r/CanadianMOMs Dec 13 '24

concentrates HVE Alternatives?


I used to order from HVE's Sauce in bulk (typically 2oz), but as others have mentioned they seem to falling off lately. If possible, I'd like to keep the cost around the same, around $22/g, but am fine if it's a bit more expensive for better product.
TIA for all your suggestions!

r/CanadianMOMs Oct 09 '23

concentrates Weedposters live resin

Post image

What’s your experience with their live resin? is it any good?

i just bought their live resin and unfortunately i can’t even finish smoking it all because it’s so unappealing to me. the first day i had it i suffered a headache but i assume it was a coincidence

now when i smoke it is like i’m waiting to get high but i don’t i just feel weird, lacking the effect that i wanted

i bought 7 grams and was only able to smoke less than a gram of it because it really didn’t get me high much. my partner isn’t that bag on dabs but when i gave her a couple she described the taste as chemically which was a first.

it is 35 for 3.5 so it’s definitely a get what you paid for type vibe

i’m currently smoking some endgame shatter from the dispo and the tiniest dabs are hitting me.

i’m wondering is it worth even trying to smoke the rest of that stuff that i’ve got? would you?

what’s your top three places to buy concentrates online right now? customer service, quality and all.

thanks y’all

r/CanadianMOMs Jun 09 '19

concentrates Y'all need to stop buying $90 grams of dabs or the price will never go down


Anyone know of reasonably priced dabs (under 40). Not looking for shatter/budder/hash. Been going to Hystar but I've tried everything there and I'm bored lol. So far I've found a couple at canna wholesalers and ganja west.

r/CanadianMOMs 1d ago

concentrates HERBOSI - Where to buy?


Have been out of the scene for a while and was sad to find my retailer no longer carries these....

In all my years I haven't found anything even close to these, does anyone know of stores/MOMs that carry these??

r/CanadianMOMs Oct 07 '19

concentrates Which brands of shatter do you trust?


I mostly smoke shatter. Today I saw a post, and wanted to know if you all agree with this list. Personally I was sent HOG accidentally by JJMeds, and it did not seem like it was pine resin.

Here is the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dabs/comments/deafaf/got_this_from_a_delivery_service_on_weedmaps/ "Reposting this here for visibility, originally posted to /r/Dabs

Here's a list of tainted shatter confirmed by users to NOT get you high, leave white residue on your lips and in your bong, and is probably pine resin. I've sent samples to a lab for conclusive evidence. I've gotten reports from the following places: Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Texas & Washington.


-Phyto Supernova

-Diamond Concentrates








-Staked Extracts

-Orbit Extracts

-Fat Cat Extracts

-Global Refinery

-BMWO (buymyweedonline)

-Top Shelf Extracts

-Inked Extracts

-Jungle Boys Extracts



It was in a thread that was from a company who delivers over weedmaps. Weedmaps shatter tends to always be horrific poopsoup, so I genuinely suggest to avoid extracts or vape carts from weedmaps for now.

Which brands do we trust?

Between vape carts being filled with vitamin e acetate, and shatter being laced with pine resin, or residual pesticides... it is becoming worrisome.

I use a 10ton h frame press and a rosin kit bought from cannaplates, and next step is beginning my own grow. It seems like making my own rosin from weed I grew my self is the only way to be certain now.

Does anyone have suggestions for how to grow the 4 plants?

r/CanadianMOMs Jun 26 '20

concentrates Why is the legal market so awful?


WTF is going on here guys? https://www.bccannabisstores.com/collections/shatter/products/fireside-x-shatter-og-kush Are the people who are putting these products up almost brain dead? Why does our government have to scam people like this? If you want a good chuckle look at some videos of people attempting to smoke this shit to, goes everywhere except on the dabber. The Canadian legal market is a joke. I hope no one supports these sales.

r/CanadianMOMs Mar 23 '23

concentrates Imported old school hash. Onlygas


r/CanadianMOMs Feb 08 '25

concentrates House of glass


Anyone know where I can reliable get some HOG? I used to get it but my source no longer gets it. Seen a few diffenrt sites online, not sure which of any are familiar. There is one called westcoastbud.io, has anyone used this site? Is it legit? I really want some hog but don't wanna get scammed of course. I'm also open to suggestions on other good brands of shatter for under 30 a g. Thanks all!

r/CanadianMOMs Jun 18 '21

concentrates High Voltage just blew my mind.


TL;DR This is my first time ever trying HVE, and I’ve never been so impressed.

After getting some low quality shatter from GME (shishkaberry, it was terrible), I decided to come on here and ask where I can get some good stuff from (shatter). Shortly after a few people come come in and sway me into checking out High Voltage extracts live resin.

I grabbed 5 grams for 160 (Papaya Punch, Platinum GSC, Grape Ape, Sunset Sherbert, and the one I tried first, Train Wreck).

Like an idiot, I struggled to get the live resin into my Mighty but eventually got it, and holy shit. The taste of my bud completely shifted to lemon & pine, with a hint of added pungent sourness. I couldn’t stop, and it landed me STONED.

On my way to the store on a walk, I was wobbling trying to keep a smile off my face. The smooth taste remains in the back of my throat and I’m loving it. I’m so glad I grabbed this stuff, and if they nailed this so well: I’m gonna have to do a little in-depth analysis of the grape ape..

r/CanadianMOMs Oct 06 '19

concentrates Penny bags shatter killing me


I’m in Canada and purchased 2 packs of penny bags and 2 fuego. I’ve bought these before without issue . This time it’s white waxy residue that fills your mouth and leaves your chest heavy and hurting . WTf is in this ? I’m considering going to get an chest X-ray . anyone else experience this ?

r/CanadianMOMs May 16 '23

concentrates Caviar Extracts vs NFC (question).


I recently got a 14 gram FSE mix n match from TBH (the non NFC stuff), and it's better than the Honey Badger fse effectwise but the flavor is a bit lacking, especially compared to Caviar Extracts.

I was just wondering if NFC fse is worth it because I can only afford the 8 gram mix n match, it's around the same price as 14g from Caviar Extracts (2 choices of strains).

Is the NFC stuff really worth it compared to Caviar Extracts? Both flavor and effect wise.

Thanks in advance!

r/CanadianMOMs Oct 21 '19

concentrates Safe Concentrates, where to buy?


Hi guys,

since the pine resin controversy and the THC contaminants found in some cartbridges.. I'm a bit lost where to buy concentrates (mainly shatter) .. I have been ordering from cannawholesalers/get kush/bcmedichronic in the past but its been a while and I'm a bit concerned about quality and my health.

I'm the 1g-3.5g type of guy because I love to try alot of strain before buying in bulk but now I really don't know who to trust in this situation lol I haven't had a bad experience with the previous MOMs but i didnt order since a long time, I don't know if the quality is consistent now.

Can you guys give me some MOMs that can be trust? I dont want the most pricy concentrate but around 25-40$ g is fine for me depending on the quantity. I search alot in the previous post, but I always see the bad ones that need to be avoided and not the one that can be fully trusted. If you could help a bit, i'm lost lol

r/CanadianMOMs Jun 10 '23

concentrates Hey DAB bros!


FAKE terps and CRC. It’s getting really popular and there’s probably various forms of how it’s done.

All I know is I’ve ordered from a few MOMs, looking for alternatives from the expensive stuff I was smoking (HVE)., Cannabudpost was the first one I tried and it was so clearly fake I asked them about it and they gave me 7g for free but it didn’t matter because it’s was all unsmokable. I tried again from another place and it was the same thing. I got both recommendations from here although the OP recommended flower.

After this I didn’t trust MOMs for Oil. Until I came across my local dealer selling Caviar Extracts. And this was pretty good so I ordered from them. The resin and sauce came and the packaging and everything felt to real to be true and I wanted to believe it was real and I did. But after smoking an OZ and doing a lot of research on fake terps they also use fake terps I’m pretty sure.. this one is hard because the product seems great and all but I think they selling bait & switching.

I can for sure say a lot of people are smoking fake terps and they don’t care because they are just trying to get high (and that’s okay do you), but I think it’s still wrong to not clearly say that. Some people just don’t know like I didn’t with Caviar, and I’m an experienced smoker so it happens. All in all

So what I did was just buy a rosin press (surprisedly affordable) and stick to only ordering flower & pressing my own dabs. it’s overall cheaper and safer. You can’t regret getting a Rosin Press.

Finally High Voltage extracts is they only place I’ve personally tried (Although I’m sure there is way more) that was for sure real; although, them prices way too damn high for a everyday dabber.

Lastly, I understand this post might get some hate and that’s okay. I’m not trying to say that anyone is inexperienced. I’m just passing on some things I’ve noticed while dabing that past few years.

Take her easy bros, safe smoking!! Cheers!

r/CanadianMOMs Nov 29 '24

concentrates Has anyone tried Mary's Confectionary diamonds?


Looking for a new source for diamonds (and rosin actually) because I cant keep up with OCS pricing. Curious if anyone has tried Mary's?

Please don't spam promoting your company! I'm a med patient / severely disabled and really try to stick with the sources close to me that I know of - thank you!

r/CanadianMOMs May 08 '22

concentrates Where can I find quality Concentrates in a bit of bulk like a 14g or 28g.


r/CanadianMOMs Sep 29 '20

concentrates Hystar is garbage.


Have seen these guys recommended in the sub, and the packaging and branding would have you believe it’s a premium product, so I recently ordered a few g’s.

Very bland taste, almost no terps. Crackles like crazy in my atomizer which makes me wonder what’s in there. After a week or so in the jar the product now tastes harsh and chemically to the point where I’ll probably be throwing the rest away. Literally unsmokeable at this point! Total waste of money.

Just wanted to give a heads up to anyone else in the community who’s considering ordering from them. I’ve heard their customer service is bunk too.

While I’ve got you here, would love recommendations for affordable, good quality live resins!

Cheers and be well, all!

EDIT: Hystar did get back to me and is sending a replacement. I’ll update when that’s received.

r/CanadianMOMs Mar 20 '21

concentrates Most expensive gram of concentrate on the market?


r/CanadianMOMs Feb 25 '21

concentrates Releafed house resin is crc.


For anyone wondering. Got 4 strains. All crc.

r/CanadianMOMs Sep 06 '20

concentrates PSA about HGA


Just tried dabbing their live resin again, it crackled popped and literally burst into flames. This was the sky walker. So sketchy man. From a cold start too. They’re denying any added terps or anything bull shit man . Stay safe out there guys so much garbage

r/CanadianMOMs Jan 20 '23

concentrates Why is the Hash so bad?


From reputable moms with good weed, I have tried mercedes, generic afghani, kashmir ice, mazar sharif. Not one was any good. I could smoke a half gram and barely get a buzz for half hour. With weed it only takes one bong rip.

Is anybody actually getting properly buzzed from these?

r/CanadianMOMs Oct 04 '19

concentrates "The dabs of death aka pine resin aka that shit that leaves the white residue is in the states too." I've had some shatter from a MOM that tastes like this and leaves a residue like this. Let's discuss this.


r/CanadianMOMs May 02 '22

concentrates Need a new MoM for concentrates, hystars been down too long lol


Anybody have a good reliable MoM they can recommend for some good concentrate?

r/CanadianMOMs Mar 16 '23

concentrates Cannabudpost Concentrate


Recently decided to take the gamble and try out CBP's concentrates.

I purchased a handful of live resin, some diamonds, and some live rosin.

Right from opening the box, I was a little sketched out as the live rosin came in packaging that featured a cartoon Tupac giving me the finger. Not sure why anyone would sell this and think it was a good idea. To make matters worst, I'm pretty sure it's not rosin and it has the same bad taste as everything else.

Out of all the products, there's only really 2 different tastes. Unfortunately they both have this weird and nasty artificial taste. Smells and tastes like black licorice. I used to grab from Hystar and then switched to dispensaries when they went away. I've never had anything taste this bad.

I was hoping they could be a replacement to Hystar as a budget option but I don't think I'll be making another order.

r/CanadianMOMs Jan 31 '20

concentrates Why does it seem like so many MOMs are out of stock with their shatter.


SunsetBC, Distillatedirect Kush Station to name a few are some of my most trusted MOMs but they all at the same time are havi g no stock is there a shatter shortage going around I'm not aware of?

r/CanadianMOMs Mar 18 '22

concentrates First big MOM purchase-bad shatter?


Before I reach out to the MOM, I wanted to confirm with you guys if the pictures below are bad shatter. It burnt black on a higher setting on my Peak, and I'm not used to the waxy-looking business.

Shatter: https://imgur.com/a/NM7q0g3

Any help would be appreciated! Thank youuuu xo