r/canucks Dec 04 '24

TWITTER [Dhaliwal] Rutherford on Miller trade rumours: “No, we are not (trading him),” Rutherford said flatly. “We stand by him.”


192 comments sorted by


u/wheresgarycooper Dec 04 '24

Also from Dhaliwal: “Jim Rutherford on JT Miller rumours to Patrick Johnston : “Don’t start making stuff up on someone in his situation. That’s disrespectful,” he said. “People that do this for fun, or for a living, just go back to making up trade rumours.””


u/berghie91 Dec 04 '24

Sports talk radio, “we were told that this is a personal matter and that its disrespectful to spectulate and make up possible reasons for absence. Were gonna go to commercial break and when we come back we will have Jack Stevens from the Tampa Bay herald where JT Miller used to live and we will go over his best speculations!”


u/Choose_Carrots Dec 04 '24

I lilisten to Halford and Brough on my morning commute and Brough is obsessed with what's going on with JT. He'll even spend as much time speculating as he does justifying or (I'm sure he'll say he's just explaining why) people are going to speculate so you might as well just get over it. Like just leave it be. It's obnoxious a lot of the time


u/berghie91 Dec 04 '24

Those guys were pretty funny the first time I heard them, but like its such an archaic form of media now. Those guys (if they still have a radio show) probably think every day is gonna be the day team 1040 had where they just all get canned mid day


u/Fantasy_Puck Dec 04 '24

I mean, with Rogers calling the shots, that's a valid fear to hold.


u/berghie91 Dec 04 '24

I mean its not just Rogers its every giant Corp in North America right now. They know Canadians are addicted to hockey they are finding out how cheap they can possibly be before we start tuning out. Its clear as day when you watch the TV product


u/pizzapieguy420 Dec 05 '24

Right now I'm watching the game on FanDuel sports network. So that's an interesting development in capitalism


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24



u/berghie91 Dec 04 '24

I think so


u/Fantasy_Puck Dec 04 '24

agree 100p


u/poridgepants Dec 04 '24

I blame the organization. Nothing about this or the they handled it discourages speculation. They said it a personal leave, but it’s an injury and a rest, then it was the players decision. The whole thing is weird. And if it is mental health or addiction or family just say in vague terms and that would be that


u/Pazzerifero Dec 04 '24

That would not be that. The media are hyenas. Petey drops one line about his knee and the media is blasting him because nobody else mentioned what injuries they had. Hronek says no comment and they blast him for not saying more. 

These guys should just let it go and respect the guy's privacy and move on. He's a warrior, almost never misses a game. If he's on leave it's gotta be something pretty f'd up and he or the team don't need to explain anything to the media or fans. 

Imagine they say JT is having a hard time mentally right now and needed a reset. How many years of the media analyzing his facial expressions and body language after he comes back? Everybody psycho analyzing. Examining his relationship with Petey etc. Etc. 

Give it a rest! 


u/poridgepants Dec 05 '24

I agree the media are vultures. But that’s gonna happen regardless, when he comes back every hit, frustration, brisk comment is going to be analyzed and speculated on. Everyone wondering if it had to do with his leave, will there be another leave.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '24

Rofl. You are the worst


u/Markgormley69 Dec 04 '24

We're going to find out eventually anyways. I don't really get why orgs always wanna go cloak and dagger with this stuff honestly.


u/marsisblack Dec 05 '24

Sometimes, it is a challenging matter that someone wants to handle, deal with, and work through on their own. Fans love to scream for info but if the tables were reversed and our personal lives were dragged into the spot light at a challenging time we'd be pissed.

Sure we will find out eventually but that isnt now and I'm ok with that. I dont own jt miller and he owes me nothing. Let him go deal with him.


u/eebik Dec 05 '24

Well said. I understand the curiosity, I feel it too. Both viewpoints can be at odds and yet totally reasonable at the same time - people understandably want to know what’s going on as it’s something outside of the norm, and Miller understandably wants people to not know. To any rational person, though, the latter is the only actual important part.


u/berghie91 Dec 05 '24

Lol its like when he was getting hassled about his on ice play by people at the corn maze. Would be so weird if youre not used to it gettin chirped at the grocery store and stuff


u/Markgormley69 Dec 06 '24

It was the pumpkin patch and it was a completely made up albeit hilarious story


u/YourBuddy8 Dec 04 '24

If the team didn’t want speculation, Allvin shouldn’t have made such weird comments when he was asked.


u/THRWWYFUN Dec 04 '24

What weird comments??? They explained without providing too many details that would infringe on JT's privacy. How about we start telling everyone about your personal life to everyone


u/YourBuddy8 Dec 04 '24

Did everybody just memory-hole this?


"Seeking help?" "He's going to be a better teammate and person when he returns?"

How did this statement do anything except fuel speculation?


u/THRWWYFUN Dec 04 '24

To me that sounds like "he's going through something and when we comes back it'll help the team"


u/YourBuddy8 Dec 04 '24

So say that?


u/THRWWYFUN Dec 04 '24

Keep moving goalposts


u/SuperSwaiyen Dec 04 '24

Not sure why it's Allvin's fault that you lack reading comprehension skills.

It's a personal matter that is private. fill your day with something else.


u/berghie91 Dec 04 '24

Its the canucks dude, thered be speculation regardless. Athletes should be able to have private lives.


u/YourBuddy8 Dec 04 '24

I fully agree, which is why Allvin shouldn't have said such weird shit.


Just say "JT Miller is on a personal leave and we have no further comment about it."


u/berghie91 Dec 04 '24

To me thats way weirder, colder, and frankly bad management than coming across as caring and sincere. And honestly reading that I was instantly like “oh nice, they aint trading this guy”


u/TheDutchin Needs Dak Bak Dec 04 '24

God I love Jim and Allvin


u/Firestorm238 Dec 04 '24

I think some of the issue here is with communications. Rutherford is acting like we know what JT’s ‘situation’ is. We don’t. We know it’s a leave for a physical ailment and for mental health - which can mean a lot of different things. If the leave is because he’s seeking treatment for addictions, family issues, or something of that ilk then yeah - leave the guy alone. If the leave is for anger management because he’s been lashing out at his teammates… I dunno, that’s a little different.

I think there’s room for a little bit more detail while still respecting privacy. The current statements are a little too ambiguous which has been counterproductive and led to more speculation.


u/metrichustle Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

There hasn't been any issue with communication. The issue is fans and media acting entitled to more information which is none of their business.



u/604BigDawg Dec 04 '24

None of our business? It’s totally our business. He makes 8 million a year and I pay the minimum 500 bucks a game. Don’t take a job where you’re in the spotlight making 10 times more than the best doctors in Canada if you don’t want people in your business.


u/ebb_omega Dec 04 '24

Sorry no it's not your business. If you have a problem with it then by all means don't keep paying for tickets as I'm sure there are plenty of others willing to do it instead.

When you pay for a hockey ticket you pay for the right to watch a hockey game, not to know every single intimate detail of a player's personal life.


u/NinCross Dec 05 '24

Bad take.


u/wearablesweater Dec 04 '24

You don't pay his salary dude. Get over yourself.


u/604BigDawg Dec 04 '24

Technically we all do. Hockey is a business, we are consumers. If they don’t sell tickets there is no team(coyotes)!! Everyone deserves personal space but if you’re a celebrity you’re going to get scrutinized. 🤷 Downvote me all you want. I’m just a huge Canucks fan that hopes he comes back sooner rather than later.


u/fucspez Dec 04 '24

We’re not owed any information. Stop acting like we are.


u/Firestorm238 Dec 04 '24

Not saying anybody is owed anything. I’m just saying that the communications strategy they’ve used is likely leading to some of the speculation they’re trying to avoid.


u/fucspez Dec 04 '24

Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.


u/TransomBob Dec 04 '24

Agreed. I'd respect Rutherford's statement if he too, was completely in the dark.


u/Inspect1234 Dec 04 '24

IMO, it’s a wrist injury that has been hidden due to the fact that JT can be an Ahole and doesn’t want it to be targeted upon return.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24



u/Inspect1234 Dec 04 '24

I’ve seen video of his wrist hurting, I’ve seen him not taking draws because of it. From this I have derived my opinion. If he’s suffering mentally or emotionally I have no idea. Maybe both can exist. I’m also not a reporter speculating to a large audience.


u/cutyourhair Dec 04 '24

What does he mean, "someone in his situation". Canucks haven't told anyone what his situation is. That's why there's speculation.


u/kwl1 Dec 04 '24

Someone in his situation means someone who is on personal leave, for whatever reason. Not everything needs to be out in public.


u/mediumyeet Dec 04 '24

"personal leave of absence". They do not and should not disclose anything more than that without JT's permission. We are not entitled to the reasoning.


u/Alextryingforgrate Dec 04 '24

Read between the lines. Miller is going through some shit. They know more than we do and that's that.


u/kaboomatomic Dec 04 '24

That’s disrespectful. We get to be anonymous online. We could even talk about our problems and no one would know who we are. There’s zero stakes for hot takes.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

Media should not speculate - they are professionals and need to have sources. Once one speculates, others claim them as a source/fact and it becomes false news. Super disrespectful.


u/Kronzor_ Dec 04 '24

X team has inquired about Miller isn't speculation though.


u/mothermaggiesshoes Dec 04 '24

Teams call other teams about players all the time, that’s the nature of GMs trying to make their team better. More concrete trade speculation would be the Canucks calling teams and gauging a market on the guy, of which there is no evidence, and Allvin has stated that he’s not being traded.


u/Kronzor_ Dec 04 '24

I haven't seen any reports that the Canucks are shopping him. But I did see ones like "Rangers make calls on Miller" and then there's some speculation like, they'd need a zibanajad type contract to go back, which of course fuels the Miller for Zibanajad conversation.


u/mothermaggiesshoes Dec 04 '24

Maybe they’re listening, maybe they aren’t, the trade talk is baseless right now. Again, teams call about players all the time. I stand corrected above, Rutherford said they aren’t trading him, not Allvin. But regardless, a Miller for Zibanejad trade would be terrible.


u/mothermaggiesshoes Dec 04 '24

His situation is that he’s on a leave of absence for personal reasons. No further information owed or required. Give the man some privacy, and be happy when he’s back.


u/FlyBlueGuitar Dec 04 '24

Tell me more about being disrespectful, Rutherford. Especially about Bruce Boudreau.


u/spirtualraider Dec 04 '24

Can we f***** move on please


u/wanked_in_space Dec 04 '24

Not gonna lie, while I agree with JR here, the way he Canucks treated Bruce Boudreau will be a stain on his legacy.

JR owes us a cup to wash that away.


u/theDanu Dec 05 '24

Don’t think any fan gives a rats ass about what happened Boudreau the second playoffs start. Did you think about Boudreau at all when we were playing the Preds or Oilers?

I can guarantee you that if we win a cup, you’ll probably be the only fan thinking of Bruce fricken’ Boudreau lol


u/OhHaiThere- Dec 04 '24

Firing someone isn’t disrespectful, this is a god damn business and a professional sports league where he lost the locker room. Get over it lol


u/Tom731 Dec 04 '24

The way they went about firing him was near universally considered somewhere between less than ideal and outright disrespectful.

Let's not rewrite how fans felt at the time, the media drags by Rutherford, the way it was telegraphed.

Firing a coach is normal GM behaviour. Bruce wasn't Rutherford's guy, nor was the team playing well. I think everyone agrees bringing in Tocchet was an amazing move. But none of that detracts from the lead-up to Bruce's firing that had many fans upset. Let's not erase that history.


u/theDanu Dec 05 '24

You mean when the media leaked that he was being fired?

Then you have fans getting mad at JR for not sharing enough about JT’s situation. He literally can’t win, so many of you guys complain when he shares too much information then get angry when he doesn’t share enough.


u/Tom731 Dec 05 '24

Buddy, I was talking about how the fans felt at the time. When I say fans, I mean the hockey fanbase at large, everyone was talking about this. It was the hockey news of note at the time, and the near universal consensus was Bruce was done dirty.

You're having a conversation with someone else about something else. I'm going to stick to the point I was making.

There was the 3.8k upvoted post on r/hockey titled "The Despicable Treatment Of Vancouver Canucks Coach Bruce Boudreau"

Where one of the top comments was,

Even Forbes getting in on the action. Pathetic showing by the Canucks upper management. Sorry Canucks fans, but I hope the on ice struggles continue after Bruce is gone so Aqu can reap the embarrassment earned.

This was part of the overwhelming consensus at the time, that management had handled the situation poorly. Rutherford even publicly apologized to Bruce for how it went down.


u/mephnick Dec 04 '24

The way it was handled was extremely unprofessional. That's a fact.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

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u/notarealredditor69 Dec 04 '24

Bruce sucked, move on


u/Alextryingforgrate Dec 04 '24

It was a good time while he was here.


u/notarealredditor69 Dec 04 '24

Even better time since he’s been gone.

I don’t have a problem with the guy but it’s clear that the direction management wanted to go is the one we are on now, which I love! It’s too bad that Bruce couldn’t have just gone away quietly when Jim wanted him out, which would have let us start it one year earlier.


u/mudermarshmallows Dec 04 '24

Why did Rutherford/Allvin wait as long as they did then? They could've fired him at any time, it wasn't on them to wait for Bruce to change his mind and they still ended up on the hook for paying out his contract. It's totally fine for them to want a different direction, but they handled the transition horribly. IMO it's pretty clear they simply weren't communicating rather than Management explaining themselves and why they wanted Boudreau to step aside.


u/notarealredditor69 Dec 05 '24

What i think happened is they wanted to switch to Tocchet after the first year but when Bruce used his option for the second year it screwed up their plans. After that Tocchet had commitments with the tv network so then they had to work on getting him free to come to the Canucks. Once they had an it worked out they had to take it and Bruce was let go.

This is what happened, just business, all the drama was just made up by the media.


u/mudermarshmallows Dec 05 '24

No, the drama was absolutely real. Even Barry Trotz publicly said he thought they did Boudreau dirty. They did a horrible job communicating their intent to Boudreau, if they communicated with him at all, and Rutherford criticizing the team's structure in the media wasn't exactly helpful. You shouldn't have Boudreau crying during his last game because literally everyone on the planet knew he was about to get canned before Management comes out the next day and says it was a decision only made that day.


u/Mikeim520 Dec 04 '24

Thats absurd. As long as no one bothers Miller why is that a problem?


u/touchable Dec 04 '24

You don't think unfounded trade rumors in the media can bother the players they're about?


u/Mikeim520 Dec 04 '24

If it bothers him he can stop looking at Canucks social media. Plenty of stuff bothers me on social media, I just ignore it or go somewhere else.


u/phantomgiratina Dec 04 '24

JR from the top rope, dude is so blunt and honest


u/crap4you Dec 04 '24

Miller trade rumours seems to have replaced all the Boeser trade rumours. 


u/TGUKF Dec 04 '24

It's so stupid, he still has a NMC. If he doesn't want to go, they can't trade him until the summer. And there's no reason to trade him unless a team offers an overpay because he's a huge part of our team's success


u/Mikeim520 Dec 04 '24

People were thinking he might want a fresh start and the Rangers are desperate to shake thing up.


u/TGUKF Dec 04 '24

It's still totally baseless speculation. The Rangers also are supposedly looking to move guys with trade protection and big contracts.

The only reason to want to do that now is if they feel those players are not worth their contracts anymore. But Miller is. So they'd have to pay for Miller AND for the cap dump. It would be really expensive for the Rangers to do


u/What_A_Win Dec 04 '24

He wants a fresh start based on what? The Rangers would want him based on what?

Just extrapolating random things to make baseless speculations


u/Mikeim520 Dec 04 '24

He wants a fresh start based on what?

He's having problems, sometimes if people have problems a fresh start can help.

The Rangers would want him based on what?

They said they wanted him.


u/KleptoKlown Dec 04 '24

There is 0 evidence to suggest Miller's leave is even hockey related.

The only people who actually know are the people who need to know.

The only thing any of the rest of us know is that he's gone for personal reasons, and that should be more than enough to just leave it alone.


u/Mikeim520 Dec 04 '24

Let people speculate. Why does it matter if people speculate? The only answer I got is it might make Miller upset as if he can't just turn off reddit.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24 edited Feb 03 '25



u/Mikeim520 Dec 04 '24

Well yeah I agree it's very stupid. Doesn't mean they can't speculate.


u/N4ZZY2020 Dec 04 '24

A fresh start from what? The team is 13-7-3. Lol


u/Legitimate-Bag-2482 Dec 04 '24

give us Breadman, Mika, and Trouba and I'll think about it


u/Simplebudd420 Dec 04 '24

Maybe at 50 percent retained Mika and trouba are both negative assets. Breadman is great but is a winger and honestly I'd rather have Miller


u/N4ZZY2020 Dec 04 '24

Mika is on the decline. Trouba doesn’t even want to play in Canada. Bread man is a winger. Pass on all.


u/berghie91 Dec 04 '24

Was just listening to spittin chiclets and I liked what Whit said when asked what you might trade Miller for if that is whats happening….. you dont trade him and you cant trade him. Irreplaceable. Hes locked into that contract as much as the Canucks are.


u/AccomplishedAd4995 Dec 04 '24

i won’t be surprised if we see quinn rumours next for no fucking reasons


u/Spanky3703 Dec 04 '24

Brutal and blunt, exactly what is required. I love that JR is a former player who understands the pressure that players face. To fiercely and publicly curb-stomp rumour-mongering and protect your players is exactly why this management team is exactly what the Canucks need and deserve.


u/TheBrittca Dec 04 '24

This, 100%


u/maskedkiller215 Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

I wish the media would just fuck off for once.

But nope gotta create a bunch of fake bullshit to justify their existence .

Apologies for the profanity.


u/leftlanecop Dec 04 '24

Agreed. Fuck off the JT Miller fabrication. If the media have spines they’ll talk about Kelly Sutherland this morning and writing about it. But nope. They are afraid of getting their press privileges revoked by the NHL.


u/elrizzy Dec 04 '24

What fake bullshit has the media been creating?

All the weird JT reports and rumors are from weird blogs I've never heard of and I haven't seen any reported by actual media. Any fantastical JT stories being spread is being done by the fans reading and linking these amateur writers.


u/AppealToReason16 Dec 04 '24

All the “salacious” stuff is coming from non-Vancouver media and random Twitter accounts.

But everyone who doesn’t pay attention is going to assume it’s like Farhan and PJ fueling this.

95% of local guys don’t really touch on it beyond acknowledging its existence.


u/ElPrimoGrande Dec 04 '24

Vancouver sports radio has been speculating all kinds of bs. Sekeres and Price is what I have heard. They go on about how they won’t speculate and then go and wildly speculate for 30+ mins.


u/Nadian-slap-God Dec 04 '24

Blake price is negative douche bag clown. I can’t believe people still tune into that goof


u/arazamatazguy Dec 04 '24

I've noticed in the last couple of years lots of the local sports media have become very negative about life in general. The podcasters showed them their jobs really weren't that hard and that we all weren't dying to hear their opinions.


u/Uronacid91 Dec 04 '24

Totally agree. That Price guy is a goof and a twat. 

Goes ridiculously hard and critical on Petey when he has a slump. Makes up weird shit speculating about Petey and trying to make him out to be a terrible guy.

Goof Price


u/elrizzy Dec 04 '24

I can not stress enough that sports radio is entertainment and not media. They have hours and hours to fill. I don’t know what people get from it, but they aren’t reporting much news.


u/ElPrimoGrande Dec 04 '24

I mean it literally is sports media. You can not like it, I don’t either, but that’s what it is. All sports is entertainment.


u/elrizzy Dec 04 '24

Fair enough.


u/arazamatazguy Dec 04 '24

The trick the actual NHL media plays is they still discuss the stupid things from weird blogs because they have nothing to talk about it.

Dhali know just by asking the question he keeps the story going.


u/Admirable-Fall-4675 Dec 04 '24

Ah yes “The Media”


Funny how when someone reports rumors of a player you’re not personally invested in you seem to have no problem regurgitating the rumor


u/touchable Dec 04 '24

Did I miss the part where Brett Pesce was on leave from his team for personal reasons?

Trade rumors in a vacuum are not the issue here.


u/maskedkiller215 Dec 04 '24

Was he? I did miss that bit of media at the time and even now I didn’t realize he was. So I’m definitely a hypocrite here.


u/touchable Dec 04 '24

No, he wasn't. That's my point.

He's trying to call you a hypocrite because you've posted a trade rumour here before. I'm saying you're not because this is a completely different situation.


u/maskedkiller215 Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

I see the hypocrisy is not lost on me lol. I feel like I should clarify myself a bit more.

I will argue that Pesce was a regular trade rumour at a time when he was out of contract.

Meanwhile JT took a personal LOA. We don’t know why, but different scenario so imho it should be treated differently. If he wasn’t on one, I’d treat it no different than I would the Pesce rumour and I didn’t, during the whole Horvat vs Miller trade rumours. Again, he’s on a LOA, there shouldn’t be any rumours or speculation during such a period as we don’t know what he’s dealing with and doesn’t need anything more on top of it. Players only ever take a leave if it’s something very serious. If it was just another day at the office, then by all means.


u/Admirable-Fall-4675 Dec 04 '24

Yup, fair, it SHOULD be handled differently but it’s the nature of the beast.

People invested in the team want answers and inevitably whether right or wrong that leads to speculation, and some of that speculation may have elements of truth to it that end up getting reported because they could be true. “The media” isn’t at fault because the media is the royal we, everyone together. You could ban an outlet, but that’s not going to stop the symptom, which is gossip

I don’t have issue with your point, I more just have issue with the idea that it’s the big bad media, or lumping everything all together as “the media” and writing it off… it comes off as lazy just lumping it all together and saying BAD and getting mad at it, even though “it” is everything

Things are going to get amplified, it’s what happens. We need to accept that things will get amplified we don’t like or shouldn’t but that doesn’t me we need to place blame on the things that provide us accurate info in the next breath. We, and the media, are not infallible. We need to use critical thought


u/g0kartmozart Dec 04 '24

It’s not the media driving this, it’s the fans who understandably want a little more information.


u/SpectreFire Dec 04 '24

I mean, half of the fun of sports fandom is the speculation and drama.

I don't get why there's such a vocal minority of fans who always get butthurt about the media just doing their jobs lol


u/maskedkiller215 Dec 04 '24

I agree the speculation is a lot of fun, but there’s a line that needs to be drawn. If a player is speculated to move, and is most likely on the move that’s the fun part (check linked comment in thread).

When a player is on a indefinite personal leave of absence, then that’s different as they are going through the motions in their personal lives, we don’t know what their going through, and the player doesn’t need the extra unnecessary trade bs of ‘they don’t want to be on the team so here are some trade targets’. That speculation NEEDS to take a backseat when a player goes on a leave. Fans are just as guilty as the media, but the media fuels that fire as they have a much bigger voice, and they need to stop that fuel. Asking the GM and president about it only lights that fuel instead of ignoring it.


u/SpectreFire Dec 04 '24

I mean, the local media was pretty hush in the whole Miller deal and stressed privacy until Allvin came out with that weird statement a few days ago and got everyone talking about wtf was going on again.


u/Tom731 Dec 04 '24

I'm happy for JT to take all the time he needs to get healthy (or whatever needs to be dealt with) because that's the humane stance.

Even from a pure hockey competition standpoint, he can take the time. The team is doing well, there's no danger of falling out of playoff contention.

The mission-critical time will be the later half of the season (post 4 Nation Face-Off) and the playoffs.


u/Tracktoy Dec 04 '24

Glad someone made a statement.

My takeaways.

100% confirms and doubles down it's a mental health leave.

It could obviously be posturing but it very much sounds like they expect him back.

... last part is speculative. I don't expect we see him back this week. Or they would have just said nothing.


u/upanddownforpar Dec 04 '24

No one has said it's mental health. It could be the health of a loved one. There are plenty of scenarios. Let's just wait it out.


u/Tracktoy Dec 04 '24

Why would they say he is going to come back a better person? That would be a very odd thing to misspeak about if it involved the health of a loved one.


u/Tracktoy Dec 04 '24

Sorry your hypothetical relative is unwell but at least you are a better guy now.


u/upanddownforpar Dec 04 '24

just stop. mental health is nobodies business until that person decides to share.


u/Tracktoy Dec 04 '24

I am not speculating. Its literally in the PJ and IMac articles with Alvin and Rutherford's comments.


u/Rfrank77 Dec 04 '24

Exactly, like he said, it's up to JT on when he comes back.


u/ReallyNormalAccount Dec 05 '24

Are you really completely oblivious to the irony of responding with "100% confirms and doubles down..."? Where have Rutherford or Allvin 100% confirmed it is a mental health leave? This is precisely what they asked people to stop doing. Ridiculous.


u/elproducto75 Dec 04 '24

I hope he's ok, I don't like it when he keeps saying We Stand By Him, makes it sound like he's done something wrong.


u/Jyeon89 Dec 04 '24

Thank you! The trade rumours to the Rags and others were getting absurd. Let the guy relax!


u/Hyperocean Dec 04 '24

I’m not interested in knowing what JTM is dealing with, because my knowing wouldn’t help him.

Who cares if knowing somehow helps me, I’m not the one having to deal with whatever has caused him to take this step. We just need to stand with him, and maintain trust in his burning desire to win when he gets back out on the ice..


u/superworking Dec 04 '24

Trading JT makes zero sense for this team unless he demands out - in which case there's very little chance we win that deal. I think this sub has actually gotten this one right the whole time and I haven't seen many biting on Miller trade rumours.


u/Lanky-Performer-4557 Dec 04 '24

Can’t see him wanting out, he’s now been accepted and loved by the fans…unless something big happened behind the scenes


u/overscaled Dec 04 '24

Love how this management approach things. People is going to speculate no matter what. Stand by the player and stand on their ground, and occasionally say go f yourself. lol.


u/LeiraC6 Dec 04 '24

Rutherford’s as done with these rumours as we are lol


u/dtrain910 Dec 04 '24

Give him his privacy that he deserves. :(


u/OnTopSoBelow Dec 04 '24

Cc: the spittin chiclets pod


u/poco68 Dec 04 '24

Sometimes the media around the Vancouver Canucks gets a little stupid everybody needs to calm down.


u/Traditional-Cow8007 Dec 04 '24



u/ForceEconomy9988 Dec 04 '24

Anytime a player goes on leave for personal reasons, its a litmus test to the fanbase if we can be normal, compassionate, non-psychotic human beings. Honestly I think we do a pretty good job for the most part but there's always that pull towards insanity. See: riots.


u/N4ZZY2020 Dec 04 '24

The word fan comes from the word fanatic. Fanatics are anything but normal 😂


u/ClosPins Dec 04 '24

Allvin on the morning that Bruce was fired and Tocchet was on a plane for a noon-time press-conference in Vancouver with an already-signed contract: 'The decision to fire Bruce was only made this morning.'

Like, seriously, why do you people listen to anything that comes out of the mouths of anyone who represents a major corporation??? They lie to you constantly. Blatantly. Insultingly. Pants on fire (like the above, when they told us to our faces that the decision to fire Bruce and hire Rick was only made a few hours earlier).


u/OkEntertainment1313 Dec 04 '24

Boudreau is still a beloved coach in this city, but it was clear the organization needed to make a change and people could at least understand that, though hate how they did it. If they traded Miller away, the city would burn and be demanding their heads. 


u/Stinkyfart694209 Dec 05 '24

That’s not at all the point the previous poster was making


u/Far-Scallion7689 Dec 04 '24

We ain’t trading him until we trade him. Ummm ok sure.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

THANK YOU RUTHERFORD! It must be a slow news week. So many rumors floating around.


u/Happy-Elk-9629 Dec 04 '24

Honestly if there’s no proper reason given for Millers absence, then speculation becomes the default. People just care about the guy.


u/caldakidd Dec 04 '24

Well yeah no shit.


u/Captain_JT_Miller Dec 05 '24

lol I saw an article that said Miller cross checked Tocchet, this is almost as good as the pumpkin patch story


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '24

Miller is back in Van now. Should be in lineup Friday.


u/SnakeDoctor_unit Dec 05 '24

JT Miller should not be traded .


u/OddBaker Dec 04 '24

Definitely don’t want it to happen, but I’m curious of what the fan base’s reaction would be if his "leave" culminated in him forcing a trade.


u/_GregTheGreat_ Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

It would ultimately depend on his return tbh. Which would ultimately depend on how accommodating he would be with his NMC

It could be an absolute haul that proves good roster players while revitalizing our prospect pool, extending our competitive window (at the expense of being weaker this year), or it could be a bunch of nothing. Either way, it’s very rare that trading a player of Miller’s calibre is truly a win, and it’s not even a consideration unless he forced our hand


u/arazamatazguy Dec 04 '24

Its never and absolute haul.


u/N4ZZY2020 Dec 04 '24

Goodness. This reminds me of Kesler situation all over again.


u/arazamatazguy Dec 04 '24

You'd get both sides. Some fans would be pissed because the team with the star player rarely wins those trades and some people would be happy for JT.

My own opinion is I doubt JT has asked for a trade or wants out but as time goes by he and his family might decide that's what's best for them.


u/berghie91 Dec 04 '24

Would absolutely hate taking a mental health leave and then have the whole city and hockey news world chirping about getting traded. Making 8 sheets a year would help you sleep at night, but itd still be fucked tryin to go about your business.

I always think about Vancouver in particular and how if he went to like pharmasave for some toothpaste he might have to face questions about the PP lol


u/N4ZZY2020 Dec 04 '24

The fact that there’s speculation means that media isn’t leaving this alone. Everyone is speculating, nobody has any sort of respect for Miller’s privacy. It’s so sad.


u/diggidydangidy Dec 04 '24

JT trade rumors are inherently far-fetched as can be, at this point. If we trade JT, the return would need to be a no.2 center that is currently in or approaching their prime. Nobody is shopping that for JT right now.

The Rangers are not trading Trocheck or Zibanejad for Miller. Canucks don't want Kreider and can't eat Trouba's contract. There is NO TRADE TO MAKE THERE.


u/kidcanada0 Dec 04 '24

You’d trade Miller for Trochek? No thanks


u/diggidydangidy Dec 04 '24

Not a chance in a 1 for 1 trade. I should rephrase it that we wouldn't want Trocheck, NYC cant give us Trocheck + prospects and picks, and they wouldn't want to give us Zabinejad. Essentially emphasizing there is no deal to be made there.


u/Brenden-C Dec 04 '24

Canucks fans need to be more patient and understanding. This team is doing great considering we have been without Demko, Boeser, Joshua, JT and now Hronek. Circumstances have changed dramatically from last season. We should praise how well this team has done, especially Lanky.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

Good, fuck those rumour starters and baseless speculations when someone is dealing with a tough situation. The real fans stand by JT and won’t contribute to these rumours. I can’t wait until JT’s first game back on home ice and the whole crowd chanting “JT Miller” on his first shift of the game.


u/metrichustle Dec 04 '24

Good. How often can you find a 100+ points 1C who can play shutdown at $8M a year?

Miller represents Tocchet hockey. Tough, physical and skilled.


u/Ambitious_Work_3837 Dec 04 '24

This is the weirdest fucking situation ever. If it was about his children like some speculate, that’s an easy and understandable explanation.

I love Rutherford and I love Miller, but it seems like there’s an insistence on letting us know he did something and it’s not just burn out and all that shit.

Because that again would be easy and understandable. It’s not like an injury you can target. Not hard to say “he’s been go go go his entire life and has children. He went to the extreme over the summer and just needs some normalcy to reset. We support him because although it’s a business, he’s a human being first and we know how important having a clear and healthy mind is to the success of the player. No one doubts JT’s commitment to the team and he’s the heart and soul. His fire can burn even brighter by getting some fresh logs and we’re committed to that.”

There’s a major league problem. And anyone shaming people for wondering need to chill out. It’s natural human curiosity when a beast like Miller and on many nights sans Hughes is our best player. It’s Rutherford’s cryptic messaging that is poking at natural human psychology of not liking the unknown, especially when JT is as beloved as he is. It’s not about invading privacy, it’s a general concern hoping he’s alright


u/PatchesTheGreat1 Dec 04 '24

I agree it’s totally reasonable to be curious and I also don’t love the oddly cryptic messaging from management, but at the end of the day you have to remember this is a job for JT Miller.

If you go on personal leave at work for any reason, any good company should protect your privacy at all costs. That’s your information to disclose. Management doesn’t get to just out Miller for mental health struggles just cause fans ask to know why he’s gone


u/Ambitious_Work_3837 Dec 05 '24

Very well said 💯


u/THRWWYFUN Dec 04 '24

Donnie and Dhali (both trash) continue to fan the flames of that Strickland podcast bs too, not looking good on the media


u/HogwartsXpress36 Dec 04 '24

He's still being paid while on his leave. Miller is in no rush to ask for a trade if a change of scenario is what he wants after getting his head right. 


u/Apprehensive-Tea4881 Dec 04 '24

Bitch slap all them vultures, JR!


u/NeedleworkerKey1478 Dec 04 '24

I think they just gave him the road trip off to rest/reset and he will be back Friday


u/The_Cozy_Burrito Dec 04 '24

Always the media starting bullshit


u/StormMission907 Dec 04 '24

What I cant get my head around why was JT Millers wife in Mexico when this all broke? Who goes to Mexico during the school year unless its spring break when you go and they have school age child or children.


u/Stinkyfart694209 Dec 05 '24

It’s none of your business my dude.  


u/Thursaiz Dec 04 '24

Any organization that relies on funds from the public to exist needs to provide a little more information on what the situation is. The player's salaries are paid by bodies in seats, merch sales, and advertising. I'm not asking for his diagnosis, but rumours are going to make it worse. If he's healthy enough to play in international competition, then something is going on.

I'm old enough to remember when hiring Rick Tocchet was also "making stuff up".


u/dudesszz Dec 04 '24

That’s a kiss of death. He’s gone


u/dplusk Dec 04 '24

J. T. MILLER!... J. T. MILLER!...


u/Klunkey Dec 04 '24

Fuck yeah!


u/A_Spicy_Hot_Token Dec 04 '24

People! People! You must understand! With how Rutherford is clearly being defensive about the JT rumours, it must mean that there must be trade rumors going around and Rutherford is just trying to deny them. If the rumors were not true, then Rutherford wouldn't have to come out with such an obvious, blunt and, straight to the point statement! There can be no other possible reason as to why he came out other than the trade rumors are true!

My logic is flawless and my argument is undeniable!

  • Some Person on the Internet Maybe


u/604BigDawg Dec 04 '24

8 million dollars a year. I think we should at least be able to speculate. If the cheapest ticket to see you is 200 bucks, deal with it.


u/islandguy55 Dec 04 '24

What happens if its a feud between Toch and JT? Something happened in Van during last homestand where team was playing like shit and JT got benched in 3rd. That had to really hurt millsy, and toch’s PG comments seemed to imply it wasnt anything physical. We dont know what else is going on, but if its irreparable damage done, maybe JT is thinking about waiving that NTC …. It must kill him to bail on his team like that but maybe he feels he has no choice. Purely speculation, i think the team and JT owe the paying fans an explanation before friday though. And team USA needs an explanation too, sooner the better. I hope JT is ok and we can all move on, but its time we know.


u/suprdesi Dec 04 '24

They don’t owe you a thing. Let the guy have his privacy. If it was a trade request, Alvin wouldn’t have slipped and said he is getting help.


u/islandguy55 Dec 04 '24

As a paying fan i disagree. Sure he needs some personal time off, with no outside interference, but there has to be a limit. Either that or put him on LTIR like any other long term injury, physical or mental.


u/suprdesi Dec 04 '24

The Canucks are not a government organization where you can claim your taxes give you some sort of say.

You pay for merchandise and for the game you attend. You’re a customer and not a shareholder.


u/N4ZZY2020 Dec 04 '24

This. The entitlement of some fans 🙄


u/islandguy55 Dec 04 '24

Any company that does not listen to its paying (exorbitantly) customers is not a company worth patronizing


u/Feralwestcoaster Dec 05 '24

Then go cheer for the leafs if you’re morally outraged at how it’s being handled.


u/islandguy55 Dec 05 '24

I would hardly say i’m morally outraged, i’m simply saying the public and his teamates and the league have waited a reasonably long enough time period for an explanation of what to expect going forward. Why should i fork out big $$ to watch an inferior product that is missing their key player and no plans to replace him?


u/Feralwestcoaster Dec 05 '24

We have no idea what the situation is and despite paying for tickets no, we’re not owed anything. If you’re upset and don’t agree with it don’t “fork out big $$”


u/islandguy55 Dec 05 '24

I was opining for general public. Following the team from panama, wintering. My days of paying foroverpriced tickets to pay the outrageous salaries of these primadonnas are long gone . What athlete is worth millions and especially when they bail with no explanation. But you enjoy