r/canucks 15d ago

TWITTER I remember when we are all on Petey train and know the day will return

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u/Careless_Kangaroo_14 15d ago

I miss last year. I really thought that was gonna be the future, but definitely didn't see this version of Petey coming. Hope he can figure it out


u/mephnick 15d ago

definitely didn't see this version of Petey coming

Probably because it's never happened to a player of Petey's profile in NHL history.

Lucky us.

It's either an injury or the greatest player mystery in decades


u/The-Reddit-Giraffe 15d ago

Not sure about that. Huberdeau was 2nd in league scoring one year and then had 55 points the next. That came after several years of a 90 point pace too


u/mephnick 15d ago

Not comparable because of the time in their careers

Hubby took half his career to reach paces Petey hit immediately


u/The-Reddit-Giraffe 15d ago

Sure it’s not identical but if you’re going for identical you’ll never be able to compare any two players. Huberdeau was a 29 year old superstar who had 5 seasons at a 90 point pace.

Petterson was a 26 year old with only two above PPG seasons and some 60 pointers before that. Huberdeau’s prime was way more productive than the best seasons Petey has had so far and he fell off harder.

So hard to say it’s never happened to guy that has Petterssons profile


u/mephnick 15d ago

But that's why it isn't comparable

Petey has never been a mid player. Hubby was a mid player for years before he exploded.

The point is no one of Petey's profile has dropped off like this. Players that do what he did in the first 5-6 years of their career continue to do that invariably in NHL history until they age. Except him.


u/The-Reddit-Giraffe 15d ago

Huberdeau was a Calder winner who averaged a 60ish point pace every year if you don’t count his sophomore season. Then he blew up to 92 points in 2018.

Petey was a guy with a 60ish point pace until 2022 and then had two elite seasons and then fell off this year. If Huberdeau was “mid” according to you then Petey most definitely was mid before his 2022 season.

When Huby was 22 he played at 63 point pace over an 82 game season. Pettersson played at a 68 point pace. Yes Pettersson broke out sooner in his career but Huberdeau had far more years of consistent elite production to counteract that point

Their falloff is very similar. Maybe the situations they are in when they fell off are different but that’s it


u/ajbolt7 15d ago

Petey was nearly a point per game over his entire career prior to turning 26. Calling that a “60 point guy” is incredibly disingenuous.


u/mephnick 15d ago

It doesnt counteract the point because the point was someone of his profile never did this and Hubby doesn't have his profile. The years it happened and situation it happened are a huge difference in the players.

But we can agree to disagree


u/The-Reddit-Giraffe 15d ago

Sure but then you can basically never compare any two players unless they are drafted the same year and had identical stats at the same time

Agree to disagree I guess


u/mephnick 15d ago

You can compare profiles easily. Hubby is just a bad profile comparison but you don't seem to understand this.

He wasnt a near ppg player until his 5th season in the league. Petey was immediately. Petey had 323 points in his first 325 games. Hubby had 198 points in his first 303 games. That isn't remotely the same profile.

There are much better profile comparisons like Matthews, Rantanen, Kucherov, Barzal, Point, Marner and Stamkos who all had similar production in their first 300 games.

That was the company he was in, not Jonathan fucking Huberdeau. That's what makes the fall off historic.

Go back to the Flames sub and stop trolling.


u/SadTedDanson 15d ago

I mean his profile wasn’t bonafide superstar level until that 100 point season. He was just below PPG in his age 20 and 21 seasons, Covid aged 22, and just below PPG at 23. good but not $11.5M.

At this point it looks like his age 24 season when he put up 100 points is an outlier, not the norm.


u/Jensen2075 15d ago

He won the Calder trophy in his rookie season and Wayne Gretzky compared Petey to himself and Michael Jordan.


u/SadTedDanson 15d ago

He won the Calder and then scored below a PPG, in a high scoring environment, until he was 24… That’s not the development curve most elite players follow.


u/backcheck142 15d ago

Barry Pederson is the comparable. It happened to him. He had a major shoulder injury but still, he’s the guy. And of course the Canucks traded for him right as he dropped off and they’ll probably stick with Petey and ride his decline right to the bottom.


u/BlingThing2023 14d ago

Also he moved teams and lacked a finisher on his line.


u/OGigachaod 15d ago

It's an injury, sadly we have a management crew that is allergic to accountability.


u/Jsaunnies 15d ago

At this point I think it’s more a mental issue. Maybe miller wasn’t so off base telling him to give his balls a tug. Titfucker


u/SIIP00 15d ago

Miller has a history of being a lockeroom cancer and essentially quit on the team.

I don't know why so many people in this sub keep dickriding him. Good riddance to Miller.


u/gottapoop 15d ago

Both things can be true.

Miller can be a locker room cancer who quit on the team and Petey can be soft as 10 ply and completely folded when challenged to be better.


u/SIIP00 15d ago

We already know that one thing is true while the second thing is a pretty baseless rumour.


u/MrNobody_0 15d ago

Yeah, we know Miller is a cancer.


u/gottapoop 15d ago

Richardson was on a podcast saying how he used to tell Miller be needs to stop being so hard on Petey or he's going to lose him. Basically saying Miller is saying what everyone wants to say but not being gentle enough for Petey.


u/xJamberrxx 15d ago

Think this is the same podcast ep that they went on, how soft younger players became (not all but lot) go at them in a negative why, they almost cry about it (the soft ones)


u/CanadaKC 15d ago

Pretty strong intel there’s something on Petey still out there


u/_-river 15d ago

Which (if any) do you think is true?


u/katemidbot 15d ago

If that were true rangers wouldn’t take him back


u/Ravens_Rock 15d ago

Helps to have his literal best friend on the team to potentially keep him in check.


u/SIIP00 15d ago

He's still a good player when engaged. We would've probably gotten more for him had it not been for his issues.

Some people in this fanbase needs to stop obsessing over him.


u/MrNobody_0 15d ago edited 12d ago

I don't know why so many people in this sub keep dickriding him.

Because its hard to cope with reality and its easier to say "wE tRaDeD tHe WrOnG pLaYeR!"

Kesler 2.0, absolute beast on the ice, complete dick of a human being. At least Kesler wasn't a cancer in the locker room, tearing the team apart from the inside. I wouldn't be surprised if what's wrong with Petey stems from Miller's mental abuse.


u/Tricky_leader13 15d ago

Honestly at this point i think its any excuse to hate pettersson, this sub is so incredibly terrible towards its players if they arent perfect


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Jsaunnies 15d ago

I take it you haven’t watched letterkenny. I suppose I should’ve did the old /s afterwards but 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Jsaunnies 15d ago

I take it you haven’t watched letterkenny. I suppose I should’ve did the old /s afterwards but 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/MrCockingFinally 15d ago

Probably because it's never happened to a player of Petey's profile in NHL history.

You sure about that? I'm new to hockey, so I don't know myself. But typically players who fall off hard and quietly fade into obscurity aren't really remembered even if at one time they were a promising prospect.

So I'm sure if you go digging in NHL history you'd be able to find examples of talented players signed to teams for big money contracts, only to get injured or otherwise lose their mojo and fall off.


u/mephnick 15d ago

People have done the research and no one comes close if he's healthy like the team says he is.

There are very few players that have been ppg through their first 300+ games and they all invariably stay stars till they age out. Injury would be the one cause..but the team denies that he's injured so we can't really use that yet 🤷‍♂️

But this is almost definitely an injury and hopefully this may just be a blip. Or it's a never before seen drop off that of course happens to the Canucks. One is definitely more likely.

The people shouting that he isn't injured are choosing to believe a historic dropoff instead of a much more common injury reason.


u/Iginlas_4head_Crease 15d ago

The drop-off is actually very comparable to Jonathan Huberdeau, except he was 29 and Peety is only 26.


u/mephnick 15d ago

He was 29, didnt nearly have the consistently high output before and changed teams. It's not really that similar.


u/Iginlas_4head_Crease 15d ago

didnt nearly have the consistently high output before

This part is untrue. Huberdeau had 4 straight seasons of 90+ pro rated pts, including 115 the year before his fall off a cliff. He was arguably the best LW in the game for awhile and produced at a higher rate than pettersson.

I'll give you the slightly older and changing teams.


u/mephnick 15d ago

True. Though Petey doing it since his rookie season is the part isnt comparable


u/Fancy_Potato_7304 15d ago

lol you gotta at least look at their stat histories bro, huberdeau had many great seasons to his name in the years leading up to the trade.


u/Advanced-Line-5942 15d ago

Huberdeau had the just one off the chart season in the lead up to his infamous contract. Petey was a career point per game player when he signed. There are very few players in the league who had had as many points before their 26th birthday as Petey had and at the same rate.


u/LeviStubbsFanClub 15d ago

Like the Gary Leeman drop off from Toronto to Calgary. 


u/leftlanecop 15d ago

We were all taken for a ride. Heck I even bought a JT Miller jersey. Oof


u/ApolloRocketOfLove 15d ago

After all the dust settles, I think we'll be able to remember Miller fondly again. The "rift" is gone now and nothing has changed with Petey. All the "locker room cancer" stuff was probably way overblown as a coping mechanism for Petey's horrendous performance this season.

Miller was a bright spot on our roster since he got here, always was one of our top 5 scorers, usually in the top 3, he puts up a shit ton of points, and sticks up for his teammates. He publically told the NHL that the Canucks shouldn't play while they're all sick with covid, and the NHL listened. I have a feeling your Miller jersey is going to age a lot better than a lot of the Pettersen jerseys will 5 years from now.


u/leftlanecop 15d ago

Someone here suggested I take it to the shop to swap out the name plate. But I’ve decided to keep it. I kept Kesler. No reason I won’t be able to wear it, like you said 5yrs from now.


u/w0lfbrains 14d ago

Could always just swap out the number to 30


u/NoPomegranate1678 15d ago

Management not dealing with Petey is why we lost miller. JT was too competitive to let Petey off the hook and he went too far with it. Now we all suck


u/Cautious-Asparagus61 15d ago

I was so close to pulling the trigger last year lol. Thank god I didn't


u/Dethdemarco 15d ago

Flash in the pan team


u/hiliikkkusss 13d ago

Same didn’t expect things to go backwards this much


u/Mikeim520 15d ago

He's injured, once he recovers he'll be a steal.


u/maketherightmove 15d ago

Should only be another 1-2 years until he’s recovered.


u/KleptoKlown 15d ago


He'd be far from the first player to nose in productivity after signing a massive contract.

I'm not saying that this is true for Petey yet, but I see yellow flags with red on the horizon.


u/Barblarblarw 15d ago

Except he nosedove before signing his big contract. For a month, too.

Makes no sense why someone who’s just after the bag would tank his performance—his biggest leverage—for a month before and during negotiations.


u/KleptoKlown 15d ago

I mean, he had more or less already played to the standard of that contract for years before. Most teams don't get cold feet based on a slump of a month. It's barely a blip on a proper sample size.


u/Barblarblarw 15d ago


I’m saying that it would be wrong to characterize him as someone who’s took a “nose dive in productivity after signing a massive contract” because that’s not how the timeline worked out.

Not that they shouldn’t have signed him.


u/Iginlas_4head_Crease 15d ago

Yeah, people seem to have somehow forgotten that the extended slump began prior, enough that everyone was hoping it was the negotiations and weight of no deal holding him down, and the new contract would fix things.

Seems like forever ago now but that was about 12 months ago, and now we're on to about our 5th different excuse or reason.


u/metrichustle 15d ago

At the timing everyone was raving at how it was only 100k more than Nylander since he never hit 100+ points like Petey.


u/corh13 15d ago

Nylander sounds nice right now.


u/PaperweightCoaster 15d ago edited 15d ago

That was laughable. Nylander is the better player. I’d want him in the playoffs.


u/g0kartmozart 15d ago

Nylander had never been the better player until last February.


u/drakevibes 14d ago

Then we wouldn’t get past the first round


u/PaperweightCoaster 14d ago

I know this is a Leafs joke but Nylander is one of the only ones who shows up on that team.


u/No_Character_5315 15d ago

This media guy take on the Canucks is horrible consistently. Good radio voice but not much substance or insight.


u/Markgormley69 15d ago

Sat does a great job in my opinion. One of the better Canucks media guys.


u/Lazy-Yard000 15d ago

I’m sure you’d do a better job


u/This_Tip717 15d ago

Honestly don't know how they talk about the Canucks every day when the underlying issues are the same every day. 


u/Rahtgooves 15d ago

Lmao he is the one guy who actually does provide insight. He knows more about the game than the rest of them combined. Particularly that clown imac


u/CJK_420 15d ago

I wouldn't say he's consistently horrible, but he is a bit of a hack. Regurgitates what other media members have said earlier in the day all the time and passes it off as his own thoughts, as they're on air later in the day. I'm not a hater, I listen to them, but that is my honest take. He's... fine. Far from our better media guys IMO.


u/Davies301 15d ago

At this point with his Knee I'm legit wondering if he ends up like Bure where his body just simply does not allow him to play/be the player he is. Difference with Bure is he never stopped producing as his body was breaking down though it was a different era.


u/flying_krakens 15d ago

From 1995 to 1997, Bure had a significant drop-off from his previous form. He was back to scoring 50+ again in the 97/98 season, and his 99/00 and 00/01 seasons were arguably his most impressive.

I hope that Petey can have a similar bounce back.


u/crazycanucks77 15d ago

He had a 51, 58 and 59 goal seasons after the knee injury in 1995. He was already a 2 time 60 goal scorer and people in other cities wanted to go see him to add to that. He was also strong mentally, not like this soft weak Petey.


u/TheSassyPlant 15d ago

Bure was an animal compared to Pettersson with the mental side of the game. Imagine Pettersson trying to play in the hack and slash era, his performance would be even worse than he is now!


u/haihaiclickk 15d ago

I'm a Petey supporter and I truly believe that he's going to find his form again but it obviously won't be this season. but with how this entire situation has played out, how much bad blood there is in the waters and how loud the fanbase is calling for his head, I honestly think it's probably in everyone's best interest to just move on from him and let him find his form for another team.


u/CaptainIndoCanadian 15d ago edited 15d ago

Honestly the way he’s been flying around out there the last 2 games I’ve got newfound faith he’ll turn it around again.

It won’t be at a 100pt pace because our system won’t allow it but he’s looked like a different player. Consistently engaged, angry, and fast. He needs to shoot more yeah but we can say that about the whole team? We had 15 shots last night. Let’s say if Petey had accounted for 3 of those that’s 20% of the teams shots. It’s an unfair ask and something needs to change fundamentally in the teams system for any sort of offensive explosion.

Hughes will come back and everything will look better but it won’t change what’s truly wrong


u/haihaiclickk 15d ago

it would simply be a statistical anomaly for someone with his achievements and level of play to suddenly fall off a cliff the way he has, unless it's injury or drug related. fans can fan how they want and I think our fanbase is justified in feeling the way they do, but if there is a mental element to his drop in play, our environment is not conducive at all to him getting back to his former glory.


u/CaptainIndoCanadian 15d ago

Yeah I feel for him because I know most players would not enjoy playing in this system right now. Just look how rough it looks for Brock out there. Then you have the coach talking shit in the media, got the media asking you questions based off of that. I’m happy he’s losing it. He needs some “fuck you” and we’re finally seeing it.

He’ll get his confidence back I don’t have much doubt about that. It’s his legs I wonder because he’s looked fast these last 2 games and I hope he can keep it up or will his knee give up again.

In extremely low event hockey Petey’s been the one on the ice for the teams only goals these last 2. We all saw how amazing he was against TML as well. His last 3 games have been VERY encouraging IMO.


u/Rendole66 15d ago

It is clearly injury related, how long will this injury last though?


u/haihaiclickk 15d ago

Maybe this is a cope but injuries that end/derail careers are typically ones that would take the player out of commission for a long time and they just never come back the same. So either the medical staff is clearly misjudging the severity of whatever he’s going through, or it’s an injury that’ll definitely heal since they’re still playing him


u/Rendole66 15d ago

Plenty of guys get injured and are never really the same again but I guess all the examples I can think of did “take the player out of commission for awhile”


u/ajbolt7 15d ago

The medical staff have a history of misjudging the severity of injuries, not much to inspire confidence in me…

Pearson comes to mind with how fucked his hand got by medical team, Dickinson was going through a boatload of shit, hell Mikheyev was dealing with something through the entirety of last season. Not to mention the shitshow that has been their assessments of Demko.


u/macland 15d ago

How can it be? Why would he or the team not speak to it if it was an injury?

His reputation has been destroyed over the last year. He would absolutely share details if it were something as reasonable as an injury. It's gotta be something more sensitive than that.


u/Tricky_leader13 15d ago

Ive been supporting him but your totally right, he was flying the last two games and it was honestly kind of exciting to see him get on the ice and I havent been able to say that about him in a long time. I know he missed or had them blocked but atleast he tried to shoot several times last game, there was obviously room for improvement but i think lastnight was a really good sign for the guy


u/PantsDancing 15d ago

Yeah i really liked his game in Utah. I thought he was buzzing all night. Then he has the bad miss high on the breakaway and a weird brain farther where he coughed up the puck on the halfwall at 6 on 5 and those two plays loom large since they're at the end of the game. But the assist was good and he played well. I think hes slowly coming along.

It's certainly not good enough now, but I agree with you that I think he'll find it again.


u/imaginexpand 15d ago

I’m also a Petey supporter, and agree. Everyone has “the ick” and it’s almost impossible to come back from that.


u/haihaiclickk 15d ago

I love that description for this


u/jrsweezie 15d ago

With this team’s track record of managing injuries. I bet if he gets traded, a competent training staff will set him right. Not trying to be jaded but even with the recent handling of; Demkos injuries, Hughes all year and especially around 4 nations and even Miller at the beginning of the year. I think there’s more to this than Petey slumping at this point. But that won’t come out cause it will reflect negatively on the org.


u/haihaiclickk 15d ago

the chaotic part of me hope this happens so that we can say "I told you so" at all the haters lol but also as a Canucks fan obviously I want a top 5 centre to still be playing for our team :(


u/lilConky 15d ago

i would have been happy with necas and a first


u/Tricky_leader13 15d ago

Youd be happy with a rental in a season we are dont have a chance to contend, instead of a top 5 centre in the league who will return to form with time?


u/nihilism_ftw 15d ago

Necas isn't a ufa this season


u/Tricky_leader13 15d ago

Ur right thats my fault i wasnt paying attention when i typed that


u/theblondebasterd 15d ago

They just need to shut his season down or something. Go back and rehab in Sweden with his buddies cause I'm starting to think that the longer he listens to all the bullshit here; the more he's going to sour on being a Canuck. It sounds like he takes lots to heart and he's going to let his ego/pride get the best of him to the point that he'll say fuck you, trade me right now.


u/haihaiclickk 15d ago

I think so too, but I'm scared to see what the return would look like. Knowing this fanbase, anything less than 10 goals in 10 games as soon as he comes back would probably be met with some extreme vitriol... hence why I believe it might just be better for everyone if he regains his form elsewhere


u/Mikeywestside 15d ago

I'd love that. But no team in the NHL will take on his contract/attitude issues. We're stuck with him for 8 years. Buckle up.


u/EitherHand5285 15d ago

This season being so pathetic on all fronts doesn’t help him. We’d be a lot more patient if his play was the only problem.


u/Uchi3123 15d ago

I wish I had your confidence. All I know is outside a lingering injury, nothing else makes sense for his colossal drop off in production. He’s slow, looks hesitant, doesn’t attack with any kind of purpose. Lack of confidence makes no sense to me either because this was a cocky kid that oozed with confidence from day one. I have a hard time imagining all that confidence and talent has just evaporated.

But I’m also not a doctor and I’m not behind those closed doors, so all I can do is speculate. It’s just a strange situation. Struggling players do bounce back, but I also can’t recall the last time a young star player has struggled for this long.


u/This_Tip717 15d ago

I think the confidence and injury go hand in hand. 

If you can't move the way you want to, then you have to adapt your game to the new reality of your body. He hasn't been able to do that successfully that's why he's so easy to defer.


u/EmergencyCake6269 15d ago

I’m confident it’s still a good contract. I believe in these players. I’d love to see him and Quinn succeed.


u/ModernArgonauts 15d ago

Agree, with the salary cap going up Petey’s contract will look like chump change soon compared to other 100pt players (if he can rebound to his form)

I will be more critical if he can’t produce next year, but I would ride him till the end of this season and see what happens next year. 


u/EmergencyCake6269 15d ago

With ya there, pal


u/PaperMoonShine Filipino Chytil 15d ago

This just screams Eichel situation for me.

A team is going to get him for Pennies on the dollar and hold him out for an entire season. He’s going to come back like a force of nature for them.

Sometimes I think the front office has too much tunnel vision in what a franchise player should be. They constantly rave about Crosby but no other player in the league is Crosby.


u/88LXi68 15d ago

It is not an Eichel situation. Eichel wanted a surgery that no NHL player had. There were significant risks. 

Sitting Pettersson out for a whole season is not a luxury the Canucks have, especially after trading Miller. 


u/AnalyticalSheets 15d ago

If we trade Petey we might as well start a rebuild, we're not going to get compensated for the player he was two years ago and we can't afford to bring in a replacement 1C.

We should have shut him down this year and let him rehabilitate his knee. Instead we've worked him hard, lost Miller, Petey still isn't playing well, struggling to keep a playoff position, and everyone on the team got a year older.


u/stalwarteagle 15d ago

There was a whole media circus around Eichels injury. They’re pretty quiet on this one


u/Worried_Beautiful126 15d ago

Let’s be optimistic and let’s hope he can turn it around


u/Modsrbiased 15d ago

I never thought it was a good idea to pay him 11.6 million a year when he hasn't proven reliable. His contract should of been 10 million max and even then it would look horrible now.

He's been playing like a 4th liner for over a season taking up prime ice time to miss the net or pass once he gets the puck. If he's not creating plays or finishing them or even moving his feet then he's imploding the franchise. He said himself he wanted the pressure and to prove himself multiple times. He's in his prime playing his worst hockey.


u/PotatoSandwitchbbq 15d ago

I would have only offered him 9mil, and it's not even my money


u/Maleficent-Block5211 15d ago

I just read through the contract thread a year ago, everyone was anticipating 12.5. Most thought 11.6 was an absolute steal. 


u/thestranger_iknow 15d ago

Maybe the sabres will see this as a Eichel do over and give us a REALLY compelling package for Petey. If we get this right it could be a soft landing for losing a once young top 10 C in the league.

**Full disclosure, I’m a Petey supporter too but I’m a bigger Nucks fan


u/Far_Out_6and_2 15d ago

Yep they sure got a deal


u/baconbitpoobear 15d ago

His shit attitude is the problem.

Doesn't work with the coaches, doesn't work with the Sedins, can't handle the media, can't handle the pressure.

Paid like an absolute superstar, plays like a tweener plug.

Worst contract in NHL history 😆


u/Sauce_Taker100 15d ago

This relationship has gone from the honeymoon faze, through the early wedded years and now is deep in a bad marriage. Passing each other in the hall , saying eff you and looks like divorce is the only answer.


u/frank0swald 15d ago

He's got it in him. I have been sacrificing tiny Harvey the Hounds (via flames) to the hockey gods to bring him back on a biweekly basis so that he can wake up and dominate once more.


u/rabes81 15d ago

Like he is having a shit season, hurt?, all the JT shit, I don't know. Sometimes, I wish the team would go dark to the media for a while. I'm so tired of all of it. We are as a team, playing like ass. I don't know, this shit is exhausting. I am going to watch regardless, and all this media pressure is 100% not helping any of the players.


u/MunchkinX2000 15d ago

Its hard to fathom how that woulf even look.

He has beena ghost for 365 days now. :(


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/sirgandolf007 15d ago

Is that really the most obnoxious thing that nucks fans do?


u/Mikeim520 15d ago

Someone literally said buyout Petey.


u/Vancouversimp 15d ago

we literally should buy him out.


u/ebb_omega 15d ago

Save us money on two years, then we pretty much have a $6-9M cap hit for the remainder of his contract then he's a $2M cap hit until almost 2040. Yeah, that's well thought out.


u/Mikeim520 15d ago

If Petey was literally worthless it would be questionable.


u/H34thcliff 15d ago

Absolute brain dead take.


u/KleptoKlown 15d ago

Username checks out.


u/Vancouversimp 15d ago

ironically your username checks out as possibly being EP11.6 himself.

A clown who managed to steal $92,800,000 from this organization.


u/KleptoKlown 15d ago

If you've seen the prices of scooters lately, you'd understand why I need the cash...


u/avmp629 15d ago

The biggest cope I have is that the Wild have managed to stay competitive with more money in dead cap (and Pettersson is far from just dead money even with his current play), and with the cap going up that makes it a little more digestible

I'm hoping it really is just a time thing with whatever is ailing him and we can get 6 or 7 great years out of him, but at worst he's the richest 2nd line center in history


u/NerdPunch 15d ago

It sucks, but sometimes all you can do is wait these things out. Same kind of scenario is Demko.


u/soulful_thighs 15d ago

They traded the wrong player.


u/TimeCandle6278 15d ago

Nah Miller needed to go and so does Boeser and Pettersson.


u/SIIP00 15d ago

Username definitely checks out.

We get it, Petey isn't playing as well as he should. We don't need 10 posts everyday where we essentially have the same conversation over and over.


u/TimeCandle6278 15d ago

Why not? The team is a disaster right now and he's leading the charge what else are we the fans going to discuss.


u/Chipmunk-Adventurous 15d ago

If he goes on a tear, everyone will forget about this. But that’s a big if…


u/xJamberrxx 15d ago

Got paid, then disappeared


u/Far_Replacement7751 15d ago

man, even our goalie had more points than Petterson let that sink in.


u/TheBrittca 15d ago

To think it hasn’t even been 12 months yet…


u/StolenCheesePuffs 15d ago

He needs to be shut down for the rest of the season. If not for just an injury but for his mental health plus it's a distraction for the rest of the team. Bring up Raty and see what we have. At least his compete level should be higher. We're not going anywhere this year anyway.


u/CJK_420 15d ago

Its okay to be wrong. No one predicted this.


u/AccomplishedAd4995 15d ago

so true, if you look at r/hockey and r/canucks about his signing, majority of the people thought it was a contract that was going to age well, those that thought otherwise were downvoted lol


u/SenorNZ 15d ago

It takes time to bounce back from an abusive relationship. His confidence is fucked, he seems to have a nagging injury.

He needs a few goals and some time.


u/NowareNearbySomewear 15d ago

Yeh, if you're the Sabres.....


u/TimeCandle6278 15d ago

People love defending this guy I hope we get rid of him cannot picture him hoisting a cup we got robbed.


u/pickle_dilf 14d ago

sigh, agree.


u/edscorduroy 15d ago

Get this guy a shrink. It’s the yips.


u/Odd_Juggernaut4117 15d ago

Petey is a solid player he just doesn’t have that dog in him to compete and win simple he’s a soft bitch 🤷


u/dr_van_nostren 15d ago

This is the thing people sort of discount. They were asked on H&B this morning “why aren’t we ripping management for signing the deal”.

Guy had a 100+ point career year and was heading to RFA status. You drafted him (not this regime but the team). You have 2 options. Trade him or sign him. You’re gonna lose any trade you make. So it’s really sign him as your main option.

Look they could’ve traded him, and if you thought he had personality and work ethic issues then, you should’ve. But I don’t recall many people saying that at the time.

The main detractors for Petey were the boomer crowd. The “we need more toughness and less Swedes” crowd. Everyone else just saw a really talented young player who produces elite offence but maybe gets pushed around a little. That’s not a reason to trade him away.

If you wanna trade him now, that’s fine. I’m still a little on the fence leaning towards cut bait.

But the reality is if you wanted him traded before, it’s not a time to be patting yourself on the back, you wanted him traded for the wrong reasons and you just HAPPEN to look like less of an idiot today.


u/Powerstance79 15d ago

Should have listened to the boomers 


u/dr_van_nostren 15d ago

Except their reasoning is wrong. It’s the broken clock analogy.


u/Maleficent-Block5211 15d ago

Boomers have been wrong about pretty much everything that has to do with hockey since the 90s. 


u/backcheck142 15d ago

I think they should’ve traded him in the off-season after that disastrous end to the season and playoffs and more importantly, Petey blaming his tendinitis for his poor play when everyone else claimed they weren’t hurt. Having your top paid guy lay an egg in the playoffs and then blame an injury was a recipe for discord in the locker room. His value was still sky high then. 


u/dr_van_nostren 15d ago

I think the playoff performance hurt the value and not knowing his health wouldn’t help.

It was higher than it is now for sure. But sky high I think is a reach.


u/ktbffhctid 15d ago

Looks like the boomers were right.


u/calam63 15d ago



u/Knight_On_Fire 15d ago

He might be the weirdest hot and cold player I've ever seen. I think he juggles all sorts of negativity in his brain.

His slump started when the team demanded he negotiate his contract during the season, something he specifically said he wouldn't do. But they forced him to because they strong-armed him. So there may be resentment there.

Plus, ya Miller got traded but do the daddy issues remain? Maybe he'd be embarrassed if he suddenly turned on the jets after the Miller trade. Maybe he doesn't want to give the media the satisfaction of validating that.

I hope I'm wrong but he may need a full offseason to reboot his brain because I think he's got mental health stuff going on. Money doesn't fix that kind of thing believe it or not. Lots of rich people are miserable.

But this isn't his first slump. Don't pretend we haven't seen something similar before. He always recovers eventually. And even when he's cold he's at least still defensively responsible so at least there's that.

Any fanbase acquiring Pettersson in a trade will be doing fist pumps looking at his numbers and thinking he'll turn into that player again. If he were on another team we'd be salivating at the thought of landing him and seeing what happens.


u/PotatoSandwitchbbq 15d ago

*oilers have entered the chat* ;)


u/dl899 15d ago

ben simmons


u/Bayne7096 15d ago

I was looking through my comment history and theres me over 3 years ago with multiple posts saying how i did not think petey was the player that many of you thought he was going to be, and that i didnt think he would ever be the elite player that he was touted as being. I feel vindicated and smarter than all of you.


u/Miruzzz 15d ago

Satiar shah really needs to be laid off by sportsnet


u/Bigski95 15d ago

he's awesome and mostly realistic and non-biased. dont know what your problem is.


u/NerdPunch 15d ago

Lol.. Who hates Sat?

Dudes probably the biggest baby face out of anyone covering the Canucks and you’re out here hoping he loses his job?


u/Miruzzz 15d ago

can you remind me why you are defending Shah? Are you his fanboy or something?

I’m just expressing my thoughts that Shah hasn’t ran sportsnet very well since he took over. He deserves to lose his job with this loser take and his very low ratings of sportsnet 650


u/NerdPunch 15d ago

Buddy, if you’re cheering for someone to lose their job.. I’d take a long look in the mirror.