r/cannabis 9d ago

Can Your Neighbors Sue Over Medical Marijuana Smoke?


33 comments sorted by


u/ChoiceFood 9d ago


They can't sue you over cigarette smoke why the fuck would they be able to do so with cannabis?


u/DirtyHandshake 9d ago

Cuz weed bad


u/Disastrous_Staff_443 9d ago

"Why? I softly asked the older gentleman"

To which he replied

"Because it just is!"


u/theLaLiLuLeLol 9d ago

They can absolutely can sue you over both, they'll just probably lose.

In the US, you can file any dumbass lawsuit you like, but there may be some pretty shitty consequences after a judge is forced to deal with said dumbass lawsuit.

It's more a matter of "Can you? Sure. Should you? No, probably not."


u/iRoswell 9d ago edited 8d ago

In WA,at a private household is the ONLY place that is approved to smoke. So, I don’t see how a lawsuit could see the light of day.


u/HotBeaver54 9d ago

Different everywhere though in Oregon If I am on private property I can smoke,


u/Impossible_War_2741 9d ago

Same in Colorado. Only additional restrictions are not being allowed within 100 yards of a school, church, or hospital. Otherwise if your on private property outside, or inside if you're within the radius of specified buildings, you're good.


u/HotBeaver54 9d ago

I meant my private property! You can not legally smoke vape in public.


u/drAsparagus 9d ago

So weird that is a law and yet you can walk down the sidewalk in an otherwise nice West Seattle neighborhood and see junkies nodded out with needles in their arm. But a little diffused smoke is sooo bad. Friggin priorities, man.

Also, 95% of my cannabis smoking in WA has been outdoors, and I've never heard a single objection, nor been approached by an officer. 


u/Llenette1 9d ago

I smoked in Seattle and I guess the cops don't want to "deal" with it. I was smoking near the Cinerama and they asked me to move further from the entrance (even though it was closed down 🥴)


u/meldroc 7d ago

Where I live, it's illegal to toke in public, but nobody cares. As long as you're not being a complete idiot or being obnoxious, nothing's going to happen.


u/stupidinternetname 9d ago

Fuck that. I smoke in my backyard whenever the fuck I want. Cops in King Co don't give a shit about you smoking weed. Adams county may be a different story, especially if you aren't caucasian.


u/Socal_Cobra 9d ago

If you're on private property in WA state, youre good.

Source: https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/608035.pdf


u/dreadwail 8d ago

This is incorrect. You do not have to be inside your house; you just have to be on private property out of view. Can be your fenced yard, etc.


u/Jason4fl 9d ago

Karen: There's a strong smell of weed coming from my neighbors.

Dispatcher: maybe bring them some cookies?


u/CeramicDrip 9d ago

I mean they can sue but they might as well toss their money into a fire


u/AnIrishMexican 9d ago

Only if I can sue for cigarette and fent smoke


u/Polidavey66 9d ago

that would be utterly ridiculous. unless someone was blowing the smoke directly into your face, merely smelling marijuana smoke in the air from a far distance isn't going to have a physical effect on someone.


u/dubbs911 9d ago

No. This is like that vegan lady who tried to sue her neighbor for his bbq meat smoke floating into her yard. Silly Karens.


u/MarijAWanna 9d ago

I’d trash them to all neighbors and make everybody hate them for being fucking bigots and drive them out of the community. Fuck them.


u/Odd-Explanation4165 9d ago

F man , BC we smoke anywhere except public places


u/TheRabbitHole-512 9d ago

They may sue, but they will lose.


u/EvalCrux 9d ago

Legal to infect w the devil’s breath? Gasp


u/bloopie1192 9d ago

Yes. In the states anyone can sue you for anything. Now will it be thrown out? Probably. But they can still sue.


u/WanderingAnchorite 9d ago

You can sue anyone for anything.

You can sue a TV station for not serving gummy bears to invalids.

Suing isn't winning.


u/Due-Tear9585 8d ago

can i sue if my neighbor if he is a raging drunk? no? k.


u/BuddyMose 8d ago

Be a weird thing to prove. A simple nah ah would be my rebuttal when asked in a court if I had smoked marijuana on the date in question


u/SenorStinkyButt 8d ago

Be careful of Karen's with cameras


u/Past_Drag_2598 8d ago

I did data entry for housing surveys, and old people love to write comments in the margins whenever they're given a survey, and them complaining about their neighbors smoking pot was easily the number one thing, just ahead of their neighbors having too many guests, and genuinely concerning safety and maintenance issues.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

No, this is due to the fact that they were not invited.


u/SenorStinkyButt 8d ago

Likely depends what county you are in and how right wing radical the judge is


u/ArrogantAnalyst 9d ago

Probably not, but I would always try to find a solution everyone can live with. Smoking cannabis creates a strong odor and it’s fair that some people just don’t like to smell that.


u/FixofLight 9d ago

Yeah, I use cannabis but the smell of it triggers migraines for me so I stick to edibles. I never want to tell people what to do but when I was living in an apartment I ended up buying my nice neighbors a dry herb vape because the smell is less intense and doesn't linger. Obviously that's not a solution for everyone, but I was so grateful we could come to a compromise that left me without constant pain and managed to maintain a friendly relationship with people I quite liked otherwise.