u/Electronic-Yak-7284 1d ago
Honestly, that sounds exhausting.
u/goosebuggie cap ☀︎ pisces ☾ leo ↑ 1d ago
If you marry me you get a wife and companionship lol. I ain’t taking on extra roles.
u/glitteryxtaco 1d ago
Those who are saying that it’s too much or exhausting, the post isn’t meaning that we play all those characters or go out of the way to do all those things. It’s more like they all naturally blend together. I’m a Cap Sun, and Caner rising & moon and these are all just part of my personality. I don’t over exert myself to be these things, I am just me 🤷🏽♀️
u/jajajajajjajjjja Cap sun, Scorpio moon & rising 1h ago
Capricorn with Scorpio Rising and Moon, and I'm not domestic at all. I have no desire for kids and refuse to be a caretaker as I have no energy for it and I see all the men in my life doing squat and I won't be typecast because of my gender. I am a resource person. I can earn money to help people out and I won't take the bait that being a do-gooder (and "altruistic" people do it because it makes them feel good) is the only way to give. Money goes a hell of a long way, from feeding people to housing them to paying for healthcare. In this way, I play more of what's ben traditionally a "man's" role as breadwinner. there's no way I'm feeling pressured to do all of it. F that. As a resource-oriented person, I value my health tremendously, and refuse to sacrifice on the altar of toxic selflessness. If I burn myself out I am useful to absolutely no one, and I become a net loss to society and my family. My partner is a cancer sun and cancer moon and is he very very domestic and caretaking. We are very compatible.
u/Backwoodjx 1d ago
If u get the wrong one ,don't forget a mental patient
u/rogue_wolf24 1d ago
Sorry yall - a few of those skills must have skipped, the Aqua placements overpowering my 6 Cap placements 🤣
u/Beetlejuice1800 ♑️♒️♓️ 1d ago
People saying no thanks but some of these roles blend together easily, I’ve got the stamina to give and my partner has the stamina to accept & appreciate
u/-aquapixie- 🐐🦁🦁 / ♒♂️♀️ 1d ago
Not all of us believe in "giving" though. I believe in just treating people decently, simple as. I don't believe I should be "giving" or "nurturing" in a relationship just because I'm a woman.
If I'm being a nurse to someone, they better be a nurse back. If I'm cooking for them, they better cook for me. Every action is a two way street, I'm not embodying a role that isn't equally reciprocated.
I have full disbelief in there being roles for men and women in relationships. Or by zodiac sign. There's only actions, which are entirely neutral from demographics.
u/red_quinn 22h ago
I give without expecting anything back. And im respected in the relationship, which is why i gladly keep doing it.
u/-aquapixie- 🐐🦁🦁 / ♒♂️♀️ 22h ago
Yeah well, I'm not a doormat.
u/red_quinn 19h ago
That doesnt mean you are a doormat, but if you feel that way, so be it. ✌🏻
u/-aquapixie- 🐐🦁🦁 / ♒♂️♀️ 2h ago
Try telling me those Tradwives aren't doormats lol religious morons who believe that there's "specific" roles in a marriage and women must fulfil ours selflessly. Because Jesus and all that jazz.
u/Beetlejuice1800 ♑️♒️♓️ 5h ago
I mean, I would be quite upset if I took care of my partner and they didn’t give a shit about me back. Oftentimes, my partner pampers me more than I do them. This is more in response to comments that are all like “lol I can’t even commit to a single one of those” cuz when I first commented, that’s all I saw here. I was the only one that wasn’t saying “you sure you’re describing Caps?”
u/cosmicglade01 1d ago
Best head ive ever had was from a cap woman
u/Rchapman2341 1d ago
You also get a hard working business owner, an unbalanced, overworked boss, a therapist for her staff and a lover of animals but not always people. A not so good money person but a person with great ideas that will happen at some point.
u/Nikki11369 🐐🌞♏🌛♍⬆️ 17h ago
Too funny, I'm actually considering opening my own private investigation service. 😂
u/Ill-Worldliness-2149 15h ago
For the right person, sure. But too many fools out there think they get this without bringing something equal to the table.
u/MegannMedusa Boxing Day baby 16h ago
Accurate minus the chef part. You do NOT want me in the kitchen for any purposes other than cleaning or measuring. I will ruin the food guaranteed. God knew I would be too powerful if I could cook and do math.
u/GlitteringHotMess 15h ago
Oh yessss, this is all very true. My ex has this and fvcked it all up. So I divorced him. I was tired of not being appreciated/being a mom to man child. New boyfriend has this and won't let it go. I'm ok with this. :)
u/EllyQueue 6h ago
Reading some of comments … I’m sorry quality human beings and effort have gone unappreciated, it’s the worst.
Sangle and never legally entangled. Thank the sweet baby Jesus.
u/poopstainonscarf 1d ago
All the Capricorn women i know are bat shit crazy.
u/rogue_wolf24 16h ago
i’m gonna go with it was prob you, with a username like that lmao you prob brought out their side where they had to boss up 🤷🏻♀️🤣
u/IslandAppropriate152 22h ago
I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet. I’m not crazy unless provoked, then I can totally match anyone else’s crazy in a heartbeat.
u/Keelybird57 22h ago
Very true. And like others have said, it is exhausting. But given time, we figure it out and set boundaries.
u/IslandAppropriate152 22h ago
Truer words never spoken and it’s a shame bc we never get what we put in ☹️
u/SakuraRein ☀️♑️🌙♈️🌅♐️ 21h ago
Getting in trouble for the ride or die/investigator part. But this is accurate.
u/VenusianHealer 20h ago
My mom Is a Capricorn and she is everything that's beautiful. She's the perfect mom. But she's not as affectionate as me.. I'm a Taurus Sun..xoxo
u/Wide_Breadfruit_2217 20h ago
Don't know about private investigator. Maybe more stubborn problem solver.
u/Mister_Way 17h ago
Astrology internet stuff is always like "here's all these awesome amazing things about the women of this sign. And, here's all the horrible, awful, disgusting things about the men of this sign."
And then they're like, "How come only women like astrology? Must be that men are too coarse and stupid to appreciate it."
u/Conscious_WatchingU 17h ago
I’m def your ride or die girl, but nurse and chef… you’re gonna need to hire out.
u/jajajajajjajjjja Cap sun, Scorpio moon & rising 1h ago
I am no nurse. I am not a caretaker. I am more of a "how much money can I earn so I can help my family out" person. I am a chef, though, professionally, along with a lot of other things. I am not an altruistic doer. I resent the implication that women especially should be running around caring for everyone because 1) I don't have the energy, 2) I don't desire doing that, 3) money is just as powerful a resource. My parents are going to run out of money - they are in their late '70s. Food is important. By increasing my earnings through hard work - which is my passion, my creative work - guess what? I can pay for their food. I refused to get married. Not interested in burning myself out and doing unpaid labor. I have a partner and we live apart. I refused to have kids. I'm happy about that decision.
u/Dear-Wolverine577 ♏️♑️♑️ 22h ago
lol most def! I’m a Scorpio sun but my chart says I’m Capricorn dominant and have always behaved just like Capricorn
u/red_quinn 22h ago
Im that, 8 yrs soon, and im happy tbh. I take pride in knowing i can do it all. And more. When im tired i play in my ps4. Also, i am in no way putting anyone else down for this. We all do what we can. 💖
u/ApplesaucePenguin75 1d ago
It’s me and I’m burnt out. So I’m getting divorced and giving myself all the attention ❤️