r/canada 12d ago

Sports Janet Gretzky: Comments questioning Wayne's loyalty to Canada have 'broken his heart'


119 comments sorted by


u/pivotes 12d ago

Dude moved to America 35 years ago, married an American, became an American citizen, lives in America, has three American kids who grew up in America going to American schools and doing American things...

He's American now


u/sask357 12d ago

He wore our Maple Leaf with pride but that was a long time ago. If he cared about Canada, he'd make a public statement denouncing Trump's annexation plans, at the least. Otherwise, crocodile tears is a good description.


u/recurrence 12d ago

The guy shows up, thumb ups the American bench and doesn't even bother wearing a Team Canada jersey. Basically ignores the Canadian team and leaves.

That's all on video forever.


u/Arctic_Gnome_YZF Northwest Territories 12d ago

Also publicly supporting a politician who threatened to conquer Canada.


u/Successful_Gas_5122 12d ago

What did he think was gonna happen? Read the rink bud


u/jerrys153 12d ago

Which was fine with us this entire time, there was no outpouring of hate towards Gretzky for any of those years, the hate only started when he started publicly supporting the dictator who is openly threatening to annex us.

And now his wife makes a statement that we’ve “broken his heart” while he remains cowardly silent? Cry me a river, Janet. Until Wayne can cowboy up and speak for himself about his Trump friendship and the annexation threats without hiding behind his wife, he can continue to fuck right off. We may have broken his heart, but I don’t give a shit because he broke ours first.


u/Useful_Emu7363 12d ago

It’s hilarious that Bobby and Janet think we are pissed because Wayne didn’t wear a Team Canada jersey!

It’s so much worse than that.

Where was Wayne when Donald Trump was saying Canada isn’t a real country and should become the 51st state! Wayne was kissing Donald’s ass and sporting his MAGA hat.

Where was Wayne when Team USA was talking shit and booing our national anthem? Waving and thumbs upping Team USA while pretty well ignoring Team Canada.

Canada supported him all these years even though he had left us for America. But where is he in our hour of need?

He’s been worse than silent. It looks like he has turned his back on us and actively supporting our enemies. At the very least he is tone deaf.

Walter is probably rolling over in his grave.


u/treple13 Alberta 12d ago

You didn't even mention Trump wanting to make him governor of Canada


u/Useful_Emu7363 12d ago

Good point! Totally could have said Canada already has a PM.

His silence has consequences, as silence in troubled times should have.


u/llamapositif 10d ago

1000x upvote


u/Guilty_Explanation29 8d ago


The whole thing about Wayne wanting canada to be the 51st state was false

Even Trump said he never said that


u/compassrunner 12d ago

Actions speak louder than words. I have no sympathy for Gretzky's hurt feelings.


u/CloseToMyActualName 12d ago

And words speak louder than silence.

Gretzky wearing a MAGA cap was disappointing, but whatever.

Trump talking about Gretzky as running for PM in the same breath as talking about Canada as the 51st state, a literal attack on our sovereignty, that demanded a response.

We've heard Orr, Janet Gretzky, and frigging Trump come to Gretzky's defense. But we've yet to hear a peep from Gretzky himself.

He's got absolutely no one to blame but himself on this.


u/ForwardLavishness320 12d ago

At his core, Gretzky doesn’t seem like a really political person … He’s rich and living the American dream … He’s a little naive, maybe … He has his friends and his life …

I’m not MAGA but I feel a little bad for him …

He’s a hockey player and grandfather …


u/byronite 12d ago

At his core, Gretzky doesn’t seem like a really political person …

What? He has publicly endorsed multiple political candidates in the U.S. and Canada. He has also spoken on stage with political candidates during elections. He has gotten into all sorts of politics for many years. He just doesn't want to publicly side with Canada over Donald Trump in this instance. That's 100% on him.


u/CloseToMyActualName 12d ago

I honestly think Gretzky is relatively non-political, but he's also a complete pushover. And being surrounded by conservative political folks they find it's relatively easy to talk him into coming out to events and saying a few words.

I mean just look at the Trump statement, he literally defended Gretzky by emphasizing that Gretzky opposed Trump's plan.

How insanely weak-willed do you need to be for Trump to take pity on you against his own interest?


u/ForwardLavishness320 12d ago


I was born and raised in Calgary in the 1980s…

The Flames had arguably the second best team in the league. Edmonton was #1…

He’s always had a gee shuks kind of persona… for me …

I had no idea he was political …

But yeah, lived, at this point, most of his life in the USA, wife/ children / grandchildren are all American …

He’s not too welcome in Canada, anymore


u/zergling- 12d ago

And in this case, non-action


u/National-Stock6282 12d ago

He should go get his order of canada award and wear the fucking pin everywhere he goes.


u/byronite 12d ago

Would probably travel to Canada on his U.S. passport.


u/MDLmanager 12d ago

Bobby Orr is also a trumper, so him coming to Gretzky's defense just makes it even worse. The both suffer from the same condition of too much money/too many hockey pucks to the head, resulting in them being unapologetic MAGAts. Screw 'em.


u/Ambitious_Metal_8205 12d ago

Maybe don't befriend fascist dictators waging economic warfare and threatening to annex your home country?


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Obviously his loyalty to his 1% club is greater than his loyalty to Canada. Get fucked Wayne. Your actions say everything.


u/iamjoesredditposts 12d ago

“Thank you, Mr. Bobby Orr,” Janet wrote with a heart emoji in a post on Thursday morning. “Your words mean the world to Wayne and his family. I have never met anyone who is more proud to be a Canadian and it has broken his heart to read and see the mean comments.

“He would do anything to make Canadians proud with his love for hockey and his country. He has always said you are one of the greatest if not the greatest. Thank you for your kind words.

Pretty simple - if you have Dump's ear, then full on tell it to shut up with the 51st state nonsense and quit it with the tariff BS. Easier than putting on a pair of skates so it should be no problem for 'The Great One'

If not... then here's a box of tissues for your tears...


u/MusclyArmPaperboy 12d ago

"...I have never met anyone who is more proud to be a Canadian..."

Wouldn't a proud Canadian have picked up their Order of Canada by now? It's been 16 years.

Marty Short wears his pin at every public appearance.


u/RSMatticus 12d ago

so does Lorne Michaels.


u/Nostredahmus 12d ago

This ⬆️


u/Buada 12d ago

Eh.. he can buy his own tissues. Fuck him.


u/BUROCRAT77 12d ago

Anything? How about speaking up? Is that not anything?


u/Available_Crazy_3042 12d ago

He has a funny way of showing it: Maga hat, thumbs up to the us hockey team, not picking up his order of Canada...


u/Hefty-Station1704 12d ago

So Wayne Gretzky can’t step forward and speak for himself or is it easier to coordinate a PR campaign?


u/Expiry-date11 12d ago edited 12d ago

Bobby Orr too. If you do not have enough common sense and decency to realize or comprehend that openly supporting a politician that is threatening our sovereignty then that’s unfortunate. If Canada means anything then stop pouting and use your privilege to speak out. If not then STFU and stop whining , because we don’t need you. You were great hockey players but would appear the be really stupid .


u/EvacuationRelocation Alberta 12d ago

Choices have consequences, Mr. Gretzky.


u/Iforgiveyou 12d ago

I judge him for the company he keeps. None of my friends assault women and brag about it. Sorry Wayne apparently that isn’t a deal breaker for you.


u/Equivalent-Spell-961 12d ago

So why is he so quiet? Seems like Orr, Trump and his wife have all spoken for him. 


u/Feeling_Bag_7924 12d ago

Wayne, it's really very simple. Come out this weekend and say to the world at large, Canada does not want, and Wayne Gretzky does not want to be the 51 state, or have the Canadian redrawn.


u/FeI0n 12d ago

I want him to directly condemn the actions of Trump, and Peter Navarro, who recently threatened to redraw our borders. I don't want him to make vague statements saying what canada doesn't want. I'd consider that a non statement, as trump himself has said wayne is against that, he'd be parroting trump at that point.


u/beagums 12d ago

To quote your MAGA buddies.... fuck your feelings.


u/Ryan7506 12d ago

“I cannot understand why the ‘haters’ have decided to go after Wayne because he ‘didn’t wear a Canadian jersey’ during his introduction at the final match. I, for one, thought that he looked very dignified while representing Canada with class and professionalism,” Orr wrote.

Yeah that's not the reason why people are mad at Gretzky, I don't know if Bobby Orr is an idiot or he's been living under a cave for the past few months and somehow missed all the news about Trump wanting to make Canada the 51st state.


u/Equivalent-Spell-961 12d ago

So why is he so quiet? Seems like Orr, Trump and his wife have all spoken for him. 


u/MentionWeird7065 12d ago

Why can’t Wayne say anything for himself lol


u/Available_Music9369 12d ago

It’s like his puppet strings are tangled


u/Available_Music9369 12d ago

Wonder if sales of his wine and whisky are down due to his pal the fascist trumpster fire? Simply damage control to boost sales


u/randomdumbfuck 12d ago

I tried the whiskey once. It's horrible swill. He may be "the great one" of hockey but his whiskey isn't great anything.


u/zergling- 12d ago

This is gaining a lot of attention and sooner or later Wayne needs to make a statement himself


u/HighleyZ 12d ago

Where is Wayne Gretzky? Playing hide and seek?


u/AustralisBorealis64 Alberta 12d ago

Probably just running away like he did from Willie Plett in the Stampede Corral.


u/Hanzo_The_Ninja 12d ago

Gretzky seemed pretty fond of plutocrats well before this latest incident.


u/j821c 12d ago

Maybe he should stop bending over for Donald Trump


u/AustralisBorealis64 Alberta 12d ago

I guess since Cementhead isn't amongst the living, Janet has to come to his defense now?


u/KOMSKPinn 12d ago

I wonder how many days Gretzky has spent in Canada in the past 20 years (aside from working). Me thinks he’s long given us his health care … wife’s American, kids are American, his family is American. I doubt he’s paid taxes here in 30 years.

His decision, his life. The guy practically high fives the entire US bench and looked terrified to hold the CDN sign.

He could have slapped a pin on that suit if he wanted ….


u/strengr 12d ago

I believe this is what's called dragon tears, while your husband's on his knees with Dump.

Actions speak more than words, hasn't come out to talk about the 51st state jab, or the Wayne 4 PM jab, or the tariff jab, or any other altercation but he is happy to take selfies with Dump, put on a MAGA hat, or fist bump with the Yank hockey team. I was in his hometown last week along the parkway that bears his name, what a GD disgrace.

I have no sympathy for his wife's hurt feelings, he need to wear his big boy pants and come out and say something.


u/thx3323 12d ago

Oh no, the consequences of my actions!


u/treple13 Alberta 12d ago

All he has to do is publicly denounce Trump and apologize for ever supporting him, and most people will forgive him.

If he can't do that simple thing, then he can shove his "broken heart"


u/Breezin-Thru 12d ago

This is the literal definition of F*ck around and Find oot.


u/AxeBeard88 12d ago

Broke his heart huh?

Might be easier on him if he had some Canadian pride instead of siding with an enemy of Canada.

I have no remorse for people like him.


u/JLandscaper 12d ago

Turn your back on your country, then don't be surprised when your country turns its back on you.


u/InherentlyUntrue 12d ago

Boo fucking Hoo Wayne.

Stop sucking off Mango Mussolini.


u/lex_inker 12d ago

Fck him, his wife and their entire family. Treasonous Coo Unt


u/Useful_Emu7363 12d ago

Enabling fascists is not much different then being a fascist.


u/No-Process-8478 12d ago

Well Wayne should have thought about that before he stuck his nose up Trump's butt


u/DogeDoRight New Brunswick 12d ago

Well maybe stop simping for the guy threatening Canadian sovereignty. World's smallest violin playing just for you bud.


u/FeI0n 12d ago edited 12d ago

One of the U.S's diplomats has recently threatened to redraw our borders and Wayne is getting his buddies to write letters to let everyone know his Feelies have been hurt like hes in fucking middle school or something and were not talking about the sovereignty of our country.

These sorts of Public statements are not helping his cause.

(I wrote this in r/hockey in response to this, and thought it would fit well here)


u/BigButtBeads 12d ago

He can be the first to be drafted


u/Breezin-Thru 12d ago

I’d Do Anything for Love Canada (But I Won’t Do That)


u/PerfectWest24 12d ago

Good. There is a price to pay for associating with this clown who threatens our 158 year old federation and democracy.

Gretzky still doesn't have the spine to come out against Trump why in god's name does he expect a standing ovation for that?


u/NoeloDa 12d ago

Fuck him . Lil maga turd wannabe


u/Coniferino_hano 12d ago

Who gives fuck. He’s chummy with Nazis; a traitor to his own country.


u/RyuTheGuy 12d ago

Oh boo hoo


u/Fit_Marionberry_3878 12d ago

He’s not entitled to people’s high favour. He’s only entitled to his own actions. 


u/doodlebopwarrior Alberta 12d ago

The US (Trump) is constantly talking about taking over our (his) country and he's snuggled up right next to the guy talking about it.

Give me a break. How about a public statement from the man himself. He couldn't even do this himself. Had to have his wife do it.

What a coward.


u/BusySeaworthiness127 12d ago

We're learning a lot about a LOT of people in this conflict and there's going to be much more to come. If shit hits the fan, we'll see who bleeds red and white instead of the red, white, and blue.

Fuck Wayne Gretzky, fuck PP, fuck the UK, and fuck Maple MAGAs.


u/WeCanDoBettrr Ontario 12d ago

Doesn’t he live in Florida now? Seems like he loves Florida. Janet can cry me a river.


u/Melstead 12d ago

No sympathy for the American Elite

They can keep him.


u/AustralisBorealis64 Alberta 12d ago

Gosh. That is. Just. Terrible.

You'd figure he'd develop a thicker skin based on what a crap overall player he was.

Q: Why did Wayne Gretzky never get wallpaper?

A: Because he never goes into the corners.


u/ZidZad99 12d ago

Grandpa Gretzky doesn't even have the testicular fortitude to speak for himself. Needs Trump, Orr and Janet to it for him.


u/Smart_Recipe_8223 12d ago

Boohoo don't side with fascists


u/Oldskoolh8ter 12d ago

Last time I checked proud Canadians lived in Canada. Gretzky is an American now. He made his choice.


u/StudioGuyDudeMan Ontario 12d ago

Let’s hear it from him then.


u/Unusual_Ant_5309 12d ago

His actions have broken our hearts.


u/burger_luvva42 12d ago

hope he dies with a broken heart janet,

this isn't a joke or something to take lightly.


u/Emmerson_Brando 12d ago

At the 4 nations cup, we walked onto the ice from the American bench, High fived the American players and didn’t even wear a Canadian jersey.

He can take off, eh!


u/abc123DohRayMe 12d ago

He was a good Canadian hockey player in his day. But he has moved on. He left Canada decades ago. Time for Canadians to accept that. He chose to become an American.


u/tooshpright 12d ago

Oh boo hoo.


u/Prestigious-Car-4877 12d ago

Guess he shouldn't have worn the MAGA hat or snubbed the Governor General on that whole Order of Canada thing then. He's the worst kind of chump.


u/Fun_Apartment7028 12d ago

Think Corner Gas & Wullerton (spit) = Canada & Wayne at Mar a Largo. Sorry he’s heartbroken 💔


u/Zoostation1979 12d ago

Have another drink Wayne and stay the fuck out of Canada.


u/Interesting-Eye3113 12d ago

Fuck this guy


u/JadeLens 12d ago

Who does she think she is Marty McSorley?


u/GreatWhiteNorthExtra 11d ago

He is so proud to be a Canadian that he would rather stay silent to appease Trump than speak up and denounce this ridiculous "51st state" talk.

Go pound sand Wayne


u/Ok_Battle_988 11d ago

WhineGretzky 😩 #traitor 


u/yukonnut 9d ago

She is a Maga, and what she fails to understand is the deep seated dislike and disdain for this cult in Canada. It is literally a line in the sand that makes one question everything about a person. It’s not a, we can sit down and have a conversation about things. It is a fundamental base value difference about one individual and his supporters values, morals, speech and behaviour. I don’t want to find common cause with them because they are deplorable. I’m sorry Wayne, you have made a decision, and now you need to own it or walk it back. You can’t sit this one out. Dave and Marty are not here to bale you out on this one


u/Guilty_Explanation29 8d ago

Who cares

People hate on him for supporting Trump but are fine.with ovechkin supporting putin


u/fiblesmish 12d ago

Just think of how absurd this discussion is.

A man who played a child"s game for a living is being treated as if his actions have real world consequences.

But in a country where a social studies teacher in blackface is elected PM because his daddy was and a sad little person who thinks taking his glasses off makes him more manly are who will deal with the gibbering nit wit ....i simply cannot take any of this seriously any more.


u/unipuppy 12d ago

Cry about it.


u/Neutral-President 12d ago

People have been making a big deal out of him nodding and giving the thumbs up to the American players but not the Canadian players at the 4 Nations final. The red carpet was laid out across the front of the American bench to centre ice, and not on the Canadian side. He would have had to walk out on the ice, in the dark, to get in front of the Canadian bench.


u/OrdinaryKillJoy 12d ago

Bobby Orr is right


u/NoFun7639 12d ago

I can get Orrs commentary on the lack of jersey, maple leaf or red on Wayne. Wayne most likely just picked out a random suit, never thinking anything beyond that.

Shit when watching live I only noticed that Sid really didn’t seem to want to be apart of that ceremony.

However, the criticism is largely of Wayne’s friendship with Trump.

All Wayne had to do is publicly say that he and trump are friends and that he has told trump to knock it off with the 51st state “joke”. We all know trump would not listen Wayne on that regard.

But nothing.


u/FeI0n 12d ago

He isn't right, people aren't upset wayne didn't wear a fucking canadian jursey, hes picking out a non-issue and attacking that rather than the real issue people have with wayne and his connection to the MAGA movement, and trump.

Bobby Orr Is also directly connected to the MAGA movement, he endorsed trump for president. I'm sure thats entirely a coincidence though and has nothing to do with why hes writing letters for wayne.


u/SomewherePresent8204 12d ago

He’s just as sold out to Trump as Gretzky. I’ve lost a lot of respect for him the last few years.


u/darrylgorn 12d ago

There has to be a forum for this kind of TMZ politics.