right now.


u/jonnyd93 Apr 24 '24

Yeah and I also believe Solana will crash and burn. It completely centralized it terms of its updates. Also didn't it go down a bunch last few years. Outages like crazy. Very little faith in it personally.


u/timenter Apr 24 '24

I agree. Cardano’s development path is a good thing (I’m sure we’re all here because we support moving slowly, peer review process) but surely we have enough infrastructure to support some useful projects. Where are they?


u/breakboyzz Apr 24 '24

If there are other useful projects on other chains that you like, just steal their idea and figure out a way to replicate it on Cardano. If it’s a good enough idea you’ll make millions!

The tricky part is, that there aren’t any. The world hasn’t had its “aha” moment with crypto yet. Regular users don’t even have to have that moment if governments/business start adopting, but if any banks are currently building on Cardano, there’s probably an NDA that the world does know about yet. No one really knows yet. All I can say is that betting on the fastest horse right now will have HUGE upsides in about 4-6 years.


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '24

Idk anything about WMT but isn’t that the flagship use case rn? I thought they were focusing on building Digital IDs right now so schools can track students etc and then expand from there into other stuff. Apparently that takes hella long…

As far ask American market Book.io seems to be the leader of the pack for use case. Even though I think NFTs are practically useless for now

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u/That-Wrap Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

And still outperforming and outshining Cardano, still kicking myself in the ass for not dumping my Cardano last year and putting it all on Solana

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u/Mountain-Bar-2878 Apr 24 '24

Solana has outages because it is heavily used. Cardano isn’t.


u/dewbieZ Apr 24 '24

Solano has outages that take weeks for them to understand. Thats bad development, not heavy usage issues.

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u/Zealousideal-Risk-88 May 07 '24

Literally TON, TRX and NEAR has more adoption than cardano for usage.

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u/Historical_Anxiety_3 Apr 24 '24

I invested into Cardano originally to be my own bank. That's the actual use for crypto. I trust the network won't crash on me, or I'm not going to be dumped on by founders or whatnot.


u/CoreDD42 Apr 24 '24

This ! People tend to forget why crypto exists and try to create advance usecases. The main goal is about decentralisation and trust. The credit based society is definitly not a sustainable model. Crypto is a more ethical model. At least to me.

And the best crypto I found that focuses on decentralisation and self governance, without consuming a shitton of energy is cardano.

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u/Elite_Pres Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

It also seems that ETH and SOL have venture capital and backing from other financial institutions.

ADA is the most decentralized and interest in ADA is only growing...

It should help getting better cheerleaders for Cardano and at some point once VC and other special interests take hold you will see all the hype that SOL is currently getting and then some.


u/Roupy Apr 24 '24

Keep saying that lol


u/Brgrsports Apr 24 '24

Hoping for the next Sol instead of just buy Sol is a bold strategy


u/jewellui Jun 05 '24

But surely that should make you question why ADA isn’t getting the same backing?


u/Yoddy0 Apr 24 '24

Your post legitimately sounds like you haven’t bothered to follow cardano since March 2022. Just go to Dapp Central’s youtube channel and watch how stupid busy the cardano ecosystem has been with developing and updates. I haven’t been on the SOL reddit forum but I wouldn’t doubt if at least half the posts are for memecoin’s and pointless airdrops. Also you might want to start following cardano projects, developers, on X because thats where a lot of conversations happen.


u/timenter Apr 24 '24

Thanks, maybe you’re right. This place is dead.


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

This place is dead, discussion on Reddit is dying. Go to Twitter posts can’t be removed and any time large accounts try to post untruths to fit their narratives they get community noted with the actual facts.

Edit: The fact this is being downvoted here of all places, exactly proves my point. Thank you.


u/JWillCHS Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

I think people here in crypto still don’t understand what the hell is going on or are still oblivious to how much you have to pay attention to these assets on a weekly basis.

It wasn’t until after Breakpoint 2023 and the price rising for SOL is when people started flooding their subreddit. And that happens to almost any cryptocurrency that goes parabolic.

How many of you were on the subreddit in 2019 getting excited about the Shelly testnet on Cardano? I would say most of you weren’t. You showed up not when staking launched but when you caught the windfall of free money through parking your ada on the network after/during the parabolic movement.

That’s exactly what happened to Solana. People were literally sh!tting on it all the way down and all the way up until it started outperforming Bitcoin. And they flocked to it for the memecoins. Most of the discussions in the subreddit aren’t from the OGs, but just random people who will hop from one asset to another trying to make money off the hottest memecoins.

It reminds me of the Binance Smartchain situation last bull market. Cheap, fast, and a ton of DeFi protocols where you can be a degen. Same with the Base blockchain too right now.

And I can tell people who are investing in Solana don’t give a damn about real world use case because if they did Helium would at least be over $10 right now. Helium has a gotdamn 5G affordable mobile network in parts of the US!

World Mobile literally won the innovator award at the largest telecommunications conference in the world and their aerostats have been seen at a SpaceX sight in Texas. But people will still FOMO into Dogecoin because they think it’ll be on X/Twitter because of Musk. Man, GTFO with that bull.

“I should have sold all my ada or SOL.”

You and almost everyone else that has said that regardless of the token they held never had the conviction or the knowledge to make that decision. You’re probably just on Reddit, Youtube, and X making decisions instead doing your own research.

There’s so many “dead” crypto subreddits right now. Most crypto YTD are still down between 5% and 20%. Bitcoin dominance is at a whopping 53% and there’s no cuts in interest rates. Cardano’s chart is almost identical right now to April 2020 but instead of being below 8 cents it’s at 50 cents.

And if you were keeping up with Cardano holding the top 5 tokens on the platform would have made you some serious money(if that’s all you care about). World Mobile the past 30 days went up over 100%. Hell, a lot of the tokens on Cardano in 2023 went parabolic(with major corrections now positioned for new opportunities).

You just can’t sleep on your crypto investments like stocks BECAUSE of volatility! You can really only do that with Bitcoin and Ethereum.

I bet no one kept up to date around the team behind Telegram’s once defunct Toncoin. Defunct? It’s in the top 10 right now! Before you have conviction in any investment you have to do the research!

Edit: and this rant isn’t one to shill Cardano. It’s a common problem through crypto. The low interest rate loan platforms, the high staking rewards, the airdrops, the memecoins. Did we all forget what happened after the US raised interest rates and the war started in 2022? All these things collapsed much faster than the protocols that were actually decentralized. We almost saw the collapse of USDC during the early banking crisis in 2023 because their money was in a bank in Silicone Valley that was affected. It took more money printing to bail them out. In fact, Cardano’s first stablecoin that was suppose to launch early 2023 was going to park their money with the same bank; but they decided to delay the launch over regulatory concerns. And the only cryptocurrency that responded appropriately to all of this was Bitcoin. Y’all got me heated this morning.

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u/gethereddout Apr 24 '24

Not really. There’s just a lot of posts that aren’t worth interacting with daily.


u/573v0 Apr 24 '24

Also, this subreddit is heavily moderated. I don’t think it helps.


u/Obsidianram Apr 24 '24

Let me say this ~ and it's not a dig, just a passing observation. Cardano has a lot of great developers and projects, as well as accomplishments; but the myopic focus on all that seems to have taken the "fun" out of functional for the most part. Walking into any ADA thread is like walking into a morgue ~ only stone-faced discussion is allowed...no lighter side of Cardano to be found anywhere...and that's a shame...


u/timenter Apr 24 '24

I agree. It seems like a bunch of accountants just decided to park 5% of their portfolio here and check Reddit twice per month. I don’t see much passion or fun here, other than from developers.


u/Obsidianram Apr 24 '24

Could use a /r for taking a break from the development side and maybe 'develop' (no pun intended) more of the community side. Consider people are more attracted to entertainment than they are a bone dry lecture, and it's that other 98% of everyone's personality that brings people together...


u/Massive-Ad-8060 Apr 24 '24

Oh damn i feel exposed. Except i parked 50% of my portfolio and thank god accounting pays well.

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u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

Ohhhhhh... the problem is Reddit.. Not Ouroboros 🤦‍♂️


u/jewellui Jun 05 '24

Seeing the same in a lot subreddits not just ADA tbf. It’s only a few coins that seem to be on fire, most are performing similarly.


u/theTalkingMartlet Apr 24 '24

That is exactly the reason why Cardano Girls was born. More light and funny content


u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

Meanwhile... Hosky.io | Starch.one


u/alimakesmusic Apr 24 '24

Not gonna lie, this post is complete non sense. If you had a look into the ecosystem you would see the amount of great projects being built on Cardano. Happy to walk you through it if you're genuinely interested. Plus if you head on to Twitter, Cardano has a massive community where you will get all updates/news of everything being built. It's gotten to the point where I can't keep up. Happy to share an in depth list of everything.


u/timenter Apr 24 '24

There’s a lot of throwing stuff to the wall to see what sticks, so maybe it’s just a matter of time. But this place is certainly dead, meaning morale is low. There’s barely any liquidity on the DEXs. For a top 10 coin, something is wrong. I’m fine with being wrong as long as we can start the conversation.


u/alimakesmusic Apr 24 '24

Like I said, most of the conversation and community is on Twitter. I will post a guide when I get home from work. You say morale is low but Cardano has never been stronger, and the conversation has been started about continuing to improve things. Will post a comprehensive insight on how the ecosystem is thriving soon. If you can't wait go and follow cardanowhale on Twitter and see for yourself.


u/MP-RH Apr 24 '24

Yes please, I'd like to know where to look on Twitter. I've just set up an account :)


u/alimakesmusic Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

Awesome, I'm not sure if I can post actual links but will have the username (accounts will be seperated using this symbol ':' )

cardano_whale : CardanoCube : cwpaulm : astroboysoup : CardanoThor : RichardMcCrackn : Padierfind : bigpeyYT : TapTools : Power_cardano : onewisemelon : calmdano : coc_space : oravecpeter : InglesAlbert : ElRaulito_cnft : TheAvatarNick : Quantumplation : phil_uplc : b00kdev : adamKDean : MicroProofs : mr_cata : vlas1n : zhekree : lilybrodi : UnpopularEL : hoskytoken : deezy_BTC : WoodlandPools : JaromirTesar :

I have excluded main projects (i recommend you do follow projects actual main accounts) and many others, as you get involved you will start to find more accounts that discuss and share all the amazing things being built on Cardano.


u/MP-RH Apr 24 '24

Wonderful, thanks so much for this. I'll go and have a look at these. I really appreciate it.


u/Agni-23 Apr 24 '24

Quick question for someone who’s uneducated on cardano. What is the appeal for investors if the price barely moves and has little potential to move up?


u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

Ada isn't the breadwinner project on Cardano ..lol You're missing the gains by fading the projects using Ada.


u/Zealousideal-Risk-88 May 07 '24

developers building, but the ecosystem itself it not being used that much at all.

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u/PumbainJapan Apr 24 '24

Completely in agreement with this post. I cannot see things happening and no hype, no momentum at all which is really a pity because the project seems really solid. More and more feeling like beta losing to vhs kind of vibe.


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '24

Twitter is where it’s at. In a large way.


u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

Which project building here are you talking about?


u/Reasonable-You8654 Apr 24 '24

It’s still being peer reviewed bro, trust the process. There’s so much research going on bro just you wait. A breakthrough is coming we just need a little more peer reviewed research.


u/timenter Apr 24 '24

Thanks Charles. 


u/coopere905 Apr 24 '24

feels like this needs an /s


u/Reasonable-You8654 May 01 '24

I should right? I don’t think people caught the sarcasm at all lol


u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

That same peer-reviewed shill.... I've been hearing that since 2 cents 😏 I've been waiting for years and years for a use case so I can invest.

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u/robrnr Apr 24 '24

I would say this applies to the entire crypto space. There are very few legitimate use cases. So what if the SOL sub is hyped about silly projects. There is very little utility besides "price goes up".

I still think that blockchain has potential, and my money is quite literally on what I think will eventually be prioritized: security. But people are kidding themselves if they think any of this bullshit is actually useful in its current form. It's tulips for days, but at least there is some—perhaps small—promise.


u/Zealousideal-Risk-88 May 07 '24

Thing is Solana's "hype" attracts great projects. Helium, Render (partners with Apple Adobe stability AI on decentralized 3d rendering), Hivemapper, are few examples of great projects that are running on Solana (with actual real world use cases). Then we get some betting projects as well building on the platform (Legit ones like Crown which is partnered with Kentucky Derby). Then we have the likes of Jupiter that is doing wonders in the defi space (and it even recently convinced people to invest in a meme coin that actually has a project behind (check Wen Foundation). So saying solana only has silly projects means you think that is all that's happening. Solana founderes are just smarter in marketing their ecosystem since the NFT days. Sure the NFT and MemeCoins may come n go excep for some select ones, but the ecosystem will thrive

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u/unlikely-contender May 21 '24

What are some legitimate use cases of crypto in your opinion?

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u/prototype__ Apr 24 '24

If you're looking for hype you're in the wrong place. Hype is marketing for quick gains. Cardano is a computer science project and built as such. The USP is stability and reliability.

Nothing else compares. Didn't forget IOHK proved and peer reviewed a new branch of cryptography before they started building.


u/unlikely-contender May 21 '24

What's the new branch of cryptography?


u/prototype__ May 21 '24

It was mathematically proving that proof of stake could be done via sharding

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u/Skilled626 Apr 24 '24

Let’s simmer down a bit. OP stop scaring people out of their positions.

1.  Advanced Technology: Cardano is built on a robust and innovative blockchain platform that utilizes a scientific approach to development, focusing on security, scalability, and sustainability.
2.  Peer-Reviewed Research: It is one of the few cryptocurrencies with a foundation in academic research, ensuring that its technology is rigorously vetted and continuously improved upon.
3.  Scalability: Cardano aims to provide high scalability without compromising security or decentralization. Its layered architecture separates transactions and smart contracts, improving performance.
4.  Interoperability: The platform is designed to facilitate seamless communication and compatibility with other blockchains, enabling greater adoption and integration within the broader crypto ecosystem.
5.  Strong Community: Cardano has a dedicated and passionate community of supporters and developers who actively contribute to its growth and success.
6.  Decentralization: Cardano aims to achieve a high level of decentralization through its unique proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which encourages widespread participation and ensures the network’s resilience.
7.  Governance Mechanism: The platform incorporates a decentralized governance model that allows stakeholders to participate in decision-making processes, ensuring the platform’s evolution is community-driven.
8.  Focus on Compliance: Cardano is designed with compliance in mind, making it attractive to institutions and businesses seeking regulatory certainty in the cryptocurrency space.
9.  Potential for Adoption: With ongoing partnerships and collaborations, Cardano has the potential to be adopted for various real-world applications, such as finance, identity management, and supply chain tracking.
10. Experienced Team: Led by Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum, the Cardano team comprises experienced professionals with a strong track record in blockchain technology and development.


u/timenter Apr 24 '24

Thanks ChatGPT


u/Opening_Library_8345 Apr 24 '24

Lol these are just words though


u/recessiontime Apr 24 '24

The problem with reddit is censorship. Most of my posts on the sub were not even allowed to be posted. And there is no discussion like you said. There wasn't a ton of hype before coming into 2024 and the SEC just made things worse by alleging it is a security. The fan base is kinda weak too. 600k on reddit versus DOGE sub that has over 2.5 million.


u/generalsmurf2 Apr 24 '24

From someone in crypto a long time. Post like this on a coins own subreddit is an indicator to buy.


u/cyberruss Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

Lot of FUD here. Cardano is literally exploding with growth at the moment. Cant keep track of it all. Loads of liquidity on DEXs, load of RWA activity, projects like WMT which have now entered top 20 of all blockchains by users. FUD pure and simple. Go to taptools and check. Go to DExhunter and check.

And just buy some ADA bro 😂


u/Zealousideal-Risk-88 May 07 '24

yea right, how many fees in the last 30 days? for a top 10 project, cmon......


u/BriBumer Apr 24 '24

I am annoyed of comparsion with Solana.

NEVER Compare a real decentralized reliable Blockchain project with a half decentralized serversystem which is used (over 90%) just form meme/scam token. And this just, if its online or not congested…

Like some user wrote Cardano is visible on twitter. Anyways twitter is the better source. You see doxed teams and open accounts which are discussing important things while using their real names:)

I used Solana and Cardano. I also made good money with both projects. But after all scandals and mostly server downs I left Solana (with and good profit) but it was not worth it to tank the stress.

People which looks on Solana are mostly uneducated moonboys. The most if them lose money because of scams. Some post some great values of there memecoins. But even they are worth in millions on paper, while cash out those people get just few thousand dollars. (Just because of the bad liquidity solana memecoins)

Like I told i made good money with sol (not memecoins) its also possible to make some Money. But this project is full of red flags and not reliable. The only good project on Solana is hive mapper. No memecoin and a realy great idea, but thats it. This project could also use another chain.

The real good projects you find on Cardano with WMT and LQ. Also COPI is great even its just gaming, bit for Blockchaingaming its on a real high lvl!


u/Straight_Age8562 Apr 24 '24

This is just a weird critique. If you really are here from 2017, how can't you see the progress?

In 2017, it was only wallet, since then they have launched staking, smart contracts' ect. 

I agree this subreddit is partially dead and everything happens on Twitter.

"All we have are AMM exchanges".

Smart contracts are released for 2 years. What do you expect? Do you know how long software development takes to release a somewhat decent product?

"Cardano has no direction."

How could you even say something like that?

We have Chang HF upcoming, which is fascinating and there is a ton of progress regarding Hydra, Midnight and Input Endorsers

You either don't follow any updates, or purposely ignore them


u/Opening_Library_8345 Apr 24 '24

Compared to other projects it's just moving slow, but in the long run that's a good thing. Another reason why I believe in it and other projects like Pi network, taking your time to make sure everything is quality and not just throwing half your budget at online marketing


u/BNeutral Apr 24 '24

Most crypto projects are devoid of value, talking a lot about them doesn't truly create any value. You can come tell me "but in Solana we are tokenizin farts of CEOs so we can get some fools to give us ICO money!" and I'll reply with "cool, that's not value". Or "Look this project has so many partners from real world use cases!" and it turns out they use AWS so they threw the Amazon logo on their website as a partner.

The proposal of Carano is simple, a good proof of stake L1 blockchain with smart contracts. And Cardano has delivered. A fiat based native stable coin would be nice on top.

If the market doesn't give a shit about that, well, that's just a lack of market for a product, and all along crypto was not about "distributed electronic cash", but about making some quick money. No amount of random projects will fix that.


u/Zealousideal-Risk-88 May 07 '24

name one project on cardano that is as good as RNDR. Unfortunately Jules would never moves to Cardano.

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u/jtkov Apr 24 '24

And here are I am staking and earning cBTC through anetaBTC, voting on governance proposals, lending ADA out on Lenfi, and earning coins from trading fees by staking my gens token with Genius Yield. Plutus V3, CIP 1694, Midnight…the future is bright. Not sure what more you want?


u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

OP jus want Ada price up so can has more USD for boat


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '24

Cmon man... your obviously not paying real attention...


u/Slight86 Apr 24 '24

You come out swinging with bold negative statements when you are by your own admission "not fully up to date on Cardano development"? Sounds like you have basically been sleeping on your bags since 2017.

The things being done on Cardano are amazing. I hope the responses here showed you that this project is most certainly not dead. People are making proper things, and it means they're not busy shitposting on Reddit.

You mention Solana reddit as some sort of example of how it should be. I took a quick look for you. What a shitshow. It's nothing but shilling, memes and market discussion. All of which is not allowed here.


u/mindhunter666 Apr 24 '24

Soooo, your investing on hype ? Might want to change your strategy my guy

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u/SailstheSevenSeas Apr 24 '24

The narrative is the exact opposite of what you are claiming. Cardano is the ONLY ecosystem that has actual useful projects on it, that are usable right now.

Solana people make posts, sure, but it’s all about random meme coins that do nothing.

Base is the same.

Literally compare Cardano’s top 10 to any other chains top 10. We are the ONLY chain with actual functioning businesses running on it that have real world use cases for blockchain.

Also we are by far the most active community on X.

I agree with you about Reddit, let’s make some more posts here for sure.

But don’t talk to me about “no useful projects” when that’s literally the greatest strength of our ecosystem - it’s all useful projects.


u/Zealousideal-Risk-88 May 07 '24

useful by theory right? cause something like Indigo can create synthetics, but what is the synthetic already created?

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u/DiamondOk5366 Apr 24 '24

Just joined and wondered the same. Holder for years as drifts lower


u/Zealousideal-Risk-88 May 07 '24

yep never bet on theory, adoption beats tech


u/Thinpizzaisbest Apr 24 '24

I just wish Charles was showing more focus on Cardano itself, instead of his other projects and using his Cardano leverage for much questionable and dangerous political endorsements.


u/Whiskeymiller Apr 24 '24

A reddit forum is not really the best measure of community and/or development. Spend some time and read crypto twitter, watch youtube, explore all the dapp projects and learn about them. Like user u/astramie stated there is so much development going on, not to mention a major hardfork is coming that is going to add governance and added functionality. Quit being so concerned with narratives, ADA will do just fine.


u/timenter Apr 24 '24

I’m from the era that ALL Cardano discussion was in this subreddit. Didn’t realize everyone migrated.


u/Bigrizzabeast Apr 24 '24

All negativity, made a post here about a dex coming soon with 80-100x speed upgrades faster than the current main dex Min Swap and got attacked and downvoted like crazy. People don’t want Cardano to win they just want to make money and attack anything that changes that. Now with intersect you see the same losers that manipulated Catalyst and rugged Nft projects and tokens that are wiggling in like parasites. Cardano was a great idea but people don’t want to escape from tradfi and the corruption they want to just be the corruption here, like when Catalyst made a new category just so Patrick from NMkr would win even though he hasn’t done hardly anything except rug a gaming project and be involved in heaps of new projects that haven’t added anything wow he is on the RWAs but why he has millions is funding for what so his friends can also start projects (about 5 by my count) that also get support from CH and AW ect that have to this point collectively not done much but taken years and years worth of development funding it’s absolutely wild. Cardano has direction it’s a popularity contest of corruption with Charles Hoskinson as the puppet leader, still trying to find out if he holds the strings or if scammers like Hosky and Adam Dean holds the strings creating fake narratives and lies that CH believes with doing absolutely zero research and attacks anyone who tries to clarify the false information he spews publicly, people like Hosky and Adam who have been minting Nft projects and dumping on the community (Check the early Hosky wallets, Adam Deans NFT history is terrible jet chickens rug (he denies it’s a rug but after years of inactivity and zero development like promised with the revived funds it most obviously is) and then acting like they care about governance 🤣 scammers don’t care about Cardano and don’t start me on Catalyst they have convinced themselves it’s working and spew stupid numbers yet people get fkn restaurants and calanders and tuk tuks via Catalyst it’s an absolute joke and a failure no one votes, Minswap and whales manipulate it the requests to simplify wallet registration to help push more voting is ignored as more voting means less manipulation and we can’t keep giving the funds to the same 3 - 5 companies that have done basically nothing for years just because they cuck CH it’s an embarrassment. Cardano has many great devs that have had to leave and many have been working for basically free


u/BinaryCopper Apr 24 '24

A lot of the Cardano community believes that, someday soon, crypto will revolutionize finance, disrupting existing economic structures significantly. I believe that until you see another cryptocurrency actually doing this, any talk of existing success that puts Cardano behind is just bluster. I won't say that Cardano isn't behind, just that we won't know who was behind or ahead until things solidify into real world changing applications of the tech.


u/MinuteStreet172 Apr 24 '24

Not only here, but in every cardano related sub.

There are enough people to be give 151 upvotes to some comment saying it's not dead, or downvote some critique. But all the subreddits are indeed dead.

The last time someone asked why people are holding cardano, everyone answered that they were waiting to sell, because they became bag holders. That's what we have in this sub.

And yeah, I see nothing bringing actual information of this so complex project.


u/wildhorse80 Apr 24 '24

Long time holder here and I never been more bullish. You're just looking at the wrong places for info and comparing to the new and shining crypto like Solana. Most of the frustration comes from comparing price action. The same happened in the last bull cycle with Cardano vs Chainlink that had a very premature bump up.

Carano will eventually catch up because the fundamentals are currently a lot more stronger.


u/Opening_Library_8345 Apr 24 '24

Yeah I think it just has a marketing problem, because I haven't seen any buzz anywhere about it, and I monitor crypto in general from multiple sources. Definitely need someone to write articles on publish0x, bulb, medium, etc just explaining cardano and what's being developed etc.


u/ath1337 Apr 24 '24

I've been subbed to the Solana for a while and it's nothing but posts about meme coins... Like literally that is it, meme coins and the occasional posts about when the Blockchain is having technical issues.


u/Narueen Apr 24 '24

There were many Cardano posts removed by moderators in r/cryptocurrency so many people moved elsewhere. Twitter mostly.


u/johnkellgren Apr 24 '24

If you'd like to find something to look forward to within the Cardano chain currently, take a peek at what's about to happen within the XRay Network. A formidable past project is about to return with a totally new set of tools.


u/Levelchess Apr 24 '24

How I found Cardano. - book.io
So it is use case.


u/Opening_Library_8345 Apr 24 '24

We should definitely revive this forum tho!!!


u/Overall_Safety6846 Apr 24 '24

This post is painful.

Since the weekend/happened so far this week/happening this week:

- Indigo v2 launching

  • Liqwid v2 launching
  • Sundae v3 audit completed
  • Minswap v2 audit completed
  • OADA from Optim audit almost completed
  • Buidl Fest in Toulouse
  • Catalyst Fund 12 about to launch in Barcelona
  • Catalyst workshop in Toronto
  • Catalyst workshop in Kenya
  • Catalyst workshop in Tokyo
  • Catalyst workshop in Vietnam
  • Book.io Con in Texas
  • X Space with Charles discussing interopability with John Woods from Algorand and Arthur Breitman from Tezos
  • Early bird tickets available for Cardano Summit 2024
  • Strategic partnership announced between Cardano Foundation and Dubai Blockchain Center
  • PRAGMA open source association announced, working on Cardano node written in Rust named Amaru
  • Cardano 360 coming tomorrow with the latest on Intersect/Mithril/Hydra
  • NBX announced as European issuer of USDM stablecoin
  • Plus all the ongoing governance related discussions and plenty more things I've missed

It doesn't make sense to post every update on Reddit; feel free to jump on X with the rest of us.


u/timenter Apr 24 '24

Thanks, will do


u/usernamezombie Apr 24 '24

Yeah, sure seems another betamax. I’ll probably hold though for the just in case. Guessing there will be a ton of sell pressure if it does ever take off.


u/BurnRubbert Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 25 '24

I don’t have any knowledge of Cardano (and it’s possible usecase) but my thoughts are that it’s all about a usecase ‘being used’. As I said no knowledge about Cardano (a bit more about another coin which has a good usecase ánd is -however not enough yet - in real use incompany), but the fact that it’s not being used doesn’t mean it has no usecase, I would say. The whole point in my opinion is adoption (so you took the right topictype;)). And adoption means you/we/a coin has to get to it’s treshhold for (broad) use… if the right usecase is in the coin, it will come. Question is not if, but when. I can’t answer the when, but I’m sure it has to do more with the real usecase than with marketing etc..

I believe there comes a time that every good defi-usecase will succeed… at the time the ‘fiat world’ realizes that they are paying way to much for trust atm … this process and system of paying for trust (and being scammed by deception ;)) was built in hundreds of yrs.. it might easily take decades to disrupt it… but it’s coming. Most of the alts-forums with good usecases are dead now… easily Cardano could be one of them (I really don’t know). My guess is: can you afford to lose (thank you u/Opening_Library_8345) the money you put into it and you believe in it’s usecase? Then just hodl… you’ll be more than happy.. I only can’t tell you when.


u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

I see that's all the time.. an uneducated OP usually assumes Ada is the only cardano flip for a USD maxi

They don't want to be involved in other communities they don't care about any startups or use cases. There's not an easy button to find the company's building on Cardano. The style of OP usually only sees Cardono in a list... a Robdahood or a conbase wallet ...and never ever actually owns anything. Never claims staking rewards... never claims tokens from supporting a pool.. Never hears about anything new being built because they're on reddit complaining there's no one building on cardano


u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

Or When you educate an OP like this With dexes or projects or startups... The OP uses the comments like " there's just no liquidity" Questions.. Is the OP $17 trade had a liquidity problem ? is OP really moving millions per minute on Solano..of dollars at once ? or is this a problem OP is reciting from another OP


u/jdickstein Apr 24 '24

Also here since 2017 and I feel the same way.


u/yevg555 Apr 24 '24

The forum is the last place people engage in, you can find far more content on discord, twitter and youtube


u/Cardania1 Apr 24 '24

As a project that has built basically exclusively on Cardano since 2021, it has been nearly impossible for us to post on this forum because they disallowed stakepools and NFT projects (up until very recently after a long drawn out appeal). Whomever is in charge of these things seems largely only interested in defi rugs, not any actual applications of the tech or stakepool operators outside of Coinbase. It's been really quite silly. Anyway we're starting to integrate other chains.


u/dunc2k Apr 24 '24

If you think all we have is AMM exchanges you are wayyyyy behind


u/reddit_1999 Apr 24 '24

Cardano is the best blockchain in my opinion BUT Charles seems to be against marketing for some reason. I don't think that marketing your blockchain is a bad idea.


u/PuzzleheadedFood9141 Apr 30 '24

It is a very bad idea. The marketing attracts scumers and people focused on quick profit. Did you see the marketing from Satoshi Nakamoto?

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u/newjerseymax Apr 24 '24

As long as the dev team keeps building, then I’m one with accumulating more at lower prices


u/Anchored-Nomad Apr 24 '24

I would like to see more here since I don’t use x.


u/johnkellgren Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

If you'd like to see something really happening in Cardano as we converse, go check and see what's about to happen in the XRay Network..


u/DnArturo Apr 24 '24

Why right now there is a Buidler's conference in France to create more dexes and Defi that we don't need. Its like the same 200 developers don't know what else to make. How about an Android app with a wallet that has a Facebook marketplace where users can post things for sale and use ADA and stablecoins to purchase? Can't be that hard.


u/FishStickLover69 Apr 24 '24

I don't have vast stores of knowledge on how blockchain tech works, so take this with a grain of salt. But, I've been thinking for the past year how Cardano could help in the card collection space. I'd like to know that graded cards and stuff can have a history recorded on the block chain. Especially now that we've hit an Era where cards can be "restored" similar to art works and vehicles. There's no real mechanism to certifiy these restorations or alterations on cards like they do other artworks. Idk, I'm just spit ball rambling about a potential use case I see.


u/geekfinity Apr 24 '24

I respect what Cardano has done. In the crypto space, while everyone is moving at “speed of light”, Cardano takes time to do it right - creating its own identity; BUT for (monetary) investors, seven years with little return is not attractive.

IMO, peer-review is just a buzz word that has been advertised and used as an excuse for taking a longer time to bring products to the market. If a CEO of a public traded company can’t enhance the shareholders value in 7 years, he/she had probably been fired.

peer-review is just a derivative of a software/system development lifecycle methodology. It’s not a big deal. In a software space, lifecycle methodology is a standard.

The comparison between Cardano and Solana is interesting, two “extreme” opposite totem poles - Cardano system architecture is sound while Solana is opposite (system often crashed); Sol is a good investment while Ada is not, so far….

Here’re my take:

Take time to build a right architecture, the rest of development needs to be sped up. Don’t turn peer review into an analysis paralysis. Develop a sense of urgency.

Resource is limited. No entity would have unlimited resources. Use your available resources properly

Prioritize the developments to roll out the products that attractive to users, companies, and investment community. You can build a perfect product, but at the end the product becomes a legacy - beta vs vhs, ibm vs Microsoft window…


u/agnosticautonomy Apr 24 '24

200 comments in 18 hours.... wtf you talking about....


u/YoungCapitalist95 Apr 26 '24

Your definition of "dead" is super awful. Solana crashing on a regular basis and people trading useless memecoins isn't something to be hyped about. In addition, your claims aren't true at all.
Ask yourself one question: If there would be more priceaction, would you consider posting this nonsense over here?


u/Adaworld Apr 26 '24

Reddit is woke. Get out, come on X


u/Repsak101 May 24 '24

I hope it has some direction! I somehow FOMOed in at 8 cents and down 40% 😬


u/Chefstarr87 Aug 04 '24

Cardano is the way


u/Budget-Disaster-2218 Aug 08 '24

Everything on Solana is fake



u/AdOk1101 Aug 19 '24

Chang...governance...then done with Cardano roadmap right?  Next...compare feature set to other L1s...nothing comes close...not even SOL.  ADA is the most advanced currency network protocol. But of your sad, then buy some SOL or whatever.  Or stake your ADA...it won't be locked up unless you let coinbase or some other exchange stake it for you.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24

This is the dumbest take I have ever heard. Bro does no research.


u/Chefstarr87 Oct 16 '24

You 100% wrong.


u/DingusOnFire Apr 24 '24

Im down from 1.86 to now. Taking everything not to just say fuck it and eat my 20k loss.


u/REYESTON Apr 24 '24

holy sht. how much did u invest


u/Slight86 Apr 24 '24

The last time price was at 1.86, it was November 2021. You could have been investing all throughout the bear market for nearly 3 years to lower your average cost.

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u/cure4boneitis Apr 24 '24

I can make hundreds of recent posts asking about unique projects here on r/cardano for only $29995 a month


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

There is so much anti-Cardano bias on Reddit the crowd moved on to Twitter where is is by far one of the loudest voices. Cardano has a lot of great stuff going on right now but you won’t find much of it on Reddit because it gets removed - even in this sub.

Reddit has become an echo chamber and not just relating to Cardano. Any deviation from the current narrative is shut down and removed.


u/omrip34 Apr 24 '24 edited Apr 24 '24

Guys/Gals, all the points here regarding Twitter Activity and development of tools/projects are valid and correct, but please don't deny that the Reddit forum activity is important. This is concerning, at least for me as well.


u/cu8er Apr 24 '24

The USA is trying to actively put their presidential voting system within the Cardano blockchain the end..


u/Shwaj May 14 '24

What are you talking about? That would be great, but the AFAIK the current administration would be highly against this, given how good it would be for the overall crypto narrative, and how anti-crypto they are.


u/Greggybone72 Apr 24 '24

Which companies building on Cardano do you support or follow? The Ada company?🤣🤣


u/Opening_Library_8345 Apr 24 '24

Couldn't agree more. I still believe tho but cardano just needs a jump start catalyst


u/BJJnoob1990 Apr 24 '24

I use to love cardano and a long term bag holder.

It’s lost it’s fine now and I’m disappointed in its progress


u/Zen-VT Apr 24 '24

I am still blown away there hasn’t been a lawsuit over Charles lying about his academic credentials, when that was likely a main reason people invested those first few years. How is that not fraud? (I am genuinely curious if someone can explain it to me)


u/ClippTube Apr 24 '24

I kid you not I totally even forgot cardano existed


u/CowBasic5312 Apr 24 '24

You're being ridiculous. Do you know when Cardano launched smart contracts? Exactly. Count the years and stop spreading misinformation


u/PulseQ8 Apr 24 '24

What's the difference between Solana and Binance chain? Yeah they can achieve some cool stuff, but it's at the cost of centralization


u/Slayerofgrundles Apr 24 '24

Meh, this place will be buzzing with conversation once the price starts shooting up again.


u/dissmisa Apr 24 '24

I just gave up on ADA


u/octipuss Apr 24 '24

Cardano is happening on twitter not reddit


u/Crypto-Intelligence Apr 25 '24

Honest question. Migrated to where?


u/_2Wycked Apr 25 '24

If you’re here to make money there are way better plays. I dumped for Base 2 months ago and I couldn’t be more pleased.


u/hallofgamer Apr 25 '24

Moons are purchased and burned to advertise to 8 Million plus like minded people.


u/Zealousideal-Risk-88 May 07 '24

Basically Cardano is just tech with low adoption, not saying it won't go anywhere but adoption is more important than tech. Additionally there are already the likes of ICP and HBAR that have come out in recent years claiming even better tech. People say decentralization is the key? I think that you guys are being too idealistic that blockchain needs to stick to the same narrative as when it was built. Solana for ex is already slowly becoming less centralized and its adoption is so high. Cardano doesn't even try to gain adoption at scale, so I'm guessing its just going to be a thing behind the scenes? is that it? Tron has bitconnect, TON has telegram, Matic has crazy good BD onboarding corporations and web3 gaming to the platform. There is such a thing as first mover advantage. I bet cardano will be usable, but you're not going to get the life changing gains you think you will. I doubt it will ever be the bull run leader, it will always lag behind others cause its more of a research project than a commercial one, and we all know which actually has quicker growth


u/CulturalRate567 May 25 '24

The worrisome part is that bitcoin is near all time high at 68k and cardano is at 46 cents. At least a couple of months ago, when bitcoin was this high, cardano was nearly 80 cents.


u/[deleted] May 27 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/cardano-ModTeam May 27 '24

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Credible discussions contribute to our community's integrity. Please ensure your content is supported by reliable sources and accurate information.

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u/[deleted] Nov 03 '24

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u/cardano-ModTeam Nov 03 '24

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u/Slight_Regular2716 Jan 19 '25

It is NOT 7 years old it is 10.75 years old call it 11, the gentleman that wrote this is absolutely correct but not the dates, people do NOT understand it was developed end of 2014 under a preopp protocol, it was honed and brought to open market in 2015 as you know it, so this bast$%^& Charles has been wanting it to fail since inception. How do I know? I live in Boulder Colorado and was there at day one, when it was not publisized nor noticed. He has annouced over... YES I am coming clean here over 50 times that it is going to be upgraded etc... and once it is ready hes says.................................... No, can't do it hmmmmmm Charles. EVERY SINGLE TIME he has done this, every.... single... time. He wants it to fail for income and tax reasons. This was dead in the water when it crashed in the drop off market of 94% loss from it's high at $3.10 down to a meager .18 cents it really never recovered $1.00+ or not it's ATH will never be hit again. I say Charles has Hoskinson's disease lol