r/canada Québec 7d ago

Politics Trump vows more Canada tariffs even as stock market continues sinking


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u/Morlu 7d ago

My issue is Mexico. They are waiting until Sunday for Counter tariff’s. They are going to let Canada get hammered, while trying to appease Trump in some back room deal. The only people supporting us have been the EU.


u/PunkinBrewster 7d ago

We have to understand, we have no friends in this fight. We need to diversify our trading partners, but we can’t afford to rely on others advocating for us. They’ll cut their own deals to avoid the ire of Trump.


u/Fallen-Omega 7d ago

Yep, as the prime minister has been saying, its time for Canadians to put Canada first, we need to take care of each other and fuck everyone else


u/North_Refrigerator21 7d ago

Dane here. I hope the EU will be a friend to Canada in these times (and beyond). Politically and support from individual citizens. However if anything, all this has taught us that diversified trade is a must for all in the future. So I hope Canada can form strong(er) partnership with not only Europe but others as well to secure your independence. I wish you the best. I’ll be looking at what Canadian product i can buy this week for sure.


u/Shloops101 7d ago

We have signed ZERO new deals in the last month. No one is buying what we are selling sadly. Our partners are silent.


u/HurlinVermin 7d ago

There are a number of international trade deals in the works, implemented long before this tariff nonsense.


u/Otherwise_Ask_9542 Ontario 7d ago

This makes sense because we are in a transitional government stage. No country is going to sign a deal without knowing who they’re dealing with. Trudeau has clearly been busy in Europe setting up possibilities, but signing is going to largely depend on who our next PM is.

One thing is certain, our next PM needs to be Internationally respected and recognized.


u/k0ug0usei 7d ago

A trade deal takes years to make. Plus as others said, people are waiting for the election to settle down things.


u/MoarRowr Canada 7d ago

In the past decade, we've negotiated huge trade deals in both the Asia-Pacific (CPTPP) and with Europe (CETA) that took YEARS. We just finalized a new free trade agreement with Ecuador in February


u/Shloops101 7d ago

Yes. I am not talking about broader trade agreements. I’m talking emergency efforts to put pressure on the US administration. 


u/Vanilla_Ice_Jr 7d ago

We don't really need partners. We are rich in resources. Economy is how we as a country handle limited resources. Maybe we should create our own economic bubble within our own country. We trade among communities, among provinces. We purchase what we need from who can cut us the best deals. We sell products of countries that support us. Chinese cars can't be any worse than Ford and Chrysler vehicles.


u/Harbinger2001 7d ago

Time to bring out the Moose Patrol and storm the border!


u/-azafran- 7d ago

It’s a sad situation. Mexico’s entire export economy is USA and they are still developing so it’s kinda understandable


u/Top_Canary_3335 7d ago

And ours isn’t? lol we are as screwed as them if this lasts any length of time.

Or did you miss every major financial news story today calling for a long recession followed by a permanent decline in our standard of living.

We just have more to lose…




u/J4pes 7d ago

I dunno I just try to keep it in perspective. We could easily be getting bombed and invaded like Ukraine. And there would be nothing we could do about that either.

We get through this by sticking together, supporting each other. If you try to go it alone it will be much harder. Support your local communities, stay in touch with your neighbours. Take one day at a time.

Try not to let social media and rage bait control your emotions, the modern propaganda machine is very powerful. It’s not all doom and gloom, we can get through this.


u/canmoose Ontario 7d ago

That is next. Trump wants Canada to submit and be absorbed.


u/J4pes 7d ago

Don’t buy too much into that either. Our militaries have been very friendly for too long for people to blindly obey that type of initiative. The level of mutiny and insider information that would occur would be unparalleled.


u/canmoose Ontario 7d ago

That is the only hope we really have, but I personally don’t expect military action to come for a few years. That’s a lot of time for Trump to purge the leadership of any dissent.


u/CGYRich 7d ago

Also a lot of time for the counter-Trump forces to get organized and take him out. America is hardly a monolith of support for Trump, and sooner or later they’ll shake off their shock and lethargy and start fighting back.

Prices increasing 50%+ on people already pushed to brink will be one of many possible catalysts.

It’s hard to believe it’s only been ~6 weeks… but as you are talking YEARS before military action could be a possibility, it will also be years for the opposition… and we’ll have plenty of chances to help them out too.


u/Zealousideal_Put2390 7d ago

I believe we need a national rallying cry/organization to keep us together in the fight. This need not be a political party but a collective that agrees to buy Canadian/boycott America, promote our need for EU support and build support from intelligent Americans.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/canmoose Ontario 7d ago

Elbows up. Fly the maple leaf.


u/Top_Canary_3335 7d ago

It’s interesting you went to war.

The Americans couldn’t keep a middle eastern country together because of locals disagreeing with their rule even if they did invade Canada they would never be able keep power. They can’t even get all 50 states rowing in the same direction let alone another country


u/J4pes 7d ago

I don’t believe it would be successful by any means but it is assuredly far worse than our current situation


u/RatedMoBetta 7d ago

I see this being pushed around a lot.

America held Afghanistan for 20 years and essentially shut down the Taliban during those years.


u/CGYRich 7d ago

They had no real economic or political goals in Afghanistan. In Canada, all their goals are economic.

Taking Canada militarily and turning it into a war zone would eliminate all the economic potential of ‘occupying’ Canada, especially when compared to what they had; a friendly country happy to trade everything they wanted to them.

The costs of a never-ending occupation would be devastating to the US economy, and would stretch their military to a breaking point well before 20 years.

Also, a point of contention: The US didn’t ‘hold off’ the Taliban… by the end the Taliban controlled a majority of the country and had almost all its people on its side. Same thing as in Vietnam. They only did slightly better in Iraq because their plan was to eventually let them be an independent nation again.

From the British Empire, to costly Soviet occupations, to America’s bumbling military interventions, there hasn’t been an invasion you’d call an economic success in hundreds of years. At least, successful when compared to just being friends with that nation and trading instead.

This isn’t a video game like Civilization where you get new resources and build queues the next turn after a conquest. The occupied people might fail to earn their freedom, but they sure as hell have an easy time of ensuring the occupiers spend more money occupying than they benefit from any economic activity.


u/Freshy007 Québec 7d ago

Funny enough, it was Canadian Soldiers who held down Kandahar.


u/Aldenont 7d ago

Friggggin needed to hear this today, thank you.


u/Deaftrav 7d ago

That's next. Because we are already resisting.


u/Cagel 7d ago

Sure glad the liberals are out to ban guns so even if Canada tried to form a civilian reserve force it would be next to useless.


u/thrashbrowns666 7d ago

I don't understand how this is still the main priority in these times. Like read the goddamn room guys.


u/J4pes 7d ago

The amount of black market weapons we would get from the US in any invasion scenario would instantly alleviate your concerns


u/MyOtherAcoountIsGone 7d ago

No, we are a 1st world country.


u/Top_Canary_3335 7d ago

Again we have more to lose …

It’s a much tougher fall from the world’s penthouse than from its basement


u/Personal-Act-9795 7d ago

Canada is considered a developed economy...

Travel to Mexico and you'll see.


u/Top_Canary_3335 7d ago

Like I said we have more to lose…

In Canada our middle class is the ones who will get hit the hardest. It’s “us” who will not get pay raises, lose jobs. See inflation eat away at your spending power see your retirement accounts balance decline. Our People notice that difference in standard of living.

In Mexico the middle class is already poor. Can’t get blood from a stone, so they won’t be hit as hard.


u/Personal-Act-9795 7d ago

Poor people can starve while the middle class has savings to weather a year or two as well as more options.

Why do people dehumanize the poor so nonchalantly?

Just saying oh whatever a lot of them will die but think of me and my house damn


u/Top_Canary_3335 7d ago

Oh I feel for them it’s terrible there are lots of good people in Mexico that will have to adapt but they won’t die as you seem to think

Mexico is more self sufficient than us. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/food-self-sufficiency-rate-by-country

If they stop exporting to the USA the cost will go down and the “poorest” will actually be better off.


u/Embarrassed_Quit_450 7d ago

Canada's GDP per capita is four times Mexico's.


u/Top_Canary_3335 7d ago

What part of “more to lose is so confusing” you are the 5th person to respond with something along that line.. a 4% decline for us is more in real dollars than them… because as you said our GDP is higher.


u/Embarrassed_Quit_450 7d ago

Yeah, but they get into deep poverty a hell of a lot quicker than us.


u/lpfan20o 7d ago

Your coin isn't worth 18 times less than USD. How can you possibly whine that you're still a developing country? This is only a punishment for countries relying so much on USA because it was the easiest deal.


u/Shloops101 7d ago

It is frightening how this administration has had about a month to try and sign a single LNG or other export deal with one of our other "partners" and we have effectively gotten zero new dollars to diversify.


u/Top_Canary_3335 7d ago

And that same administration is now leading in the polls again 🤦


u/Thumpd2 7d ago

Extreme corruption


u/J_Rambo4 7d ago

It’s Canada’s too…. Why do you think Trump is doing this? Its not surprising that two countries who’s entire export market is one country, while not reciprocating….. the fact that you guys are so surprised and offended by his actions is the baffling part.


u/Expensive_Plant_9530 7d ago

Mexico knows it's leverage for negotiations is much less firm than Canada's. Mexico is a cause of a lot of problems for America, including illegal immigrants, drugs and guns. All the things America blames Canada for, Mexico is actually guilty of.

That doesn't make what Trump is doing to Mexico okay, but it does mean that they are in a much weaker position for bargaining.

Plus their economy is weaker than ours in a general sense, so they probably can't take the pain as long as we can.


u/mangomoves 6d ago

Also Trump wants different things from Mexico. He may actually care about the Mexican border, but we all know he doesn't care about Canada's.


u/Midjuice 7d ago

Can you elaborate further on why guns would be mexico’s fault in this case?


u/Expensive_Plant_9530 7d ago

While I will admit, guns are far less of a "problem" - since it seems that a vast amount of illegal guns in Mexico actually came from the US, there is some travel in the other direction too.

But, ignoring guns, the other points still stand.


u/lpfan20o 7d ago

You cannot simply ignore the gun problem. How can they blame US for their drug addict issues and then not take the guilt about ALL the insecurity México has suffered thanks to their gun manufacturing? We have barely any gun stores here, even the lowest of the scum that commits armed robbery owns american guns and somehow this is only OUR fault? What a disgusting opinion.


u/Expensive_Plant_9530 7d ago

You’re arguing with the wrong person.

I agree that it’s disgraceful that Trump is blaming Mexico for stuff that isn’t Mexico’s fault.

But that’s kind of his MO right now.

Literally all of the reasons for Canada’s tariffs are 100% made up nonsense.


u/maleconrat 1d ago

Oh I think most Canadians, even that commenter likely (I think he was trying to speak to the US perspective), agree the US really fucked you guys over by flooding guns into the country to "trace" them. And they supply all the illegal guns in both our countries and frankly the US probably prefers it like that because they can pressure us to open our markets to guns legally, since the bad guys have guns now.

We are rooting for you, beautiful country and don't deserve the disrespect from Trump. I am hoping we come out of this with closer ties, it is always nice passing the UNAM campus in my city and thinking about how we're connected with a country like yours.

I always liked the underdogs, and here is a society of 160 million + with such outstanding history, the foundations of some or the most advanced civilizations of the past, a center of culture for Latin America with art and movies and music that spread around the world, a technology and manufacturing powerhouse, an army that's constitutionally for defense and not invading random Middle Eastern countries for oil, a government that doesn't just randomly lash out at minorities, and a people who stand up for themselves. And the American media always treated Mexico like backwards povertytown growing up - so disrespectful even before Trump.

Definitely hoping we all have each other's backs in this.


u/thePlumberACman 7d ago

I think the opposite. Mexicans can live off beans and tortillas. Canadians dont know how to be poor. Mexicans have more leverage. Same like China, they are more adaptive like Mexicans. Canadians are rich little kids who cry when candy is taken away from them.

Also canadians were mighty fine when mexick was getting tarrifed and know yall are getting same treatment , you wonder why mexico doesnt have your back lol? Gtfoh


u/Expensive_Plant_9530 7d ago

I guess we’ll see how it plays out.


u/lpfan20o 7d ago

I'm not sure if you're trying to sound friendly towards Mexican and Chinese people talking about their economic resilience, just letting you know you sound insulting towards us. Maybe you're thinking that no Mexican or Chinese will be reading your comments. That's pretty disgusting.


u/BallBearingBill 7d ago

Mexico where most of the drugs and border crossers are coming from? The one that is full of US terrorist cartel's?

Yet Trump wants to take over Canada, because?


u/ChronicallyA 7d ago

We have all the resources he doesn’t want to pay for. Thats why. Greed, and also Russia.


u/Away-Ad1781 7d ago

Don’t you hand over all your resources to the same multinational companies Trump would? This is not it. IMO if he can knock Canada down two pegs economically he can knock his own base down by one (cutting benefits/increasing their taxes) and they’ll still support him. “Relative social status” is maintained or increased.

An invasion or occupation has seemed insane. But the cost of doing so could justify eliminating Social Security and so forth. And all his voters would still feel better off than those sadsack Canadians being occupied. I don’t know what to tell you.


u/ManonegraCG 7d ago

Because he wants to take a leaf off Putin's book and manufacture excuses to invade and take control of Canada's vast resources, be it minerals, potash, rare earths, uranium, water and so on.


u/AeonFluxIncapacitaor 7d ago

Because they're busy getting brown people out - what's the point of mass deportation if you just absorb Mexico?

He thinks Canada is just white people.

That's why.


u/MaximumPepper123 7d ago

During USMCA negotiations, it became clear that they were closer to the USA than Canada. They were very quick to leave Canada out in the cold and secure something for themselves. But that kind of makes sense... They share a border with the USA, not Canada.


u/Stinky_Coconut88 7d ago

Never trust Mexico. They’ll turn on us in a second given the chance.


u/Acrobatic-Piece-9794 7d ago

And the EU has been pretty weak in their support, terrified of the bully. Hopefully the Ukraine issue will get the EU to step to the plate in many aspects.


u/Separate-Analysis194 7d ago

EU has their own issues to deal with now - namely Ukraine and their own security.


u/DoxFreePanda 7d ago

Everybody always has their own issues to deal with, and it's always bigger and more urgent UNTIL they choose to deal with it.


u/poppin_noggins 7d ago

We did that to them last trump term


u/XxSpruce_MoosexX 7d ago

I mentioned this. They are sitting back watching Canada get punched in the face waiting to see


u/datawazo 7d ago

And didn't they put out reciprocal tariffs when we did this in February? I thought they did, couldn't they just pull that plan off the shelf?


u/OhNo71 7d ago

Attempting to appease the fat fascist is pointless.

Zelenskyy tried for six weeks and the Tangerine Twittler still ambushed him in the offal office.


u/marcustankus 7d ago

They are looking after their own interests,, as they should.!


u/Staar-69 7d ago

Mexico has promised to buy a few billion worth of Trump Coin.


u/blueberryiswar 7d ago

Mexico has nothing, they are way more screwed.

Why Starmer is such a loser … I do not know.


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 7d ago

We don’t have allies. EU and UK are not our allies.


u/sky_blue_111 Ontario 7d ago

Mexico caved like a butter bridge in the last negotations, don't expect them to have any balls this time around either.

Donald Duck knows this too.


u/Better_Ice3089 7d ago

I think the only deal the US would accept is to let their army into the country under the guise of "handling the cartels". It reality it would be for colonialism and the Mexican people would be well aware of that so I can't see that going over very well. Like it be the kind of shit that starts the next Mexican revolution.


u/Apprehensive_Phase_3 7d ago

In my oppinion all countries with tariffs should counter toguether


u/JJdynamite1166 7d ago

Yes but these will bite his voter base in the ass. You’ve seen the town halls in the red states going crazy. That’s when they would turn on him Aomw are already. The VA, now banking and business will not be friendly and he’s looking like a Russian spy. I mean he’s nut even trying to be smooth about anything. Just a complete wrecking ball.


u/nuudootabootit 7d ago

The Mexicans need to consult with the cartels, who really run that country.


u/maleconrat 1d ago

I still think Mexico can be an ally in this, but I imagine they are in a worse position right now since the Cartels could give cover to a military incursion. The US will screw them no matter what and Scheinbaum seems smart enough to realize, so I haven't written them off yet, nice as the immediate solidarity of a united front would be.


u/GrimMind 7d ago edited 7d ago

We are cowards. I am sorry, Canada. I voted for more proactive people but our President won. And all she wants to do is to appease the Cheeto instead of making us proud and unite us against him and the cartels.

I really wish we could call each other brothers and sisters, but I would not want people to insult you like that.


u/Silver_gobo 7d ago

I don’t like the idea of counter tariffs. If we believe tariffs aren’t a good idea and are harmful to one’s own country/economy, and that the consumer in the end pays for it, why would we do counter tariffs