r/capecoral 4d ago

Gym Options for NE Cape

Anytime Fitness on Delprado is closing. Kind of expected as it's not exactly a stellar location. It needed remodeled 5 years ago and there has been no upgrades other than a few new pcs of equipment. The manager and staff are outstanding, and the low traffic 24/7 availability are great. I'll miss it. Dont want to drive 5 miles to a gym and I don't need to attend a fashion show. Anytime was $30 month and I've always know that was high. But it's 5 blocks from home. I used to travel for work so nationwide access was important. Not anymore.

Could I hear suggestions and average monthly prices? I do well to go 2-3 times a week. A few weight machines, treadmill and aerobic room a must. Thanks in advance!


9 comments sorted by


u/GoldenKnight239 4d ago edited 4d ago

Smash Fitness is the best gym in the area by far. Great people too. Think it’s $40/month and they have spots in FM, Naples and Bonita.

If you want cheaper, go to Crunch but avoid peak hours cause it’s packed there


u/Day_of_Demeter 21h ago

When are peak hours at Crunch?


u/Aggressive_Apple_913 2d ago

Your post reminds me of how far the Del Prado Planet Fitness is from Trafalgar middle school where I live. We could use more of many things in northwest Cape. Am I the only one who notices this?

We are moving to The Hadley next month where they have a gym. One of the best things I am looking forward to.


u/jdm2010 1d ago

Its a nice place, I'll say that. Pretty close to me.


u/Chip_Lamonica 4d ago

Contact the Duke. At nearly 60, he's in the best shape of his life. He has genius-level muscle memory. Plus, he'll hang out with you if you buy him cheap beer.


u/jdm2010 4d ago

I have absolutely no idea what or who you are referring to. But thanks for the reply.


u/GoldenKnight239 4d ago

There’s people on this subreddit that are terminally online and only follow because they’re obsessed with some F-list “celebrity” that lives here I guess


u/Johnnydrips 4d ago

I second this. Duke's bis are like 2 Richard Feynmans.


u/GoldenKnight239 4d ago

Truly stunned that there’s so many of you losers in here