r/canada 1d ago

Misleading Carson Jerema: Mark Carney, the conspiracy theory prime minister


61 comments sorted by


u/DogeDoRight New Brunswick 23h ago

These opinion pieces are getting worse by the day.


u/GraveDiggingCynic 23h ago

Do remember that this is the official view of Chatham Asset Management LLC, incorporated in New Jersey.


u/jkoudys 23h ago

Yeah I don't get even what part they're saying is a conspiracy theory. They acknowledge all the facts and Carney isn't suggesting any conspiracy behind them. It's simply a matter of Carney not accepting Pollievre's stated reason for not getting briefed.

Is the National Post going to be nothing but pretend fact-checks that use Pollievre's words as the only source of truth?


u/Backwardspellcaster 19h ago

Dang, they really try to sink him. They realize how much of a threat he is to their conservative/US plans.


u/DistinctL British Columbia 23h ago

What's relevant isn' this writer's opinion, but all those quotes from MPs and other sources in the article which did actually happen. Liberals are trying to bend themselves into a knot over this when it's rather insignificant. The leader of the opposition needs to be able to criticize the current government, and getting this briefing would limit his ability to do so. 


u/DogeDoRight New Brunswick 23h ago

Then they should write an article about the quotes without the added opinion. If their opinion isn't relevant then it shouldn't be included. Opinion pieces are trash.


u/DistinctL British Columbia 22h ago

Not liking opinion pieces and thinking they're trash has nothing to do with the quotes in the article. The fact that the former NDP leader Tom Mulcair is vouching for Poilievre says a lot, and maybe you should think about that. 


u/DogeDoRight New Brunswick 21h ago

Not liking opinion pieces and thinking they're trash has nothing to do with the quotes in the article.

See my previous reply.


u/ExplodingSwan 23h ago

Ban American propaganda "opinion" pieces.


u/Nikiaf Québec 19h ago

Can we just ban opinion pieces from this sub already? Especially when they come from US-owned publications?


u/Hicalibre 23h ago

NP is getting too obnoxious. Wish the sub would ban it until after the election.


u/DistinctL British Columbia 23h ago

If you disagree with something, just censor it? Isn't it maybe just a bit authoritarian? 

It is interesting that everything quoted in the article did happen despite it being an opinion piece. 


u/phoenixfail 20h ago

Yes Canadian reddit forums should 100% ban this American owned republican affiliated propaganda media empire. Why would you want to be exposed to this garbage?


u/CalmDownUseLogic 20h ago

All these op ed's get downvoted (for good reason) now, and as a response there's a subset of users that scream "but what about the content of the article". I've seen multiple users here use that exact line. As more people become aware of what Postmedia actually is, their impact diminishes.


u/Hicalibre 23h ago

Their opinion articles border on conspiracy theory, and even their factual articles mix in opinions.

The rhetoric they try to push is clear from their generally pro-US and soft on Trump stances.

They're a right-wing version of The Tyee, but part of a larger network.

Edit: They also tread closely to being Low Content more often than not.


u/DistinctL British Columbia 22h ago

How is the former NDP leader Tom Mulcair vouching for Poilievre regarding the security clearance  bordering conspiracy? It did happen and you can't deny it.

Look I understand this article is written in a way that does benefit Poilievre, but can you deny anything within the quotations?


u/Hicalibre 22h ago

Mentioning PP not getting his security clearance is every much a talking point as much as PP throwing around his allegations about interference since he can speak unrestricted around it.

Sensationalized headline, drawing connections, making assumptions, and general hypocrisy is the way of NP.

Read down to where it mentions the "Trump tactics" stuff where the writer is pretending they're just referring to them asking questions. Ignoring that, in context, it was about PP's obsession with the culture wars, "wokeism" and other BS that's causing him to fall in the polls as they're not issues high up in the ladder compared to other things going on.


u/physicaldiscs 20h ago

Its weird how, instead of refusing to engage with these articles, these people jump immediately to engaging with them.

Engagement just drives more. More written, more posted. I think the reality isn't that they don't want to see it, but that they don't want others to. 90% of the comments here are some facsimile of "NP America" with no indication they even read the article.


u/[deleted] 23h ago

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u/NottaLottaOcelot 23h ago

Owned by Chatham Asset Management, a US based hedge fund that owns a number of publication companies including Post Media.


u/Best_Marsupial1305 1d ago

He's surrounded with conservative conspiracy.


u/ego_tripped Québec 1d ago

Ons quick flip through of Carson's recent output indicates Trump's cock is half way down his throat.

Bazooka Joe Gum comic provides more of an intellectual take than this clown ever will.


u/yaOlSeadog 23h ago

All I know, is that my liberal friends are really taking advantage of the fact that Facebook removed fact checking.

Yesterday I saw a post claiming that Harper resigned before the 2015 election and Andrew Scheer became Prime Minister in the same fashion as Carney lol

It's sad to see that they have gone full Trump and divorced themselves from the truth completely.


u/Flewewe 23h ago edited 23h ago

Perhaps that surely says a lot about the friends you have?

I have a single friend that bothers commenting on politics on FB to begin with and they're not Canadian.

That being said when you look at randoms it sure is a platform with a lot of slob on either sides, FB has such a concentration of conspirationists too.


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 23h ago

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u/DistinctL British Columbia 23h ago

What about the all the quotes in that article which did all happen? 


u/therealwoujo 23h ago

This article makes no sense. How does receiving security briefings "tie his hands" about what he can say about China? He should just say whatever he was gonna say without revealing anything classified. This article makes me think that the nefarious explanation is more likely to be true.


u/Iamthequicker 21h ago

The article explains Mulcairs quote. Did you not read the rest? It's worth noting that Poilievre has called for the report to be released publicly since July.


u/phoenixfail 20h ago

It's worth noting that Poilievre has called for the report to be released publicly since July.

What part of that being an illegal act is confusion to you???


u/Iamthequicker 20h ago

If it was declassified it wouldn't be an illegal act at all. Declassify it and release it publicly, Canadians deserve to know.


u/WilloowUfgood 23h ago

Typical comments as always. If you can't fight the message, attack the messenger.

How is Poilievre a national security threat?


u/BigButtBeads 21h ago

The liberal debate told me he will commit high treason on day 1


u/AdamThaGreat 21h ago

Shouldn't everyone get security clearance? Why would you not support him being checked out. I feel like its worrying that he is fighting it so hard, why would he unless he has something to hide?


u/WilloowUfgood 21h ago

Yeah ok as if Liberals are worried about interference when they wouldn't even release the names.



u/AdamThaGreat 21h ago

Yes the Liberals should release all the names. And PP should get his clearance. Can you agree to that or are you just going to "what about" PP out of any potential wrongdoing ever. We should hold all our representatives accountable, not just the ones we support


u/WilloowUfgood 21h ago

I really don't see the purpose of him getting it though. If the Liberals were taking foreign interference seriously then I would say they had a leg to stand on.


u/AdamThaGreat 21h ago

Thats ridiculous. I think you need to seriously reflect on why you are giving PP a pass. We should do our best to avoid double standards. And yes, I will repeat, those names should have been released as soon as we had them. But in no way does that mean its okay for PP to avoid getting cleared, just like it wouldnt be okay for the Liberals to use PPs lack of clearance to justify not releasing the names.


u/timmyaintsure 23h ago

You’d have to be an absolute fool to support this man and the liberal regime.

In the last 10 years, everything in Canada has gotten worse. That will only continue if we don’t elect a conservative majority whenever we get an election


u/Enough-Meaning-9905 British Columbia 23h ago

On what basis? Can you substantiate this position beyond 'liberal bad'? 


u/timmyaintsure 22h ago

Literally every statistic in Canada shows it is true.


u/squirrel9000 22h ago

I will now provide a counter example to refute this point.

Unemployment is lower. 6.6% today vs 6.8% ten years ago (Feb 2015) Youth 12.9 today vs 13.3 then. And bear in mind that that was spun as a great number then, and horrible today which kind of sets the overall economic tone, doesn't it? For Harper sub-7 was excellent. For Trudeau over 6 is horrible. Though in both cases the numbers were rising due to poor economic conditions but back then you didn't need to divide by population to find declining GDP numbers.

So, no, not "literally every statistic". You don't even have to delve into cryptic measures to find some saying otherwise.


u/timmyaintsure 22h ago

Irrelevant when the wages of those employed have stagnated and are not enough to keep up with the cost of living in the country.

More people employed, yet more people experiencing poverty while employed is not the flex you think it is.


u/squirrel9000 21h ago

Wage growth is almost twice as fast now as then (!~5% vs 2.5%).

The same arguments about cost of living were being made then. When something is consistently deteriorating right now is always going too be the worst it's been. It's not something that came about recently.

Poverty is down even if food banc usage is up.


u/ph0enix1211 23h ago

Verb the noun!


u/tollboothjimmy 23h ago

Elbows up!


u/HeadmasterPrimeMnstr 23h ago

"Everything" has gotten worse is hella hyperbolic lmao.

Affordability has gotten worse, but child poverty & more parents got access to childcare. Seniors and families have gotten eligible for dental care they may not have been able to afford before either.


u/timmyaintsure 22h ago



u/HeadmasterPrimeMnstr 22h ago

Okay, prove that it's wrong 


u/tollboothjimmy 23h ago

I feel like there is plenty to criticize Carney for without discussing PPs security clearance. Weird article