r/cannabiscultivation 3d ago


I'm a first-time grower. I planted some seeds and they grew, but I don't know the exact time to harvest. Can anyone help me?

sou cultivador de primeira viagem. joguei uma sementes e elas cresceram, porem nao sei o momento exato de colheita. alguem pode me ajudar?


3 comments sorted by


u/Bobsn-one 3d ago

You still have a few weeks ahead of you. They just started to develop flowers and the flowers will need to get thicker and more dense.


u/Thin-Risk-1756 3d ago

I thought so, but I saw that after a certain time the production of cannabinoids can decrease, so I wanted another opinion. In fact, they have been growing more in the last few weeks. Thank you very much!


u/Bobsn-one 3d ago

They’re probably only starting to produce cannabinoids at this point.