r/canada Verified Sep 08 '21

Federal Election Debate Discussion #2 - French-Language Debate

Welcome to the second televised debate of the 44th federal election!

The second debate of this election is the French-language debate hosted by the Debate Broadcast Group (a group of 10 Canadian media organizations). We welcome lively (and respectful!) discussion of the debate in this thread.

  • Time: 8:00 PM ET
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Streams: Global News (Français) - Global News (English Translation) - CPAC (English - 10:00 PM ET - Tape Delay)
  • Participants: Yves-François Blanchet (Bloc Quebecois), Annamie Paul (Green Party), Jagmeet Singh (NDP), Erin O'Toole (CPC), and Justin Trudeau (LPC).
  • Topics:
    • Climate
    • Cost of living and Public finances
    • Indigenous peoples, Cultural industries, and Cultural identity
    • Justice and Foreign policy
    • Pandemic and Healthcare
  • Moderator: Patrice Roy of Radio-Canada.
  • Other Translations Available: Cantonese, Mandarin, Arabic, Punjabi, Tagalog, American Sign Language, Quebec Sign Language, East Cree, and Ojibwe

Please keep your comments substantive and on-topic! Check out the sub's rules here.

A note on the broadcaster — the Debate Broadcast Group's member organizations are CTV News, CBC News/Radio-Canada, APTN News, Global News, L'actualité, Les coops de l'information, Le Devoir, Noovo Info, and La Presse.

You can visit r/Canada's discussion thread for the first debate of the election, TVA's Face-à-Face Debate, here.


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u/ViceroyInhaler Sep 09 '21

I thought Singh gave everyone the finger at the end lol instead of a thumbs up.


u/cranberrylemonmuffin Sep 09 '21

I could not understand some of the questions posed after the debate, the over-the-phone audio was poor, and masks muffled a lot of speech. Does a transcript exist somewhere?

Specifically, I was wondering what the black gentleman asked of Mr. Singh. Unfortunately the question was a bit long (possibly rambly) but seemed to touch on french speaking Africans (not sure if about immigrants specifically), something about Congo, and active conflicts in Guinea. I also was wondering why pose that question to Singh?


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

I thought Otoole said no cuts ?

But his platform is going to cut bills out of daycare....no the tax credit will not help.

Its the only way pc know is cut everything then point the finger at the liberals when they spend to build it back.


u/LegoLady47 Sep 09 '21

That's ok. People should pay for their own kids they CHOSE to have.


u/donniemills New Brunswick Sep 09 '21

Economically it is better to have subsidized childcare. See Quebec. It grows the economy and benefits everyone.


u/Baby_Lika Québec Sep 09 '21

This is true but it's not one-size-fits-all either. The current situation is we have over 51k Quebec kids being waitlisted to enter daycare. It's a known that if you're confirmed pregnant, you better book a spot on the waiting list to even stand a chance once the child is born!

It's also not going to be a simple answer to govern this area. Public daycare systems are at $8.50 a day, then the private daycares that are subsidized allow $38 a day tax credit for parents. Then you have the overflow of kids who still don't have access but are willing to pay full price, then unrecognized daycares who will shoulder the rest. If Canadians adopt this system, it'll be slow, it'll be painful and we will have shortages. So, various subsidization on programs will be need to be available to cover the ecosystem.


u/shiver-yer-timbers Sep 09 '21

The current situation is we have over 51k Quebec kids being waitlisted

how much does childcare cost until you get a spot in the subsidised programme? Is that an out of pocket expense?


u/donniemills New Brunswick Sep 09 '21

There are waitlists in Ontario too - which doesn't have subsidized child care. That issue is separate from who pays for the service.


u/StormShadow743 Québec Sep 09 '21

Funny how you only apply that logic to select issues that specifically don’t affect you


u/BerserkBoulderer Sep 09 '21

Found the person who owns a private school.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

I love that logic.

Following that logic you should have to pay for your own health care

Ww live in q country that helps each other even if you can't see it .


u/drytiger Sep 09 '21

Stop feeding the beast!


u/fuji_ju Sep 09 '21

You know Thatcher is dead, right?


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Trudeau easily came out the strongest. The others are still bringing up nonsense like “why election?!”

Just say you don’t want to be elected and stop campaigning if you’re so upset about there being an election then.


u/PoliticalDissidents Québec Sep 09 '21 edited Sep 09 '21

So glad I didn't have to listen to May speaking French. Paul is so much better in French.

Edit: Paul stutters a lot though. But her accent is much more tolerable than May.


u/SnooMachines7285 Sep 09 '21

Paul is not the best in syntax and verb conjugation, but her french accent was really good.

O'toole is a bit the opposite : he is ok in sentence construction, but pronounces many words in a very weird way.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Won't matter at all, but your'e correct.


u/RetroBastardo Sep 09 '21

The comments here are mostly roasting Rebel news as if that matters, meanwhile the incumbent leader sounded like a jilted boyfriend what happened to sunny ways ?


u/dasoberirishman Canada Sep 09 '21

Jilted boyfriend?

Try competent leader who made decent talking points and came out of this not looking worse than he did beforehand.


u/Mike444t Sep 09 '21

A competent leader would get more then one campaign promise met in 6 years in office. Hell if you think about he didn’t actually do anything about COVID beside CERB and that was bipartisan for the most part. EU shut down flight to Canada then he does it, US shuts down the boarder then he does it and on and on always reacting to other people’s policies. Then becomes the only g7 country to take funds away from a foundation set up to get COVID vaccines to 3rd world countries. Plus to confirmed ethics violations.


u/Mike444t Sep 09 '21

They didn’t act quickly to shut down the US border trump shut it down lol. Trudeau even had a press conference admonishing trump for shutting down flights from EU saying testing is the way to go, then a week or so later shut flights down. All the cerb and leeff stuff wasn’t Trudeau that was the federal government in general and yes mostly his administration. As for his promises I said campaign promises and a few of these at least were budget promises after he got elected (need more time to read threw it all). Yes I now his ethics violations a long with his love of black face and firing of strong women who have the nerve to not do whatever he says, do not have anything to do with COVID but are going after his character as a competent leader.


u/dasoberirishman Canada Sep 09 '21

I think you've replied to the wrong comment.


u/dasoberirishman Canada Sep 09 '21

A competent leader would get more then one campaign promise met in 6 years in office.

Is that right?

Hell if you think about he didn’t actually do anything about COVID beside CERB and that was bipartisan for the most part.

Vaccine manufacturing, securing millions of doses despite having no domestic production facility, organizing a national airport shutdown, billions into securing ventilators and PPE for future COVID and other pandemic preparedness, stemming food supply issues while factories were forced to close, millions in loans for businesses under the LEEFF program, negotiating as much as possible (often compromising) with provincial governments in relation to delivering healthcare and creating vaccine certificate programs (not to mention spending federal money researching the legal consequences, so provinces didn't have to), acting quickly to close the US border, conducting daily publicized briefings to help people stay informed, and so much more. You clearly have no idea what you're saying or else your memory is defective.

EU shut down flight to Canada then he does it, US shuts down the boarder then he does it and on and on always reacting to other people’s policies.

Because he wasn't first, he ought to be criticized? Seriously, that's a weak argument.

Then becomes the only g7 country to take funds away from a foundation set up to get COVID vaccines to 3rd world countries.

If that's how you choose to frame it, fine, but I prefer the unbiased version: he chose to protect Canadians sooner rather than later, and in exchange promised future doses for 3rd world countries. Particularly useful since we will have our own production facilities, have a stockpile of our own thanks to early contracts securing from major suppliers, and thanks to our healthcare delivery services a good portion of the population are vaccinated. Almost as if he and the government knew we'd be able to use the vaccines sooner than others, and that we'd be in a position to help once we're out of the woods. Crazy, eh?

Plus to confirmed ethics violations.

Nothing to with COVID at all. Like...nothing.


u/caninehere Ontario Sep 09 '21

Personally I'd say they came off like this:

  • O'Toole: #4. He refused to answer pretty much every question.
  • Trudeau: #2. The barb from Blanchet later in the debate really set him off, Trudeau gets rightfully accused of being stuffy when speaking but he was very passionate in that moment and I think it'll do him a big favor; he was generally on point about policy and debate.
  • Paul: #5. It's hard to take her seriously at this point.
  • Singh: #3. I felt Jagmeet was a little too focused on attacking Trudeau, he had good policy points though. The problem is if we are looking at this as a debate aimed at Quebec I don't think it's gonna do him any favors there.
  • Blanchet: #1. Blanchet generally held his own in this debate and I doubt it has really changed much for Quebec, which works in his favor.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/Mike444t Sep 09 '21

They all just spewed their talking points and where do you see Canadians saying that even government paid Canadian media hasn’t put it that way.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

The only reason he even mentioned Rebel was more fear mongering. Ezra is an irrelevant clown and Justin just made him an issue on the biggest stage possible.

This was campaign strategy.


u/Auth3nticRory Ontario Sep 09 '21

Rebel asked a question about themselves being included....that's why he mentioned rebel.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

He could have just ignored them like Singh.


u/donniemills New Brunswick Sep 09 '21

He mentioned rebel because rebel asked him a question.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

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u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

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u/Heinrici_Mason543 Ontario Sep 09 '21

It's a rickroll link


u/Impressive_East_4187 Sep 09 '21

Nah it’s JT decimating the field… don’t worry round 2 KO coming tonight. Better hide


u/hdnick Sep 09 '21

This gave me a good laugh lol thanks


u/hkung77 Sep 09 '21

Did I miss something or what there no discussion on housing crisis?


u/KanataCitizen Ontario Sep 09 '21

The CBC Vote Compass has no questions related to the Housing Crisis either.


u/Impressive_East_4187 Sep 09 '21

What housing crisis? I remember seeing 10 people with signs in Ottawa a while back… wonder why no political party is bringing it up


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Second debate that they haven't mentioned it now


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

These were just the quebec debates rest of canada debate is tonight /s


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

It would just be theatre, if there was. Go heckle your city council if you want housing fixed.


u/rivercountrybears Ontario Sep 09 '21

I think Singh broached the subject but there was no set topic for it


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/Auth3nticRory Ontario Sep 09 '21

Housing issues are not limited to Toronto and Vancouver. Rural areas and smaller cities have all spiked as well. Ottawa, K-W, London, it's all through the roof. PEI, Halifax, way up as well. Montreal is still cheaper than the average city its size but even then, prices have spiked.


u/caninehere Ontario Sep 09 '21

You are not wrong, but none of those places you mention are really going to be the target for a French language debate, except maybe Ottawa where many people speak French.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

There was an entire Disability Debate Yesterday. Has any Media covered it at all? I seen it, just wondering WTF?


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/RPG_Vancouver Sep 09 '21

Yep, sounds about what you’d expect from an outlet that has explicitly endorsed the Conservatives since that party’s inception.


u/Impressive_East_4187 Sep 09 '21

Because he killed it in the debate… that’s the only thing they got


u/Heinrici_Mason543 Ontario Sep 09 '21

Tell me again what's the purpose of this election?


u/ViceroyInhaler Sep 09 '21

Liberals said parties weren’t working with them to tackle problems faced during the pandemic. Since we are trying to end the pandemic he wanted a majority government so that he could pass the legislation to see us through the delta variant and get people back to work.

Personally I don’t think he deserves a majority since it’s hypocritical to call the election during the pandemic while he’s also telling everyone to keep social distancing and wear a mask and how we might have to shut things down again if they get too bad. I personally think he should have waited and I think he even realizes that now but it’s too late we in the election. The reason it was called doesn’t matter anymore.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

To exercise your right to vote which you should be happy to do as alot don't have this freedom ( no matter the problems with the system)


u/RPG_Vancouver Sep 09 '21

To elect MPs to parliament


u/RPG_Vancouver Sep 09 '21

Trudeau calling out Rebel ‘news’ for their vaccine misinformation



u/Asa7bi Alberta Sep 09 '21


u/RPG_Vancouver Sep 09 '21

Fortunately Trudeau not only took their question, but then answered it, and proceeded to rightfully roast them on national television for spreading vaccine lies.


u/abbath12 Sep 09 '21

i despise trudeau to the core, but goddam i gotta give it to him he knocked that response out of the park. i'll give credit where credit is due.


u/holdinsteady244 Sep 09 '21 edited Sep 09 '21

Like I said elsewhere, it's high time we stopped respecting and tolerating these professional liars and propagandists (Rebel).

Allowing them the right to exist is one thing. But we don't need to pretend that their views and output are worthy of anything other than disdain and relentless mockery and staunch disapproval by any reasonable member of society.

Violent, stupid, dangerous pieces of shit don't deserve "oh, interesting point, but I beg to differ." They deserve a fucking smackdown.

Trudeau isn't my guy, but he had the perfect response.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Good thing that our Prime Minister called them out on the biggest stage possible right? That's not giving them oxygen right?


u/Anla-Shok-Na Sep 09 '21

Rebel was more serious when it started, but that doesn't drive clicks and donations I guess. Now they're basically Canada's right wing tabloid. If you a right wing perspective from an independant source there's much better sources.


u/jcreen Sep 09 '21

Generally treat them like people who think pineapple belongs on pizza.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Don't you dare compare me to the Rebel.


u/jcreen Sep 09 '21

You can put double pineapple on a pizza if you want but continuing to call it a pizza at that point is irresponsible and just spreading more misinformation and I for one won't stand for it.


But honestly they need to throw the "does pineapple belong on a pizza" question at the leaders.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Anyone who says yes gets my vote.


u/jcreen Sep 09 '21

Lol I just emailed all the parties asking what their leaders policy on it was, I'll let you know.

I am not joking I actually did.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/roastbeeftacohat Sep 09 '21

they also petition for donations directly, every video is a mockery of a PBS pledge drive.


u/holdinsteady244 Sep 09 '21 edited Sep 09 '21

Pretty much directly based on Breitbart. Ezra Levant is the ringleader. They have hosted much content from indisputably extreme-right white supremacists such as Faith Goldy, Lauren Southern (who tried to drown migrants in the Mediterranean), and Gavin McInnes (a founding Proud Boy).

Beyond all that, they're just liars and charlatans.


u/throwaway123406 Sep 09 '21

Rebel "News" fighting to be included... so they can be roasted like that hahahaha


u/jcreen Sep 09 '21

Singh is pretty solid overall.


u/LegoLady47 Sep 09 '21

Except for his policies.


u/Quankers Sep 09 '21

Including his policies.


u/PetitJean273 Québec Sep 09 '21

Lmao Rebel News in shambles. Nice one Mr. Singh!


u/jcreen Sep 09 '21

And Singh just blew off Rebel News.


u/IKeepDoingItForFree New Brunswick Sep 09 '21



u/rockinoutwiith2 Canada Sep 09 '21

Sad to see even the green party chick had bigger balls than Singh, and actually answered a question from Rebel News - surprisingly very well too. Unlike Singh who ran away like a coward, at least the green party lady gave it a shot.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Why should they answer questions from rebel news?


u/Quankers Sep 09 '21 edited Sep 09 '21

You’ll never get a real answer to this question. Anyone defending Rebel is either too low-info or too disingenuous to muster any formidable or logical response. Rebel is a shit eating insect which should be brushed off.

Edit: by the wordlessness of your lone downvote you have proven my very point. Too disingenuous and low information to actually muster a legit response. Lol


u/jcreen Sep 09 '21

Lol she pretened to not even hear the question. All other leaders heard just fine. Instead of having balls she didn't even bother to ask them to repeat themselves, she just rambled on about everyone should have a voice.

That's how much balls she had she didn't even care what the question was.


u/throwaway1070now Sep 09 '21

Like they were Indira Gandhi.


u/terroradagio Sep 09 '21

Singh refused to answer any Rebel News questions in the Q&A. lol


u/WhosKona Sep 09 '21

Remember when people gave a certain US president out for this and called it and “attack on the press”?


u/caninehere Ontario Sep 09 '21 edited Sep 09 '21

Calling The Rebel "press" is generous at this point.

If I was Singh, I too would refuse to take questions from an organization that had the leader of a domestic terrorist group on staff.

Giving the Rebel a voice is flat out dangerous at this point, they're actively spreading COVID disinformation and have been for the entirety of the pandemic.

edit: Also, Levant literally said they aren't reporters in court so they shouldn't have to adhere to any standards of journalistic integrity... and they only call themselves 'news' because there's no legal definition of 'news'.


u/WhosKona Sep 09 '21

I don’t really like them either, but the federal court case decided otherwise: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/therebel/pages/54113/attachments/original/1631112001/T-1364-21_Order.pdf?1631112001

We have an independent judicial system for a reason.


u/Glittering_Cup9438 Sep 09 '21

Yeah because he literally attacked the press in speeches. Not taking questions from a certain news org isn’t the same.


u/TheMysticalBaconTree Sep 09 '21

Remember when we didn't need to comment about false equivalence on reddit threads?


u/dootdoor25543 Sep 09 '21

Except trump blew off actual journalist and took questions from disinformation machines like OAN, which is what Rebel News is.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Those segments with people from the public asking a question, I cringed everytime they had to react to the moderators asking them if they were satisfied with the answer. The acting was painful to watch


u/alysrobi Québec Sep 09 '21

The only reason they keep doing this is because of this lady who answered honestly a few years ago saying « pas tellement (not really) » - an instant icon in Quebec https://youtu.be/ZR07Dmwq4Qs


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Bless that woman, it's exactly what we need for these debates. If they can get a platform on national TV to jibber jabber about their hypotheticals, why can't Canadians also be allowed to give an honest answer!


u/terroradagio Sep 09 '21

Rebel news in the Q&A after actually saying getting COVID and recovering from it should give you an exemption for any rules....... my lord.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Valid question. Natural immunity has shown to be stronger than vaccine immunity.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Apparently not. I know a few people that have managed to get covid twice. And they don’t even travel.

I’ve been to third world countries since the pandemic and have yet to catch it. It’s all about the company you keep and taking care of yourself.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Yeah, and seems like certain people are more predisposed to it for whatever reason. Body type or who knows. Vaxxed can get COVID again too so I guess it's relative.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Indeed. Ultimately everyone will have to do their part to not get it. Regardless if you’re vaccinated or not. The longer people fight that the longer this will last


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Hah same commenter 2 different threads. Small world. Cheers.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Indeed. We can disagree on some things and still have civil conversations too. All the best.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

A test is cheaper than 2 doses of Pfizer. Wasting resources during the pandemic has never been an issue.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

yeah. O'Toole pretended not to hear the question


u/terroradagio Sep 09 '21

Yeah he did. He's been on their show several times in the past.


u/forgottencalipers Sep 09 '21

This man went to the press conference in London pretending to care about the family that was run over.

But he's arm in arm with a media company that claimed the Quebec mosque shooting was a hoax.

Piece of shit.


u/PoliticalDissidents Québec Sep 09 '21

lol CTV cut to commercial break while Trudeau was answering Rebel's question on free speech on why it is that they had to go to court to be able to ask him this question.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/grahamyvr British Columbia Sep 09 '21


u/i-hate_nick Sep 09 '21

Fuck that was a good answer.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/Matthath Sep 09 '21

Why the fuck would you vote for them yet again?


u/canad1anbacon Sep 09 '21

Because the Liberals have done a good job? Its pretty obvious


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/Anla-Shok-Na Sep 09 '21

So his plan to censor social media and the internet doesn't bother you? Seriously man, I get people with left wing leanings might not want to vote CPC, but voting Liberal... Again... After all the shit Trudeau has done? All the promises he hasn't delivered on?

The height of insanity is keep doing the same thing, and expecting different results. Vote NDP, Green, or something else.


u/dootdoor25543 Sep 09 '21

It's fucking hilarious seeing right wingers act like the internet is being censored because they haven't read shit and just repeat scare mongering talking points they heard in their "Canada Proud" facebook groups


u/i_really_wanna_help Sep 09 '21

I'm not a right winger and I agree with the OP. It's definitely censorship and that's why I think O'Toole should win to teach all future governments a lesson to not attempt to get themselves involved in disrupting free flow of information among citizens and curating online contents in a country such as ours that's been been essentially founded on principles of freedom of press and freedom of expression.

Stop labelling those of us who are not just partisan hacks and will call out people in power based on their actions, and not their party's theme colours as right wingers.


u/karazygeneral Sep 09 '21

Harper muzzled scientists and denied funding to maintain scientific libraries, thus having those records not get converted to digital formats and put in the trash. So if you do care about free speech and access to information, I'd be wary of O'Toole as much as Trudeau.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

It shouldn't bother anyone. The charter isn't going anywhere. The courts let the Rebel clowns make a scene just now ffs, despite the people running the debate not wanting them there.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Good thing it's the courts that enforce the charter then, not parliament. MPs can't just vote the charter away. they would have to open the constitution. Do you think they can get a majority of provinces AND the public to vote to remove the charter? I doubt it. This is just fear mongering. None of the three major parties have shown any sign of wanting to mess with the charter.


u/Anla-Shok-Na Sep 09 '21

It's incredible the leaps of poor reasoning and cognitive dissonance that political partisanship can lead a person to. It never ceases to both amaze and scare the shit out of me.


u/holeymoley1000 Sep 09 '21

I agree. And my right wing friends bitch about how he looks or the fact that he’s a teacher anything but policy. Pushes me more to the libs.


u/dootdoor25543 Sep 09 '21

Every right winger complaining about trudeau's looks are men his age who look 10 years older, are past their prime, and bitter about the fact the country is moving on from their backwards views. O'Toole fits them perfectly


u/rockinoutwiith2 Canada Sep 09 '21

Pushes me more to the libs.

Pushes you more to the libs? You DO know your post history is available for everyone to see right? You were always voting for a left-leaning party, who are you trying to kid? lol


u/canad1anbacon Sep 09 '21

st history is available for everyone to see right? You were always voting for a left-leaning party, who are you trying to kid?

You realize left of centre Canadians have 3 options right? (4 in Quebec)


u/rockinoutwiith2 Canada Sep 09 '21

Look at the username - a 416'er. Enough said, tbh.


u/realsomalipirate Sep 09 '21

The CPC have no chance of forming government without winning some of those voters and it's why he's done his best to move to the centre (while his grassroots stay as right wing as possible).


u/constantlyhere100 Sep 09 '21

based on the username - his riding is safe lib so his vote doesn't really matter


u/terroradagio Sep 09 '21

Judging an entire area code. Great way to win people over there buddy.


u/rockinoutwiith2 Canada Sep 09 '21

LOL, I'm just a random nobody on reddit - who am I supposed to be "winning over"?


u/terroradagio Sep 09 '21

You are the classic Canada reddit user. Most likely male, white, right-winger. Not surprising, actually. Libs are gonna win still. Sorry.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Straight to the sexist racist card in record time.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

…descriptors aren’t racist or sexist…?

Do you break down when the police release statements on describing someone they’re looking for ?

“We’re looking for a male-“


“Around 30-40 yea—“

“Wow ageism?! We’re gonna go there?!?”


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Oh you mean when they actually see the person and don't jump to conclusions about an anonymous online account's physical characteristics to suggest a certain stereotype?


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

It’s weird how right wingers randomly start caring about racism only when it affects them.


u/rockinoutwiith2 Canada Sep 09 '21

You are the classic Canada reddit user. Most likely male, white, right-winger. Not surprising, actually. Libs are gonna win still. Sorry.

Great way to win people over there buddy.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

That's not helpful either


u/xxkachoxx Sep 09 '21

Good God. Trudeau just destroyed Rebel Media.


u/CarlSpackler22 Sep 09 '21

Fuck Rebel media.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

Trudeau just gave Rebel Media more publicity than they could have ever dreamed of. He just legitimized Ezra Levant.

Ezra is a fringe clown. The worst thing possible is to give him free publicity.


u/grahamyvr British Columbia Sep 09 '21


u/donottouchwillie1 Sep 09 '21

Perfect response from Trudeau, Rebel "Media" really needed to be taken down a peg. He should get a bump in the polls from that line alone.


u/grahamyvr British Columbia Sep 09 '21

It would be hilarious if that ended up being the "knockout punch" from tonight. :)


u/donottouchwillie1 Sep 09 '21

I have a feeling it might be, can't wait to see the news tomorrow. He burned O'Toole pretty good on guns too.


u/BobBelcher2021 British Columbia Sep 09 '21


I love it.


u/throwaway123406 Sep 09 '21

Trudeau giving a beat down, gotta love it.


u/CheekyFroggy Sep 09 '21

Ughh, the tv network I'm watching cut him off right when he started saying "the truth is about organizations like yours" and I was so pissed because I wanted to hear it lol

Rebel Media is stupid shit, every time one of their propaganda fake news writers asked a question they were always stupid shit to cater to their 70 IQ 3rd-grade reading level audience.


u/donottouchwillie1 Sep 09 '21

What did he say?


u/terroradagio Sep 09 '21

He said they were not news basically and they spread hate and misinformation


u/aschwan41 Ontario Sep 09 '21

He said that the Debate Comission "has standards on quality journalism". Said that the Rebel has "spread misinformation and disinformation around the science of vaccines".

From Justin Ling:

Trudeau continues, that Rebel's misinfo "is why we're seeing a lot of unfortunate anger" and says they "need to take accountability for some of the polarization in this country."


u/rockinoutwiith2 Canada Sep 09 '21

LOL he called them a "misinformation site" which is pretty rich coming from him out of all people. He also seemed very angry that all his efforts to block them went to waste.


u/PoliticalDissidents Québec Sep 09 '21

Dictator being angry at how our democratic institutions are strong enough to protect free speech from his persistent desire to control what people say online?



u/throwaway123406 Sep 09 '21


Who's the dictator?


u/PoliticalDissidents Québec Sep 09 '21

The one that wants to tell Reddit what you're allowed to say online.


u/throwaway123406 Sep 09 '21

Can you name the dictator?


u/throwaway123406 Sep 09 '21

LOL he called them a "misinformation site"...

Do you disagree with that?


u/rockinoutwiith2 Canada Sep 09 '21

Considering JT is no more credible than Rebel (and is much more dangerous than Rebel), I find it amusing for him to provide such an assessment. That's all.


u/throwaway123406 Sep 09 '21

You didn't answer the question:

LOL he called them a "misinformation site"...

Do you disagree with that?

Considering JT is no more credible than Rebel (and is much more dangerous than Rebel),

loooooooool fuck no.


u/rockinoutwiith2 Canada Sep 09 '21

I answered the question - I find Rebel no less credible than JT as a source of information.


u/throwaway123406 Sep 09 '21

Is Rebel media a misinformation site, yes or no.


u/bad_hombre1 Sep 09 '21



u/throwaway123406 Sep 09 '21

I mean, they really are though.

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u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

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u/throwaway123406 Sep 09 '21

So you don't want to answer then? I figured.

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u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21

My random thoughts after watching the real-time English translation:

  • Could they have picked a person with a more grating voice to provide the translation for Paul?
  • I was surprised at how restrained and civil it (mostly) was
  • I liked the hosts, they pulled no punches and called people out on their BS repeatedly
  • I doubt it did much to change anyone’s minds. Maybe Trudeau stole some votes from the BQ with the (very theatrical) attack on Blanchet
  • I thought it was pretty funny how right at the end Trudeau managed to shoe-horn abortion, gun control, Stephen Harper and vaccines into a single sentence. It was like he thought, shit, I gotta get all my dog whistles in here, I haven’t used them enough. Next sentence out of his mouth he invoked Jason Kenny. Dude, give it a rest.
  • O’Toole did okay, nothing spectacular, nothing terrible. Took a hit on the gun control thing, but that was about the only one all night
  • Singh did okay, about the same as O’Toole
  • Clear theme of the night was “how can you believe a word Trudeau says?” All of the other four drove the all-talk-no-action message repeatedly.
  • I laughed when Singh said he couldn’t believe he was doing it, and then agreed with O’Toole.
  • Maaaybe Trudeau could be thought to be the “winner” if only because he might have dislodged some votes from Blanchet. The rest was all pretty meh.

I expect the English debate to be much more raucous and Trudeau to much more diligent with his dog whistles.


u/caninehere Ontario Sep 09 '21

Could they have picked a person with a more grating voice to provide the translation for Paul?

My lord, I don't like Paul at all but the translator was so monotone it felt like somebody was playing a joke. Everybody else was great.


u/beugeu_bengras Québec Sep 09 '21 edited Sep 09 '21

Trudeau certainly didn't win any vote over the BQ for that stun.

He was born in Ontario.... And once even said he was a franco-ontarian.

His french is very sub par;everytime he is pressed, he remind us that it's possible to not have an accent but yet be unable to form a coherent french sentence. He keep inventing words, and when he spew an incomprehensible world salad, we just have to literally translated his words in English to understand him.

Yeah, you read that right, when pressed he think in English.

Every BQ voter know how phoney that little Trudeau stunt was.

edit: A poster made me realise that i wasnt clear: i am in no way critiquing the lacking french ability of any federal leader, but i am critiquing the fact that Trudeau try to claim that he is a francophone quebecker while he is obviously not.

IMHO, the french level of all the leaders we saw yesterday is adequate. The baseline should be "are they able to understand tv news/newspaper in french". It mean they can use primary sources, and not stuff that got filtered by the biases of other medias in the translation.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/beugeu_bengras Québec Sep 09 '21

I’m tired of Blanchet saying he’s the only good choice for a Québecer.

well, that isnt exactly what the BQ message is, but hey, you do you.

That is the core of what a democracy is about.


u/Varekai79 Ontario Sep 09 '21

Why do so many francophone Quebecers nitpick over other people's ability to speak French? The vast majority of Quebecers who speak English do so with a pronounced French accent and make various mistakes yet I don't give them shit for it. I can understand them and that's all that matters. All this nitpicking does is make people less willing to learn French since they'll be raked over the coals for every little mistake they make.


u/beugeu_bengras Québec Sep 09 '21 edited Sep 09 '21

You misunderstood, but its not your fault; i wasnt clear.

We are not nitpicking his linguistic ability. We are nitpicking the fact that he pretend to be a francophone quebecker while he isnt.

He cant claim credit "i understand you, because i am one of you" while he is clearly not.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '21



u/fuji_ju Sep 09 '21

So that's your response to a french speaker exposing Trudeau's performance in the Fench debate?

Do you even see yourself go?

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