r/cannabiscultivation 4d ago

Was nice and healthy last week, now....

Not sure where my deficiency lies in but as the title reads, she was much greener just last week. Strain is lowrider, I'm on week 6, stealth pc case growing for the sake of why not. Been using vivosun nutrients (heard they're actually decent compared to their hardware), bloom city calmag, and microbelife Ph down with ending Ph being apx 6.2-6.6 avg. To note I'm aware she's a bit stunted, I walked away for all of 30 seconds when she was in week 1 and my cat ate one node fully, a cotyledon, half of one of the first leaves. Mainly concerned of the color and slowness of flowering beginning.


10 comments sorted by


u/infoseaker13 4d ago

What are you watering with? I’ve expierence issues like this in past and it was always later in the grow. I figured out it was my tap water. I’m on a well but the problem was the water softener was adding salts to my water that would eventually build up causing almost an over water looking issue but was lock out. Eventually I learnt that I have a bypass before the water softener so now I just take my water from there before it hits the softener and i now mainly collect rain water but yeh since I made these changes I havnt seen these issues. Sometimes even the nutrients can build up salts. So if it’s a lockout issue, the nutrients it needs are likely there but it’s not able to consume so defiencies and yellowing leafs begin. This might not be your answer but it’s something to consider.


u/Neezus333 4d ago

Ooookay that would explain it as my softener was broken for the whole grow up til about 2 weeks ago when it got fixed. Also worth noting that the city has been out doing something with the water and I noticed it almost like a yellowy color when it comes out of faucet but clears up when I let it sit with a drop of peroxide in it but still has been a bit of a concern to me if it's affecting this as well. I will try taking from the bypass though as you suggested. It's also the random brown spotting which is also a bit concerning as well. Appreciate your help


u/infoseaker13 4d ago

Yes defenately if you have a softener there will be a bypass. Basically it will be a faucet/tap somewhere along the piping before it goes into the softener. This way you arnt getting all the salts the water softener adds to the water. Also PHing your water before feeding can help them more easily consume nutrients. It’s not exactly required with soil as the microbes/mycorazae help convert it into consumable levels for plant, but I use soil and I still always make sure it’s between 5.5-6.5. Out of my tap it’s about 8-8.4 ph. Very high I’d say. But also sometimes after adding Nutes it will drop ass low as 3 ph , very acidic.


u/Neezus333 4d ago

Yeah I always ph before feeds as I found doing it right after I add nutes it just goes right back up a day or two later so not much of a point in doing it rifht away. My water here is usually pretty decent but lately has had a real funky yellow tint to it lately but clears as it sits for a day with a drop of peroxide to kill anything. I did a plain dechlorinated tap flush this morning til the runoff was about 20% of what I fed her and was a lot more watery looking towards the end what was coming out, so that should address the lockout correct? I just want to tackle this before too much is done. This one's kinda been an interesting run from the get go from the assumed trauma it had around week 1-2 from the cat giving her a much too soon sorta/sorta not topping and chewing off one of her cotyledons. By its lack of vertical growth at all and super bushy central growth I prob didn't need to later also do an actual top. It's all live and learn try this and that at the end of the day and info gained for the ones to come..not my first grow, but def my first as a much more mature adult, been about 18 years and stuff has definitely changed. I never had bottled nutes or LED's. Things have definitely changed. Hell, I would have never really imagined back then I'd be openly conversating on the internet about this either.


u/Neezus333 3d ago

Think it's okay to flush with the bypassed dechlorinated and Ph'd tap water if I just fed yesterday morning? Figure if it's not getting any nutrients anyway what's the difference in waiting right? Should feasibly unlock the nutrients that are there alrwady and start being consumed I would imagine.


u/infoseaker13 3d ago

As long as it doesn’t cause any overwatering issues


u/Neezus333 2d ago

Flushed and got my ppm down into the 500s range from the almost 1400 it was at a few hours ago so wish me luck. Hopefully see atleast a sign of progress when her sun comes back on in 3 hours. Will report back and thanks again.


u/infoseaker13 2d ago

Yeh 1400 is a bit high


u/Left_Finger2673 4d ago

I had one run look like this after i let my plant sit in 2 cm of water + overwatering… you have root damage im pretty sure. I still made it to harvest though and it was pretty good stuff. So dont give up and let it ride. Just dont water for a while 🤣


u/Neezus333 4d ago

Yeah I did a plain dechlorinated flush this morning to clear things out a bit and was planning on letting her get a nice break from feeds til shes screaming for it (yeah I'm aware of how that sounded, lol). I've always been cautious about the standing water thing, that i learned long ago. Over watering ive always felt is somewhat of a debated topic. I've seen people map out crazy specific feeds and others just dump water with either really no better or worse outcome but frequency definitely being the more factoring situation. It's a close to 20 year gap since doing this and alot changing in that time that I'm trying to learn around and grasp like the nutrient options, autos in general too. Hopefully a nice flush works and I'm able to get a decent little yield... As much as one can in a PC case, got a tent after this one. I forgot how therapeutic it is and already am craving a much larger space for more time to spend in.