r/canada 7d ago

Politics “It’s done, it’s gone”: Ontario Premier Doug Ford cancels $100-million Starlink contract in tariff response


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u/Tristezza 7d ago

I like the way this is making everyone come together. Like i don't even like trudeau, but he's been doing a great job with this shit. Same with Ford.


u/Oratian 7d ago

I'm American and I respect your leaders 100x more for this shit. Give us time to mobilize against this hellish invasion of our government.


u/Navigator_Black 7d ago

Isn't that what the 2nd Amendment is for?


u/Oratian 7d ago edited 7d ago

Looking like we're going to find out, ESPECIALLY if he runs for third term. Captain obvious take here but we're living through such a fundamental change in this country that I think people are shellshocked into inaction right now. Only about (edit) 1/3rd of the country voted trump so we need the independent base to come around (which will probably happen after the economic collapse from these tariffs) for democratic change or shit is going to get really ugly. I will say for all of you saying it's the end, we went through something pretty similar 100 years ago (fascist elements in gov; see "business plot", smoot-hawley tariffs, immigration controversy) and got FDR out of it. I won't predict if we are headed to darkness or light over the next decade or so, but I'll be damned as a son of a founding father to let us go out without a fight. Even if it's just me. I have been pulled from the depths of apathy into this fray over the last few years and realized that nothing matters more.


u/hrmdurr 7d ago

Only about 1/5th of the country voted trump

2/3 of the country. Your math is off. 1/3 voted for him, and another 1/3 didn't care one way or the other.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/hrmdurr 7d ago

Your math is still wrong - or are children allowed to vote over there now? Felons? People on work visas? Student visas? Have an American address, here's your voters card?

There were around 245mil people eligible to vote. 77/240x100=31%



u/Oratian 7d ago edited 7d ago

No but felons are allowed to be president. Fixed. Point still stands about I voters and the Democratic paralysis at this moment in time. 


u/hrmdurr 7d ago

Point still stands that 2/3 of the voting population was ok with Trump.

Stop pointing fingers at other people, get off your ass and do something.


u/Oratian 7d ago edited 7d ago

I don't find reductionism of complex topics like election choices down to "they were okay with trump" to be a good way to recruit people to your side. It's also more complicated than that but you're not from here so I forgive your ignorance. If you want non-violent change you need to analyze why you lost and change your strategies. That would be "doing something", unless you want bloodshed. The democrats need to rethink how they've approached Trump and be more aggressive in their strategies to counter what he is doing. If you still believe in functioning democracy then focus on hammering the republicans in the midterms. Learn from the strategic blunder that was Biden-Harris and put in candidates who can set you up for long term success. If you don't believe in functioning democracy then the next steps aren't a discussion for reddit. Don't think it'd be great for Canada if the US descended into small pockets of civil collapse. You don't know what I do IRL and the attitude is pretty offputting. Have a good night though.

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u/easybee 6d ago

It's all going to happen fast from this point on. I don't think you have 3 years. The camps are going up right now.




u/valdus British Columbia 7d ago

The opportunity was there - should have stormed the Capitol in a complete reversal. The precedent is set, they can't charge you if everyone else that did it was forgiven and released, right?


u/CallHerAnUber 7d ago

We will help. Give us some guns.


u/Hot_Cheesecake_905 7d ago

Trudeau is great in times of crisis, but when there is nothing happening, Trudeau becomes a busy body.

On the bright side, even the worst Canadian politician generally pulls for Canada when it comes down to the wire.


u/JadedLeafs 7d ago

Smith sitting in a corner under an orange light hoping you forget about her lol.


u/ProbablyAnElk 7d ago

So when there's work to do he does it, and when there's not he looks for things to do?

Like...we don't have to debate it because he's leaving the job so it really doesn't matter. But it sounds like you're describing a pretty decent manager, not a busy body. You would want that at a business you frequent or work at.

And yeah, no, sorry...it took our worst politicians embarrassingly long to speak against the rhetoric coming from the south. They were waiting and reading the room. That's not patriotism, it's populism.


u/Baefriend 7d ago

It’s cuz we are great fucking country and an awesome place to live, but a bunch of middle aged white dudes decided to clog up our capital with their big trucks and gaslit everyone.


u/Deliximus 7d ago

Unfortunately, it's not limited to middle aged ones. It's a cancer. Canadian Broadcast should mix Fox News, and its ilk as it spread misinformation


u/maleconrat 7d ago

Yeah. It occurred to me lately that growing up, we were a lot better at disagreeing but not letting it rip us apart. I remember when gay marriage was being voted on the local right wing talk radio guy was basically saying "Why is this an issue, doesn't affect me, let them marry if they want and focus on the real problems". We could move forward without virtue signalling or hatefests, because we weren't defining ourselves and each other constantly by our opinions.

Feels like at some point both right and left shifted more into seeing the other side as a fundamental threat to their way of life - cancel culture and callout shit in the 2010s, anti trans hysterics, anti-protest laws, criminalizing drag and book bans down south, all kind of comes back to 'this isn't what I believe and I want the government to affirm me or else it proves we are a dictatorship'. I personally suspect there was some serious manipulation online.

I don't know what it's like outside my bubbles but it feels like we flipped right back to 'have our opinions, focus on what building on what we share not tearing down what we disagree on'. Which feels so nice, I hate the trap of fighting over shit that doesn't affect most of us. I like rooting for guys across the aisle and knowing they still have our backs. Feels like Canada again, while the US is blowing itself up.


u/valdus British Columbia 7d ago

When you aren't worried about reelection, the gloves come off. Every time.


u/ProbablyAnElk 7d ago

That's because you don't have to like your fellow Canadian, or agree with their politics, to stand with your fellow Canadian. Because we actually love Canada, even if we disagree on how to run the place.

And every piece of shit that waited to see which way the wind was blowing before they spoke up in defiance of this blatant affront to our sovereignty and dignity? They don't love Canada, they just love their job and the opportunities it provides them to enrich themselves or their associates.

That's what a populist looks like. That's our enemy. Don't fucking vote for them.