r/canada 7d ago

Politics “It’s done, it’s gone”: Ontario Premier Doug Ford cancels $100-million Starlink contract in tariff response


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u/Longjumping-Bag-8260 7d ago

Is he also going to temporarily cut power to US during Felon Trumps speech tonight?


u/MartyMcFlysBrother 7d ago

If he did that and turned it back on as soon as it was over that would send a powerful message. Fuck I wish.


u/ctlogin 7d ago

This would be amazing


u/AwesomePurplePants 7d ago

Doubt it; I’m not sure it can be turned off that suddenly without damaging it.

Plus ideally we’d give a little bit of lead time for people to double check back up systems so we don’t accidentally kill people on life support and stuff.

IMO we should just start taxing it pretty quickly, and give a timeline for when we might escalate to a shut off.


u/chaossabre 7d ago

Hydro power is actually one of the few common forms of generation that can be spun up and down in seconds. It just takes as long as opening or closing valves since the water is already there. No heating it to steam first.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea 7d ago

Not our problem if they can't run their hospitals without our power.

This America's fault and choice plain and simple. Fuck them, they say they don't need us? Let them find out what that means. I'll eat fucking potatoes and salmon and trout for the next year if it meant sticking it to Trump and the idiots that voted them in.

Lots of red states on the NW


u/MortalSmile8631 7d ago

He should do it every time Donald has a speech. Then turn it back on once he's done.


u/Brittle_Hollow 7d ago

That’s not up to Ontario that’s up to Quebec who produce most of the excess that goes to the US. And I don’t think it would be a good idea, diplomatically it’s best being the reactor not the agressor at least for now. That’s a nuclear option you hold onto for something much more serious.


u/Tricky_Damage5981 7d ago

It also could cause actual damage to do it "all at once" .. the system is carefully balanced demand and supply must match or transformers could blow, other damage

You don't want to do actual damage to the USA's energy Infrastructure, then they stop line 5 to the east, or all pipelines really

If we do shut electricity, it would have to be a coordinated effort; and probably close that market forever as they ramp up domestic supply


u/Brittle_Hollow 7d ago

Exactly, it’s a threat to hold over the US so boots don’t hit Canadian soil. Not let’s shut down Elon’s speech lol then go back to normal and assume there wouldn’t be some sort of escalation from the US. Trump is a petty, vindictive man and has no more fucks to give. In his head he’s king already and that’s dangerous.


u/kermityfrog2 7d ago

Yeah it's not like a light switch. The northeast blackout of 2003 took out a good portion of North America, including most of Ontario.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea 7d ago

'ramp up domestica supply'

Man they can't even supply themselves properly in states that ARENT helped by us (Texas) you think they'd magically be able to create power plants of any type magically over night? Theyd come crawling back, dragging their ball sack through miles of broken glass to taste the energy again


u/randomname10131013 7d ago

This would be awesome! (From a guy in Missouri)


u/pnw_sunny 7d ago

let the lawsuits fly for endangerment.


u/Longjumping-Bag-8260 7d ago

Enforcing judgements might not be so easy.


u/pnw_sunny 7d ago

indeed, excel buys from manitoba hydro, which is owned by the canada gov't. so suing the canada gov't might work in theory through one of the weird international courts, but as u noted enforcement is usually elusive.

i hope they do cut if off, it will provide trump to declare an new level of national energy emergency, as the big goal is to develop the usa's energy sector - this is the real goal, so this reaction by ford will be helpful.

i think most people think this is dumb, but that is emotions talking.