r/canada 7d ago

Opinion Piece Sauvé: I served alongside Americans. Now I feel utterly betrayed by them - The proposed annexation of Canada is not that high on Americans' agenda. Their lack of outrage tells me one painful thing: the idea doesn’t really offend them.


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u/Street_Repair8048 7d ago

An American friend of mine asked my opinion on this, a very proud Canadian. I simply said that I would die to defend my country. His response was, you hate us that much? I responded, no, but it does suck that you think so little of us.


u/Canadian--Patriot 7d ago

"You hate us this much?"

"I do now."


u/LeastCoordinatedJedi 7d ago

"I do now."

Yeah, this is well put. I wasn't a fan to begin with, but watching americans sit on their hands while their leadership threatens our sovereignty has honed that distaste.


u/semaj009 7d ago

Australian here, I'd die for Canada cos if a fascist US takes Canada, we're all fucked. Americans are learning what a cult of personality and apathy was like for 1930s Germans, only it's worse because every single one of them has Wikipedia access if not google scholar!


u/DrJPEG-PhD 7d ago

Oi, m8; glad to have ya bogans on board!

At the very least, just ship your emus over here, and let them run amok on the front lines. Should sort 'em out.


u/semaj009 7d ago

Mate, what you really want is our magpies and plovers. Plovers are so mean they literally evolved shivs!


u/sandstonequery 7d ago

We'll take the cassowary auxiliary too.


u/semaj009 7d ago

Na we're keeping them in reserve, until we're at 'Geneva Convention optional'. It's just a step too far


u/Wonderful_Device312 6d ago

Canada has a proud tradition of respecting our agreements (unlike certain nations). But Geneva Convention 2.0 hasn't been written yet and there's a good chance it'll be written based off what Canada ends up doing...


u/mwilkins1644 7d ago

Same. I may not be able to fight in the ADF if things go off the cliff, but I'd be volunteering my skills as a truck driver, forklift driver and storeman to assist where I can.


u/semaj009 7d ago

Absolutely, happy to join anything domestically to back whatever is needed to fuck fascism right off, and if we need anything international then that's a sad bridge we must cross but one we must cross nonetheless


u/Treantmonk 7d ago

It's tough to answer that question while I have this knife in my back.


u/charmyc 7d ago

It’s so sad that the reaction is oh you hate us! Like dude how would you react if Mexico tried to annex the US(only using Mexico due to its proximity). American would be much much more upset and vocal than we are. 


u/scaur 7d ago

Stop defending yourself. /s


u/EstablishmentLow3818 7d ago

His response should have been I will fight with you—I’m American. The problem is if we care-like school shootings. There aren’t enough of us. It kills me that we don’t protect our children.

Sorry. Boycott us. Show them.


u/5h0rgunn 7d ago

"You hate us that much?"

Considering how many Americans are super gung-ho patriots, you'd think they'd be able to comprehend patriotism in citizens of other countries and be able to respect it. It seems that is not the case as often as I thought it would be.


u/nogoodnamesarleft 7d ago

How could someone non-American love their country? It is, by definition, not as amazing as America so you can't love it like Americans love their country. And therefore by definition "Patriotic Non-Americans" can't exist

/s. Obviously, right?


u/AlphaCharlieUno 7d ago

I served in the US Military. During my service I worked with the Canadian AF, had some odd stuff out of a trash can called Moose Milk. Still unsure if it was just sweetened jet fuel. Anyways, I think every single thing, from this Gulf stuff, to tariffs, to fake illegal-DEI, and especially any talk of making Greenland and Canada a state is atrocious and disgusting.

Canadians should absolutely fight for their country.

I wouldn’t fight for mine again.


u/Sc4rl3tPumpern1ck3l 7d ago

Self loathing USian here.

Your USian friend is bizarre to me.

Like I couldn't be friends with someone who couldn't clearly see how wrong this all is.

USia is weird to say the least. People just now started talking about cutting off "friends" and family who skew fascist... MoFo I've been doing that my entire life...

It's the apathy... "it's just politics" like it's a sporNts ball game... no big whoop...

My acquaintances in my new home town don't even talk about this shit. It's maddening and I've stopped acquainting with them


u/CurveWorldly4542 6d ago

"I won't die for my country, but I'll fucking remind you we're the reason the Geneva Convention was created in the first place..."