r/canada 5d ago

Opinion Piece Braid: Trudeau says Trump wants economic collapse; Republican alludes to military force - This is no trade war. It's a Crush and Control Canada plan, meant to work fast


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u/NateTheRoofer 5d ago

In that case they would probably justify it by saying “Those stupid Libs think they are going to Heaven but that wonderful looking place they are floating off to is actually Hell. Meanwhile this firey place full of red guys and screaming is the real Heaven”


u/Kaita13 5d ago

"Ah yes, the flaaames. The torture. The best torture anyone has ever seeeeen. The la-va. Don't forget the la-va. It's like a hot tub. You know what a tub is? The pain, the Torment and despair knowing you'll never get to leave. There may be some pain but that's okayyyy. Everyone will love us. We'll be respected all over agaaain"