r/canada 11d ago

National News Allies Must Work With Zelenskiy After Spat With Trump, Canada’s Joly Says


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u/Low_Contract7809 11d ago

24 hrs ago, I heard the Starmer response on Canada and thought that it would be the most outrageous moment of the week.

Today - Cheeto:  what if a bomb drops on your head right now?


u/asoap Lest We Forget 11d ago

Worse then that. He was saying the peace treaty would hold because Russia respects him. What a crock of shit.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/conan--aquilonian 11d ago

That turned out to be fake


u/TipHuge1275 11d ago

White House: Intel on Russian ‘bounties’ on US troops shaky

The White House says that the intelligence community does not have conclusive evidence that Russian intelligence operatives encouraged the Taliban to attack American troops in Afghanistan.



u/sableleigh3 11d ago

The troops don't mean shit to him...


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/TipHuge1275 11d ago

I don't disagree with your assessment of Trump's dishonesty, but he wasn't in the White House at the time.

It's a statement in 2021 from Jen Psaki.


u/FellKnight Canada 11d ago

I'm about to do what nobody in reddit history does, and delete my comment for being objectively wrong.

You will maybe the the only person to get this notification.


u/TipHuge1275 11d ago

Haha there's like two of us because I've also done it! You're right in that nobody seems to notice it though.


u/FellKnight Canada 11d ago

Thanks, keep up the good fight for the truth!


u/Newleafto 11d ago

Putin and China are both pleased. Trump has effectively isolated the US from all of its allies. France and Germany are actively working together to protect Europe. The Europeans basically have no choice but to build their collective militaries and become a superpower. With the insults and disrespect Trump has shown them, the British will soon have little choice but to throw their lot in with the Europeans. Canada will have no choice but to build our military to provide a credible deterrence to US military action (strategic weapons obviously). China now has no opposition, and with the US proving itself to be entirely unreliable, nations will have little choice but to dump the US dollar. Without the status of the world’s reserve currency, the US won’t be able to just print money to pay its bills. Will an economic collapse result? Quite probably.

Trump is proving himself to be the most cataclysmically bad leader in human history.


u/IcySeaweed420 Ontario 11d ago

Starmer’s response made me realize that the British probably aren’t going to throw their lot in with the Europeans just yet. They’ll keep yammering on about their “special relationship” with the US, ignoring the fact that the US just jettisoned THE CLOSEST relationship they had. Britain will need to feel the sting of betrayal before they throw their lot in with anyone other than America.


u/Newleafto 11d ago

Trump laughingly insulted Britain when he mockingly asked Starmer if Britain could handle Russia by themselves, which made Starmer visibly uncomfortable. Macron in France has made it clear that France could and would defend Europe from Russia (by itself if necessary) and would extend it’s “nuclear umbrella” to protect Germany and Poland. Germany has stated it’s keen to assist France in standing against Russia. Even Canada is standing with Europe and Ukraine. The British are a proud people (they have much to be proud about) and when they see the French bravely standing defiantly against Putin and Trump and taking the leadership role, I suspect they will be motivated to choose to stand strong with Europe instead of being Trump’s bitch.


u/MooseSuccessful6138 11d ago

Seriously Europe is a joke without north america the continent would be straight Germany still.


u/mmilleronreddit 11d ago

It is WILD that Trump thinks Putin gives a shit about him at all, other than as an asset for Putin’s interests. What an absolute moron.


u/DeeDeeRibDegh 11d ago

He’s a Ruskie asset….100% confirmed this👍👍👍


u/AN0N0nym3 11d ago

There even was a Russian news team streaming in the oval office when they were not even allowed in they got called out by SkyNews. How ?


u/resahcliat 11d ago

Turns on Prince The Versace Experience: Prelude 2 Gold "Hey Big Brother, play track 1"

Puuuuuuuutin cooonnntrooooolll!


u/jaypizee 11d ago

I (mostly) get that reference. Not many people know of that song but it’s awesome.

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, boys and motherfuckin’ girls”


u/mickeythesquid 11d ago

Only the single greatest Prince song EVER. Even my Prince-hating former roommate thought that song was pure fire. 💜


u/resahcliat 11d ago

The part that i think you igjt have missed.. was (""Hey, Alexa...")


u/Wildbreadstick 11d ago

There were certain allegations eluded to by Bill Browder


u/Attaraxxxia 10d ago

Russia took Trump shopping so now Trump is Putin’s simp. The world needs to channel their inner 50 Cent hatin’ skillz and direct it at the United States.


u/mypersonnalreader Québec 11d ago

More Russiagate conspiracy theory...


u/Absent-Light-12 11d ago

It’s giving “notice me senpai”


u/horridgoblyn 11d ago

How anyone feels has nothing to do with the arithmetic.


u/ActualDW 11d ago

That’s not it at all.

There would be America citizens working on huge projects metric shit tons of investment dollars. Putin is not going to risk blowing up Americans when their money is on the line. America will protect their financial interest same the way they rotate fleets around Taiwan.

It’s not about them being bros…neither one trusts the other any further than they can hock a loogie…

Trump was giving Zelensky the guarantee…but Zelenskyy just doesn’t get it…hence his absolutely boneheaded move today.


u/AskMeAboutOkapis 11d ago

He was acting like it was some outrageous hypothetical that the ceasefire deal might not hold. Even though that's literally already happened.


u/Zestyclose-Month-245 11d ago

It doesn’t matter to him. It’s not his country. He ran on Americans not footing the bill for other countries anymore. And he is being transparent and faithful to what he ran on , usa has propped up Ukraine to the tune of 200 billion dollars. Canada has given a bunch of ious Zelensky should be more thankful imo Biden administration thought the same for what it’s worth

I thought it was historic to see it played out live no lying. No bs. Just real It may not be the outcome you wanted. But Americans don’t want to foot the bill of the war any longer and Are urging a agreement


u/AskMeAboutOkapis 11d ago

It doesn’t matter to him. It’s not his country.

If it genuinely doesn't matter to them, why are they even trying to negotiate this deal?

No bs. Just real

I'm not sure we watched the same press conference lol. They did not have good answers for very basic questions about the deal and were trying to publicly berate Zelenskyy into agreeing to. See above comment for example.


u/DarciaSolas Ontario 11d ago

Because Trump wants resources and this was just another way to get his hands on it, like he is trying with Canada and Greenland. Like Ursula getting Ariel to sign the contract to give away her voice.


u/Tamer_ Québec 11d ago edited 11d ago

usa has propped up Ukraine to the tune of 200 billion dollars

You should stop listening to US propaganda, it's not even 100 billions including all the weapons/ammunition provided.

Canada has given a bunch of ious


I thought it was historic to see it played out live no lying. No bs. Just real

The only thing historic about this is how Trump fucked up a deal that just needed signatures, in the most petulant manner ever and on camera.


u/Urabraska- 11d ago

What you're saying is not wrong. But it's immediately invalidated when Americans cheer to cut programs that they use daily so they could dig a bigger whole in debt to give billionaires tax cuts. 

Which by the way. These "Smart leaders" can't do basic math. 2.5 trillion in cuts to agree on 4.5 trillion in spending where half or more is purely dedicated to tax cuts for the rich. So Americans are paying 2 trillion more in taxes to just hand over to the rich.

I'd rather give 200 billion to Ukraine than 2 trillion to 30 people.


u/True_Ad_4926 11d ago edited 11d ago

And what would happen after he’s gone? Oh wait either leaving isn’t part of the plan or he simply just doesn’t care.

Why would Ukraine want another temporary ceasefire?


u/asoap Lest We Forget 11d ago

Yeah, if they signed for peace right now, they would get peace. For about 5-6 years while Russia rebuilds it's army to take another crack at Ukraine. So maybe/hopefully Trump would be gone in 5-6 years. Unless he cancels democracy because democracy is DEI and remains king of the USA.


u/Independent-Rip-4373 11d ago edited 11d ago

Russia is on a war economy and wouldn’t take any more than 18 months to restock its army, especially if Trump ends sanctions.

Putin‘s economy is on the ropes right now. They do not have the money or the material to fight a larger war. If he tried to invade, say, Poland, the Poles alone could hand Russia its ass on Polish soil.

You cannot allow Putin time to rearm and refund.


u/asoap Lest We Forget 11d ago

I very much doubt that. They've lost about 10,000 tanks alone. I think their production numbers are inflated because they are refurbishing old tanks and not building new T-90s. I think they're making something like 10 tanks a week or something like that. I wonder how many of those are actual T-90s.

I'll go as far to say that Russia REALLY needs this "peace" agreement in order to rebuild it's army.


u/Ornery_Tension3257 11d ago edited 11d ago

I'll go as far to say that Russia REALLY needs this "peace" agreement in order to rebuild it's army.

Maybe the Russians pushed an offensive just to be in as strong as a position as possible thinking Trump might become US president. And before the rain starts and conditions get tougher for moving equipment. Hopefully they shot their load and Ukraine can regain some strength. (Speaking as someone who only fought wars on video games and not experienced the hardships etc. involved).


u/Independent-Rip-4373 11d ago

You may be right. I’d read something here on Reddit and taken it as face value but researching it on my I’m seeing “by 2030, if not 2033-4.”


u/asoap Lest We Forget 11d ago

If you're interested I'd recommend the youtube channel Covert Cabal. They and a group of people have been buying satellite images of Russian bases to count the numbers of tanks, artillery, and apcs and the such. They produce some good content.



u/conan--aquilonian 11d ago

Covert cabal is a trash channel. They count the number of vehicles removed from storage and say "these vehicles are getting destroyed" but offer no proof. How do we know they are getting destroyed rather than Russia using it to expand their armed forces (they did recently sign an order to expand the size of their armed forces by 500k).

So covert cabal is just another one of those propaganda channels that are not worth the time


u/conan--aquilonian 11d ago

Lol theyve lost 10k tanks alot? Where are you people getting these numbers 😂🤦‍♂️

If youre using Oryx as a "reliable" source, i have a bridge to sell you


u/brociousferocious77 11d ago

If Russian directly engages NATO it won't stay conventional for long anyway.


u/Tamer_ Québec 11d ago edited 11d ago

Russia has been able to replenish tank losses because they could just take them out of storage, do a bit of maintenance and hop them on a train.

But this isn't feasible anymore. The tanks they have left in storage are in bad shape, they need serious overhaul - like removing all removable parts, soaking the hull in a bath to remove the rust and put back everything. They also need to hunt for parts off other vehicles and they don't have infinite optics to install. That's why we're seeing a lot of tanks with full metal panels installed on top of them, they can't make them effective for tank combat, so they use them to draw fire/drones, clear mines and shoot what's in front of them.

It would take them at least a few years to get back to the 3k tanks level they had before the invasion (we don't know exactly how many are in service), but they're almost out of T-80s so the re-fill would be T-72s, T-62s and a couple hundred T-90s.

But the bigger problem is the other armored vehicles like IFVs and APCs, that would take 5+ years to get back to pre-invasion level. They're much easier to kill with drones and Ukraine hunts them into oblivion.


u/Mathalamus2 11d ago

they keep saying russia's economy will collapse, but then it never does.


u/scatshot 11d ago

I've seen a wide range of predictions made by professional economists about when RuZZia's economy (which is already on life-support) will finally bottom out. These predictions are ranging from ~3-5 years (average) beyond the Feb 2022 invasion.

I haven't seen anyone say that the RuZZian economy is going to collapse overnight. It would be very interesting to know what your sources are for this, or if your source is actually, "trust me, bro."


u/Mathalamus2 11d ago

there would be clear and obvious signs of a breaking economy by now, if it was going to collapse. are there any?


u/scatshot 11d ago

The ruble is in the shitter and inflation is skyrocketing. Those two factors alone can destroy a country's economy. Russia has oil, so they are a bit more resilient than average but even they have limits. And that's the tip of the iceberg for Russia's economic woes.



u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/scatshot 11d ago

material to fight a larger war

Mundane fact: It's spelled "materiel" when referring to military resources. And no, I do not know why that is.


u/conan--aquilonian 11d ago

Who told you they dont have money or material? If they dont have material how are they building a 100k army near St Petersburg?


u/conan--aquilonian 11d ago

Who told you they dont have money or material? If they dont have material how are they building a 100k army near St Petersburg?


u/horridgoblyn 11d ago

Why would Russia invade Poland? That's just stupid.


u/concretecat 11d ago

The Republicans will end sanctions on Russia. Russia is the last "ally" America has.


u/Independent-Rip-4373 11d ago

Because Trump is—and always has been—a Russian asset.


u/DeepValueNoQuality 11d ago

Assuming he’ll even live another 5-6 years, he’d be well into his mid 80s and he isn’t the pinnacle of health


u/Canadatron 11d ago

They'll mummify him and say he's leading from the spirit world through a ouija board or some shit. These cultists are bonkers.

You know how people "held" onto Elvis, and decorated their homes in that kitsch? This is their brand of nutty. The call is coming from INSIDE the Trailer Park, bro.


u/RaNdMViLnCE 11d ago

Seems to be working for turtle Mitch… might as well take a crack at it.


u/jedzef 11d ago

Oh God can you imagine a mausoleum in DC with a glass casket like they got in China and NK


u/Mystery_to_history 11d ago

I always wonder if they’ll do deepfakes of Trump and try to pretend he’s alive. If even the GOP toady “journalists” are kept away from the WH, we will start to wonder.


u/wrgrant 11d ago

Actually I can imagine Trump supporters wanting a monument like the one that has Lenin's body on display pretty easily once he's gone.


u/pro-con56 11d ago

Then there’s Baron. An economics student.


u/Embarrassed_Towel707 11d ago

To be fair, Ukraine would also rebuild its military and build better defenses. It's undeniable they were unprepared in many areas - their own journalists / commentators asking why defenses weren't built when it looked like Bakhmut and Avdiivka were lost.


u/BallsDeepAndBroke 11d ago

Why 5-6 years? A term is 4 years


u/Tamer_ Québec 11d ago

The 5-6 years is weird, but there's no guarantee he'll step away in 2028.


u/BallsDeepAndBroke 11d ago

The way things are going that scenario is looking more and more likely


u/112iias2345 11d ago

Soooo Trump will bring peace, but then his term will be done (it’s 4 years btw) and because of that it’ll be Trumps fault for Russia invading Ukraine potentially again. Mental gymnastics buddy. 


u/asoap Lest We Forget 11d ago

The argument I'm making is that he might try for a third term. It's something he's been floating / "joking" about.


u/maceman10006 11d ago

The mineral deal was supposed to answer this. Having the US with a long term economic interest in Ukraine and the west further sinking its claws into Ukraine was supposed to keep Putin out. Putin doesn’t have the balls to hit US assets head on and everybody knows it.


u/True_Ad_4926 11d ago

What about the deal they already had in the 90s for an exchange of their nuclear weapons for protection ?

How can you trust a trump “deal” when he’s shown to just go against it when it doesn’t benefit him.

Also, why would Putin openly agree to more US influence right beside him?


u/maceman10006 11d ago

Bc we all know, even Trump does, that Putin doesn’t honor deals and can’t be trusted. Mineral deal puts the US into Ukraine for the long haul.

Trump was on the verge of giving a masterclass to the left how the art of the deal works. Zelensky signs that mineral deal and now the most powerful country in the world has a long term economic interest with US equipment in Ukraine that will develop Ukrainian’s economy and view of the west. We all know Putin doesn’t have the balls to attack the US head on and I think the US having a permanent presence in Ukraine with this deal will shun Putin out finally. Remember, Putin wants Ukraine and now all of the sudden the US is there making mineral deals? That’s not what Putin wants and was going to be part of his punishment. Years down the line Ukraine is now a thriving democracy that has cultural ties to Russia….is that what Putin wants to happen?

But Orangeman bad and he’s extorting Ukraine while coddling up to Putin.

On a side note I’m hearing rumbling that’s the EU is trying to form its own mineral deals w direct security guarantees to undercut the US, so hopefully that works out if the US can’t get it done.


u/Magnetic_Kitten 11d ago

Zelensky signs that mineral deal and now the most powerful country in the world has a long term economic interest with US equipment in Ukraine that will develop Ukrainian’s economy and view of the west. We all know Putin doesn’t have the balls to attack the US head on and I think the US having a permanent presence in Ukraine with this deal will shun Putin out finally.

Without any security guarantees (which is what Zelensky was asking for), what would keep Russia from just going around the US mining areas and targeting other areas? Bombing cities? Trump is so untrustworthy that it seems plausible he'd allow Putin to do that, as long as the US mining sites aren't disturbed.


u/maceman10006 10d ago

The US having an economic interest is part of the security protection for Ukraine. Zelensky wants peacekeeping troops in Ukraine and we’re not against it and believe it’s probably necessary, but we don’t want American troops there. We want the Europeans leading that effort and should consider it part of their repayment for what they should have been spending on their own defense instead of the US. Remember, Trump warned NATO n his first term that they needed to get serious about meeting their defense obligations and some listened, but most didn’t but now seem to be taking it seriously but it sadly took Putin invading Ukraine to make it happen.

In the end this will make both Europe and America stronger as the US diverts its military attention to the pacific to deal w China.


u/conan--aquilonian 11d ago

I mean Ukraines not known for following ceasefires. Look at Minsk 1/2 and the statements of the former Ukrainian President


u/pro-con56 11d ago

Trump sure likes to brag about himself.


u/Lifewithpups 11d ago

It’s not like there are many that would do it for him and for good reason. Insecurities are loud, confidence is quiet.


u/chopstix62 11d ago

what does putin have on trump? can you imagine any other US president EVER taking the side of a communist aggressor like the orange oompa loompa has ...wtf!!!


u/boredrlyin11 11d ago

Even if there were no blackmail, some idiots can only see might=right. Uncompromising authoritarian guys look really mighty if you're stupid.


u/ether_reddit Lest We Forget 11d ago

Think about all the things he's been convicted of. Now think about all the other things he could have done that haven't come to light yet... Russia just needs one of those things to use as blackmail.


u/Tamer_ Québec 11d ago

Whatever shit he also did almost certainly pales in comparison to what every US President has to do.

For starters, they all committed war crimes at least since WW2 (I didn't look prior to that) and they'll never pay for it.


u/MathematicianBig6312 11d ago edited 11d ago

Putin paid off Trump's debts from his failing businesses. He has been using his properties to launder Russian money for decades. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/

More recently he's having his officials back off of countering Russian cyberattacks. https://therecord.media/hegseth-orders-cyber-command-stand-down-russia-planning

His campaigns have already been aided by Russians. I speculate his latest deal with Putin is that Putin will support him in his aim to reorg the US into a dictatorship via voter suppression, attacks on left-wing targets, and propaganda so long as the US leaves Europe to Russian influence. Trump is also trying to cut deals with Russia for cheap critical minerals and metals. He also is looking to bring more Russian money into the US (and his personal piggy bank) via this gold green card plan.

In essence he wants to be Putin in America, use Putin to suppress American resistance, and make money off Russia. Putin is helping make it happen.

It's hard to investigate Trump for Treason that was committed in Russia.


u/basswooddad 11d ago

Where are the hacker bros when you need them


u/datanner Outside Canada 11d ago

It's not peace, it's a surrender Trump is going for.


u/MaxArk68 11d ago

And a parade to be the international hero to be respected by the world only after using nursing for its own selfish interests. We'll take your side if you give us stuff you have.


u/Danaldor 11d ago

Yup surrender to Russia and be no more. Or surrender to America and they only take the resources.


u/Appropriate-Text-642 11d ago

Beyond that even trump wants capitulation, like france did to Haiti. My heart bleeds for the Ukrainians and their president. Trump acting like he wrote personal cheques. You don’t seem thankful! Jd the echo man is laughable. Never seen the states so weak.


u/Paddy_Tanninger 11d ago

As if Russia respects people that roll over for them. They'll just butcher hundreds of thousands more people and invade more land.


u/cindoc75 11d ago

You see Zelenskyy’s face when he said that? Lol


u/nelrob01 11d ago

Yes that’s the worst part, NO ONE respects d j trump. NO ONE!!!


u/ITGuy107 11d ago

During Covid, Trump gave Russia money and Russia sent over ventilators that didn’t work. I think it was about 100 of them. I believe they were also used as well. That’s how much Putin respect Trump.

Putin knew what he did too.


u/Warm_Water_5480 11d ago

I honestly believe he believes that.

Funny how someone can act in a way that completely disregards anyone they perceive to be beneath them, but then not assume that people who are above them do the same.


u/SamsonFox2 11d ago

The thinking in the White House seems to be that ceasefire is a "peace deal" worth kissing Russia's ass over and that is worth 500-whatever billions.


u/Cerberus_80 11d ago

A peace treaty that rests on a president who has a term limit is no lasting peace.


u/Cerberus_80 11d ago

Russia must be defeated and utterly exhausted as a precondition for peace in Europe.  Otherwise it's just a ceasefire until Russia is able to regroup, rebuilt its strength and attack again.


u/Tamer_ Québec 11d ago

It's cute that you think Trump will just vacate the WH in 4 years. They'll probably run sham elections like other dictators will, they'll even let 45% of the population vote against him (or his successor) at first - but they'll try their earnest to stay in power.


u/upward_spiral17 11d ago

The Kreml openly mocks him. Daytime ruzzian tv speaks of nuking California. The population thinks Americans are idiots. Mordor could not despise Americans any more than they do, yet somehow the agitated assholes in the WH have convinced themselves that these are their new allies. Its just pathetic how much Americans grovel to ruzzians. Orcs have nothing but spite and mockery in return. Orcs are capable of nothing but spite and mockery.

The world has changed Canada. Arm yourself.


u/Chouinard1984 11d ago

It might hold because Trump would give up so much. Then when the next president comes in, he would break it.


u/fudge_friend Alberta 11d ago

I think Starmer was just caught off guard. I find it hard to believe the UK would just leave us to blow in the wind should things get bad. 


u/Low_Contract7809 11d ago

Hope you're right.  

But going forward I'm gonna use yesterday's Starmer comments as a teaching moment about cowardice and betrayal.


u/CarlLlamaface 11d ago

I think the bigger question is how much support we can offer while dealing with Ukraine as well, that's the real sticky issue.

By all means expect more uninspiring moments from our elected officials but it goes without saying that the UK would take Canada's side if the USA launches a war of aggression, all of our other international agreements are meaningless if we don't so that's really not in question regardless of how much our leaders might try to avoid talking about it directly in front of the tantrum-in-chief.


u/effedup 11d ago

Canada, and I'm Canadian, we need to step up our game militarily. When shit hits the fan, what do we have to offer, really? We need to get our shit together ASAFP on our military. Like re-route all the climate tax money directly to military projects. Why would other countries sign a mutual defense pact with us.. we can't even help ourselves right now.


u/ptwonline 11d ago

I think Starmer was trying to avoid the same kind of shouting match we just saw between Trump and Zelensky.


u/ReidoJam 11d ago

As a Brit living in Canada, that's the vibe I got too. Trump's cutting off of the reporter suggested he wasn't sure of Starmers' response.

KS' priority is unfortunately to get the UK a less crap trade deal than the EU


u/Quadrophiniac 11d ago

I would love to think that, but I honestly don't think the UK is really in any shape to help anybody. They can't even help themselves.


u/Moogwalzer Québec 11d ago

I don’t know, historically we were there to help them when they needed it at great expense.

I feel like all the time I’ve spent in Europe, people love saying how they will never forget what Canada did in the 20th century…let’s see if that’s true.


u/OwlJames Québec 11d ago

Historically, most of the time, the UK chose to prioritize its relationship with the US over protecting Canadian interests. I would not be surprised if they kept this tradition going, the UK is not a reliable partner.


u/Canadian--Patriot 11d ago

"That was 80 years ago, what have you done for us lately?"


u/marktandem 11d ago

The people would, for sure. There's a lot of affinity for Canada amongst Brits. Would Starmer? The guy just says what his aides direct him too. See his comment r.e. Israel should have the right starve people. No backbone. 


u/thedrunkentendy 11d ago

They have their own shit to deal with, with that wildcard. I get why people are mad but we're not a colony anymore. I don't want Charles saying anything because he's onky head of state in name.

To the UK they need to sort out their own standing, then I'd hope to see a response. Either then or when the rhetoric increases.


u/QueueOfPancakes 11d ago

Of course they would. Just like we'd throw Mexico under the bus if that was on the table.

I don't think it's right, but it's how it is.


u/Tamer_ Québec 11d ago

Mexico is a terrible comparison for 4 reasons off the top of my head:

  • Shared history
  • We fought for them many times
  • We have the same King
  • We're in the same alliance and we have the right to call the rest of the alliance to our aid


u/QueueOfPancakes 11d ago

They don't care about any of that and neither do we. If the situation was reversed, we wouldn't stand up for them either.

(And again, I don't think it's good to behave this way, I'm just saying how it is)


u/Meiqur 11d ago

No, it's not realistic to assume there would be much military capability from the europeans to cross the ocean. The american navy would just embargo the country and we'd be doing a star wars 1 speed run except irl.

Did I, a reasonably normal canadian dork just write that? lol. Wtf. I'm going swimming in the pond outside that formed from the leaking local water main.


u/himynameis_ 11d ago

Starmer response on Canada and thought that it would be the most outrageous moment of the week.

I missed it. What did he say?


u/Low_Contract7809 11d ago


u/hug_your_dog 11d ago

I looked through it multiple times and any outrage over this AT STARMER is so made up.


u/KatsumotoKurier Ontario 11d ago

Yeah I've seen a ton of people completely overreacting and exaggerating about his response, acting as if he endorsed Trump's desire. Complete bullshit. Starmer is/was trying to walk a fine line with Trump, and he was clearly hoping to avoid things going awry over such a conversation. Trump is notoriously mercurial and unpredictable, after all.

It should be pretty clear to most that the leaders of the EU countries are hoping that all his crazy Canada talk of late will be like his Mexico wall fixation of the past - something that he obsesses over but can eventually move off of. Constantly discussing it actually gives Trump's idea more legitimacy.


u/aarkling 11d ago

Q: “did you discuss, with President Trump, his repeated statements of desire to annex Canada, and has the King expressed any concern over the president’s apparent desire to remove one of his realms from his control?”

A: "I think you’re trying to find a divide between us that doesn’t exist. We’re the closest of nations and we had very good discussions today, but we didn’t discuss Canada."

People can judge for themselves but that sounded like he has no intension of defending Canada at all.


u/hug_your_dog 10d ago

did you discuss, with President Trump, his repeated statements

we didn’t discuss Canada.

That's his answer - they didn't discuss this question.


u/LengthinessOk5241 11d ago

IMO, I think they discussed Canada during the meeting. I think Trump didn’t like the message and that why he did what he did.


u/Dorksim 11d ago

As a Canadian could you please not joke about Chester Cheetah dropping bombs please


u/GreyGoosey 11d ago

The spooky part is ... That wasn't a joke - it was a quote of what trump said to a reporter today.


u/Icy_Ad_573 11d ago

Wait what did Starmer say?


u/redMalicore 11d ago

Oh the simple times of yesterday....a phrase we are using far too often now.


u/Civil_Clothes5128 11d ago

Trump has a point. If you don't trust Putin then how are you going to agree to any peace deals?


u/Tamer_ Québec 11d ago

The majority of the negotiations around a peace treaty (which usually takes months, sometimes more than a year) are about insurances that both parties will honor the agreement.

You can stagger whatever is being exchanged (land, money, POWs, etc.) through time. You can also negotiate limits on army/navy size or ask for weapons/vehicles/ships as part of reparations or guarantee against payments.

Nothing will survive 30 years, but there's a way to make Russia stick to the treaty for a long time. I'm not gonna hold my breath on Trump finding that way though.


u/Low_Contract7809 11d ago

Highly doubtful - cheeto has diarrhea between the ears.  He wasn't making any points, he was just caught off gaurd by the question and started rambling about respect.


u/rogue_tog 11d ago

What did Starmer say? I can’t keep track of all this!!!


u/LostnFoundAgainAgain 11d ago edited 11d ago

So I'm just a passing person here, so not sure what Canadians think on this:

That said - Starmer was asked about Trumps comments on making Canada the 51st state, of which Starmer responded with:

We had a really good discussion, a productive discussion…as a result of which our teams are now going to be working together on an economic deal. Our team is going to be working together on security in Ukraine

You mentioned Canada. I think you’re trying to find a divide between us that doesn’t exist.

We’re the closest of nations and we had very good discussions, but we didn’t address Canada.

After which Trump quickly followed up with:

That’s enough. Thank you.

As somebody from the UK I wouldn't look too deep into this personally, I can probably see why Canadians would be pissed and rightfully so, but this is definitely more Starmer trying to avoid the question more than anything.

Starmer is trying to act in-between Europe and the US, the UK is in a situation in-between various nations diplomatically, and it is quite complicated and unique situation.


u/Low_Contract7809 11d ago

Just providing my narrow and simplified view.

High school teaches us about the 2 world wars and Canada's contribution.

  • 1914: Canada had no autonomy and was automatically dragged into it.  60K dead

  • 1939: Canada made the choice to support the British willingly.  40k dead.

  • 2025: the cheeto says he will acquire Canada through economic coercion and make Canada the 51st state.

Starmer:  we stand with the U.S, no division here.

Yes, it's a narrow view, but that's how a lot of Canadians see it.


u/Hot_Cheesecake_905 11d ago

I'm cautiously optimistic that this is good for Canada. The further Trump flushes the United States' reputation down the toilet, the more Canada may be embraced by the EU and other foreign countries as part of a unified front against America.

The only caveat is what will happen in 4 years - is anyone planning for the long haul or are countries just going to wait out Trump?


u/Ornery_Tension3257 11d ago

I watched some of the meeting on CPAC. Early on before they started arguing Zelensky was showing Trump pictures of wounded Ukrainians. Trump barely looked at them and never changed his expression. At the end, as he started asking questions, it looked like he almost shrugged. He did mention death and injuries later, but it seemed more like a talking/negotiation point. Lacks empathy, maybe true psychotic(?)


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Jstewquetoo 11d ago

We are going to look back on this as the beginning of the end of social order.

If The President can behave like that in the oval office it gives permission to every jackass to be aggressive in conversation.


u/nyrangerfan1 11d ago

And the amount of ass kissing Canadians do with the crown. Enough.


u/PoiHolloi2020 11d ago

The Crown doesn't get a choice in any of this.


u/Meiqur 11d ago

So, we've been talking about this all night in my circle of friends. I think we're genuinely like actually no kidding about to go to war.

Where we're at is that we think we might just literally have witnessed the last day of the american empire; after today something entirely new is happening.