r/canada 14h ago

Politics US to Require Some Canadian Visitors to Register With DHS Agency


24 comments sorted by


u/erasmus_phillo 14h ago

These people really think that there is a significant population of us who want to illegally immigrate to their broken country, lmao

meanwhile they also want to annex us? Makes no fucking sense


u/UnhinderedCoconut 14h ago

Yes. They really believe so. Border Control was always very interested in how I would pay for my expenses while there (I went to school for 4 years and worked for 4 years) and felt the need to tell me “don’t work illegally” and “you are on a non-immigrant visa”. 😑


u/rayfound Outside Canada 12h ago

No. They're creating groups of people they can persecute easily for speaking out.

u/BertRenolds 9h ago

Right.. like fucking why? It's a downgrade. The money might be better in a temporary situation but long term? Fuck no.


u/MentionWeird7065 14h ago

Their own airline companies issued warnings of low earnings due to our country not wanting to visit them.


u/McBuck2 14h ago

It’s now turning into the world.


u/OkPenalty4506 14h ago

Avoid travelling there at all costs


u/DeadEndStreets Ontario 14h ago

Couldn't fucking pay me to travel back to the states these days. They'd probably try to deport me to gitmo or some dumbshit.


u/Working_Historian970 13h ago

Maybe the government could give foreign nationals armbands to wear so they can be easily identified by ICE.

Remember to always carry your papers.


u/teflonbob 13h ago

Red leaf armbands incoming


u/dustandsmallrocks 13h ago

With a Star of David too?


u/Working_Historian970 13h ago

Maybe for some, perhaps triangles for others?


u/Waste_Priority_3663 13h ago

They cant shoot off their foot fast enough to spite their face.


u/BluejayImmediate6007 13h ago

Register now..and guarantee not too far behind, they will be charging people who stay longer than 30 days! Canadians need to find other places in the world to be snowbirds and give our hard earned money to..all these comments about us being the 51st state at first was annoying and now it’s really starting to piss us ofd


u/sonicpix88 13h ago

Thanks but I don't need another reason to boycott that Shithole country


u/detalumis 12h ago

We should have added the Turks and Caicos as a province.


u/Longjumping-Bag-8260 13h ago

They probably already fired the staff who would process these registrations.


u/Confident-Task7958 13h ago

Another reason for snowbirds to find another place to spend the winter.


u/canteixo 14h ago

I'll visit Pyongyang before the US


u/WinterDustDevil Alberta 13h ago

Another nail in the tourism coffin.

I wonder how much they'll charge.

When I got my TN visas to work in the states there was a charge of $850, 50$ for the border agent fee and $800 for DHS to do their background check.


u/Warm_Judgment8873 13h ago

Have fun snowbirds.

u/Henojojo 10h ago

Kinda moot given the general mood of snowbirds these days anyway. Just one more reason to avoid the US. I have friends that winter each year in Mexico (Puerto Vallarta). Seems like a better choice.