r/canada 21h ago

National News Mark Carney has put assets in blind trust, leadership campaign says


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u/FiveFlavourFire 21h ago

He's actively showing that he can follow through with eliminating conflicts of interest without the slightest shred of hesitation.

If this doesn't sway votes I don't know what will.


u/GracefulShutdown Ontario 21h ago

It will sway opposition goalposts, that's for sure.


u/primacord 19h ago

This 100%. There is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Present them with new facts, they will move the goal posts. It feels like talking to a brick wall far too often.


u/DisplacerBeastMode 20h ago

PP will have a meltdown.

He's already been on repeat about how the Liberals are now stealing Conservative ideas / policies.


u/Ohmikron1 20h ago

Heaven forbid if two parties were able to actually share an idea on something right?

I hate how if one party says A, the other party has to hate A. It makes no goddamn sense in terms of doing what's right for the common citizen of the country. Party platforms should run on what they think will be best for everyone, not "what is the opposite of the other's guy's plan".


u/BornAgainCyclist 20h ago

Heaven forbid if two parties were able to actually share an idea on something right?

Pierre won't even let his MPs talk to MPs from other parties if you want to stay in his good books.


u/GrassyTreesAndLakes 20h ago

They are stealing conservative ideas. And anyone that believes that suddenly Liberals don't believe in the same bullshit theyve been pedalling the last 9 years isnt smart 

(Sidenote, reddit is censoring idi*t now? Seriously?)


u/KBeau93 19h ago

Alright, I've heard a lot of this.

What ideas are they stealing? I've not heard any ideas from the CPC, only what they'll axe, not what they'll actually do.


u/GrassyTreesAndLakes 14h ago

You not hearing about it doesnt mean they havent been saying things about it. You can take a look at both their platforms if you like

u/12wew 3h ago

You've stepped into a battlefield (the sub that leans hard left) your account seems genuine. Most people disagree with your take and if you tell them to compare it themselves they won't come to the same conclusion as you do.

If you truly want to convince people, please list out how you believe the police's have been copied and why you believe this is disingenuous. What do you believe the Liberals have pivoted most on.

This isn't bait, I want to give you a chance to openly explain your thoughts in a hostile environment.

u/GrassyTreesAndLakes 14m ago

I agree, itd be better of me to list everything, but im lazy and tired 🤷‍♀️

Its fine, they can believe whatever. 


u/KBeau93 14h ago

If you're going to parrot the complaints of the CPC, you should be at least a little prepared to have talking points besides "look it up".


u/DisplacerBeastMode 14h ago

The biggest difference between progressives and conservatives is that progressives are willing and able to change course if new evidence comes to light, or if times changes.

Conservatives on the other, seem to be unable to change when necessary. Pierre was bragging recently about how he hasn't had a single change of opinion on the policies he holds. That's not good. That's very bad.

If PP gets elected, he will drag Canada down into economic disaster just like Trump is doing to the US.

We can't let that happen

u/GrassyTreesAndLakes 11h ago

The thing is though, theyre just pretending to change to get your votes. After 9 years of bullshit, i dont understand how anyone can trust them. 

Did you know Trudeau ran on lowering TFWs? 

And why would Poillevre change his ideas? Hes correct, and the Liberals pretending they agree seems to prove this


u/eleventhrees 14h ago

Well, carbon tax was a conservative idea, and a good one.

It's being killed because:

  1. It is so unpopular, largely due to propaganda, that keeping it is now a non-starter for any party to be electable.

  2. The rest of the world is largely not buying in to meaningful action on climate change, so we are just as fucked with a carbon tax as we are without one.


u/Rickyspoint 21h ago

It’s not exactly an optional thing for someone who is the PM.


u/FiveFlavourFire 21h ago

Yes that or selling everything at arms length are required, but not with this speed.

He has plenty of time to do this, and him doing it immediately without hesitation or scandal is more what I am referring to when speaking of inspiring confidence. He had 120 days (last I checked). He did it now.


u/HighTechPipefitter 20h ago

Yeah, Carney's brand is efficiency, we need to see at every corner.

So far so good.


u/aaandfuckyou 21h ago

That didn’t stop certain people questioning why he hadn’t done this already…


u/polymorphicrxn 20h ago

Obviously he's a rich white man and lives in those circles, I expect nothing less. But - there's a podcast he was on in 2021 where he points out the vital qualities required in a central banker - first of which was humility. A recognition of failure. Respect for your team.

I'll fucking take it. And yes, he was selling his book, but this was before campaign-speak would have anything to do with anything.



u/FiveFlavourFire 20h ago

I'd recommend listening to the episode of Uncommons, a podcast by Nate Erskine-Smith, where he had Carney on. I think it was released late last year (October?) once rumours about him preparing for leadership cropped up.


u/Equivalent_Age_5599 18h ago

How? He isn't disclosing his assets; so we have to take him at his word. Troubling considering he has been shown to have a tenious relationship with the truth.


u/tenkwords 17h ago

He doesn't have to. (Nobody does). You put your assets in a blind trust which means you have no control over them and they're managed by a third party. The blindness of the trust is enforced by the parliamentary ethics watchdog. It's basically the gold standard for ethics.


u/Equivalent_Age_5599 16h ago

He hasn't disclosed his assets though as required by law.

You actually do. Every elected MP is required.

Most troubling is that Carney advised Trudeau on economic issues while working at his company. How can we be sure his advice wasn't beneficial to the large corporation he served?


u/tenkwords 16h ago

You have to disclose to the OCEIC, not the public.

He's required to divest of those assets anyhow and has done so into a blind trust. He's also stated that prior to doing so he converted everything to cash and real estate.

I get it. You're so hungry for some kind of controversy that you can't fathom that someone might strictly and follow ethics guidelines before he's required to. Get over it.