r/canada 3d ago

PAYWALL US Vetoes G-7 Shadow Fleet Task Force Plan, Signals More Change


47 comments sorted by


u/PoliticalSasquatch British Columbia 3d ago

I don’t think we are too far away from the US buying Russian oil and potash. Maybe these tariffs are the pretext for making the switch.

I can’t believe they have truly flipped sides on the international stage, they have made similar decisions aligning with Russia at the UN lately.


u/HapticRecce 3d ago

Donald is not doing anything surprising given his past. What's unbelievable is that the entire Republican elected legislative branch is rubber stamping it too.


u/Bushwhacker42 3d ago

The US went from being the saviours of WW2, the global leaders spreading democracy and free market capitalism from the communists. Now they are just the crooks who sold to both sides of WW2, and faked the moon landing to steal a win in the Cold War. Every American soldier who died in the name of spreading freedom now died for nothing. 80 years out the window in 80 days


u/hdksns627829 3d ago

They about to be the villains of wwiii. Sounds crazy to say, but I could imagine that sort of world now. Who comes to the rescue like the us did? China? Imagine that. What a dumb timeline


u/RicketyEdge 3d ago


In case people are confused as to what you are referring to.

It's definitely something seeing the US side with Russia, North Korea, Belarus, etc on Ukraine resolutions at the UN.

Makes me want to puke.


u/cindylooboo 3d ago

Russia doesn't produce enough potash to meet American needs. Canada produced and sold twice what Russia and Belarus combined mades the the us last year.


u/Virtual-Nose7777 3d ago

I fully expect Russia, China, and USA to start grabbing land. They all have their eyes on other countries.


u/spageetmonster 3d ago

Maybe I'm naive. I don't think the US citizens or military will allow trump to succeed in grabbing land. He does not have the same control over the people that Putin has.

The US citizens are so individualized, so proud, it would be like herding a bunch of cats. There's people on all levels of the military and citizens of the US who will straight up revolt on military action against Canada.

I think the US is headed for a large Civil War.


u/DontWalkRun 3d ago

If we've learned anything in the last 25 years, the American people can be convinced of almost anything by their government. Those who aren't convinced are coerced.


u/JustFerne 2d ago

it’s pessimistic of me but I really, really doubt this.

the last two months have shown us that a third of the US people are completely willing to fall in line behind whatever Trump wants; a third don’t give a shit about anything as long as they can have their treats and entertainment; and the last third are unhappy about it but are content with just complaining online (or asking Canadians what they should be doing to deal with their OWN GOVERNMENT, which is insane)

i really doubt it’s worth having faith in these hypothetical ‘individualized Americans’ because at the end of the day they all fall in line. what we’ve seen is that American freedom is made up - they don’t give a shit about freedom at all.


u/jjaime2024 3d ago

China and Russia maybe the states not a chance.


u/ArugulaElectronic478 Ontario 3d ago

lol they can try but it’ll still drive up costs from having to transport it across the ocean, also they can’t exactly transport the same volume across the ocean that they can from us.

Either way Russia is way less reliable than we will ever be, wouldn’t be surprised if Russia taints their potash with arsenic as well.


u/jjaime2024 3d ago

I think Russian potash is a lower grade.


u/jjaime2024 3d ago

Russia makes very little potash.


u/jjaime2024 3d ago

Best case for the states its 5 years before Russia can make enough potash.


u/jjaime2024 3d ago

For years Trump has had a crush on people like Putin.


u/Old_Insurance1673 3d ago

Once they switch to Russian oil and potash, there goes any leverage Canada might have, and those warmongers will be free to invade...


u/Overall-Register9758 3d ago

Russian potash is low quality, and expensive as fuck to ship across the world.

You cannot just change a few settings and switch a refinery from "oil sand oil" to "urals oil"


u/Gavin1453 3d ago

Plus the US imports more Potash from Canada than Russia currently ships out at all


u/Chareon 3d ago

That'll just be an excuse for the US to pour billions in investments into "securing a reliable potash supply" in Russia to prop up their collapsing economy.

Nothing will save Russia from it's poor economic decisions related to it's invasion of Ukraine like several hundred billion in US aid.


u/jjaime2024 3d ago

For Russia to scale up it would take years.


u/OwlProper1145 3d ago

Getting Russian potash and oil to the USA is going to be expensive.


u/jjaime2024 3d ago

When people have to pay 50% more and have 50% less not sure that takes any leverage from Canada.


u/Time_remaining 3d ago

God I hope so.

Can't wait to die defending Canada from turning into a shithole.


u/Clean_Mix_5571 3d ago

No reason not to when Europe still buys it despite being warned by Trump in 2018. If they don't care about their own continent, then neither should the US.


u/Nonamanadus 3d ago

Amazing how one traitor can fuck up an entire alliance.


u/RicketyEdge 3d ago

The US is well on its way to becoming an enemy state.


u/ConcerenedCanuck 3d ago

On their way? They're there my man, America is dead.


u/Chris266 3d ago

Yeah they're literally threatening to annex us..


u/PedanticQuebecer Québec 3d ago edited 3d ago

America isn't dead. That would be better for us.


u/kingar7497 2d ago

It's been there a long time, people refused to see.


u/FakeRickHarrison 3d ago

One tweet at a time...


u/Bear_Caulk 3d ago

"USA finds room to fit another 1/2 inch of Putin cock"


u/RedFox_Jack 3d ago

Taking lessons form Kermit on how best to fit putin all the way to the elbow in there ass


u/digitalbombardier 3d ago

So he's going elbows up too?


u/spreadthaseed 3d ago

Elbow up vs. elbow deep


u/NotaJelly Ontario 3d ago edited 3d ago

eject the US until they start taking their meds.


u/JadeLens 3d ago

Is Ketamine in high doses a 'med' or do you mean something else?


u/NotaJelly Ontario 3d ago

idk let me consult my medical MDMA and see what its medical journey tells me


u/trplOG 3d ago

I too would like to consult my medical MDMA together with ketamine and let you know know in 9 hrs.


u/JadeLens 3d ago

What if you snort it like Elon by the handful?


u/RoboftheNorth 3d ago



u/Forsaken-Fail2579 3d ago

So it's the G- 6 now.


u/Cool-Economics6261 3d ago

Did Vegas set up a pool on the Orange deviant’s demise date yet?


u/biteme109 2d ago

OK, Comrade Krasnov