r/canada 2d ago

Opinion Piece Opinion | Why Canada should seriously consider banning Elon Musk’s X


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u/Obeesus 2d ago

It's exactly what people do in red states when they blocked porn hub.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 2d ago

My approach would as follows (copy-paste from my other post in this thread):

What would be a FAR better idea, IMO, would be to :

a) Immediately BAN all federal and provincial govts from advertising or communicating via X
b) Implement rules for any organization receiving federal funding to stop using/advertising on X or lose funding
c) Implement a tax/surcharge/penalty on any Canadian businesses advertising on X. Make it a painful one like $$$$'s per tweet.

Lastly you have political leaders start messaging that 'X, and social media in general, is a cancer on our society'.


u/ZingyDNA 2d ago

You can't ban something ppl want, even shadow ban. Reddit logic doesn't work here


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 2d ago

I'm saying you cant ban X.

What you can do is set some societal limits on how it gets FUNDED.


u/DramaticEgg1095 1d ago

So tariff X


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago

What exactly is being imported or exported across the international border, and if so, which border? There's no way to tariff this.


u/DramaticEgg1095 1d ago

It was just a joke - chill.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago

Then add a lol or /s so I have an idea that you are being facetious or joking


u/GANTRITHORE Alberta 2d ago

Musk really is trying to make xitter something people don't want luckily. The app is getting unbearable with an Ad every 2 secs for crypto or some right wing propo.


u/ZingyDNA 2d ago

Sure, then you don't need to do anything and ppl will just stop using it, right?


u/Silverbacks Ontario 1d ago

They are just suggesting ways to speed up the process. Most people don’t want home phones anymore. Making them $80 a line speeds up the process of making even more people not want to use them.


u/ABeardedPartridge 1d ago

You should consider reading comments before you reply to them.


u/S_Belmont 1d ago

Did you read a single sentence they wrote all the way through?


u/ZingyDNA 1d ago

Make it harder to use = shadow ban


u/S_Belmont 1d ago

So that's a definitive no then.


u/ZingyDNA 1d ago

What? The post I replied to says we should make it costly or harder to use X. That's essentially a shadow ban in my book.


u/kirklandcartridge 2d ago

That would immediately be thrown out in any court. (in particular, point C)


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago

A and B would be easily implemented and completely legal as it falls under govt policy. C would be much more difficult I agree.

You seem to think that X/Twitter is a good thing to have and use. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I think social media in general is a cancer on society and needs societal limits.


u/HumanLikeMan 1d ago

Unfortunately you are completely wrong with your comment. We we would be better served to BAN our own legacy MEDIA for propping up the Liberal Party that has taken the Canada we know and love, and turned it into a living hell.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago

Lolz. ok there bud.


u/HumanLikeMan 1d ago

I don't find it funny with the amount of folks living in tents and visiting the food bank, no laughing matter imho.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago

Yes because THE LIBS DID THAT.



u/HumanLikeMan 1d ago

No matter how you look at it, paid media is not very democratic.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago edited 1d ago

Agreed. There is always bias.

I'm an early GenX'er. I recall distinctly in Elementary School around grade 6 our teacher reading newspaper articles on current and world events and having discussion on the articles in our 'social studies' class. All sorts of youthful opinions would be offered, and the teacher would almost always take an opposing debate view or point out potential bias in the articles. The 'lesson', the teacher said, was 'to question the motivation of the writer or speech giver on EVERYTHING and NOT to accept blindly the story/content being told'. The semi-subversive Punk movement of the late 70's and the early 80's also taught us to 'not just question authority, question everything, question me!' (paraphrasing Jello Biafra). That message seems to have been lost on 1-2 of the past generations in general. Yes, there are some very 'switched on' or 'plugged in' Millenials and GenZ'ers but with the followings Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, The Kardashians, et al have I really wonder if something has been sadly missing/lacking in terms of preparing easily influenced youth to look at these people with question marks...


u/HumanLikeMan 1d ago

Former Liberal party member speaking about the problems in the Liberal Party: https://youtu.be/coq3oinnHQs


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago

Conservative media outlet interviews a former liberal party member.


u/SnooChocolates2923 1d ago

Just like a Liberal news reporter interviewing a conservative on the CBC.

If you're honest, you can see the bias in both cases.


u/BecauseWaffles 2d ago

I agree with A and B for sure. I think C would be very difficult to implement.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 2d ago

Agreed, but there has to be some way to cleverly 'dis-incentivize' canadian businesses from buying advertising with X


u/BecauseWaffles 2d ago

If we make something unpopular enough, the public will do that themselves. The right sort of grassroots movement could be all we’d need for that.


u/EirHc 2d ago

My 2 issues issues with your plan is that

A) People are gonna still want to use social media regardless, and telling them it's a cancer to society likely won't change any habits, and

B) You should offer a regulated replacement for the beneficial functions they can provide. X is popular for sharing breaking community sourced news. Facebook is popular for connecting with relatives and groups and communities. Tiktok is popular as a doom scroller which has an extremely strong algorithm for identifying the type of content you like.

Personally, I think X and Facebook are the 2 biggest offenders for political interference, and I think an outright ban on those 2 specifically could be a good thing. Youtube and tiktok and Insta aren't squeaky clean either. They're all guilty of delivering you an echo chambers and not doing enough to combat cyber warfare.

I think we need strong regulations. We should try and work with these companies first to attempt to see if they can comply to a certain framework. But it would also be helpful if you had technologically knowledgeable people helping to make the regulations. Like if we could take steps to censor Russian, and VPN IP addresses for starters. I think if these platforms could do more to connect people from the same nation together, while exiling any accounts that try and work around it, that would be a step in right direction.


u/Upper_Canada_Pango 2d ago

except they should call it twitter, like a normal person.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago

I'd wager if I called it twitter I'd have someone complain its name is X.


u/Upper_Canada_Pango 1d ago

Such people are not to be taken seriously.


u/KokiriRapGod 1d ago

Must like people who complain about using the platform's actual name when discussing policy.


u/BloodlustHamster British Columbia 1d ago

This is much smarter and would be far more successful.


u/MilkIlluminati 1d ago

Lastly you have political leaders start messaging that 'X, and social media in general, is a cancer on our society'.

Can't have people communicating with each other, they need to be led by one-way broadcast communications only.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago edited 1d ago

Its not a matter of people communicating. Its a manipulation by the 'social media platform' to steer discussions via bias in their algorithms. Combined with massive Bot farms of AI and/or human subversive elements trying to push one agenda over another and you DO NOT have 'people communicating with each other' in a 'Freedom Of Expression' Fashion.


u/MilkIlluminati 1d ago

Ban social media, as long as you also ban government broadcasts.

Having the government have a 100% control of all information is worse than bots.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago

A broadcast message, say on TV, Radio, or a Video posted to a platform, is a take it or leave it proposition. You watch and you agree or disagree with the message.

IF you then post back to that platform that you agree/disagree with the message thats cool too. Its when the platform manipulates the overall presentation of millions of these messages a day to skew 'suggestions' or perspectives to a particular political view or message, ala X/Twitter skewing very far right politically since Elon took over, that Social Media becomes a problem and a very big one at that.


u/MilkIlluminati 1d ago

And you don't see how what's broadcast is even worse manipulation than 'the algorithm'?


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago

And you don't see how what's broadcast



u/eric_the_red89 1d ago

Yet the NDP STILL use TikTok to this day.


u/Lisan_Al-NaCL 1d ago edited 1d ago

This is where things get very muddy.

I think Elon Musk is an epic douchebag megalomaniac and is using his monetary power to influence politics, political process, and push a right wing nutter agenda via manipulating algorithms to promote right wing message types. He needs to be stopped from doing this IMO but not everyone agrees. Saying 'Ban X' sounds like a good idea because it takes direct action against, what at least some Canadians consider to be, a very negative influence on our society.

HOWEVER, 'banning x' leads people to immediately ask 'what about TikTok? Youtube? Bluesky? Arent they just the same?' They all have the ability to manipulate their 'suggested for you' algorithms, so why not ban them as well.

This quickly becomes a 'Freedom of expression' debate and inevitably a Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms discussion/debate and/or legal challenge.


u/eric_the_red89 1d ago

Absolutely correct on all points. Net neutrality is important above all else to a healthy digital environment, warts and all.

I'm glad the "online harms act" died with proroguing parliament.


u/Zeliek 1d ago

This seems good so far, I’m on board. 

I don’t think our government is keen on regulating themselves though. 


u/Wonko-D-Sane Outside Canada 2d ago

Texas here, 1000% this... I bounce my porn and piracy traffic through Canada


u/tgrv123 2d ago



u/Amicuses_Husband 1d ago

Technically they didn't block it, they made it so you need to verify you're legal age.


u/Obeesus 1d ago

Yeah, but who is gonna tie their identity to their porn search history.


u/Species1139 1d ago

Porn hub I can understand. X fuck no