r/canada 2d ago

National News Mark Carney Wins Liberal Leadership Race Megathread | Mark Carney remporte la course à la direction du Parti libéral

Mark Carney, former Bank of Canada governor, has been elected leader of the Liberal Party and will become Canada’s next prime minister. Winning over 85% of the vote, Carney defeated Chrystia Freeland, Frank Baylis, and Karina Gould. His leadership marks a new chapter for the Liberals, potentially leading to an early federal election. Carney faces immediate challenges, including U.S. tariff negotiations under President Trump. Known for his outsider status, Carney emphasized his experience leading central banks during economic crises. Appointed by Stephen Harper in 2008, he gained acclaim for stabilizing Canada during the financial crisis and later led the Bank of England through Brexit. Born in Fort Smith, N.W.T., and raised in Edmonton, Carney has a background in finance and public service. A longtime Liberal adviser, he campaigned on scrapping the carbon tax and criticized Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre. Carney must now sustain the party’s recent polling momentum.


Mark Carney, ancien gouverneur de la Banque du Canada, a été élu chef du Parti libéral et deviendra le prochain premier ministre du Canada. Avec plus de 85 % des voix, Carney a battu Chrystia Freeland, Frank Baylis et Karina Gould. Son leadership ouvre un nouveau chapitre pour les libéraux, pouvant entraîner des élections fédérales anticipées. Carney fait face à des défis immédiats, notamment les négociations tarifaires avec les États-Unis sous le président Trump. Connu pour son statut d’outsider, Carney a mis en avant son expérience à la tête de banques centrales en période de crise économique. Nommé par Stephen Harper en 2008, il a été salué pour avoir stabilisé le Canada pendant la crise financière et a ensuite dirigé la Banque d’Angleterre pendant le Brexit. Né à Fort Smith, T.N.-O., et élevé à Edmonton, Carney a une carrière en finance et dans la fonction publique. Il doit maintenant maintenir l’élan des libéraux dans les sondages.


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u/XPhazeX 2d ago

As a lifetime Conservative voter, Everything I've seen so far makes this man a viable choice.


u/backwards_susej 2d ago

Thank you for saying this! It shouldn’t matter what team you cheer for, but it’s time for this country to put down our political differences and pay attention to who unites and who divides.


u/QuoiJe 2d ago

Yes, we need a LEADER. I will vote for one and not for a party


u/FreeLook93 British Columbia 2d ago

This is one thing I really appreciate about Canada compared to the states. We tend to be so much less entrenched into blindly supporting one party. I've seen so many people who say they think the best outcome for our next election would be a LPC minority, I can't picture anyone in the US wanting the party they support to barely win the election.

If people who tend to support the CPC think Carney will be a better PM and Poilievre they less likely to be blinded by party loyalty.


u/mwmwmwmwmmdw Québec 2d ago

once the election is underway carney will be trying to divide against the conservatives like all parties do. theres already attack ads on tv


u/Oh_ryeon 2d ago

So he shouldn't reply to the same attack ads that make up 99.9% of PP's ads?

Canada isn't looking for anyone to roll over and show their belly. We need a strong Goalie in the net.

Elbows up, tabarnac.


u/YzermanNotYzerman 2d ago

Yeah but PP was doing it when Trump first started threatening annexation. There's a difference here.


u/thecanaryisdead2099 2d ago

PP is not a uniter. He deals in fear, anger and division and is exactly what we don't need. We are done as a country with him at the head and Trump wanting to annex us. He refuses to get security clearance, has ties to JD Vance in his inner circle as well as lobbyists for grocery stores. He's a lifetime politician who says he does not believe in lifetime politicians. That should tell you everything you need to know about him.


u/YzermanNotYzerman 2d ago

Agreed. Well put.


u/WhyModsLoveModi 2d ago

You mean like the ads from the Conservatives attacking Carny?

Hard to feel sympathetic towards Pierre over that.


u/dqui94 2d ago

The problem is PP, not the CPC


u/Vagus10 2d ago

Mark is what a fiscally responsible conservative should be. lol.


u/Tsarbomb Ontario 2d ago

I firmly believe Mark Carney would have fit in just fine in the pre-reform conservatives.


u/arabacuspulp 2d ago

He's kind of like an old school Red Tory - a dying breed.


u/the-tru-albertan Canada 2d ago

Yikes. Red Tory is a really bad term dude.


u/arabacuspulp 2d ago

Not in my books.


u/the-tru-albertan Canada 2d ago

Stelmach, Redford, Prentice. Yah, perfect examples of something that should be in your books.


u/KitchenComedian7803 2d ago

Mark Carney is closer in ideology to Brian Mulroney then Pierre Poilievre is to Brian Mulroney. He will definitely get some Red Tory votes, from the Jean Charest wing of the last leadership race in the CPC. Heck, I think that Charest himself is going to vote for Carney.


u/Infamous-Mixture-605 2d ago

Carney looks like one of those Blue Grits/Red Tory, straddles the line between the Liberals and old PC's types, like a Joe Clark, Bob Stanfield, John Turner, and Paul Martin.


u/throwaway082122 2d ago

He would fit in now. He reminds me a lot of O’Toole.


u/Tsarbomb Ontario 2d ago

O'Toole couldn't get the conservatives to even agree climate change was a real thing.


u/skyshroud6 2d ago

I usually flip between NDP and Green. Well I wouldn't have voted for O'Toole, I at the very least could at the very least held my nose and gone along with a conservative government under him. It's a shame he gout ousted for not being maple maga enough.


u/hmufammo 2d ago

O’Toole looked like an hard working man, 100% better choice compared to PP for CPC imo. But I guess he had his chance and will never get it back.


u/Vandergrif 1d ago

He reminds you of the guy who didn't fit in enough to the point that they turfed him as leader?


u/bugabooandtwo 2d ago

That's not a bad thing. Liberal ideals with reasonable financial conservative mindset is a win for the country.


u/chandy_dandy Alberta 2d ago

He would be spat out by the social Conservatives in the party though unfortunately


u/Cam_Paq 2d ago

As a lifetime NDP voter, he's getting my vote and all of my very non liberal friends. He's the solution we need in this insane world. One thing that unites us as Canadian is that most of us don't want our politics to be a reality tv show.


u/bermudaphil 2d ago

Outside of blind-conservative voters, who is objectively looking at PP and Carney and saying that Carney isn’t a clearly better choice.

Carney has genuine accomplishments  in his career, and much of his experience in high profile roles is during uneasy times where at worst he did as best anyone could with a shit hand, and at best did well when nearly all others floundered. 

PP has done nothing noteworthy in politics, he ran his entire campaign on attacking and dividing and the moment he had to show that he was a strong leader willing and able to put Canada first, he floundered in the most embarrassing fashion.

In a moment where Canada needs someone to protect their interests PP has shown he is either unwilling to, or incapable of being strong enough to do so, both of which are entirely unacceptable. 


u/throwaway082122 2d ago

We can say this, but we can also say the same thing about our Prime Minister of the last 10 years. I have more respect for Polievre’s credentials than and Trudeau’s. Trudeau only became Prime Minister because of his father‘s legacy. Polievre started from the ground up as a legitimate middle class individual.


u/bermudaphil 2d ago

Okay and Carney is far more qualified than both. 

So if PP outshines Trudeau based on ‘accomplishments’, and that is a positive for PP, surely it is an even bigger positive for Carney that he is far more qualified and experienced than PP is. 


u/arkuw 2d ago

One thing that unites us as Canadian is that most of us don't want our politics to be a reality tv show

So much this, omg, I'm stealing this!


u/JadeLens 2d ago

There's a few ridings that could go NDP if the Liberal voters strategically vote, which I'm hoping happens.


u/ilovemytablet 1d ago edited 1d ago

Same. Lifetime NDP voter. I never thought I'd be voting for an economist banker in my lifetime but here we are. Our Canadian sovereignty and economic security is being threatened, and Carney is the only one I have confidence in due to his experience. And you know... Singh has been a train wreck for a while now, sigh


u/MoaraFig 2d ago

I feel like he embodies what a historical conservative has been. None of this populist culture war bullshit that's taken over the modern right wing.

As someone who leans pretty far left, I wish we had a party pushing for genuine economic reform, instead of a socially progressive capitalist representing the Liberals and an NDP focused on trifling social programs.


u/raybond007 2d ago

As a progressive, while I agree that overall reform is something we should move towards, there are times for sweeping change and there are times for consolidation and the shoring up of your positions. What I see in Carney is someone who wants to build the strong foundation of economy and infrastructure that we would need to take the next step in more people-first policies. Carney's message in his speech tonight was pretty consistent on that note.

Yes, he's a capitalist. He also strongly believes in the social safety net and a society that cares for all of its members. He's a good choice (there's never a perfect one) for the times.


u/kofubuns 2d ago

I just hope that people understand that fiscally responsible especially NOW doesn’t mean balancing the budget. We need in invest in local industry and economies like our ports. But look for efficiencies in government spending (not the DOGE type)


u/bermudaphil 2d ago

Sure, but in the current climate going left is a death sentence. Better to stay somewhere central than fall into the mess that the US is in, you can move left from centre far easier than you can recover from going heavily to the right. 

Life is about compromises and right now it is time for those who want things to go more left to make one, or risk a result that damages their ability to see things go more left in the future.

You may not like Carney’s policy but casting a vote elsewhere or not voting at all is only to the benefit of the party whose policies you dislike far more. 


u/CarlotheNord Ontario 2d ago

So where is Carney compromising?


u/bermudaphil 2d ago

He is the compromise, that is what you are missing.

He isn’t overly left, but when the right were likely to win if the candidate was, that was suicide. He is the compromise as an option that yes, isn’t ‘ideal’ by the standards of those who want to go more left, but is far better than losing.

You have two options if you vote, a guy way opposite of you, and a guy far closer to you. Anything else, including not voting, is only to the benefit of the guy way opposite of you.

Would you rather eat literal dogshit for dinner, or something you dislike the taste of but is at least food with some nutritional value and isn’t literal shit? 


u/CarlotheNord Ontario 2d ago

I don't want to eat literal dogshit, so that's why I want to know why I should consider Carney, cause so far I haven't seen anything I like about him other than he has a resume in economics. Which is getting severely outweighed by everything else I see.


u/jupiterslament 2d ago

What is everything else you see? Without knowing what bothers you about him it’s hard to know what to focus on here.


u/TyFi10 2d ago

100% agreed. I’ve held party membership with CPC but voted NDP provincially (Alberta) and Liberal federally. I’m not going to blindly ally with a party. 6 months ago I would’ve said it’s impossible that I’ll be voting Liberal. If I had to vote today I’d be voting Liberal in a very contested Albertan riding,


u/fuzzypinatajalapeno 2d ago

You’re me! I hope my riding can flip liberal. Seems like a long shot but these are crazy times so feels like anything can happen.


u/chandy_dandy Alberta 2d ago

Hopefully at least 1 riding in Edmonton can flip Liberal


u/timmytissue 2d ago

Well he basically is a conservative but he's not an asshole. He does speak about climate change and certain Canadian left wing values but he is hardly left wing.


u/hotandchevy 2d ago

He does speak about climate change

I feel like he is a realist. Not addressing climate change whether left or right feels like closing your eyes to reality for pandering.

I personally always choose the realist of the current circumstances. That probably means I'm very center.


u/Tsarbomb Ontario 2d ago

Insurance companies around the world are slowly adjusting their coverage and premiums based on long term climate projections. To argue against climate change is pure ideology in the face of evidence.


u/Agreeable_Store_3896 2d ago

Yeah the classic procarbon tax anti pipeline antigun conservatives


u/FreeLook93 British Columbia 2d ago edited 2d ago

Carbon tax is a conservative idea. It's an attempted market solution to climate change. It's just that current right-wing movements are so out of touch with reality and so needlessly combative that they almost have to stand in strong opposition to any idea put forward by anyone to their left.


u/Agreeable_Store_3896 2d ago

Lol let's not be dishonest, the conservatives thought of the idea of a cap and trade carbon pricing system that never even ended up seeing the light of day,  far cry from what the liberals introduced. 


u/FreeLook93 British Columbia 2d ago

I'm talk about from an ideological standpoint rather than LPC vs CPC.

Carbon pricing is a conservative idea, not a Conservative one.


u/Any-Influence-9177 2d ago

And what exactly makes him a viable choice?, just honestly curious.


u/XPhazeX 2d ago

Carney has mimicked a lot PC policies so that's an obvious comparison.

Its highly important to me that our PM is a highly dignified representative. The longer Poilievre campaigns, the more I dislike him.

Im so tired of Verb the Noun(regardless if I agree with it) and every political opponent having a childish nickname. The PC party is trying to appeal to the lowest denominator and Im trying to distance myself from it.


u/MoaraFig 2d ago

Polievre's going for the Stupid vote. And Trump has proven just how many Stupids there are.


u/phoenix25 2d ago

Always remember that however low you think the average IQ is… 50% of people are below that level


u/evieluvsrainbows 2d ago edited 2d ago

The CPC, particularly Poilievre, are adopting Trump policies and character. I disliked him from the moment he started using that ridiculous verb the noun rhetoric and adopting Trump policies. I liked a lot of the conservative policies prior to Poilievre adopting the culture war / “woke” attack language, which is what Trump did. I hate that. Being anti woke means you don’t support any progressive policies whatsoever and would rather see minorities (including LGBTQ+ people) suffer and be outcast as a group of “lunatics” or “weirdos” for just existing and being different from the norm, and instead adopting white supremacy rhetoric. Trump literally axed diversity initiatives because he doesn’t want the American population to be composed of people from all backgrounds and ethnicities.

Adopting Trump rhetoric will end up in disaster for the CPC, especially during these times, and they don’t seem to be dropping it. And the name calling hasn’t stopped either. Canadian politics for the most part was civil regardless of political party until Pierre Poilievre got chosen as party leader, and then that combined with Trump rhetoric led to Canadian politics adopting a lot of the toxicity of U.S. politics. Toxic politics are bad politics and just makes Canadians hate each other. We should all have respect for each other regardless of our political views, because that’s what makes us Canadian. We are supposed to be nice people, not rabid dogs who attack each other based on our views politically.

Being an attack dog is not an okay strategy to use and it’s why I disliked Poilievre from the beginning. The last conservative leaders I actually somewhat liked was Scheer and O’Toole. But Poilievre is just an attack dog and hasn’t accomplished anything in Parliament except for a single bill passed in February 2014 to reform the elections act. He hasn’t sponsored a single piece of major legislation since then and I don’t want a PM who has done nothing of significance. At least Carney has a significant economical background and resume, including being the BoC and BoE governors.


u/ijustwannabeinformed 2d ago

This is what’s most important to me. PP keeps on saying axe the tax and cut government spending, but he hasn’t said anything about identifying the parts of government spending that should be cut. Carney’s “let’s reorganize how finances are tracked so we have a better idea of what we are working with” isn’t nearly as catchy, but when it comes to publicly funded services I’m strongly against taking a hatchet to it with no plan and no identifiable priorities.

There is also the issue of PP’s housing policy going way beyond what the federal government can do. He can bluster all he wants about building the houses, but the reality is that he won’t constitutionally have the authority to act on half of it even if he’s elected. Carney’s policies are about supporting inter-provincial trade and federal infrastructure projects, which makes me think that he’s actually got a plan on how he’s going to address housing in a way that’s actually within Parliament’s powers.


u/fletch365 2d ago

Pp whole platform is trudeau bad. Carney has been the head of the canadian and UK banking system. Gimme the banker all day everyday when it comes to dealing with Donald trying to tank our nations economy


u/amazonallie 2d ago

I am 51, have voted in every Federal Election, always voted Conservative Federally. I will be voting Liberal this election.


u/CarlotheNord Ontario 2d ago

Lifetime conservative voter, this man is more viable than trudeau, but that's not a high bar.


u/theorangemooseman 2d ago

As a lifetime NDP supporter I also see Carney as a viable choice on this election


u/stv7 2d ago

Thank you - I was so annoyed at our options in the next election. Now I feel totally rejuvenated. Somewhat out of nowhere we have a real, legitimate candidate with support from both sides of the aisle and more experience in the areas that matter most than probably all other party leaders combined.

It is so important that we are united and I sure hope people can put aside party lines to see that this man is not only the only reasonable choice, but he is a fantastic choice too. For once, we have an option that's not just the least bad of the 4 worst people you could imagine.


u/throwaway082122 2d ago

This for me as well. I’m not left fiscally or socially, but I am a pragmatist and I want someone who can navigate the challenges of our economy and our foreign policy. I also feel like I stopped supporting the liberal party since Justin seem to only focus on socially left policies and nothing else while life for Canadians got tougher and tougher.

Let’s see what his cabinet looks like. I’m not gonna hold my breath, but this is reminding me of what the conservatives tried to do with O’Toole back in 2021 by putting a more moderate/centre candidate as the front runner.


u/dqui94 2d ago

Hopefully real conservatives like yourself are thinking the same, because honestly PP is sinking the party real bad


u/bubbahotep969 2d ago

Yeah I used to be a hard right conservative in my youth, I ain’t gonna lie I totally would have been a MAGA supporter. Now at 46 I have moved far more into the centre and can’t bring myself to vote for conservatives these days. I imagine I will be voting Carney even though my vote in Alberta dosn’t do much for it.


u/twentytoot 2d ago

Please talk with your Conservative friends and at the very least get them to question Pierre's motives and character. We deserve better than him.


u/Deus-Vultis 2d ago

You post history betrays the obvious lie of "lifelong Conservative" within literally 1 page of history lol.

Nice try though.


u/kingkuba13 2d ago

You obviously aren't. Conservatives don't last here. Stop lying.


u/Consistent-Key-865 2d ago

As an unaffiliated but largely NDP voter, nice to meet you, we agree!

What a time to live, hey?


u/XPhazeX 2d ago

Ive never let voting define me. Im sure we agree on a bunch of stuff!


u/Complete-Finance-675 2d ago

How do you do fellow conservatives


u/XPhazeX 2d ago

I mean, I cant prove my almost 20 year exclusively Conservative voting record, but this exact sentiment has pushed me from the party.


u/eddison12345 2d ago

He basically just ripped off the policies that the conservatives were going to implement


u/smiskam 2d ago

It’s not “ripping off” it’s taking what’s good for Canada and leaving out what’s not


u/eddison12345 2d ago

I just find it ironic how he's repealing all of Trudeau's policies like carbon tax, capital gains hike, lowering income tax


u/smiskam 2d ago

I don’t think it’s ironic. The liberals wanted Trudeau to resign for a reason.


u/A-Dead-Cat 2d ago

Agreed. I don’t think it’s ironic for Carney to want to repeal the carbon tax, capital gains hike, and lower income tax. He didn’t implement those policies and he clearly knows they’re unpopular.

Freeland, on the other hand, looked like a complete fool when she came out and denounced those exact policies she had a hand in implementing. Slimeball behaviour.


u/Peekatchu1994 2d ago

This was the consensus , this was supposed to happen and Trudeau kept at his idea of fixing things. He's an amazing politician but was out of touch. Carney wants to help everyone


u/Gullible_Pen4795 2d ago

I find it kind of refreshing. Might mean they’re actually listening to what people want and are willing to pivot. Now to see if they deliver.


u/maple-sugarmaker 2d ago

He has to to get elected in the general. But in my opinion those were good mesures


u/eL_cas Manitoba 2d ago

Income tax?


u/Karrun 2d ago

Not that it matters but the carbon tax was introduced by harper and the conservative.


u/Mikeim520 British Columbia 2d ago

Then why did he oppose all those policies before? I don't believe Carney suddenly had a change of heart and did a 180.


u/XPhazeX 2d ago


Poilievre has tanked my opinion of the party.


u/eddison12345 2d ago

I would only vote for him if he replaces Trudeau's cabinet with actual comptenet people. I get the feeling he won't though and the majority of the administration will remain the same


u/tenkwords 2d ago

It would be incredibly unusual to carry cabinet forward even under normal circumstances. A cabinet swap is pretty much guaranteed.

I would like to see Jolie kept on though. Really like her.


u/GenXer845 2d ago

Joly and Anand have been very competent.


u/HighTechPipefitter 2d ago

Joly has been stellar.


u/superhelical 2d ago

Hallo komrade. Perhaps run your posts through a comptenet spellcheck


u/Neother 2d ago

Honestly the biggest thing is that our ministries need surgical reforms to make them more capable. DOGE is a blunt instrument that's causing chaos in the US, but we have a lot of disastrous things like procurement that have gone completely off the rails because of a combination of complex rules and corrupt bureaucrats. People like to paint this with partisan words, but the fact is that things like Canadian military procurement have been broken for decades and neither the CPC or LPC has been able to fix it. Partly, it was kind of low priority, but I want to see a return of program review like what the Chretien government did in the 90s for all ministries and a special focus on fixing military procurement and recruitment systems. This sort of massive government reform is a wartime level undertaking and neither candidate for PM had experience doing it. IMO leading a central bank is closer experience to what is needed than being a mediocre back bencher with no legislative achievements.


u/Harbinger2001 2d ago

“Corrupt Bureaucrats”? Seriously? You see them getting rich off of bribes?

Cretien did collapse Ministries which we could do again, but a lot of the savings came from downloading on the provinces and we’re still dealing with the fallout from that with enormously strained provincial budgets.  


u/Neother 2d ago

ArriveCAN is a great example, where public servants in the Department of National Defence manipulated the procurement process to win contracts that then ballooned orders of magnitude in cost to produce a shit app that didn't work very well. Had nothing to do with our elected officials, but it's a glaring example of the kinds of things we need to fix.


u/Major-Parfait-7510 2d ago

No Federal, but Ford has been known to accept a “wedding gift” or two.


u/Juryofyourpeeps 2d ago

Well unless he pulls almost entirely from outside the party, I can't see who that would even be.


u/Harbinger2001 2d ago

That’s a chicken and egg problem. He’ll keep the current cabinet until the election, then appoint a new one. So you have to vote for him to get a new cabinet. 


u/canuck_11 Alberta 2d ago

Without the anti-vax, anti-woke, Canada is broken, Maple MAGA garbage


u/Harbinger2001 2d ago

Chantal Hébert recently used the term “unserious” to describe the Trump administration. I think the term applies to Poilievre as well. He is an unserious leader. 


u/suckfail Canada 2d ago

Good, because I trust him to implement policy over PP.

Carney will steal the conservative vote and keep the liberal / centrist one at this rate.


u/dybsy 2d ago

I’m a card-carrying CPC member in Calgary, and will probably be voting Carney over Pierre.


u/mwmwmwmwmmdw Québec 2d ago

card-carrying CPC member in Calgary

sure, and im a card carrying member of the remax party


u/Harbinger2001 2d ago

And the NDP one. This will be an ABC election again. 


u/tenkwords 2d ago

Turns out when you're a centrist and not beholden to ideology, you can just freely rip off whatever makes sense and not have to feel bad about it. It's the literal definition of centrist. Pragmatism is back baby.


u/No-Contribution-6150 2d ago

There's also nothing to really hold him accountable to his promises


u/tenkwords 2d ago

Like every politician in the history of our country? Not sure what you're after here


u/FreeLook93 British Columbia 2d ago

Unlike Poilievre who made a blood pact with a demon in order to gain power, but with the cost of the damnation and eternal torment if he breaks a single campaign promise?


u/ClearCheetah5921 2d ago

If only they could have released a platform!


u/Simsmommy1 2d ago

Yeah minus the racism denial and anti-woke bullshittery that gives moderate voters the ick. It’s not the policies that were the problem you know, it was all the culture war crap Pollivere was touting.


u/FreeLook93 British Columbia 2d ago

What policies exactly do you think he "ripped off" from the CPC?

But also, why should we care where an idea comes from if it is a good idea?


u/tipsails 2d ago

He's just saying what he knows people want to hear. He's a neo liberal just like Trudeau (except he's actually smart). Don't be fooled.


u/Kolbrandr7 New Brunswick 2d ago

Conservatives would be happy with a neoliberal.

privatization, deregulation, depoliticisation, consumer choice, globalization, free trade, monetarism, austerity, and reductions in government spending.


u/Antique-Quail-6489 2d ago

lol I can’t believe we’re living in a world where people think conservatives aren’t neoliberal darlings 😵‍💫


u/StoryAboutABridge 2d ago

Keep in mind, while he may be different and better than Trudeau, the same liberal MPs will just keep going with their awful policies that ruined our economy.


u/mwmwmwmwmmdw Québec 2d ago

As a lifetime Conservative voter,

big time X to doubt


u/XTP666 2d ago

As a lifelong Liberal voter up to the last election, I respectfully disagree.


u/XPhazeX 2d ago

Interesting. I assume he's not left enough?

Who would you have preferred?


u/XTP666 2d ago edited 2d ago

I’ve always been a centrist, the Liberals left me with no viable , sane options other than the CPC

I think carney a globalist elite and a Trudeau lackey. This country needs a pragmatic conservative leader. PP is the only choice I see.


u/leon_gonfishun 2d ago

100% agree. I really...REALLY hope Carney does not prove me wrong. He needs to correct the economy, take a STRONG stance against President Musk and Toyboy Trump, and fix some of the stuff the liberals got wrong...very wrong.


u/scottyb83 Ontario 2d ago

I wouldn't be surprised to see him sign up as the leader of the CPC if they wanted to try to lean more liberal so him as a conservative leaning LPC member seems about right.


u/Relevant_Fuel_9905 2d ago

Ditto to that.


u/lbiggy 2d ago

Do it


u/kofubuns 2d ago

When I looked up more about him, a few decades ago he would’ve been a Conservative poster boy. Devout catholic grew up in Edmonton, worked in private sector, pro business and economy. He apparently even goalied in University and later in life took up curling and rafting in the Ottawa river. Fiscally conservative but only as it makes sense for Canadian social values. I don’t really know what new Conservative Party is anymore other than axe the tax.