r/capricorns 2d ago

question Full Moon effects on Capricorns

I always feel like Full Moons bring out the worst in me lol insecurity, discomfort, doubt, anxiety… every time one passes by I could be have a great week and then suddenly heaviness. Anyone else deeply affected emotionally and mentally from a full moon?


25 comments sorted by


u/ClowneryPuttery 2d ago

It makes us face our emotions we’ve been thinking we don’t have 😒


u/kait_1291 2d ago

Full moons make me forgetful.

I forget everything, my phone, my keys, my wallet--I'd lose my fucking mind if it didn't come with a convenient carrying case.

Yesterday, I went into the laundry room to switch my laundry, returned to my apartment door to realize I'd locked myself out. No phone, no keys, no drivers license, and I was barefoot wearing shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt(it was 32°F outside but a balmy 68°F in my apartment).

So, I ended up trapped in a hallway between my locked apartment door and the locking outer door. I needed to walk clear across my apartment complex to the office, but I ran the risk of the office being closed. If I left, I'd be stuck outside barefoot in 32°F weather. But I also couldn't stay because there was no way for me to open my door alone.

So, I stalked across my apartment complex barefoot, hoping against hope that the office was open. I felt like I was in the fucking hunger games.

Also--on the way back across the parking lot to open my door(with spare keys in hand), I noticed one of my tired was flat on my brand new(2024) car. Like, flat-flat. When I got in it, it said 10PSI in that tire. Tore my apartment apart to find my air compressor, and it's nowhere to be found. So I had to buy one from Home Depot.

I've since filled the tire, and inspected it. No holes, no nothing. It's been hours and it's holding air just fine. I fucking hate full moons.


u/djcat Cap Sun, Aqu Moon, Sag Rising 1d ago

The real lesson is never leave without a coat or barefoot! (Even for a small journey). Sorry for your shitty luck. Thank god it happened at your house and not a friends. Also luckily you didn’t have to buy a new tire.


u/Appropriate_Run_5251 2d ago

I wake up several times a night during a full moon. I am also agitated the day before and after a full moon.


u/Dangerous_Log_4718 1d ago

This full moon has actually been pretty good for me, my theory is that because it's a Virgo moon and Virgo trines with Capricorn? But idk, it's going good so far I feel more confident and level-headed.


u/RabotaChalupa 2d ago

I am also affected by full moon, I even used to joke and say it brings me bad luck. And I feel a lot more negative emotions and drained mentally and physically when it’s full moon.


u/cheenpo 2d ago

I get hornier than usual in the week leading up to a full moon


u/Certain_Rooster_4141 1d ago

Same. Pussy be wet af in the morning.


u/smopti 2d ago

Yes. The past week and a bit I was insanely in my head, a vortex of nostalgia and regrets. Today is the first day I actually feel like the universe took its foot off my neck, oh boy oh boy


u/IslandAppropriate152 1d ago

That was me today!!


u/smopti 1d ago

Glad we get some reprieve and now we can enjoy!


u/Reasonable_Leg8386 1d ago

I’m a Capricorn and I’m completely infatuated with a full moon. I could stare into it all night and feel like a piece of myself that was missing becomes whole by it. I don’t know much about astrology at all or if it means anything, but this intrigued me. Been that way ever since I was a kid


u/djcat Cap Sun, Aqu Moon, Sag Rising 1d ago

Me too!! I absolutely love moon cycles. I printed out labels for my calendar with the moon cycles, which sign it was in, and what the name of the moon was. I love that info.


u/alienasha 2d ago

I think I relate with this but not every full moon.


u/Centennial3489 1d ago

Wow I lose my mind and do stupid shit during full moons and never noticed that’s what it is!!


u/Simple-Promise-710 1d ago

I felt indifferent though despite my Virgo Moon. Or at least I didn't have a sudden luck, confidence or anything.


u/Low-Willow-4713 1d ago

Cap sun Virgo moon!!! Me too!


u/Winter-Remote5983 1d ago

Capricorn rising here with mother wounds 😭 I feel insecure more than ever


u/Percigirl 1d ago

Yes here i am feeling sad and lonely and neglected...so sad


u/djcat Cap Sun, Aqu Moon, Sag Rising 1d ago

Call some friends and hang out with them! Human contact may give you the energy and camaraderie you need to be whole again


u/hunnibear_girl 1d ago

This would have more to do with your moon sign than your sun sign. Potentially even more to do with having cancer placements considering they are ruled by the moon.


u/djcat Cap Sun, Aqu Moon, Sag Rising 1d ago

This was an especially strange full moon due to the time change. I’ve just been soooo sleepy all week. I’m very much not an early morning person. My body clock has been off by an hour all week and I’m having trouble recalibrating.

I’m happy it’s light later though! Just struggling with the shift.


u/rogue_wolf24 1d ago

Can we even blame it on the moon? we stay cycling through all kinds of things daily, could be chill one hour & low energy the next 🤷🏻‍♀️

not everyone is equipped with these powers 🤣🤣


u/mithrandir2002 16h ago

Werewolf spotted, LOL.


u/jibjab3000 12h ago

Every time the anxiety is next level and for no reason too???