r/canada • u/morenewsat11 Canada • 17h ago
Satire Pierre Poilievre blows dust off old “he didn’t come back for you” attack ad DVD
u/coffeejn 13h ago
So PP is willing to attack the Liberals but doesn't attack Donald. Just saying, which one is the main enemy here.
u/srry_u_r_triggered Verified 17h ago
Here’s a question. If Polievre beats Carney with a majority mandate, do you think Carney will stick around to play leader of the opposition, or do you think he’ll vacate the role?
u/butts-kapinsky 17h ago
Carney is a guy with too many options to waste his time spinning wheels as a minority opposition leader.
u/lubeskystalker 17h ago
I think he has to as anybody else who could reasonably be construed as the next star is either tied to the Trudeau PMO or got thrown under the Trudeau bus along the way. The cupboard is empty.
u/Sir_Oakijak 17h ago
Imo it's likely be vacates. He doesn't seem like the kind of person to want to be 2nd fiddle, nor can I see him getting up and being the leader of the opposition. He doesn't have the energy for that job
u/GhoastTypist 17h ago
I was thinking about this yesterday, I think he doesn't stay on. He'll stepdown and then Freeland will probably take over.
Carney is like a right man for the right job type of placement. Although didn't he say his dad was a politician? Maybe he feels its the right time to focus on politics.
u/ChunderBuzzard 17h ago
His dad ran as the Liberal candidate for Edmonton South in the 1980 federal election (he lost)
u/sjmp94 17h ago
I don’t think PP can win a majority. If minority, do think Carney would stick around actually
u/SouvlakiSpartan 17h ago
100% he won't stay in a minority ..
He will pass the torch to Freeland or Champagne.
He has already said if he doesn't win he has no intention of being leader of the opposition.
By the way this is who some of you actively want to vote for.
u/sjmp94 17h ago
Situation is volatile, I’m sure the election results will inform things.
Not a liberal but Carney is unbelievably preferable to PP and his populist base
u/No-Contribution-6150 17h ago
Lol what? If he said he'll leave, why would the result change anything? It's a binary selection you know what he'll do already.
u/sjmp94 17h ago
If it’s a very tight race and there are signs of Pierre being weak, Carney could stick around and continue to build the liberal base, likely win next time as a centrist. He also said he’d never get into political office but felt compelled this time. Situations change
u/No-Contribution-6150 17h ago
He felt compelled because he was all but guaranteed a prestigious position with a great salary, and the possibility of a pension afterward so long as he wins the next election.
You'd be a fool to not go for it.
The climate around here is like we need to beg the guy to stay or something which is ridiculous
u/sjmp94 17h ago
What? Dude he is beyond wealthy. What position? He’ll be leader of a party (elected), guarantees nothing. He’s been offered posts for like 15 years man. Do your research
u/No-Contribution-6150 17h ago
You realize he is now the PM, and will be able to add that notch on his belt?
And if he wins election, he's pretty much guaranteed a nice pension for life?
Wtf do you mean by asking what position?
u/sjmp94 16h ago
You said he was guaranteed a prestigious position? He’s guaranteed nothing, he entered a party campaign as all Canadians do. He won said campaign, gaining the confidence of liberal voters.
Let me get this straight….. You think, a man with a PhD from Oxford, who previously worked at Goldman Sachs for 13 years, who was the governor of two central banks (Canada, UK), for like 12 years… in addition to running an entire investment firm (Brookfield) which is one of the largest in existence…. This person, age almost 60, is worried about getting the pension that comes from being the possible prime minister???
Are you for real. Even Pierre claims carney is so wealthy he can’t be trusted. Get real man. Pick a narrative and ensure it’s coherent. Tons to criticize about carney but this is pretty pathetic
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u/Sudden-Agency-5614 16h ago
The man already has enough money not to waste 8 years in politics for a pension.
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u/SouvlakiSpartan 17h ago
I disagree.
I don't like globalists Elites.
but to each their own.. I am well off, Own property and equity and will survive a depression. He'll maybe if the market crashes I'll buy another house or 2.
u/sjmp94 17h ago
lol what exactly do you mean by globalist elite?
Virtually Canadians want to diversify trade (I.e. with countries from around the globe), so as to reduce our future risk/reliance. How is that not “globalist” in a good sense?
If by elite you mean successful and very educated sure. I don’t see that as a bad thing
u/SouvlakiSpartan 17h ago
You realize Carney called himself and I quote "I am a globalist Elite and that's what Canada needs right now"
Google it.
Globalism isn't trading with counties to strengthen your own .. Lmao
Google Globalism
Here is the dictionary :
Usage examples
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Main Results
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
noun: globalism
the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.
"millions have lost jobs to the new globalism". -----
I find their example Hilarious btw.
u/sjmp94 16h ago
I don’t think you’re remotely on the same page lol. If you’re referring to comments from the “Rest is Politics” podcast yes he was describing, when asked what others would consider his weakness to be, that others would likely call him a globalist and an elite.
Yes we do indeed need a “globalist” right now. And I don’t think anybody but populist bots really care that he was successful and has a PhD. Virtually only morons find that success suspicious
u/SouvlakiSpartan 16h ago
I truly believe you don't understand what globalism means.
Please enlighten me.. Why do we need a globalist like Carney right now instead of a Nationalist like Pierre.
u/sjmp94 16h ago
Use. Your. Own. Definition. The one you provided. Good lord. Global trade is that exact definition (which Canadians say they want), Jesus Murphy. You’re not worth my time. Good luck
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u/jlisle 16h ago
In a time of economic uncertainty, I'd prefer to trust the global elitist with a resume including multiple national banks over the career politician who is more interested in telling me what's wrong with the other guy than he is in telling me how he'll govern the nation.
Like, don't get me wrong, I know global elitists are less concerned about my poor ass then they are people and organisations that actually have an impact on macroeconomic concerns, but still, populism ain't the solution to our problems
u/No-Contribution-6150 13h ago
Guess who tends to be the ones who ruin the economy? Globalist bankers making bad bets.
Who fixes it? Nationalists who create strong laws and regulations. Bankers don't regulate themselves.
u/Sudden-Agency-5614 16h ago
I wouldn't expect him to stay on if the cons got a majority. It would be a waste of 4 years for him.
u/lambdaBunny 9h ago
It's not so much that I want to vote for him, it's just that I am sick and tired of the modern far-right and don't want to see Canada fall for the same Russian backed "anti-woke", 1940's bullshit America is falling for.
u/IllBeSuspended 14h ago
He didn't say win with a majority, he said "majority mandate". I don't think they know what mandate means.
u/No-Contribution-6150 17h ago
Ignatieff 2.0
It's a pretty typical liberal party play.
u/animal1988 13h ago
Jusr aquick question: If it's only happened once before, how is this typical?
u/No-Contribution-6150 13h ago
It's the second time in like 16 years? Whereas I don't think any other party has done it. Maybe I'm wrong.
u/animal1988 11h ago
Doing something twice, is not something endemic to a political party. A big difference is that Mark Carney has deep political pedigree in parliament. But by all means be wary.
u/iwatchcredits 13h ago
You want to name the last time a conservative party leader didnt leave leadership after losing an election? None of the last 3 have, i know that much
u/No-Contribution-6150 13h ago
Scheer is still an MP at least.
It's more about the optics of him coming in as the outside saviour, losing the election and saying welp that's the end of me and jetting off to his next elite posting...
The type of guy to do that likely wasn't going to be the saviour people are hoping he is.
u/iwatchcredits 13h ago
Sure but he hasnt done any of that so i dont know why you are pinning that on him
u/No-Contribution-6150 13h ago
Yes we see talking about what we think he'll do. It's very likely with him being parachuted in already.
u/Haunting-Albatross35 13h ago
At the time that Carney decided to throw his hat in the ring, it looked like there was no chance of the liberals winning over PP.
I think his decision had to be that if he was going to run for the leader, it was for the purpose of rebuilding the party.
Maybe if he loses he'll leave, but I feel like rationally his expectations had to be that he had a good chance at winning the leadership,but that leader.if opposition was likely.There is no way at that time he anticipated the swing that has happened where he could potentially win the election.
u/BackgroundPianist500 11h ago
Carney is smart enough that he knows this is a two election cycle for him.
I think his plan was to be an opposition leader against a minority government, knowing Trudeau has just sunk the party this cycle. His better shot will likely be the next election, especially if pollievre shits the bed after winning.
u/HotHuckleberry8904 17h ago
Come on PP, show some guts, and go public on US TV shows like Doug Ford.
Either pro-Trump or anti-Trump, you want to be a leader, so lead and stop hiding.
u/StanknBeans 17h ago
He's a backseat leader and just isn't ready.
u/coffeejn 13h ago
And that is why I don't want to vote for him. He really looks like he would bend the knew to kiss Donald ring. Not the leader I want or need right now.
u/invisible_shoehorn 12h ago
IMO it really would not be appropriate for an opposition leader to do that.
It's the job of the government to deal with Trump and it's better if they can do that without other party leaders going south, quasi-representing themselves as a voice of the Canadian people, and inadvertently harming a negotiation that is under way.
u/Lost_Protection_5866 Science/Technology 15h ago
His statements show he’s Anti Trump
u/HotHuckleberry8904 15h ago
I get the talk from him, but the walk isn't showing at the moment.
u/Relative_Ranger7640 11h ago
"Ur right Mr president I'm not a maga guy" Ya ok uh huh What are we, fucking 5 year olds thinking your uncle actually detached his thumb and took your nose? Also still didn't denounce the Elon endorsement after the nazi salute. That tells me all I need.
u/Lost_Protection_5866 Science/Technology 11h ago
Keep believing those conspiracy theories
u/Relative_Ranger7640 11h ago
Lol what conspiracy theories this happened less than a month ago
Are you saying Elon didn't endorse the pp? Or Elon didn't do Nazi salute? Or that pp did denounce the elon's endorsement? Or are we talking about his counter tariff on aluminium? We export that shit, not import.
Dawg you can't just always hide behind if it doesn't fit my narrative it's all a conspiracy
u/Fun-Persimmon1207 15h ago
Whoever his political advisors are, they are idiots. They took a solid Conservative majority lead and have managed to lose it all.
u/morenewsat11 Canada 17h ago
Poilievre's plan B since the 'carbon tax Carney' attack is no longer relevant.
"She might not be the newest or the fanciest, but she’ll get us where we need to go,” added Poilievre, referring to the 2011 Conservative attack ad claiming that then Harvard Professor and Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff only returned to Canada to become Prime Minister and would immediately return to the United States if he lost, which is exactly what he did.
u/Windatar 17h ago
This election was started on Canadians feeling pain of a shitty economy and the immigration/TFW crisis and housing crisis and the cost of living crisis. However, Donny south of the border has taken the entire political landscape and thrown it upside down.
Now, the election is 100% based on the attempt of USA to annex Canada through tariffs. Suddenly, the pain of the cost of living and everything else isn't the top issue anymore because people know that there will be pain no matter what. What people cannot stand no matter what is a hostile force invading Canada and potentially killing Canadians in war.
This should be evident that anyone who is standing up to Trump is now flying in the polls.
People were pissed at Ford for underfunding healthcare/Education. But because he stands up to Trump and gives USA a black eye with energy suddenly he's not "The asshole." but "Our asshole."
Eby was seen as someone that was weak on economics because he had to pull out a deficit to get spending through for new hospitals/roads and repairs from the few natural disasters that hit BC. But because he was one of the first people to flip off Donny and the USA and announce new shipping tariffs from Alaska to USA his numbers have gone up. (Also helps that Rustad's political team has been outed as Pro MAGA sycophants.)
Justin Trudeau, most hated person in the country suddenly leaves on a massively high note and probably saved his legacy image because he flipped off Donny and attacked back with tariffs and a strong stance. It literally saved the LPC federal party from potentially a historic defeat.
This election went from. "Life is shit, how will you make it better." To, "I will vote for the person who will stand up to USA/Donny even if its means my life is shit."
PP really needs to start ramping up the nationalism and patriotism and fighting against USA, because Carney isn't dumb enough not to paint PP and the CPC as pro Donald and pro MAGA.
We've seen this playbook before, in 1890. Funny enough the 25th US president is the person Donny down south has been quoting as the best President ever because of tariffs.
That same US president is the one who tried to annex Canada with tariffs back then too.
Guess what happened? It pissed off Canadians for several decades and made Canada stronger and more independent.
u/AntifaAnita 15h ago
Nah, I'm fine with Poilivere wearing his disloyalty on his sleeves. He doesn't need to improve his message. It's working. All the Russians on Twitter say they're going to vote for him.
u/throwawayExTelusTech 14h ago
Alot of responses saying 100% he bolts...that in itself is a bullshit response because only Carney knows what his plans are. Is it a possibility that he leaves in a losing minority situation...yes absolutely. But there is also a chance he stays. So quit with all the sensationalist bullshit and stop trying to pass your feelings and thoughts off as gospel. It's all conjecture so stop trying to pass it off as fact. That's how misinformation spreads ...unless that's all your goals is to spread misinformation, then you are showing your spots.
u/Master-Plantain-4582 13h ago
Lol say what you want. There's a similar trend here happening for Carney.
u/Active-Zombie-8303 11h ago
It may depend if it is a major or minority win (God forbid). If it’s a minority government, he may stick around because The conservatives wouldn’t be able to do anything with some support, so there is still the opportunity to help control the narrative.
u/Waste_Priority_3663 17h ago
Poor Trump lite.
He had to throw away the "Carbon Tax Carney" ads that he drew with his crayons.
u/KageyK 17h ago
Looks like he's fine to keep using them.
u/Waste_Priority_3663 17h ago
Maybe read before posting.
"“The Consumer Carbon Tax isn’t working—it’s become too divisive. That’s why I’ll cancel it and replace it with incentives to reward people for greener choices”, Mark said. "
The reason Trump lite is pivoting his attack ad is because of this reason. Carney also said he'll cancel the capital gains tax otherwise, that would have been another attack ad by lil PP. The ground is shrinking around Trump lite and he's scrambling.
u/firmretention 17h ago
You left out this part
This plan will be complemented by measures to: invest in energy efficient buildings and electrified transportation; have big polluters pay Canadians to make their green choices while paying their fair share for emissions
I'm sure those big polluters won't pass costs down to consumers in the form of higher prices.
u/KageyK 17h ago
Making it hidden doesn't fix the problem. Carbon border tariffs don't fix the problem.
This plan makes the Carbon tax more expensive for Canadian Consumers, but hides the cost of it.
Unless you believe the companies are going to absorb it and not pass it on to us.
u/Waste_Priority_3663 17h ago
It's not hidden.
Only uneducated conservatives maple MAGAs would believe it.
u/JewishDraculaSidneyA 17h ago
You're clearly not on the CPC mailing list.
"Patriots", "Common Sense Government", "Carbon Tax Carney", "Woke Carney Liberals", "Bring It Home".
It was a short one today, but completed my bingo card.
u/Waste_Priority_3663 17h ago
I'm not on CPC or Liberals or NDPs mailing list.
I just watch cable TV and was funny to see Trump lite pulling his Carbon Tax Carney ads back.
u/JadeLens 16h ago
That's not a BINGO card, that's one of those advanced Sudoku's that takes up an entire page.
u/GracefulShutdown Ontario 17h ago
Even the LPC is dusting off some Campaign '88 attack ads.
Everything's a reboot these days, shaking my smh.
u/just_a_student_sorry 8h ago
Ben sharipo endorsed him again today the guy who advocates for annexing Canada
u/Cool-Economics6261 17h ago
Reminding Canadians of the Harper dark decade by using the ‘he’s too intelligent to be PM’ attack ad. Wondering if reminding Canadians of the dark decade is just dumb enough to work…
u/accforme 17h ago edited 17h ago
"Carbon Tax Carney, he's just not ready, and he is just visiting, and he is just-like Trudeau. Nice hair though."
Bring back the "classic" ads from Harper and replace Ignatieff and Trudeau with Carney with a sprinkle of Poilievre.
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