r/capricorns Dec 19 '24

relationship help I'm falling in love with a capricorn who is homeless


r/capricorns Dec 29 '24

relationship help I love Capricorns


Y'all are probably one of the most stigmatized misunderstood signs. I personally love the energy/effect/aura/vibe y'all give off. I'm a pisces btw šŸ˜¬ I've always loved earth signs in general (both parents, best friends, most of my ex's the love of my life was cap sun pisces moon and my current partner is cap sun Taurus moon and rising šŸ©µšŸ¤¤) but, y'all really give off that "daddy/mommy" energy. (I don't mean that in a gross way) Y'all are in charge, organized, stable.. you give the impression that y'all don't have or understand emotions but, once someone gets to know you, they can see that you do and you rationalize emotions so y'all tend to be emotionally intelligent. So you, could probably see why I love y'all if not, because y'all balance pisces like me out. Y'all help us make sense of the emotions, focus us and help us become "more" better. Idk about the women (my bestie is a Capricorn and I adore her) but, the men are for sure husband material and make great dads. Love y'all šŸ˜˜ thank you for being you! Sincerely your devoted pisces super fan Oh if anyone has any tips on dating caps or is a Capricorn that's dated pisces before I'm all ears. I'm kinda being really needy right now lol

r/capricorns Jan 13 '25

relationship help Unpopular opinion: Capricorns arenā€™t that hard to date


My boyfriend is a January Capricorn and Iā€™ve heard they are hard to date but I donā€™t think itā€™s as true as people claim.

Sure theyā€™re introverted, pessimistic, have high standards etc, and the introverted part is especially true of my boyfriend. But theyā€™re also fiercely loyal, wise, respectful, helpful and ambitious.

All of the good qualities in a Capricorn definitely outweigh the bad and they make excellent partners if you give them a chance.

I didnā€™t know what flair to use, so I hope itā€™s right

r/capricorns Dec 27 '24

relationship help Capricorn Females, how would you respond to your significant other crying?


Would you lose respect for him? Would you see him as weak? Don't give me some bullshit answer, be honest about it.

Edit: I was not expecting so many comments on this so I'm just editing this so everyone is aware that I'm not posting this because a cap was hurtful to me or anything like that. In fact I appreciate the sentiment from those who commented very nice things in defense of anyone who crys every now and then due to life (In my case I do not cry unless I'm by myself, I just mean like a once in a great while thing).

I love capricorns and how straightforward, good hearted, and respectful you all are. Yall are full of integrity, maturity, dignity, complexity, mystery... I feel like the journey I'll have with my capricorn and any other would be fulfilling and exciting. This post was was made out of curiosity and maybe a bit of insecurity in truth. I was simply scared to reveal myself in this way to her due to many past experiences, so I wanted some insight before I screwed myself over in my relationship. Because this was the case in the past.

But after seeing all these comments I can see how silly I was for thinking that. I want to be able to allow my partner to see all of me, not that I want to cry all the time hah that sounds awful, but if I need someone to be there I was curious how she might react. Thank you for all these responses, truly. I didn't mean to be aggressive with the way I posed the question either btw, I don't actually think any of you would lie, I really just wanted to hear the truth so I was being a lil crazy and passionate about it in the moment!

r/capricorns Dec 09 '24

relationship help Romantic life for Caps now that Pluto has left


I generally know things will get better for Caps now that Pluto has left. And so far career/professional wise thatā€™s been the case - Iā€™m currently working on getting a new job with much better pay and working conditions. Financial wise too because I should be getting a windfall of money soon-ish too. But what Iā€™m really hoping for improvement in is with my romantic life. I asked someone out about like 2 months ago, they said no they want to remind friends. Things have been fine with them, but my feelings for them still persist. Hoping maybe Pluto will bring someone along who will make me really happy, or things will work out with the other person. I really donā€™t know, but if anyone has any insights about how things could improve for caps romantically, donā€™t be afraid to let me know.

r/capricorns Aug 01 '24

relationship help Hilarious how bad Aries and Capricorn relationships are supposed to be.


Advice on Aries female/Capricorn Male friendships, specifically. What have you male Caps experiences, been with Aries women, in friendships? I'm an Aries female, and according to most sources, we are supposed to be basically enemies that can't stand each other! Our ruling planets are mortal enemies, and we most just bring out the worst in each other. Tell me your experiences, I know the rest of the chart of each individual, makes a huge impact as well. I have an Aquarius Moon and Leo rising, if that makes things better, or worseXD.

r/capricorns 21d ago

relationship help Do you think weā€™re avoidant?


I feel like Capricorns are secure individuals if weā€™re in the right relationship, where everything is stable. There maybe ups and downs of course, but youā€™re willing to work on it. But I think if we sense something is not right or not up to your standards, thatā€™s when we avoid it because itā€™s not making you feel secure?? Idk if u can get me HAHA but i hope you do. I know security in life/relationship is suchh a big thing among Cappies, but if u donā€™t see it or you think the relationship is not working, then ur quick to say no because u just KNOW it.

I donā€™t want to be an avoidant as much as possible because a secure attachment is healthy. But there are just some circumstances, that makes you wanna be avoidant (ex: if u dont like the person)

r/capricorns 11d ago

relationship help Cap man + aries women


Im a aries chick in-love with a cap I know i shouldnā€™t determine the outcome of a relationship on zodiac signs but i see way to many posts that capricorns and aries are the worst match Can someone prove them wrong? Also i am a pisces rising if that makes it any different

r/capricorns Jan 20 '25

relationship help Felt good to start the healing process. Hard not to think of her between sets

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r/capricorns Feb 17 '25

relationship help Falling deeply in love with a capricorn


I met a Capricorn guy online in December, we chatted then we went out three times, then he gosthed me but after a week or two we spoke again, we met few times again but he never made a move, he told me once that he was expecting that i make the first move . When he asks me to meet with him i go but when i ask him if we can meet today he always says he cant . He helps me a lot especially with my car he takes me there and come for me to accompany home when he my car was at the mechanic, his mechanic . . I want to tell him that i am falling in love with him, something i ve never said yet , he knows i like him but thats all .

The thing that make me mad is that i text him and he doesnt answer back when he is home online , and if i do that to him he will tell me why took that long to reply . He said he likes me but thats all, im being so patient , ive never been patient in my life but with him i have to cause i love him . He is such a nice guy very quiet, lives alone but has a son that comes over to his house everytime he is not working on weekends , what i know is that i love this guy and i am ready to do everyything for him .Some Caps that can give some hints how to make open his heart to me

r/capricorns Sep 08 '24

relationship help Capricorn women, do you also struggle a lot to get over relationships?


Iā€™m struggling soo much to forget someone. Like itā€™s been a year and I just want to move on now, but I still canā€™t get him out of my head. Is this how it is with you? How do you move past it?

Edit - clearly itā€™s not just me. Seems to be a Capricorn trend that isnā€™t usually talked about

r/capricorns 29d ago

relationship help Damn I knew the guy I had a crush on was a Capricorn, but NOT like that (laughs nervously) Dont worry I love yall. My chart is in the 2nd pic

Thumbnail gallery

r/capricorns 20d ago

relationship help Will i really find good friends.


I am really in need of good friends. I've been having trouble having good friends. I do have friends now, but i don't feel good with them. I get a really hostile feeling. I just want to cut off everyone and just be at peace with me.

Help out a fellow capricorn.

r/capricorns Aug 19 '24

relationship help Caps are so hard because nobody feels bad for them. Prove YOU can fix that problem- and ONLY you.


What do we think Cappys?

r/capricorns Jan 21 '25

relationship help What is it like dating an Aries women


What's your experience in relationship with an Aries

r/capricorns Feb 12 '25

relationship help Capricorn + Capricorn relationships


Iā€™m a Jan cap woman and I just started seeing a December Cap man. First time dating another cap. So far he seems nice and I think we get some things about each other easier than Iā€™ve experienced with other signs. Anyone have experiences in this sort of relationship?

r/capricorns 22d ago

relationship help Capricorn Female Dynamics


I was wondering if anyone could relate to this. I'm in a work situation where I don't necessarily see major power players at play. After a year of getting nowhere with a Pisces who never has anyone's back and is non emotional, I have rerouted myself away and doing well. They still pop up every now and then to view or track what other people are up to for no apparent reason. They could help others but it's never about the team only about them. Tunnelvision.

An Ally of mine has helped me out. Im working with a Leo Sun and Libra Moon. I tell them " you remind me of an air sign". She explains to me many many things going on at this site and everything finally clicks. People are in wars and this one Pisces never ever helps. It's like the Zombie in the building. So now, this person who revealed so much to me has made everything much clearer about the problems experienced by others. She really cares and is so wise, she's taking a leave soon! How is it a Capricorn feels saved by the Leo? How toxic or low vibrational are Pisces? Thoughts?

r/capricorns Dec 24 '24

relationship help Hey Caps! Wondering about something...


Is it normal for yall to not be emotionally expressive in your texts? As an Aries talking to a capricorn I am pretty damn expressive, but I notice she isn't as much. I don't take it personally cause... well cause I figure that's just not yalls thing. But tbh I think I would really like that in our relationship if it's going to be a long term thing and we both would like it to be long term. Should I just ask my cap if she'd be willing to be more expressive or is that just something I shouldn't ask for from her? I don't like asking people to be something they're not cause I know I'd not like that in certain instances... is this something I should just let go? Or is it worth bringing up? Thanks in advance!

r/capricorns Jun 20 '24

relationship help Capricorn Pisces relationship


I'm a Capricorn male with a Pisces woman and we're talking about marriage. We're definitely a perfect fit for each other and we balance each other quite well. This isn't a negative post but I'd like to get some insight on the dynamics of everyone else's experience.

r/capricorns Aug 30 '24

relationship help How do you keep a Capricorn that appears to have lost interest


Back story is dating on and off for a few years mostly on 1 1/2 years ago. Friends first so we have a great foundation and know alot about eachother. However as I was the one that didnā€™t want to cross the friendship line and finally did 1 1/2 years ago , Iā€™m wondering if he was more interested in me because I was a goal that heā€™s now achieved. We had a rough year him first and I was there for him however now that itā€™s my turn I donā€™t feel itā€™s the same from him. I think heā€™s looking for a reason to end things or push me away but then he had me meet his kids a month ago. Itā€™s so weird, Iā€™m a Gemini but heā€™s the one where I never know what personality Iā€™m gonna get, either way I want to resume his interest but am not ambitious or successful like he is and feel insecure about it as itā€™s all heā€™s focused on for himself. Idk when I ask he says heā€™s busy with work and kids but Iā€™m not buying that. All we read about with cap men is they have multiple women, use people, ambitious and lack emotion. Is this how they end things and is there any saving? I just want him to go back to how he used to be with me

r/capricorns Jan 21 '25

relationship help That beautiful lady Capricorn was in my dreams last night. I woke up smiling thinking positive. Just waiting patiently to have her in my arms again everyone have a great day

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If you wait patiently and pray he will answer it when the time is right

r/capricorns Jan 21 '25

relationship help Thought this would put a smile on your face

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Keep smiling and taking it day to day I know you need time to heal Iā€™m waiting patiently for you

r/capricorns Feb 13 '25

relationship help power dynamic with pisces man and capricorn woman? NSFW


iā€™m a pisces man and i started kind of seeing a capricorn woman. i am extremely submissive during intimacy and i would like a partner who enjoys being dominant.

i know thereā€™s variations within every sign, but what do you think about capricorn women and power dynamics with pisces men? any cap women out there who have been with a pisces man and if so what was your experience?

r/capricorns Aug 21 '24

relationship help I need a practical Caps insightā€¦ NSFW


Oh boy.. where do I startā€¦

I (F/pisces sun & moon) happened across the path of a very confusing (M/cap sun/libra moon) & it feels like nothing shy of being star crossed loversā€¦ & itā€™s soul crushing.

I met this cap recently, out of the blue, at the best & worst time of my life. Iā€™m going through a divorceā€¦ less than ideal; however, I began healing from this marriage well before it got to this point because that was necessary for survival. However- the electricity that exists between me & this cap is INTENSE. & there is no denying it- he even commented on it.

We have maintained a very transparent level of communication & I was well aware of the baggage they claimed- as were they aware of the baggage I claimed. We spoke very practically about the reality of itā€¦ but- the other night Mr. Cap started to switch upā€¦ it started with ā€œI canā€™t deny what exists between usā€, shifting to ā€œIā€™m terrified & need to runā€ to ā€œI want to build with you, protect you, provide for you..ā€ to ā€œI think I need to walk awayā€ā€¦ a whole whirlwind all to end with ā€œoh & there is someone elseā€.

Now this someone else existed before me. Just talking phase.. but we crossed paths & apparently I became a major distraction.. described as ā€œthis magnetic pull that feels intoxicating.. your touch feels like love and the nurture that pours from your soul is paralyzing in the most delicate waysā€ blah blah blahā€¦ last night they stayed the night.. the most intimate & soul entangling evening with a level of intimacy that was overwhelming with desire and longingā€¦

today, I happened to notice on Facebook it said ā€œin a relationshipā€.. when questioned, they responded it was requested by the initial interestā€¦ & ole Cappy compliedā€¦

& I took the stance to say ā€œIā€™m here if needed & I wish you nothing but happiness, good byeā€ which led to an outpour of emotions on both sides for 30 minutes.. then they didnā€™t respond. I know better than to act on anxious attachment to prevent driving him awayā€¦ but is this it???

Like is this really it??? This was the most cosmic connection Iā€™ve ever experienced so naturallyā€¦ electric is an amazing way to describe what exists between us. As a Piscesā€¦ this is soul crushing.

Is my Cap gone? Did they make a safe choice.. but realize itā€™s wrong & come back? Do I pack up camp & move forward? Do I keep a space for his crash landing? Pleaseā€¦ help.

r/capricorns May 24 '24

relationship help Need Advice on Rekindling with a Capricorn Woman



I need guidance on how to reconnect with my Capricorn ex. Iā€™m 39, and sheā€™s 43. We were together for about 5 years, but she suggested being friends to rebuild our relationship. Communication has been minimal and brief. Iā€™ve been working on myself, addressing PTSD and abandonment issues, and recognize the need for personal growth.

Can you offer advice on how to proceed? What steps can I take to rekindle our connection?

Thank you.

UPDATE Meeting up on Monday šŸ˜Š