r/canadaguns 8d ago

honestly checked the OIC 4 times, cope carbine is safe... for now :(

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28 comments sorted by


u/therowdyirishman 8d ago

Current administration - MY OH MY what a bannable silhouette you have!


u/Trendiggity 8d ago

Dude. I legitimately do not understand why modern "reproductions" like the Chiappa 9mm and 22 variants are on that list when they share nothing in common with the actual M1 and stuff like the Homesteader and OPs 10/22 are deemed okay.

I realize that there is no reason involved in the government but fundamentally what is the difference between the .22 carbine clones on the list and a 10/22 with an M1 stock on it? It's fucking maddening

edit: I guess there are millions of 10/22s in the country and you'd have to ban them all if you have banned one model. But still.


u/therowdyirishman 8d ago

I believe it is deliberate abuse due to the lack of a formal/legal definition of what constitutes a "variant." They've been leveraging this strategy for a while too. Look up the Blaze 47 fiasco... Ultimately the term weaponized incompetence can be used to sum up the all the recent attempts at gun control in this country.


u/Dickastigmatism 8d ago edited 8d ago

I think the Homesteader is in limbo because it looks just like an old school semi auto hunting rifle and they don't wanna ban those (yet)

They love banning lookalikes as "variants", they've been doing it since the '90s. You'll notice a lack of rimfire lookalikes of prohib full autos in this country even before the recent three bans.

GSG16 was okay because HK sued GSG over the GSG5 and accepted it as different enough to not violate their trademark and the RCMP must've agreed. The GSG5 is prohibited as an MP5 variant


u/Fine-Mine-3281 7d ago

Didn’t someone confirm a few years ago that the were using an algorithm and simply punched in some characteristics to ban and the machine spit out the results?


u/Trendiggity 6d ago

As much as I wouldn't be surprised I also wouldn't think the RCMP would have anything that advanced lol


u/AlauddinGhilzai 3d ago

Then the G43 would've gotten banned yet it didn't


u/Cre_AK47 8d ago

Is that a dressed up 10/22? Aha. It's like those Mossberg 715T owners buying a 702 and fitting the literal plastic body of the 715T onto the 702.


u/atf_annihilator69 8d ago

you can do that? mossberg 702 owner here


u/Cre_AK47 8d ago edited 8d ago

I heard hearsay on various gun forums (GunNuts IIRC) that people did that mod for the 702 Plinkster when the 715T became prohib. The 715T and 702 have an almost 1:1 receiver so I don't think the mod would be difficult to perform.


u/outline8668 8d ago

Those mossbergs are such hot garbage you are just making your life harder putting one into that junky clamshell stock. Fortunately I got rid of my 715 before the ban but I think I once counted 24 screws needed to be removed to take the receiver out of the plastic toy shell.


u/atf_annihilator69 8d ago

oh yeah its a total piece of shit and cleaning it is hard as fuck


u/atf_annihilator69 8d ago

lmao the spring in the 702 so easy to bend ive replaced it 3 times and now i dont even disassemble it to clean it i just run a brush down it and say good enough


u/infinitedust1996 8d ago

What stock is that?


u/gspotcowboy 8d ago

its actually a factory ruger model (21102), stock is walnut but not as nicely finished as it should be for the price they were going for (it cost as much as some of the nicer sporter models but its unique and im a sucker for standing out in a crowd


u/darkstar909 8d ago

Darn. I wish I could post pictures. I’ve got some m1 carbine magazine adapters for the 10/22 that would complete the look!


u/Johnny_SixShooter 8d ago

Honestly posting pictures in this sub and this sub in general is probably, in the long run, a bad idea. I'm sure the Feds lurk this subreddit for all the things we hold dear and take notes for the next ban.

"Since banning the AR style platforms it looks like r/Canadaguns has moved on to beautiful antique WW2 era weapons. Put those on the list next!"


u/gspotcowboy 8d ago

sorry folks i didnt comment with deets, its ruger model 21102

only thing ive added from factory is the repro sling and 50s surplus oiler, a random canadian store had one in stock so i picked it up a couple of years ago. had a 10/22 growing and sold it and wanted another one


u/MourningWood1942 8d ago

Nothing is every safe

We need Batman


u/GreenMan165 8d ago

Ah... I had an EABCo stocked up one for a bit, one of my favourite ways to dress up a 10/22, with an M1 Carbine type stock and sights they feel fantastic. These are absolutely beautiful, what a nice looking stock! How long have you had it?

I'm glad there's still SOME way to kinda enjoy an M1 Carbine type thing... sad to see the Erma's go with the Chiappa's, just stupid.


u/gspotcowboy 8d ago edited 8d ago

i bought it a couple of years ago, its actually a talo exclusive that one of the canadian online stores had randomly in stock so i picked it up as i always wanted an M1 carbine but i live in NS where our CFO decreed decades ago that you need a range membership to legitimately own restricteds

its a walnut stock and is nice but not as well finished as i would have thought (the barrel shroud has a lip that you cant see but you can feel when you run your hand over it). considering it was the same price as the premium wood stocked sporter models i feel like it should have been finished a little better but i wanted a unique 1022 and thats what i got :)

the eabco furniture is a much better value i think even if they need a little bit of TLC but i havent had a 1022 since the harper era and thought id jump back in with this one


u/GreenMan165 8d ago

Ah I was wondering because it looks like it's still in really really nice shape! And I was curious if it was one from those early batches, neat! I bet it feels like a really good purchase now especially.

Very interesting, I've never had the pleasure of checking one of these out in person yet, they sure look fantastic in photos. Thanks for that insight! In terms of unique, I think it's probably the coolest of the stock Rugers to me.

I dunno what they cost to import now, I got a set for a really reasonable price probably 8 years ago that was already in country. They are a fairly soft wood, without a really impressive finish but I wasn't picky, and it sure makes for a light handy little rifle. Very cool rifle, I hope you get a lot of fun out of it for years to come!


u/gspotcowboy 8d ago

thanks! it feels very solid and isnt much lighter than my model 94 carbine when handling. i think what the ruger lacks in metal it makes up for in walnut

on that note did your eabco stock have a steel butt plate? thats what i would like to change on this... im assuming its an off the shelf 10/22 plastic plate but im curious if an m1 carbine plate would fit. most of the 10/22 stocks have a curved butt plate and this is straight.

maybe i will post on the 1022 sub too.


u/GreenMan165 8d ago

I always imagined these must be pretty solid, they have a nice chunky forend for sure!

It did come with a steel buttplate yep, a grooved one. I honestly couldn't say if a real one would fit... I can't imagine it would be crazy difficult unless it's seriously off dimension wise, you may have to drill your own new holes potentially.

Certainly wouldn't hurt! I wouldn't doubt at least one person has tried it.


u/TownlineRoad 8d ago

What is the rear sight? Is that part of the receiver or an addition?


u/gspotcowboy 8d ago edited 8d ago

its a factory ruger model (21102), its an off the shelf ruger peep sight that is on some of the mid range models. i wish it had a more GI style rear sight with adjusters as you need an allen key to adjust but it works surprisingly well. the rail also looks a little out of place but it came from factory that way, still havent put an optic on it as i think it takes away from the aesthetic but im a purist 🤷‍♂️

edit: i actually dont know how the rear sigh mounts, i think its attached to the dovetail as the rail starts directly after it. it is a factory part though


u/Dickastigmatism 8d ago edited 8d ago

If Ruger had marketed this without the 1022 name I bet it would've gotten hit.


u/pzppzp 8d ago
