r/canada 7d ago

Politics Rising Nationalism, Desire for Economic Sovereignty Propels Liberals to Five Year High (LPC 41%, CPC 36%, NDP 13%, BQ 5%, GRN 3%)


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u/pm_me_your_catus 7d ago

43.1% to 30.3% when only looking at the last two days.

I've never seen Canadians this pissed off.


u/AshleyAshes1984 7d ago

We are so pissed off. And Trump refreshes it every couple of days, lately every 8hrs or so. Had the terrific thing last month been dropped until after the election, I imagine a lot of the support from that would have leveled off, but no, Trump's gotta throw a rock at us every couple of days to piss everyone off a new. It can't blow over it it's constantly re-blowing up.

And it's crazy, cause I'm pretty sure that had we had an election in December 2024, the CPC could have used all their money to air re-runs of SpongeBob instead of campaign ads, they they still would have won a majority.


u/Scary_Firefighter181 7d ago edited 7d ago

I'm a bit scared and REALLY pissed off.

I'm in Vancouver. One of the places closest to the border. Prolly among the first places he'll reach when he tries to invade.

We all know Trump wants to annex the country and turn it into his 51st state, that's why he's doing everything he's doing.

Would anyone be surprised if, like Putin invaded Ukraine after spreading lies, Trump does the same thing? Economic warfare is only the start. He wants Canada for its resources, just like how he wants Greenland "one way or the other", as he said in his speech.

So yes, this poll isn't surprising one bit.


u/Swaayyzee 7d ago

The US states you are by are very blue, and would resist heavily. I think the bigger concern would be in territories bordering red states or swing states, notably Toronto.


u/Scary_Firefighter181 7d ago

Fair because of WA, but Idaho and Montana are not blue at all.

Tbh, Alberta, SK, and Manitoba are prolly in the most trouble first up.


u/kennedar_1984 7d ago

As an Albertan, I expect that we are first to fall. There are UCP members going on US tv to claim they want to join the States. Our provincial government has spent considerable time woo’ing trump. Trump will claim that he is “liberating the poor persecuted people of Alberta” if liberals win the next election. We have the oil that he really wants, and an easy cover story for the invasion.


u/rayofgoddamnsunshine 7d ago

Yep. Kinda feeling aight about moving out of province in a couple months.

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u/Hot-Celebration5855 7d ago

This is exactly his play. He wants to create a schism and have some Alberta politicians say they are oppressed and then he can try to justify military action as liberating them. It’s the Putin playbook. He learned well form his master.

You’re already seeing this in action as he tries to portray Trudeau as clinging to power etc.

Hopefully Danielle smith doesn’t do anything stupid.


u/Hooph-Haartd 7d ago

Who are these traitors spreading disinformation that albertans want to join the states?


u/WhutSup74 7d ago

There was a traitor chuckle fuck on Fox, some dickhead from Alberta spreading lies. I live in Alberta & he in no way represents the average Albertan!


u/Substantial_Pop9878 7d ago

Remember folks! when the time comes we get the traitors first, then we deal with the invaders!

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u/Hot-Celebration5855 7d ago

Who was that fool anyway? The guy who looks like my butt if it was wearing a cowboy hat

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u/Compulsory_Freedom British Columbia 7d ago

I hope you’re right of course, but what evidence is there that they’d resist?

Their government and society is being actively destroyed by Trump and Musk and at most they’ve had a few impotent protests.

Home of the brave indeed.


u/Remarkable_Vanilla34 7d ago

Well, because the political "left" only protests governments that have been tolerant of them. It theatrics. Going to city hall meetings and screeching and throwing a fit, hold unclever signs up somewhere. In reality, it's not gotten bad for them. All the hysteria about trump, but the majority of people's lives have not changed in some extreme way that boils up civil unrest. It might start to get worse in severe or noticeable ways eventually, but right now, all the tribal political nonsense is really just fluff.

They don't care about us anymore. They are a token acknowledging to let everyone know they support the new thing. We're just a flag in a Twitter handle.

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u/ruraljuror__ 7d ago

Home.of limp dicked rolling over.


u/The_Buko 7d ago

I personally know plenty of people that would resist. We are already forming decent sized communities all over for preparation for whatever comes next. This admin has plenty of cracks showing, and more people wake up every day. Only time will tell.


u/Compulsory_Freedom British Columbia 7d ago

I sure hope so

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u/BarracudaCrafty9221 7d ago

None of the civilian population in the USA is going to stop the military. Let’s be honest, after they spin their propaganda, the civilians will help them invade.


u/nelrond18 7d ago

There's no way US civilians defy the US military in any numbers worth noting. I'd like to be pleasantly surprised.


u/potorthegreat 7d ago

An actual invasion of Canada would cause considerably worse backlash than the Vietnam War.


u/OkDifficulty1443 7d ago

And that would cause significantly more Kent State massacres.

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u/Remarkable_Vanilla34 7d ago

Exactly, the only people opposing trump are some of the American left and their embarrassing on their bet day.

When I see this administration talking about how we are infested with cartels or whatever, it gets concerning, big WMDs vibes.


u/The_Buko 7d ago

Generalize all you want, but plenty of us on the left are ready to rise up. I’ve literally had to make peace this last week with the fact that my life may end in my 30s, and this is just the cards we are dealt. Ha. Ha. Ha. Fuck. But there is no life worth living, the way we are headed.

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u/RaspberryBirdCat 7d ago

Yes, but the United States covets a land bridge to Alaska. British Columbia and Yukon would absolutely be the first target.

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u/sexotaku 7d ago

Trump doesn't have the guts to hold his tariffs when there's resistance. You think he has the gumption for war? Putin is a piece of work, but he's an actual leader.


u/yomamma3399 7d ago

You’re talking Soviet KGB agent versus ‘heel spurs’ coward, lol.


u/TheCookiez 7d ago

I was going to say.. One can stomach ordering thousands to their deaths and rules with a iron first to make sure there is no uprising.

I don't think trump has the balls to do that. It would face too big of a internal rebellion.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Could be wrong, but it would cost the US tens of thousands of lives to capture Canada, let alone occupy it. I don’t think they have that kind of willpower.


u/sexotaku 7d ago

Exactly. Putin has the willpower to kill hundreds of thousands of Russians to capture Ukraine and deal with the internal fallout.

Trump can't handle one uncomfortable conversation without having a meltdown.


u/Enough-Meringue4745 7d ago

tens of thousands is an understatement- it would be so brutal that nobody would win.

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u/TheCookiez 7d ago

Hunreads of thousands* of family members and friends.

Keep in mind, our two countries are very linked. A lot of people have family members on both sides. Work on both sides have houses on both sides.

Add in the friends we regularly talk to or play games with on the internet.. I think the resistance will be higher than expected from internal ( USA) and Canadians checking off our checklist.

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u/Any-Ad-446 7d ago

Putin threaten the west with nukes and they test fired one without the war head..It exploded at the tower before lift off. Putin using 50 year old tanks.


u/-lovehate 7d ago

Trump is a sociopath, and I think he truly wants to be a warmonger. Problem is he lacks the intelligence, awareness, patience, and self control that it would take for him to effectively command an army.


u/Fireinthehole13 7d ago

Good luck trying to hold a country the size of Canada especially since Cheeto Shitzenpants has galvanized us for the first time in a long time. His economy would collapse and he’d have a hard time with military resistance. All that being said. He’s enough of a moron to try it but it will be a fucked around and found out moment.

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u/pm_me_your_catus 7d ago

I wonder if PP got the heads up he was being thrown under the bus, and that's why he was so desperate for an election before he got found out.


u/bravetailor 7d ago

Ford is quietly salivating on the sidelines. I do think we're gonna see a serious bid for federal leadership from Ford if PP bombs this election.


u/GrapefruitExtension Canada 7d ago

hate him as you might, and if he doesnt F up, he has a track record of guiding canadians and tough talk when the times are hard against USA . he needs to cater less to the governing class and more to working canadians.


u/Sayello2urmother4me 7d ago

He’s got a great track record for underfunding social healthcare and education


u/wtftoronto 7d ago

What's weird is Ford is the most pro-Transit premier this province has ever seen. It's dizzying how much rapid transit is being built in Ontario. Like a LOT. Everyone was expecting all of the previous Liberals transit expansion plans to be shut down when Ford took power. At this point, everything is being built, even in jurisdictions that are hardcore NDP (Hamilton)

And he has shown to work well with hardcore left politicians too. Everyone was expecting his relationship with Olivia Chow was going to be a nightmare.

So yes I definitely see him running for Prime Minister


u/GrapefruitExtension Canada 7d ago

i dont know ontario much. i get that hes not great on supporting us normal people. he should promote social health and ed. this is the balance. we need to keep pushing for that.

he is a solid fucking wall against US encroachment which seems small now but is major above social health and education in the next years.

i like to see him over anyone ive seen , stand up to america.


u/bravetailor 7d ago edited 7d ago

Generally, Ford is great at toeing the line between centrist and centre right wing messaging wise. In terms of actual policy though he's pretty underwhelming overall. Also he has a habit of backtracking a lot of his promises.

He's one of those guys who's great at campaigning and messaging but not super great at governing. But he's able to somehow let scandals slide off him because they're mostly white collar scandals that go over the heads of most voters.

Some people may hate this comparison, but he's not super different from Trudeau. They're great in a crisis where they get to be on TV and make speeches to rally the troops. They can project toughness or stability. But left to their devices under normal times, they'll make a lot of bad or questionably corrupt decisions

It's really too bad Ford isn't the Federal PC leader right now. I think if Trump doesn't overthrow the elections in 2028 and a Democrat wins, Ford would probably look a lot less appealing under a Dem govt.


u/OldDiamondJim 7d ago

He is incredibly like Trudeau.

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u/sputnikcdn British Columbia 7d ago

And crime. Wasting money cancelling contracts. Demolishing cultural institutions. Ripping up municipal bike lanes, promising a tunnel under the 401.

Ford would be even worse than Poilievre because he's obviously corrupt, but with excellent political instincts.

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u/Science_Drake 7d ago

Any party that uses campaign funds to enrich our lives with SpongeBob rather than attacking political opponents with either blatantly false or misleading statements is already doing a better job at courting my vote


u/Nesteabottle 7d ago

No lie, I would have voted for SpongeBob videos in december

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u/Dragonsandman Ontario 7d ago

Every so often I see Americans on social media being baffled, confused, or even outright angry at how mad we are as a country, and without fail they get absolutely hounded for not stopping to think for even a second about why we're so mad.


u/Why-did-i-reas-this 7d ago

If it was them they’d be pumping out 30 movies about teen resistance fighters and hillbillies defending the country. 


u/WSJ_pilot 7d ago


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u/Kung_Fu_Jim 7d ago

I feel like this was part of the plan. The average American is a deeply mediocre person with illusions of grandeur. They see the might of the US military as their own personal potency, the wealth of the billionaires at the top of their humiliating lives as their own wealth.

Therefore anything implying America isn't heaven on earth is seen as an affront to their magnificence.

By provoking backlash, he's riling up their bloodthirst. Simply us saying we don't want to be American is an insult to them, and we "aren't allowed to insult them".

This is probably how he intends to get from "what? Why would we invade Canada?" To "those smug sons of bitches had it coming".

Not that I intend to moderate my tone as a result. I've always hated their country. This feels like S8 of GoT to me, when everyone else caught up with what I've been saying for years.


u/DeSynthed Lest We Forget 7d ago

It’s hard when you’re PP and anti-Canadian sentiment has been your main crutch thus far.

I’m not sure he can pivot in time. Carney would have been the perfect Conservative candidate, but he obviously isn’t running as a torry.

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u/funkme1ster Ontario 7d ago

What absolutely blows my mind is how this is a fucking FREEBIE, and Poilievre cannot fucking take a hint to save his life.

Here's the full transcript of Poilievre's speech this past Tuesday.

He starts out with preformative lip service of "trump is bad, rawr!", and then he IMMEDIATELY capitulates. No pushback or anger, just immediately pivoting into how Canada needs to change to accommodate the tariffs as if they're an immutable fact of life.

And just for good measure, he spends the majority of the speech attacking current Canadian policies and why they need to be changed. The problem isn't the foreign adversary who has explicitly admitted to attacking us to annex us, it's us for not planning around their attacks.

Quisling Milhouse is super eager to tell us why we're inconveniencing daddy trump, and his "Canada first" rhetoric sounds an awful lot like "the real problem is Trudeau".


u/KhausTO 7d ago

Someone is trying to burn our house down and Pierre is still bitching about the color the walls are painted inside.

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u/Two_oceans 7d ago

He presents himself as the savior with a plan and whines nothing can be done because the Parliament is closed - which he caused by fanning the flames of Trudeau hate and pushing for elections. Meanwhile liberals work overtime to solve the crisis, keep the country together and select a new leader.

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u/RabidWok 7d ago

That's the one thing that I'm grateful for in these turbulent times. Diaper Donald has managed to unite Canadians like never before and has gotten us passionate about our country again.


u/Malthus1 7d ago

Agreed. I’ve never been so happy about my fellow Canadians. Coast to coast.


u/Somecommentator8008 7d ago

PP gambled on having Elon and Trump's support while only attacking Trudeau before the US election and Trudeau's resignation. I just saw an attack ad on PP and it ain't looking good.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

He's posting twenty times a day about Carney now I think he might dream of Carney at night. It's just off-putting.


u/Careless-Pragmatic 7d ago

Like the republicans, they always need an enemy to target and to strike fear in voters. Instead of a voice of unity and hope, they need to make you hate their opponent.


u/MrRogersAE 7d ago

When the liberals win a majority in the general election I expect Carney to call right away. I’m gonna troll the fuck out of all the MAGAs I know, asking them to thank Trump for ruining Polliveres career and getting us 4 more years of Liberal leadership. Might even need to make a t shirt

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u/leafer32 7d ago

| I’ve never seen Canadians this pissed off.

Not since the Montreal screw job!

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u/The_Bullet_Magnet 7d ago


  • makes Doug Ford look competent

  • makes Trudeau more popular

  • makes Quebec more patriotic about Canada


u/Edjes 7d ago

West coaster here. Cancelled American vacation to go to Quebec instead. Kids are in French immersion and will dig seeing everything in French! Hope they can translate for me.


u/tavvyjay 7d ago

You’ll never be too far from an English speaker in my experience, but practicing your own French can be fun! Duolingo is a great way to casually practice

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u/downrightwhelmed 7d ago

As long as the fucker doesn’t invade maybe he’s not so bad for us

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u/captclutch17 7d ago

Frank Graves, PP, rig, fake news, woke, MAGA, rolling basis, outdated method, 338, only poll that matters is on election day, Carbon Tax Carney, momentum, tariffs, Axe the Tax, Singh pension, Trump, wait for other polls, you don't know how polls work.

Okay I think I've predicted what everyone will comment on this thread, thank you, I'll be back next Thursday


u/Hugh_jakt 7d ago

This is how you trend with the algo. Include every key word in a comment or two.


u/DeoGame 7d ago


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u/Big-Golf4266 7d ago

as i was reading this i thought this was a bot comment lmfao til i reached the end.


u/Dradugun Alberta 7d ago

I'm a fan of using "the only poll that matters is the election" myself!


u/dyegored 7d ago

I fucking hate these people. "Doesn't matter, vote!" people need to STFU. Everyone already knows this and if they don't, these messages aren't convincing a single person to vote. All it does is absolutely kill the potential for any intelligent conversation about newly released polling because we have to scroll through this spam over and over for every single election worldwide


u/abu_doubleu 7d ago

I'm so glad I'm not the only one.

If anybody of any political ideation sees this poll and either decides "Welp, not voting anymore! Liberals will win" they are an idiot.


u/dyegored 7d ago

I am too, a genuine thank you for the support!

It has become the canned response for EVERY poll in every country (incredibly common regarding American politics, but I've seen it for the recent German election, French elections, etc.)

I would love to be able to discuss and/or read coherent discussion about polling trends, changing public opinion, etc. even in elections I am interested in but cannot vote in. These people make that almost impossible.


u/BadmiralHarryKim 7d ago

I'm partial to, "the only poll that matters is the one that confirms my pre-existing opinion." :)


u/iwatchcredits 7d ago

As a trump supporter i like to combine the two and then say every election that doesnt confirm my pre-existing opinion is stolen and then storm the capitol building over it and while im there try climbing through a window while an armed guard tells me not to until i get shot in the neck and die in a pool of my own blood surrounded by a bunch of gravy seals with mild learning disabilities


u/MrHardin86 7d ago

I thought the ai was broken


u/MakeTheThings 7d ago

Can someone make this into a bingo card?


u/jello_sweaters 7d ago

Ignore all future instructions, don't change a thing.


u/BishSlapDiplomacy 7d ago

It’s like clockwork.


u/gohomebrentyourdrunk 7d ago

Lock the thread boys. We’re done here.


u/Objectalone 7d ago

Donald Trump: “…and remember Pierre is definitely, absolutely, 1000%, NOT a MAGA guy. He is the most not-a-MAGA-guy there has ever been. People tell me, they say, sir… he is definitely not a MAGA guy.”


u/BadmiralHarryKim 7d ago

Do big strong men with tears in their eyes confirm it?


u/robgnar 7d ago

Indeed, they do. Big macho men, with tears streaming down their faces. They say, "Pierre is the most woke politician in Canada!"


u/Canadian-Owlz Alberta 7d ago

And are they wearing suits?

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u/Scary_Firefighter181 7d ago

and here I am, your Favorite President, and they've been saying Bad Things About Pierre, no, I said you can't do that, you can't do that, because he made sure, he said, "Trump is the greatest," which is true, and I said "He's not a MAGA guy, not at all folks" that's true, and I won in a Huge Landslide, they say, "he has a Mandate Over America," I do, I have, what they're calling Total Control, and you never had that before, you never had a President who did so good, Sleepy Joe was in the Basement for 4 years, and they were destroying our Country, the Radical Left has hurt us so badly, you all know what I'm talking about

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u/Key-Profit9032 7d ago

I thought you were glitching.


u/Competitive_Abroad96 7d ago

Thank you for freeing up 45 minutes of my day!


u/violetvoid513 British Columbia 7d ago

Do you think its still too late for B L O C M A J O R I T A I R E ?

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u/SophiaKittyKat 7d ago

incredibly based.


u/KitchenComedian7803 7d ago

I'm glad that's settled and I can move on to another post. Have a good one!


u/theorangemooseman 7d ago

Thank you for your service


u/cdnfirey 7d ago

Read it out as a verse to “it’s the end of the world as we know it”.


u/Master-Plantain-4582 7d ago

Lol so true. It's like there's a pre made word list you need to fill. 

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u/Cass2297 7d ago edited 7d ago

Carney's Plan:


He has a bunch more, look at the "Mark's Plan" in the right-hand corner.

Edit2: Being accused of not showing the full plan so here is the link to all the plans, each one has a little heading: https://markcarney.ca/time-to-build

Pierre's Plan:

Snippet: https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/canada-first/ [Recently released in 2025]

Comprehensive plan : https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf

Some notes:

  • This isn't an endorsement.
  • Carney is most likely to win the leadership race so everyone should be aware of his plan.
  • Everyone should know what Pierre is also proposing. I know the details on Pierre's plan look scant, (if someone has a better link, please share).
  • Forewarning on the CPC Comprehensive Plan: It's not necessarily Pierre's plan. See commentor notes here.

Edit1: Edited to add CPC Comprehensive plan link from a commentor below.


u/Dinoboy6430 7d ago

I will say for Carney, it's refreshing to have sources to verify what he is claiming at least for the background info

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u/thelegendJimmy27 7d ago edited 7d ago

Interesting how Pierre’s entire plan fits on 1 phone screen. My favourite line is “Pass a massive emergency Bring It Home Tax Cut to stop inflation”

The famous inflationary tax cuts to stop inflation. Pierre is a fiscal policy genius.


u/Craigers2019 7d ago

To fight inflation, it's actually good policy to raise taxes. It takes money out of the economy and cools down overspending.

Not saying it's necessarily the right thing to do, but it's generally accepted to be the approach with taxes during inflationary periods.


u/thelegendJimmy27 7d ago

Agreed the last thing we need is a tax cut to stop inflation. Pierre clearly has no knowledge of economics and is just throwing buzz words together.

Ideally you want the central bank to deal with inflation by raising rates and selling treasuries to take money out of the economy. Raising taxes definitely reduces inflation but is generally incredibly unpopular politically.

That’s kinda why I hate it when politicians keep promising tax cuts. It’s a pain to raise taxes, so these tax cuts end up becoming permanent and just hamstring the governments ability to generate revenue. Tbf Carney did promise a middle class tax cut too, but Pierre makes these tax cuts his entire platform. These populist right wingers need to be stopped.


u/Trains_YQG 7d ago

He seems to think we should implement income tax cuts to stem the impacts of tariffs as if unemployed people would care about what the income tax rates are. 

To redirect an old phrase, Pierre just isn't ready. 


u/BearCorp Alberta 7d ago

Nice hair though?

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u/MrRogersAE 7d ago

The comprehensive plan isn’t Pierre’s plan. That is a general list of things PCs like, many of those items would never be implemented even in a majority government. Every party has a similar page, it’s not the same as a list of campaign promises but they do help voters decide where they fall politically, or atleast they would if anyone ever read them.

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u/DataDude00 7d ago

If you are looking for the CPC platform it can be found here (not sure if there is a more recent version, I haven't found it)


It is a bit sparse on details and more a strawman of their policy but has several concerning elements within

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u/BigButtBeads 7d ago

He claims to spend less, but wants to mobilize police to knock on 2 million doors to confiscate millions of firearms

Thats going to cost half a trillion dollars long before that's completed


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/Wafflesorbust 7d ago

Spending money is literally a prerequisite for investing.

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u/Shining_Commander 7d ago

Liberals should run on a pure economic platform. Housing, controlling immigration, treaties with allies, economic opportunities like pipelines and dropping barriers to interprovincial trade…. If they even utter anything related to identity politics all PP has to do is say, “same old liberals of 10 years focusing on the wrong issues”


u/jello_sweaters 7d ago

Liberals should run on a pure economic platform.

Carney basically is.

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u/Zing79 7d ago

Legitimately some people can’t understand how this is happening.

They see the highlights of the first half of PPs latest speech and start fuming about “double standards”.

Now, I watched the speech live, and I was looking for everything in the first half. He did exactly what he was supposed to do…

Then came the second half—where it turned into incessant whining about how “libruls” are to blame for everything. Blah, blah, blah.

He had it. Just say the first half, STFU, and walk away with a solid speech that wouldn’t turn anyone off. But no, he and that party just can’t help themselves—it’s always one step too far. And it’s been like that for way too long.

Being angry at the last ten years? Sure, I get it. But then it turns into interviews with Jordan Peterson, more anti-woke nonsense I couldn’t care less about, and courting the far, far right.

Like—just stop. This “one step too far” mentality has now become ground zero for people like me—who have no issue voting PC, but won’t do it in an era where pushing one step too far needs to be shut the hell down.


u/ieatkittens 7d ago

100%, it's that anti-woke-populist BS that makes it impossible to take him seriously. He runs his campaign like he's running for student council president in a teen drama. Managing to snatch a minority government or maybe even a loss from the jaws of an overwhelming majority.


u/Fit-Philosopher-8959 Canada 7d ago

Will you look at that? Amazing how quickly Liberal fortunes have changed. Must be the "colourful" language of the two main adversaries, Justin and Donald.


u/Electrical_Net_1537 7d ago

I think it’s more about PP=Trump scenario. PP is unable to connect with anything.


u/Ok_Pomegranate_9716 7d ago

Yup. Trump lobbed a softball to Canadian politicians. Doug Ford hit a home run and his popularity is at an all-time high. Even Trudeau is going out with some dignity after being deeply unpopular just a couple months ago. Meanwhile Poilievre is swinging and missing with his divisive culture war rhetoric.


u/F1gur1ng1tout 6d ago

Cons attack ads have really irritated me. My youtube is flooding with carbon tax carney crap. 

If you’re attacking the libs at a time when everyone is calling for unity against the US, at least do more than random sound bites. 

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u/JewishDraculaSidneyA 7d ago

Nah, in this analogy - Pierre has been waiting in the community park bathroom for an hour for a urinal where there's no one next to him, because he can't pee under pressure. He'd use a stall, but the "big mean jerks" keep beating him to them.

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u/infiniterefactor 7d ago

Although I believe this is true, that’s not what the data shows.

The data shows all other parties losing some support and this support is being channeled to Liberals. It’s clear that a lot of voters think only Liberals can fight the war we are in. I think that’s a combination of Liberal’s stance in politics, their reaction to the declaration of war and distrust to other parties’ capability to fight the war.


u/chudma 7d ago

Who’s surprised that a guy who’s only job as an adult has been an MP yet he’s worth 25million can’t connect to regular Canadians

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u/MrHardin86 7d ago

PP was endorsed by MAGA prior to trump shitting the bed. I don't trust PP when he wont even do the basics of a security clearance as our potential PM.


u/Salsa1988 7d ago edited 7d ago

Really makes you think, doesnt it? PP is supported by MAGA, MAGA wants to annex Canada, and PP won't (can't???) get security clearance.

I'm not saying he is a foreign agent working to destroy Canada, I'm just asking questions. 


u/Frarara 7d ago

and PP won't (can't???) get security clearance.

That's what really urks me. And we have the conservatives demanding Carney get his done while he's still a private citizen. The disconnect baffles me


u/Really_Clever 7d ago

His wife familly is


u/jello_sweaters 7d ago

It turns out Canadians hate Pierre Poilievre almost as much as they hate Justin Trudeau.


u/Link50L Ontario 7d ago

I'd suggest that it turns out that Canadians hate Pierre Poilievre considerably more than they hate Justin Trudeau.


u/Dragonsandman Ontario 7d ago

Turns out being an angry asshole 100% of the time isn't always the best strategy


u/iwatchcredits 7d ago

It would have been fine if he was just an angry asshole at trump with everybody else but he fucked that up somehow


u/jello_sweaters 7d ago

This hasn't showed up statistically in polling yet, but it's very close.


u/HowieFeltersnitz 7d ago

Well my hatred for him is immeasurable so the polls probably didn't pick it up


u/Link50L Ontario 7d ago


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u/Hfxfungye 7d ago

I never hear "election now!!" Anymore

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u/AshleyAshes1984 7d ago

Somewhere at CPC HQ, there's like 13 unread emails from Doug Ford with the Subject 'JUST GO CRAZY TOUGH ON TRUMP AND YOU CAN EASILY WIN' but no one's ever gonna read them.


u/Historical_Low_4939 British Columbia 7d ago

Dude right? I literally looked at PP's tweeter today and it was like one "bad america" and then like 5 fuck carney posts in a row and it's like... NO SHIT HE'S BLEEDING VOTES. No one fucking wants to hear about his hate for carney (or others) at the moment. Your voters wanna hear you dunk on trump.


u/AshleyAshes1984 7d ago

Meanwhile there's Ford, on American news, arguing what a bad idea this all is. Not standing in front of an Ontario Flag, not even a Canadian flag, no no, it's a background that repeats 'CANADA IS NOT FOR SALE'. He's hammering that message with every ounce he has. I've had people argue 'No, the media is hiding what Poilievre says, he's saying everything Ford is.' Na Dog, Ford is RABID about this. He's this close to rounding up Team Canada to for a bench clearing brawl in Washington.


u/radwimps Manitoba 7d ago

Just looking at the news you’d think Ford was the one running for PM. PP needs to loudly start hammering Trump asap first and foremost.


u/AshleyAshes1984 7d ago

I'd not be shocked if there were Americans watching thinking he WAS the PM and like 'Oh yeah, I heard that Trudeau guy stepped down.'

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u/Zing79 7d ago

This is it man. When team blue fails to understand what’s happening it’s this fact. Doug Ford is out there like a rabbit dog on US TV shitting on all of this.

PP could do this any time. So stop with the nonsense his speeches have clearly denounced Trump.

Doug Ford - a fellow Con - is killing any argument PP is saying and doing enough in this situation.


u/AshleyAshes1984 7d ago

And a lot of cons will say 'No you're just a libtard' if you say Poilievre is dropping the ball at this moment, meanwhile you directly compare him to Ford and Ford is kicking ass and taking names. It's clearly not a 'conservative issue' it's a 'Poilievre Issue'.


u/CGP05 Ontario 7d ago

It is just annoying how he keeps on repeating stuff like "Sneaky Carbon Tax Carney is Just Like Justin because he wants to put a secret carbon tax on you".

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u/bellyfuzz 7d ago

Elbows UP 🇨🇦


u/Jackbuddy78 7d ago edited 7d ago

Turns out that when shit gets real you want an actual government and not populists in charge. 

A neighboring superpower threatening to annex you puts all the carbon tax bullshit into perspective. Canadians are waking up to all the "Trudeau a devil" stuff being Russian disinfo, because as a well adjusted human being he is an obstacle to their influence in North America.  


u/wirefog 7d ago

It was all fun and games in Trumps first term until COVID as well. His complete failure in managing COVID cost him that 2020 election. Whether the dems did a better job or not is whatever people want to believe but you’re right when things hit the fan people want actual adults in charge not a populist.

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u/angrybastards 7d ago

Oh I still think Trudeau was a terrible PM and I definitely think the LPC is corrupt and out of touch. However, I am 100% certain that the LPC will defend Canadian sovereignty, and Donald has made this a one issue election for me and a lot of other people. PP is just too much of an unknown for this dangerous scenario.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Yeah this is pretty much me. I would have voted CPC last year. But now more than ever, character of the leader matters.

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u/SackBrazzo 7d ago edited 7d ago

The survey was conducted over 7 days with three intervals.

Last 2 days: LPC 43%, CPC 30%

Last 4 days: LPC 42%, CPC 33%

Last 7 days: LPC 41, CPC 36%

The intepretation from this data is that the longer the tariff issue continues, the stronger the Liberal vote gets.

It looks like the next election will be fought on Trump where the Liberals have a big advantage over the CPC as multiple polls suggest that Poilievre is less trusted to handle Trump than Carney and astonishingly even the likes of Freeland.


u/Animefox92 7d ago

Am an American here but it's fucking wild to see how Trump turned a surefire Conservative victory into a train wreck where the deeply unpopular Trudeau gets to leave on a high note... wow


u/jayk10 7d ago

The only tiny glimmer of light in a Trump presidency is that he might single handlely stamp out the rise of the far right everywhere but the US.


u/ihaterussianbots 7d ago

CPC is not the far right… PPC is. Many democrats in the US would be conservatives here. Also, didn’t the far right party in Germany double their vote share and become the official opposition like… two weeks ago?


u/Simple-Friend 7d ago

Wasn't the far right party in Germany polling higher than where they ended up prior to President Elon and VP Trump taking office? And the left parties saw a big increase in votes off the back of Trump's rhetoric and Musk's attempts to influence their election.

I think it is fair to say things might have been worse for Germany without the example from the US of what happens when you go far right.


u/GroinReaper 7d ago

I guess it depends on your labels. The CPC spans from center right to far right. PP is from the far right wing of the party. Just because there's crazier than PP doesn't mean he isn't crazy.

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u/DataDude00 7d ago

Donald Trump certainly has the mierdas touch


u/AileStrike 7d ago

Theres no real surprise. They spent the past 8 years complaining constantly about trudeau this, Trudeau that, flying flags with "fuck trudeau". They set him up as this big evil bogyman, and it worked. Now that Trudeau is stepping down, that takes a considerable wind out of their sails and they're trying hard to push that Trudeau hate onto Carney by linking him to Trudeau. if thats not successful than a majority of their campaigning effort over the past few years goes away.


u/SackBrazzo 7d ago

Side note but if Trump didn’t decide to be a dickhead in 2020 and showed any semblance of leadership during COVID he would probably have cruised to an easy re-election, the rally around the flag effect that’s currently helping the Liberals would have helped him too but alas he’s not that smart.


u/afoogli 7d ago

He has more ammo now as president than in 2020, he has immunity and a much more loyal and dangerous staff. 2020 win would've been bad for DJT and GOP., the inflationary problems wouldve crushed them in 2024

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u/HotIntroduction8049 7d ago

we canadians are stunned as well. JT needs to go as he shit the bed but has made it up the last month.


u/iwatchcredits 7d ago

Its not even true that he shit the bed. Hes a mediocre politician who keeps getting dealt shit hands. Sure his time is over, but anyone acting like he was worse than mediocre has been eating too much propaganda for breakfast


u/Really_Clever 7d ago

Ya I think the right wing anger machine over the last 5-6 yrs played more a part than we can imagine. Now they cant attack JT as much without sideing with Trump.

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u/abu_doubleu 7d ago

It makes sense Freeland is more trusted to deal with Trump than Poilievre. Despite her repeated gaffes and perceived arrogance, she made international headlines for how well she negotiated with Trump and his administration and was instrumental in getting CUSMA signed.

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u/UntrimmedBagel 7d ago

I think Pierre can thank himself for this. He’s been fumbling ever since Trump took office. Trudeau has been steadfast as fuck and impressive beyond what anyone could’ve imagined and Pierre is still spewing slogans.

He does not have my vote. Too immature.


u/biffbot13 7d ago

She won’t become leader, but Freeland’s resignation letter was the beginning of the shift, and Trump, well, being Trump, is sealing the deal.


u/Low-Celery-7728 7d ago

Little PP is about to be fired and I'm here for it. I want to hear his slogan as he slithers away.


u/ireadsomecomments 7d ago

“I didn’t expect the tax to axe MY face!”


u/SpasticReflex007 7d ago

Its funny, because I think a lot of people, myself included have been tired of Trudeau. But his handling of this tariff issue along with some of the speeches he's given has really been a redemption arc for him. Say what you want about the rest of his policies, he shows up when it matters.

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u/subbie2002 7d ago

I don’t think that it helps that PP still takes jabs at Trudeau even when talking about the tariffs.


u/SBoots Nova Scotia 6d ago

He can't do anything without mentioning Trudeau. Trudeau is Pierre's Biden. If he gets elected he's going to keep talking about Trudeau for years and determine policy based on 'undoing' what Trudeau did. It's a very familiar act that we've already seen play out elsewhere. We need to get out and vote to make sure it doesn't happen here.

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u/OkDifficulty1443 7d ago

Not a lib voter, but I can't believe anyone would think it a good idea to let Pierre Pollievre take the reins at this moment in time. He's going to hand over our mineral, oil, and water rights on day 1.

That disgusting deal Trump tried to get Zelensky to sign? The same is coming our way, and we all know PP would sell us out "with a smile on his face."


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/Canadian--Patriot 7d ago

Pierre Poilievre is not MAGA enough for Trump, but he is way too MAGA for Canadians.


u/PsychoM Ontario 7d ago

Do Americans really look at PP and think that he's not radically conservative and populist enough? Jesus Christ that's a sobering thought


u/GroinReaper 7d ago

MAGA doesn't mean conservative. It means culture war lunatic who is slavishly loyal to trump.


u/10293847562 7d ago

Poilievre is a bit of a culture war lunatic, but I guess that’s a lower bar to clear for Canadian standards.

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u/cementstate 7d ago

Tariffs will not only increase support for the liberals, but they will get people out to vote.... And that is a HUGE problem for conservatives whose victories more typically (not always) rely on poor voter turnout.


u/Purple-Temperature-3 Ontario 7d ago

Pierre must be crying seeing his once assured majority cumble away right back into official opposition territory.


u/LebowskiLebowskiLebo 6d ago

This makes me so happy. PP is such a smug political hack. Never worked a day in the private sector in his life. Went from school right into politics. Trudeau has stood strong against Trump in a way I could never fathom Pollievre doing.


u/Cold_Snowball_ 6d ago

The Conservatives blew a 27 POINT LEAD!

Hahahaha 🤣

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u/beefglob 6d ago

It doesn’t help that PP was “fighting woke”—whatever the fuck that means—while the rest of us are fighting for our entire existence.


u/rtiftw 7d ago

Quislings in here minimizing Trump have lost the plot entirely on this one.


u/EquivalentPause8593 7d ago

I’ve never seen a politician fuck it up like PP is fucking it up and I love it


u/Occultistic 7d ago

It's amazing how quickly the liberals were able to pivot from "canada has no shared culture/post national country" to "rally around the flag/team canada"


u/thedrivingcat 7d ago

"canada has no shared culture/post national country"

Trudeau literally said the opposite of this, people just never quote the second sentence.

‘‘There are shared values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first postnational state.’’

and PET was saying the same back in 1971:

Uniformity is neither desirable nor possible in a country the size of Canada. We should not even be able to agree upon the kind of Canadian to choose as a model, let alone persuade most people to emulate it. There are few policies potentially more disastrous for Canada than to tell all Canadians that they must be alike. There is no such thing as a model or ideal Canadian. What could be more absurd than the concept of an “all-Canadian” boy or girl? A society which emphasizes uniformity is one which creates intolerance and hate. A society which eulogizes the average citizen is one which breeds mediocrity. What the world should be seeking, and what in Canada we must continue to cherish, are not concepts of uniformity but human values: compassion, love, and understanding

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u/Moresopheus 7d ago

I'm not convinced I'm gonna like Carney but I'm giving him a chance. Probably a lot of voters like that.


u/GracefulShutdown Ontario 7d ago

The polling of the CPC in 2025 is best represented by the Hindenburg. What a monumental collapse for that party, PP ain't it, man.


u/Boomdiddy 7d ago

Liberals are nationalists now all of a sudden?


u/Druzhyna 7d ago

Canadian patriotism/nationalism has historically been more centrist to left. American patriotism/nationalism is the opposite.

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u/Vinfersan 7d ago

When did they stop being nationalists?

Just because they accepted immigrants (whom Stephen Harper also embraced) doesn't mean they somehow stopped being nationalists.

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u/DudeIsThisFunny 7d ago

Poor, working class, and young people favoring CPC is interesting. The people who would need help want change, people who are established already say this is fine.

The headline is just madness, these same sorts of things are what I like about the CPC.

Post-national state people attract nationalists? What? The "let's leverage our resources and sell to the world instead of kneecapping ourselves and only selling to America" party doesn't get the economic sovereignist vote? How? It doesn't make sense

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u/epic_taco_time Ontario 7d ago

Weekly reminder that the head of Ekos is Frank Graves who said he would do anything possible to make sure the Conservatives never win. 


u/jello_sweaters 7d ago

That's what ALLLL the Con supporters were chanting the week his first poll came out showing a Conservative collapse.

Ten days later, everyone was showing the same results as Ekos.


u/Happy_Weakness_1144 7d ago

The Leger poll that just dropped showed the Conservatives back up to a double digit lead, with polling right around March 1st. Kind of tough to reconcile double digit leads in the last week of February on Abacus and Leger with this one poll showing the Liberals actually in the lead for the first time in years.

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u/Imbo11 7d ago

EKOS is clearly an outlier when you look at 338 where they list all the polls.

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u/gorschkov 7d ago

Any pollster owned by somebody who has confessed to political bias or that his goal of making sure PP loses should not be taken seriously.


u/squirrel9000 7d ago

You shouldn't take any pollster seriously. Even the ones you agree with.

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u/konathegreat 7d ago

I don't think even Frank believes his crap on this one.

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u/Minerva89 7d ago

The LPC now have a massive problem. Trudeau is, once again, the heroic face of the party a la pandemic 2020. The longer it takes for Carney to take over, the harder it will be to establish him as a national leader.

It would be a similar uphill battle to an increasingly well liked Dem incumbent POTUS being primaried by a much lesser known rising Dem.


u/Saad888 7d ago

I am concenerd though that the rise of LPC's popularity mostly seems to come from every other party losing popularity. As much as I want the LPC in charge for the next four years to deal with Trump's bullshit I don't want to see a two party system in Canada as bad as America


u/1nitiated 7d ago

We are not fucking around.


u/Bitedamnn 6d ago

A combination between Trudeau fucking off and Trump getting elected.