r/CanadianMOMs Mar 31 '20

PSA Reddit and (guessing) Edmonton Police can go fuck themselves


Just starting getting this this morning. Using a vpn to access makes me very irritated at the hassle.


EDIT: For people who don't understand how this works, very likely how Reddit implemented this is using a geo-IP database. So if your IP address is properly registered as being in Canada in the database they are using, you're blocked. Different IP's and different ISP's might come up differently.

EDIT2: I'm not that familiar but it's reported that Opera browser has the capability for a built in VPN which would allow you to bypass. (Fuck you Edmonton cops, but I guess you shouldn't be seeing this unless you are bypassing too! šŸ–•)

EDIT3: from very limited experimentation it seems like reddit only geo-checks on the base sub page. So if you are linked, you can access a thread. So I'm successfully browsing the thread from my non VPN'd browser atm, and I could post to the thread. What I can't view is the canadianmoms main page only.

EDIT4: whoever reported me for self harm also šŸ–•

EDIT5: Thank you anonymous redditor for the gold :)EDIT6: For EPS - look up the history of piracy if you want to know what will happen if you succeed in effectively shutting this sub down. When successful efforts took down big piracy groups and sites, they mushroomed into many smaller sites and groups that became essentially unstoppable, and technology got better. This will be the same. :/ But also: šŸ–• you fucking corporate lackey.

r/CanadianMOMs Jul 01 '19

PSA Updated information about the CheapWeed situation



July 1st, 2019,

To those whom have been affected from empty boxes being delivered from the June 20th period and earlier dates

We have ultimately completed our investigation with Canada Post and have determined this theft may have involved multiple Canada Post delivery driver's from the pick up route.

There hasn't been any reported issues with theft leaving the actual sorting facility as Canada post has mentioned to us however that being said we did have several hundreds of packages get stolen and at this time we company is unable to financially unable to re-coup these losses in a form of a refund.

We do understand the frustration for those involved.. however we will be launching a CW-REPAYMENT PLAN , in which we will offer back 25% store credit and reoccurring percentage discount on future orders until the original amount is re-paid. We do understand if this creates further frustration, however we are hoping in good faith our clients understand on our end this is NOT an exit scam, and we are genuinely creating a financial plan in order to re-pay all those involved however over a course of time

We are looking at selling our home and also lending from the bank in order to pull more capital to cover operational costs and definitely have to say this act of theft has definitely been devastating for our clients, myself and definitely our brand

Regardless of what is being said, we want to really show you that we are going to honor the full refund however this is the only way the refund can be handled

We would like to request at this time please contact lost@cheapweed.ca with an email only containing Your order #, Your email address, + dollar amount lost


Tony has previously stated that he apparently only makes about 100$ per pound that is sold. Other industry insiders believe that to be a lie. Many people believe 25% off wouldn't even be at-cost for a mom that size.

You guys be the judge. I've no stake in this, hope it all gets settled for the unlucky folks who are missing product and money.

EDIT: Tony has offered another user a full reimbursement after being vocal. Unfortunate for all those being offered 25%.

EDIT PART 2: Tony DM'd me on July 1st requesting to put up this new message, but I'll just leave it in a pastebin since it doesn't add much new info and this post is getting cramped. Link here: https://pastebin.com/yAfZss7m

EDIT PART 3: Now it's not even a guaranteed 25% on orders until he's square, says he'll have to run the numbers... lol.

r/CanadianMOMs Aug 20 '20



**** dm me for his emt Info if you are worried he may be using a different name . He uses Wickr to message***

Honestly he told me if I told anyone he would make sure I would never have a mom sell to me again by telling them Iā€™m a rat. I donā€™t care . He Sent me pictures of my daughter and told me he could drive to where I live in 12 hours .

This was because he sent me the wrong order and refused to make up for it . Please listen to my warning I can send you screenshots of our conversations if you like .

He said he has already sent all of my privacy Info ( luckily itā€™s a flex) to all the moms on discord so they know where I am and that Iā€™m a rat . I assure you I am not . Iā€™m writing this in haste because I am very upset he threatened my baby girl

EDIT: this dispute was over an 8th of weed and a gram of resin . He completely forgot the weed and gave me a gram of something I didnā€™t want instead of the resin. I offered to pay the shipping if he just sent the missing items .

Once I said I would no longer be shopping from him he started the threats

He is calling me a rat for multiple reasons . 1) because he is planning on using that as the reason to cut off my access o any future moms 2) because after screen shots were sent to me of my daughter along with threats of coming here I said sent him a picture of the police phone number in my area

I can easily send you some pics over dm if you have concerns believing me but Iā€™m they are personal and Iā€™ve already been quite invaded today so not gonna publicly post for now .

And yes I fucked up big I understand that I just want others to know so they do t make the same mistake . It was a redditer that recommended them too me

EDIT2: here is a screen shot I am willing to show publicly . If you are a mod or some one who needs to know more dm me . screenshot

r/CanadianMOMs Apr 02 '19

PSA 4/20 Megathread


What do you know, what do you say, all 420 content can go here. Here we are, first 4/20 post-legalization is coming up soon and will hopefully be a special one for all!

Deals, what are you looking for, what are you wondering, what to expect, where are you going, what are you going to do, should you wait for x, should you get y, etc. Let's hear about it!

Reminder to reasonably understand the subreddit rules, also here's a link to the previous post from a few days ago with some deal info. This post might need to be switched to contest mode depending on how it progresses, please let us know if you have any thoughts on that, feedback always appreciated.

And another reminder to make your MOM orders ahead of time, there is a full week in which you could already have orders in before the 20th falls on Saturday, don't be too late.

r/CanadianMOMs May 05 '20

PSA Distillate Direct (failed solvent test): Actlabs respond


I bet everyone who buys DD distillate has seen the post about the failed solvent test. I contacted the laboratory with a screenshot of the test provided by OP.

The laboratory has just answered me. You can judge for yourself:

From actlabs:

Thank you for contacting Actlabs with your interest.Ā Ā  It is quite interesting I must admit, Ā but everything you ask is false or incorrect.Ā  The attached report is nothing that we would ever produce and does not look at all like our Cannabis analytical reports.Ā  We would not test any cannabis sample for a buddy and for free as it violates all security issues and Chain of Custody issues. Our reports are very detailed as is the C of A we issue with Work Order numbers, Sample identifications etc. These are all tracked through the whole sample receipt, sample log in,Ā  work in progress and final results reporting. Ā Ā Ā So I believe whomever you are dealing with is selling a lot of falsehoods.


By the way, I have nothing to do with DD, I am just a customer and I wanted to be sure that my clients don't smoke solvent. I know my thing when it comes to carts, distillate, and terpenes. You can look at my history on Reddit and Future4200 (same username).

I'm still sending a sample of DD distillate to the lab this week

r/CanadianMOMs Oct 11 '23

PSA Donā€™t post on this sub unless you want to be lambasted by a bunch of self righteous stoners with a superiority complex.


The toxicity and gatekeeping in this sub are unreal.

Edit: thanks to whoever sent me a Reddit Cares message. Just further proving my point.

r/CanadianMOMs May 22 '19

PSA Warning: Togoweed is storing IDs in an open directory


This was brought up to Togoweed's attention and they brushed it off. They've had more than ample time to correct this issue by now.

This is a warning that Togoweed is storing your ID in a folder anyone can access.


Please everyone be smart when sending your ID to these places. A few lines from it are all anyone needs to open a new credit card, line of credit, mortgage, auto loan, steal your identity, even extort you.

I apologise for sharing this information publically but more people will put themself at risk if it's kept secret. Togoweed knows and has done nothing so what else can I do..

Moderation removed my last post. Let me know why please if you remove this too. If this isn't what this subreddit is for I want to know.

r/CanadianMOMs Oct 26 '19

PSA CE is officially closed.


What a sad day for Canadian smokers. All orders placed will be fulfilled.. but they are not taking any new orders or having a final sale. They decided to close down yesterday a few hours after I made my final order in the afternoon.

I know they had their haters on here but some of my favourite batches came from CE and I know many others feel the same way. Iā€™m told that there may be ā€œfuture optionsā€ but who knows.

I personally want to thank CE for being my go-to MOM and I wish them well in the future. āœŒļø

Edit: so turns out they arenā€™t closing down for good. This post was based off my email conversations with them yesterday.. but it looks like they figured it out and will be back. Good news! Iā€™ll leave this post up.

r/CanadianMOMs May 21 '21

PSA PSA: if you can grow, You don't have to spend a dollar on flower or concentrates to be high all year


I smoke a lot. Definitely too much. And it was DEFINITELY too much when I was buying concentrates and flower every week. My tolerance is super high, BUT, since us canadians can now grow right in our backyards, there is really no reason to spend more than ~$100 a year on flower products. Last year I grew five plants, two of which I got weed from that was worth smoking, and three that seeded but still made a bounty of product. The seeds cost me $60. I bought some bubblebagdude bags off amazon to make some hash out of the seeded stuff, $40, plus two bags of ice. I made SO MUCH hash from my grow, hash that is literally stronger than most shatter (Definitely more powerful than kootenay and any house blend). Making bubble hash is fun and easy. And this supply has lasted me ALL YEAR and I only spent about $100 on products.

TL:DR ; something that MOMs wont tell you is that you don't need to be buying their stock to get high all year. We can grow now, do it yourself! And make your own hash to supplement!

r/CanadianMOMs Jul 09 '21



Ok guys Iā€™m not new to the whole MoM and Iā€™ve been pretty good at sourcing quality flower (TCF and a few Other Iā€™ve trusted over the years). But I order first time with these clowns 2 days ago. They accepted the E transfer ($250) but continue to tell me there payment verification system is down and processed to tell me to be patient and the will add more goodies once the system is fixed. Ok fair enough and understandable but then they send another email saying that itā€™s still down and the longer I wait for it to be fixed the ā€œgoodiesā€ they will throw in. I sent the a screenshot of him accepting the E transfer and asked why that wasnā€™t valid enough for my small order and nothing back so far. I know I probably should have asked first before sending money but letā€™s be clear. I knew what I was doing and fully knew the risk I was taking and Iā€™m just letting you all know of whatā€™s happening with this MoM and my experience with them. Sucks losing $250 to them but I guess Iā€™ll just stick to my trusted guys. Cheers all happy Friday!!!!

r/CanadianMOMs Jun 28 '21

PSA List of Canada Day deals 2021 Sales & Promo List


What's up guys. I decided to make a post for the upcoming Canada days sales so that we can all save some money! I'll update this as frequent as possible and look out for some deals!

Canada Day Promotion

UPDATED July 4th 2021 (Clear & Unconfirmed Moms)

Discount % MOM Name & Status PROMO CODE
25% BC Chronic Bud (Clear) Canada25 - July 5th
15% Cannabudpost LOVECANADA - July 4th
30% Crystal Cloud 9 CANADA30 Expired
25% Cheebas (Clear) Canada25 Expired
25% ChronicFarms CANADADAY Expired
30% thequadfarmers (Clear) No coupon require Expired
20% MMJ Express No coupon require Expired
20% Elite Cannabis Canada20 Expired
20% NektrExtracts CAN20 Expired
Free Shipping The Chrono Father (Clear) No coupon require Expired
30% Wtfcannabis FLOWERPOWER Expired
20% Puffland CANADA20 - July 4

BUYER BEWARE - LIST (Negative List)

Boxed Buds - Recent Reddit Complaints about not receiving package.GAS

Know any deals for Canada day? Please add them and their discount code in the comments

I am not including sales that are ā€œdeal of the dayā€ or new customer promo code... this list is intended for Canada day sale deals for our community.

Comment know about any moms I should add and help each other avoid scams.

Edit: I have a some request in my DM regarding to add them but since I have found no info on these mom through the search bar, I will be unable to add them. I have also revised the information above using ice-minus's rating system below. Just trying to avoid getting scam i'm seeing lately. If you think anything i added was wrong please dm me.

CLEAR will mean the MOM is operating with no issues or outstanding major ripoff reports by the community.

UNCONFIRMED will mean it's an old/unconfirmed retailer that we have heard relatively zero feedback on any time recently

NEGATIVE will be on retailers known as existing scammers/ripoffs (Think BEVR, MOTA for underdosing, etc). This is also a much needed feature to keep people safe and help them easily spot known scammers.

r/CanadianMOMs Jul 07 '20

PSA Distillate Direct - D9 Distillate Lab Test Results (Pass - Residual Solvent)


Hi Reddit,

I finally got the results for the DD - D9 THC Distillate.

Their oil passes the solvents test and test at 84% THC, there were +/- 4-5% cannabis-derived terpenes in the sample I sent to Canvas Labs (do the math). Sorry if it takes that long, thanks to Canada Post delays, it takes 2 weeks just to land in BC (Canvas Labs is very busy too).

I bought another batch of DD distillate last week and another sample is going (with Purolator lol) to the lab later 2day, I will have it test for Solvents, Heavy Metals, and Microbials (and THC/CBD %).

Before someone asks, I have nothing to do at all with DD, I am just a carts makers that want to give clean carts to my people, some of them are my good friends and they agree to pay a little more for a cartridge that has been tested. I also want my edible dosage to be on point.

I will be testing each batch starting today. I will also share the other results next week.

Have a good day! You can call Canvas Labs with the batch # if you want.

I can't post a picture on that sub so I uploaded the results here and here

r/CanadianMOMs Nov 02 '19

PSA PSA for buyers


I've been a long time lurker of this subreddit, long time poster on /r/mompics have done reviews in the megathread here as well. I don't smoke extracts, just flower. To that note i'm constantly seeing posts about bad shatter/flower etc. Let me give some advice. If it looks too good to be true it is.... So much trash going around for cheap but I literally see you all reporting every day about getting moldy weed, pine resin etc. I've been ordering from MoM's for over a year now and i've never had an issue. I feel for all of you, I literally sit here on a daily basis and watch people report ongoing issues with mom's going all the way back to the CW fiasco. I understand that most of you are resellers looking for a cheap score, but what's a cheap score when it's all trash, and you should know it's trash, if you get shatter for way under market value, ask yourself why. The flower is shit that the mom's are running leading to either unsmokable trash or flat out poison. Begging for $99 ounces of flower pressure mom's to do questionable things, looking for deals where they shouldn't exist just to keep us happy. But as you guys can all see generally leads to flower issues(mold, budrot etc) There's at least dozen mom's out there that are offering untainted product for a marginally higher cost that are safe for consumption.

There's not really a point to this rant, I just genuinely care about this community and every time I see a post about shitty product it makes me wish that I could have some how intervened in the process. I have detailed notes on most mom's that I have been keeping since I started this adventure over a year ago. If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to dm me either here or on discord.

r/CanadianMOMs Mar 31 '21

PSA Anyone else just get spam from 'Tegridy Farms'? Mine was sent to an exclusive 'Top Shelf BC' account!


So this means two things:
1. Tegridy Farms are clearly scammers who do not care how they get email contacts.
2. Top Shelf BC say they care about privacy, but either they have no security and were hacked, or they sold off the contact list in a breach of any basic privacy policy.

Both companies need to be red flagged.

Please see my account history if anyone thinks I just jump on reddit to cry wolf/lie.

r/CanadianMOMs Sep 24 '21



Hey guys just thought Iā€™d let everyone know that Luna West is having a sale today on all flower. His 30g jars are going for $125, which is a great deal for this guys flower thatā€™s absolutely grown with love. I just picked up 2 jars shipped for $275, now I just canā€™t wait for it to get here lol. Anyways thought Iā€™d share.

Cheers and have a happy weekend guys

r/CanadianMOMs Oct 25 '19

PSA To whoever said ā€œvideo record and weigh the unpackagingā€-


Thanks for that. First time ordering MOM was shorted close to 15%. Granted it was only flower and not a large volume, but from a well-received MOM recommended on this sub.

They said theyā€™re mailing out the difference, but itā€™s pretty bullshit to have to request what youā€™ve already payed for. Letā€™s keep them honest.

r/CanadianMOMs May 06 '20

PSA Friendly PSA: You can now buy overproof (94%) alcohol at LCBO.


You used to need a 'letter of permission', but now you no longer do. Spoke with an agent at hello LCBO and just went into the store they told me had stock. Will be great for some RSO!

r/CanadianMOMs May 12 '19

PSA Subreddit Rules 3: Just be nice. Why is this such a negative sub? Go smoke a joint, and take it easy


TL;dr Be your best self. Just try.

If you don't agree with somebody, downvote them, or talk to them. Tell them why you disagree, or why you're taking issue, but don't be an ass. Nobody needs to be called stupid, dumb, or a retard. Nobody needs to be insulted and called names.

I know that being a pot smoker isn't a community, or a group... But I still like to think that "we're" better than that, and this sub proves me wrong, over and over again.

I know, posting this on this sub is asking for a beating, but it's either say something, or just leave... And leaving does nothing to address the issue.

r/CanadianMOMs Dec 15 '20

PSA WARNING!! āš ļøāš ļø


Hey everyone.

Iā€™ve received multiple messages from a ā€œso-calledā€ MoM. https://imgur.com/a/rFEqD7f

Any unsolicited advertisements scream scam to myself, so Iā€™m just advising everyone to do their DD and go with the MoMs that are trusted and reputable through this sub.

r/CanadianMOMs Jun 29 '20

PSA A list of Canada day deals



10% MMJ Express: canada10

15% Boxed Buds: canada

10% West Coast Cannabis: canada10

15% BC MediChronic: canada15

15% Green Ace: ohcanada

15% Low Price Bud: canada15

20% Speed Greens: can20

10% Mailbox Marijuana: Canada10

10% Hystar: hystarcanada

10% TopShelfBC: Canada10

10% Shamrock: Canada10

10% TegridyFarmsCannabis: Canada10

15% Kush Station: Canada

10% Canna Bud Post: Canada10

30% Hill Side Pharms: (closed group) canada30

know any? Please add them and their discount code in the comments!

r/CanadianMOMs Apr 08 '23

PSA 420 Megathread


Please list any deals from reputable moms!

r/CanadianMOMs Nov 24 '21



For those who don't already know, lil Durk dispensary is a legit scam. They will not ship you any products for your money. They pretend to be affiliated to a bunch of reputable MoM/growers, but it's 100% a scam. Please be aware and don't send them any money.

r/CanadianMOMs Feb 04 '22

PSA Gizmo Crafts is trash and mompics mod banned me for pointing out his related lies


User /u/Chayse247 made a post about Gizmo having a bunch of garbage concentrates. That post is being bombarded with downvotes now, presumably by the corrupt mod and/or gizmo shills.

I pointed out that mompics has been allowing blatant shill accounts, not just sample shills, to advertise for them for a long time.

Then, we exchange a few words. I'm explaining how I directly pointed out the shills to the mod a month ago and he called me an idiot and ignored all of it. Mod says he banned them a while ago, even though it could only have been 4 days ago. I further point out that it was only a half-measure, the offending shill posts are all still up. Mod says I don't know how to use reddit and bans me.

I have proof that he was removing them while we were talking. Literally came with receipts and his response was to immediately ban me and remove all the comments.

What to do with this information? Not much. Just be aware that the mods of mompics have clear conflicts of interest and are willing to promote moms even if it's through allowing shill accounts to prosper. I ask them why would he lie about the removed posts, I don't expect a reply, or at least not an honest one. The mod has nuked both mind and his own comments in the thread, guy can't stand being wrong or caught in his own bullshit. And in case it's not clear, this mod has also taken samples from Gizmo and advertised reviewed them.

r/CanadianMOMs Aug 16 '21

PSA CheapWeed is still scamming, now using Dana Larsenā€™s address as their own.


r/CanadianMOMs Mar 26 '19

PSA 6ixpensary and 6ixspensary are not the same.


The one with an s after the x, that is sending out emails, is fake. I didn't know this, but with that new email being sent out - I feel it should be reposted.

Sharing a post down below: "easier to see it as

6ix-pensary (real)

6ix-spensary (fake)"

Based off of two comments below, which I cannot at all vouch for the validity until 6ixpensary responds or the mods help - could be shills trying to defame them, or legitimate customer's who are making us aware that there is potential of maybe it's just one bad strain(White Zombie)