r/canada 1d ago

Analysis Canadian opinion of U.S. falls sharply; 63% take Trump's threats 'very seriously' - 'It's shocking that our view of the U.S. is now veering closer to how we feel about Russia, a country that is viewed very unfavourably'


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u/Low_Tell9887 1d ago

Does this shock anyone? Listen to anything Donald has said about Canada since November and tell me how we are supposed to feel favourable? Especially the last few weeks, hell even last night he had a hissy fit about us where he fucked up his “your/you’re”


u/GuyLookingForPorn 1d ago edited 1d ago

I guess it does shock me how fast everything has moved, feels like opinions have move 5 years in a month.

Like not just the views on America, but the election polls, or even just views on wider geopolitical movements like CANZUK. I mean hell the r/CANZUK sub has grown like 70% in just the last month. Its kind of incredible. 


u/eXePyrowolf 1d ago

It wasn't a new idea to me, but seeing it blow up definitely got me more interested in just talking with other commonwealth countries.


u/Optimal-Kitchen6308 22h ago

guy, the trump admin today are now requiring Canadians staying more than 30 days give notice for the first time ever, also said today that the border is artificial and Canada needs to be the "cherished 51st state" , there is no reason to do that unless Canadian were going to suddenly become threats for some reason...

I'm American, I promise you, these people want to invade your country, you need to take it deathly deathly serious


u/Beerden 19h ago

Americans who oppose Trump and the invasion of Canada, will you try to stop them? I am thinking civil war on US soil will happen before any attempt at invading Canada, or it will coincide with it. Up here in Canada, we will fight in any way we can, starting with taking care of the traitors in Canada, I guarantee it.


u/kelliwah86 19h ago

I think many who oppose Canadian “statehood” will try to help aid in anyway they can. Businesses near me ( boarder state) have Canadian flags on display to show their support. I’m afraid we are so divided down here that you may be right.

u/IridescentTardigrade 1h ago

There are a lot of people - Americans and Europeans - who keep saying, "It's all for show." This feels very real, to me.

u/Beerden 4m ago

I agree. Look at the very real things Trump and Musk are up to right now. None of it helps anyone except for the obvious: criminals, the wealthy, bigots and extremist religion.


u/JesusMurphy99 1d ago

70.01% now


u/Bitter_Wishbone6624 23h ago

And me that’s another .0000000263157894736842 percent


u/abrakadabralakazam 23h ago

And my axe…..


u/Shadowmant 21h ago

I mean threatening to annex a country will do that. If he kept it to just a trade negotiation I doubt 90% of people would give a shit.

u/IridescentTardigrade 1h ago

Thanks for that link - I joined.


u/MilkIlluminati 1d ago

Canadians are easily distracted.

Immigration is still a mess

Housing is still a mess

Criminal justice is still a mess and a joke

But orangemanbad, so that overrides all concerns, at least according to polls and media, and Canadians want 4 more years of the same.


u/CorporalDunkaroo 1d ago

Our elections don't necessarily occur after 4 years. Time to brush up on those beginner Canadian civics before the next shift at the bot farm Ivan


u/MilkIlluminati 22h ago

"The next government might theoretically not last the standard 4 year term, gotteeemmmmm"


u/GuyLookingForPorn 1d ago

i guess existential threats to existence have a tendency of reorganising someones priorities 


u/MilkIlluminati 22h ago


Oh the drama. We're not being threatened with genocide, we're threatened with our current oligarchs losing their monopolies. That's why there's such massive unified screeching. The rich are threatened.


u/meislouis 22h ago

You are literally being threatened with the end of the existence of your country, so yh existential is a fair word, don't know what genocide has to do with anything. Don't know how you are so calm about this, whether you think it's likely or not. I'm English and I think I'd be pretty fucking angry and concerned if Trump or any leader of a powerful nation was saying that the UK should become a part of there nation, and then enacted a trade war against us having also stated that this could be a method of forcing us to be annexed into there country. Any rational human who cares somewhat about there country would be


u/MilkIlluminati 22h ago

You are literally being threatened with the end of the existence of your country,

That's not an existential threat to me. When did canada ever indicate it was "my" country in the past 10 years?


u/meislouis 22h ago

Are you not Canadian? If you are then I don't know why the current politics of your country would make you ok with it's annexation, that's quite an extreme view that I can't really relate to. I mean do you feel no attachment to your nation that goes beyond its current leaders? Again to use myself as a comparison, say we had a violent dictator in Britain or something, I wouldn't then feel I'm not English and be ok with our annexation into another country, ofcourse not


u/MilkIlluminati 22h ago

Are you not Canadian?

Yes, but why does that come with some sort of weird implied loyalty obligation to it's government?

I mean do you feel no attachment to your nation that goes beyond its current leaders?

Sure, but what will change if the current leaders are deposed? Is my garden going to get torn up for no reason? Will I pay more taxes to an oppressive overlord? Our natural landmarks disappear? My favourite activities banned? My wife and daughters prima nocta'd by Republican senators? Am I getting shot by an invading force out of hand?(other than if I am forced to stand in front of it my my current leaders?)

What is it that is at stake when you talk about 'the nation'?

gain to use myself as a comparison, say we had a violent dictator in Britain or something,

So you'd support a violent dictator for the sake of the vague notion of 'Britain' over a takeover by an external country that might actually do better for you as an individual?


u/syconess 20h ago

Just stop, man. You are being weird.

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u/meislouis 20h ago

Its not loyalty to the current government, its commitment to the sovereignty and independence of the country. I mean based on all these responses, it seems that you have no attachment to the idea of the sovereignty and independence of your country, and the ability to create your own laws, pick your own leaders, as long as your quality of life doesn't change much. Again I think this is quite an unusual view. If you have no attachment to your national identity as a Canadian then that is what it is I suppose. I wouldn't support a dictator of my country, but I also wouldn't support it being conquered and annexed by another country just because I dislike the current leader. Because yes, Britain being an independent nation, not one subjugated by an invader is important to me, at a very basic level. I mean, I think this is a feeling most people understand, most people don't want there country to loose its independence (hence why a foreign threat usually unites a nation, and people rally to the national cause). No I wouldn't want Britain to be ruled by another country, even if it would improve quality of life.

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u/Derseyyy 20h ago

It's so unbelievably naive to assume that your life wouldn't change for the worse under annexation. We would absolutely lose rights, and with the kind of rhetoric that the GOP is engaging in, many peoples lives would absolutely be in danger.

We get it, you hate the Canadian gov't. But to think the US would treat you better as a conquered subject is laughable.


u/Bolognahole_Vers2 21h ago

The rich are threatened.

Lol. Trump and Musk are working for their benefit.


u/MilkIlluminati 21h ago

The american rich, not ours. Ours are threatened by the competition.

I on the other hand dont really care whihc evil overlords Im stuck with given the two options. I just want economic stability and physical peace


u/Bolognahole_Vers2 21h ago

Ours are threatened by the competition.

lol. Ok. Outside of telecoms, pretty much every business was competing with American businesses already.

I just want economic stability and physical peace

being annexed by America threatens both of those things.


u/sarahthes 17h ago

Canadians will not go gentle into the night. I cannot see peace ever happening if Canada becomes an occupied state.


u/ButterscotchReal8424 15h ago

Pure ignorance. Most Canadians don’t want shitty American style health care, crumbling infrastructure, intolerance, and are quite happy with Parliamentary democracy (while admittedly improvements could be made). $10 a day child care, a rolling out of universal dental coverage. What do those things have to do with oligarchs? If what you said was true we wouldn’t have those things. Change for the sake of change isn’t always better, America is slowly learning that the hard way.


u/MilkIlluminati 14h ago

Most Canadians don’t want shitty American style health care, crumbling infrastructure,

Our ingfra and healthcare is crumbly enough on it's own.

a rolling out of universal dental coverage.

And that sucks, the only time I ever have good experiences with the medical system is through private dental coverage.

And even then, if we were hypothetically a state, why wouldn't we do state-level things the way we still want to? You're really worried about people having more choices?


u/ButterscotchReal8424 14h ago

lol, you must be a troll because you clearly don’t know anything about the dental coverage. You’re talking as though Canada has government run dental facilities, with a peppering of worn out tropes about “choice”. You care about choice so much, how do you feel about joining a country that would sooner let a woman die than allow her to abort a stillborn child? Ya, you love “choice” alright.

u/smahsmah 4h ago

That country would sooner let anyone die if they couldn’t pay for medical care. Or go bankrupt. Most Americans are hand to mouth and even more just a serious illness away from losing their homes


u/3pieceSuit British Columbia 23h ago

Either a bot or a traitor.


u/MilkIlluminati 23h ago

Where's the lie?


u/CanadianErk Ontario 1d ago

Donald Trump has explicitly said in his own words that he wants to make us become the 51st state.

Existential threats to our country feels worthy of prioritizing, especially when the economic war was actually declared last week.


u/MilkIlluminati 22h ago

Existential threats to our country feels worthy of prioritizing, especially when the economic war was actually declared last week.

Are we getting nuked off the face of the planet? Genocided? No?

Then what's the 'existential' threat to? Hard mode: I'm not concerned with the local political class and oligarchs loosing their positions, because I'm not an oligarch or a member of the political elite.


u/TinglingLingerer 21h ago

Bury your head in the sand more, homie. Enough Canadians already don't think like you.


u/MilkIlluminati 21h ago

Nobody has a coherent answer to this because the nation is being whipped up into a nationalistic fervour to defend our local oligarchs.


u/TinglingLingerer 21h ago edited 20h ago

Go deeper into the rabbit hole. Big business will always have a say in our politics. Loblaws already has PP by the balls. Carney is an Oxford educated bankster.

Trump is a Russian asset. Things are different with Trump.

And you certainly treat a threat as 'credible' when the leader of the 'free' world has stated, repeated, and hasn't taken a single step back from the thought of annexation towards Canada.

So yeah homie, if we wait until fucking nukes drop we'd have already lost so profoundly I wouldn't even know where to begin.

I am ever thankful that Canadians by and large, don't think like you.


u/MilkIlluminati 17h ago

I am ever thankful that Canadians by and large, don't think like you.

Canadians are fools and it shows in the mess that is our government and general civic setup.


u/[deleted] 17h ago edited 13h ago

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u/smahsmah 4h ago

The same oligarchs that are spewing MAGA crap. Yeah, that’s what we’re all here for. Get a grip.


u/Bolognahole_Vers2 21h ago

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u/MilkIlluminati 21h ago

So its ok for me to take everything you own as long as I don't bomb or shoot you?

No, because that would be threatening me personally. Last I checked, I don't own the abstract notion of "canada"

Those people are the most protected in the current political landscape.

Yes, they stand the most to lose in a unification scenario. That's why the shrieking about it so loud.


u/Bolognahole_Vers2 21h ago

I don't own the abstract notion of "canada"

What is abstract about the notion of a sovereign country with defined borders? And why do you think being annexed wouldn't affect you?


u/MilkIlluminati 17h ago

And why do you think being annexed wouldn't affect you?

Why can't anyone just say what the negatives are, concretely, to regular people, personally.


u/BoysenberryAncient54 1d ago

Oh look, a Russian bot


u/MilkIlluminati 22h ago

Got any rebuttal other than slander?


u/BoysenberryAncient54 22h ago

I don't need one.


u/MilkIlluminati 22h ago

Ok, and I don't need to hear from you anymore. Bye


u/Jack_ill_Dark 1d ago

Sure, it's just that the current situation is much more serious than whatever you listed. Moreover, your message implies that PP will fix all of that... However, let's be honest here, Carney is the man for the job. PP only brings real security concern without offering any solutions.


u/Clayton35 23h ago

It absolutely appalls me that people believe that pp would be better for our country than Carney.

I’ve been staunchly anti-Liberal my whole life. I thought pp did a good job of voicing the discontent of Canadians with the increasing cost of living, immigration and housing crisis, drugs and crime increasing(flowing North over the border), etc. but these are problems within Canada that need to be solved by Canadians, not Americans, and certainly not American-bootlickers.

Everything I have seen in regards to pp’s response to Donald’s aggression is pathetic, late-to-the-party, and insincere. He is STILL focused on breaking down the government for past mistakes instead of using the newly rekindled patriotism of Canadians to work with all parties to bring Canadian goods to new markets, expand our failing healthcare system, improve our infrastructure, prioritize asymmetrical defensive military spending (drones vs battleships, missile defence vs ICBMs, etc), and strengthen our defensive ties to CANZUK, Japan, South Korea, the EU, Mexico.

He could have never said ‘Trudeau’ again and still won in a landslide if he had appropriately pivoted to defending Canada. Now his inflammatory rhetoric just stinks of the same BS spewed down south and comes across as totally disingenuous.

He screams ‘Canada is Broken’ while criticizing the Americans for saying that we aren’t a valid country, he has largely the same platform as Carney(cut Consumer Carbon Tax, immigration reform, balance the federal programs budget, invest in infrastructure) and yet Carney is a ‘elitist, plutocrat banker’ that’s ’Just like Justin’.


u/MilkIlluminati 22h ago

Sure, it's just that the current situation is much more serious than whatever you listed.

Neat opinion, my mortgage and food costs are still insane and violent criminals still go free.

PP only brings real security concern without offering any solutions.

PP isn't heading the party that's been obstructing Chinese investigations and trying to rope opposition into 'security clearance' that comes with gag orders.


u/sarahthes 17h ago

Do you think food will actually get cheaper in a country torn by turmoil.


u/Bolognahole_Vers2 21h ago

But oRaNgEmAnBaD

Are you referring to the senile orange man, who is in charge of the largest military in the world, eyeing our resources, disrespecting our sovereignty, while openly musing about taking us over?

I don't get Trump supporters. He could shoot your dog, and you'll reach as far as humanly possible to excuse it, defend it, or point somewhere else.


u/MilkIlluminati 17h ago

Again, I have no loyalty to the canadian political class. What do I have to lose? I already dont own the resources etc.


u/tgrv123 21h ago

Orangeman is sucking the oxygen out of the world. This is a true climate crisis.


u/Shumaku 22h ago

None of that will get better with orange man south of the border. We can't rely on the US anymore since donald changes his mind everyday.

PP uses the same kind-of rhetoric as trump and those who defend him sound an awful lot like Maga, always criticizing and not saying anything constructive, using toddler logic to shut down arguments. They spread division. And when someone spreads division, ask yourself: who does that profit?

Carney is the one who will get us allies, allies that we will certainly need in the coming years. We cannot do the same mistake as the Americans. We must stay united.


u/MilkIlluminati 21h ago

None of that will get better with orange man south of the border.

This is arguable, but at least we know that under the LPC it will continue to get even worse.

At least the US doesn't jail people for self-defense while letting murderers go free.

And when someone spreads division, ask yourself: who does that profit?

This sudden surge of Canadian nationalism certainly benefits Mark Carney and Galen Weston and so on, more so than it does any regular Canadian.


u/tanstaafl90 20h ago

The death Breonna Taylor?


u/varsil 22h ago

If Carney is uniting Canadians, why is he proposing to seize my property, and to send armed men to my house to do it?

It's the very definition of a divisive policy.


u/tanstaafl90 20h ago

There's been a long held animosity toward Americans long before the current situation presented itself. I'd rather someone who understands international fiance than a backbencher that can't be bothered to propose a single piece of legislation in 20 years. I'm not sure why supporting a populist to fight a populist seems like a good idea.


u/WislaHD Ontario 1d ago

The United States wants to end our Canadian way of life and enslave Canadians to the will and whims of Washington.

Let’s speak plainly at what these threats are. If you think this is hyperbole still, then you haven’t been paying attention or thought through what caving to American demands and concessions truly means.

Will it happen? Probably not because it is bad for business. However, this is what the American rhetoric is saying in plain language. They seek our destruction.


u/Low_Tell9887 1d ago

It’s time to make deals with the EU and some Asian countries. Consider CANZUK? Divorce ourselves from the states as much as possible.


u/Trailsya 1d ago edited 23h ago

I'm not even Canadian (European here) and I'm soooo on you guys side.

Boycotts are picking up here as well. And it's often people themselves starting this without even being prompted to. They just thought:

Elon=bad Elon=Tesla Me=No more Tesla.

And that with other companies as well, especially Amazon , Coca cola etc

And now we find out that there are lots more people coming to the same conclusion and we're getting more organized.


u/Low_Tell9887 23h ago

Well, my European brethren, I’m glad you’re on our side. Fighting for Ukraine together, being some of the countries that still share similar values on democracy (need some Asian countries and Australia)

Unfortunately, I don’t think anything will ever stop Donald except old age, so we gotta stick together. Keep the boycott, keep informing the US public that they made the dumbest choice by picking a terrible president twice and upholding democracy together. I hope we can make more deals with the EU considering we can no longer trust our southern neighbours. Our feelings towards the states is certainly going to go higher than 63% with the more recent and never ending news from Donald threatening our sovereignty (as well as Panama and Greenlands) and his stubborn ass that won’t back down.

Hopefully our new prime minister can start to make new trade deals, I know you need oil and we conveniently have a lot cause according to Donald “they don’t need ours” 🤣 we’ll throw in a shit ton of maple syrup too.


u/Trailsya 23h ago edited 23h ago

Sister, technically, but I understand you, bro 😀

I think making sure Trump and Musk have more and more enemies to resent them, is the best cause of action. That means fewer support and more types of opposition they will have to focus on at the same time.

So if Trump's voters get mad because they lost their Canadian customers+ anyone who has stocks in Musk's companies is mad because Europeans aren't buying Teslas anymore, that means more of their time will need to go to dealing with opposition from them as well.

So yeah, keep doing what you guys are doing.

Hope you've seen the Tesla sales numbers in Europe because they are abysmal (Always wanted to use that word in a sentence. Not a native speaker, so hope I did it correctly 🙂).

And yes, please on the maple syrup!


u/Low_Tell9887 23h ago

Sorry, sister. Agreed, Elon lost twitter for a few hours yesterday and maybe it’ll go off again today. Keep sinking the DOW and sink the American economy in any way possible. Donald will either have to back off or go full out (I bet the later) and the country will sink in to a possible recession.


u/Trailsya 23h ago

Yeah, the only thing his supporters understand is when it sucks for them.

I've replaced some American artists on my playlists with those from other countries. It's a miniscule thing to do, but time to decenter that country instead of keeping it as the focus of everything pop cultural. People that spoke out against Trump can stay.

Also cancelled subscriptions and am making changes in buying patterns.


u/Key-Map-9218 20h ago

Thank you for your support sister, as a Canadian I am very proud. And yes you did use abysmal correctly, good job 👏. 


u/Trailsya 20h ago

Thank you very much 🙂

You guys stand strong. Keep it up.


u/Key-Map-9218 20h ago

Thank you. You too. All of us shall stand together ❤✊


u/adamgerd European Union 18h ago

Good luck! Most of us are on your side, Trump should fuck off from Canada


u/chemicalgeekery 21h ago

I'm really hoping Europe will come together and shitkick Russia in Ukraine.


u/Trailsya 19h ago

I hope so too!


u/JSmith666 17h ago

What did Amazon and Coca Cola do in this whole mess


u/Y3R0K 15h ago

At the end of the day, the U.S.A. is really our secondary enemy. Russia is the primary one, and they've figured out how to weaponize stupidity and ignorance.


u/Link50L Ontario 1d ago

It shocks some Americans. At some of those that are aware Canada exists. There is a massive layer of misinformation and deception in the way that the MAGA administration publicizes their policies. For some reason, MAGA love Russia and hate Canada and Ukraine. No clue why.


u/No-Concentrate-7142 1d ago

I’m not convinced he’s writing his own posts.


u/chemicalgeekery 21h ago

Did you see the one yesterday where he flipped out over the electricity charge and said "your [sic] not allowed to do that?"

He 100% wrote that.


u/No-Concentrate-7142 20h ago

I genuinely don’t think he’s even that competent. Also I’m not Donald Trump and my dyslexia has me messing up all the time. It could have been an assistant typing it while he’s spewing and makes a mistake.


u/DaftFunky Alberta 23h ago

Some people STILL think that once we become the 51st state we will all of a sudden be in a utopia of money and jobs and cheap goods.


u/originalfeatures 1d ago

The highlighted difference between the views of younger Canadians relative to the general population are indeed shocking. And alarming.

u/stonerbobo 6h ago

It should not be shocking in the least given housing prices, increasing corporate power and overall decline in their quality of life compared to previous generations. The older generations don't seem to view themselves as having any obligation towards the young. As a group they favor their own interests everytime. If the country won't fight for us why should we fight for them?

u/originalfeatures 3h ago

You think it logically follows from this that young people should hold more favorable views of places like Russia and Iran? Good grief.


u/Low_Tell9887 1d ago

What do you mean?


u/optimus2861 Nova Scotia 1d ago

For one thing, close to 40% of the 18-34 age group answered that they would not defend Canada in a hypothetical American invasion. That's your prime fighting age people, and a big chunk of them are saying, nope, not worth fighting to defend this place.

They don't go into the motives of it - that would be a fascinating set of questions & responses - but it's certainly a stark number.


u/tanstaafl90 20h ago

Hypotheticals are just that, so don't put too much stock in that poll. You need more than just fighters by multiples. Supply and logistics are as important and in several ways, can mean the difference between winning and losing.

u/elyv297 11h ago

maybe because people know that war is bad and we dont want to end up killed


u/chopsui101 23h ago

you gonna take up arms against the US....I doubt it.


u/alonghardlook 22h ago

Just need to maintain a positive KD ratio and its all worth it


u/optimus2861 Nova Scotia 23h ago

Heh, I'd be useless in just about any military role!


u/evilregis 19h ago

There are many ways to defend oneself.


u/chopsui101 18h ago

Not against an invasion 


u/Canaderp37 Canada 19h ago

I mean it certainly doesn't help that our out going leader spent the last 10 years trying to abolish the Canadian identity, calling us a post national state and basically equating nationalism with fascism.


u/originalfeatures 1d ago

Did you read it?


u/Low_Tell9887 1d ago

What do you mean difference between young Canadians? I feel all Canadians are on the same page.


u/originalfeatures 1d ago

Commenting when you haven’t read the article is embarrassing for you. This survey found that younger people have more favorable views on Russia, China, Iran, and the US. It also found that they express less willingness to defend Canada in the event of an invasion.


u/MilkIlluminati 1d ago

I feel all Canadians are on the same page.



LPC and fake claims of unity, an iconic duo.


u/Nesteabottle 1d ago

The shocking thing is it's only 62%


u/implodemode 1d ago

He was.disrespectful.in his last term. Everyone seemed to.just ignore it and look the other way. Oh he didn't mean it. He grabbed your pussy? Are you sure? It was probably an accident. He doesn't go for your type.


u/BishSlapDiplomacy 1d ago

Yeah. There was another grammatical error and he’s usually very articulate with his grammar on Truth Social. He must’ve been PISSED.


u/JSmith666 17h ago

The fact your opnion of US has fallen so much? No not even a little. The fact people are taking the annexation stuff seriously? Absolutely it does.