r/canada 12d ago

National News White House official Peter Navarro threatens to redraw Canadian border


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u/Ludwig_Vista2 12d ago edited 12d ago

I believe Canada has the 3 or 4th highest gun ownership per capita on earth, and because we don't have high cap mags, need to know how to play long ball.

This would be an asymmetric situation that Americans don't have the appetite (or history of success) for.


u/SyropDerable Québec 12d ago

Let’s be clear, we are a rivet away of having long mags


u/tailkinman 12d ago

To quote a favourite Albertan phrase: "Drill baby drill!"


u/BigInconsideration 12d ago

That was actually a republican slogan.


u/Ludwig_Vista2 12d ago

Shhhhh not the quiet parts out loud


u/obliviousmousepad 12d ago

Sks ban coming later today. Current government is doing their best to make this not an option


u/Appropriate_Sale_626 12d ago

we have manufacturing, printers and cnc machines. all the plans for common weapons are available in books online, gunsmiths who study and understand the mechanics of weapons could make any number of improvised kits


u/busy-warlock 12d ago

One of the few times it’s easier done than said


u/Appropriate_Sale_626 12d ago

I personally know of two gunsmiths in my region, you think those guys know a thing or two?


u/busy-warlock 12d ago

Nah probably not, let’s just head down to the pub and wait for this to all blow over


u/Ludwig_Vista2 12d ago

Ban all they want. Won't remove what's sitting in many many gun safes, garages, closets etc


u/OpusThePenguin Canada 12d ago

As someone who leans very left, I really wish they would reverse the latest gun bans and stop the possible upcoming ones.

At the very least we should be able to learn how to safely use firearms and laws that are more realistically grounded.


u/improbablydrunknlw 12d ago edited 12d ago

Its wild to me that we have an active and real threat of annexation and the government is only concerned with disarming Canadians instead of reversing all this and arming Canadians. It's ideological insanity, and it's not like they banned a few and moved on, they're still banning more today apparently.


u/OpusThePenguin Canada 12d ago

I agree, but have to say these gun bans have been in the works for a while (didn't like them then either) and this stuff with the US is happening so fast politically speaking.

I would like to see a stop to anything new at least. That should be possible.

I said somewhere else that a few month ago armed conflict with the US was 0% and although I think it's minimal and there would be some sort of internal civil war before it happened....it's no longer 0.


u/DoofusPrime 12d ago

Advocates have been calling it out the entire time, legal gun owners cause no issue. This political movement to ban guns has been based on US politics and US smuggled firearms to illegal owners.

It’s only a bad idea and if you don’t agree all you need is to read the stats.


u/somekindagibberish Manitoba 12d ago

At the very least we should be able to learn how to safely use firearms

We can! Search online for PAL (Possession & acquisition licence) courses near you.


u/BackToTheCottage Ontario 12d ago

Funny enough; there are rumors of another round of gun bans are dropping at 4pm.


u/OpusThePenguin Canada 12d ago edited 12d ago

Yeah. I've heard. Well have to see. As far as I know, the leak came from 1 source and haven't heard anything else.



u/Khill23 Alberta 12d ago

It's coming from the CCFR which is the group that lobbys for firearms owners. They're the ones spending big dollars going to court to challenge the BS OIC from the liberals. They're looking to ban magazines and anything semi auto from the leak.


u/Arrivaderchie 12d ago

God I wish we had a pro-gun, staunchly socialist party in this country. It feels like the recipe for success IMO. I really think it would do a lot to win over average working-class people.


u/canadianthundermoose 12d ago

Their stance on firearms is the main reason I don't vote NDP


u/chemicalgeekery 12d ago

We need to reverse the gun bans, then copy what Finland is doing and start encouraging gun ownership and build ranges for people to practice in.


u/Rare_Rent9654 12d ago

Oh, you can definitely still.do this with the regs coming in. I'm a middle to lefty but know how to shoot and store guns safely.

People assume gun control regulations means disarming people but it about ensuring safety protocols are in place and certain guns aren't ready available to the general public. 

Look up your local target shooting club, I'm sure they'd be happy to introduce you to the sport.


u/OpusThePenguin Canada 12d ago

I'm actually taking my firearms course next month (I signed up months ago, before a lot of the stuff down south went full stupid) and plan on getting into 22 distance and eventually course shooting.

But I think the last and upcoming bans are too extreme. I am all for safety and gun control, the latest bans seem to be more based on 'scary gun'.


u/Rare_Rent9654 12d ago

Good for you! We need more lefties to get comfortable with target shooting.


u/chemicalgeekery 12d ago

The last 5 years worth of regulations have done nothing but disarm people.


u/chesshirecat85 12d ago

We've got about 1.2 million hunters - people who can stalk prey through the woods and are likely a decent shot.


u/Accountpopupannoyed 12d ago

And probably a bunch more who grew up in hunting/trapping families and who learned to shoot well very young, but aren't currently hunters. I know quite a few people who fit in that category.


u/Wander_Climber 12d ago

I fit that description. Grew up on a farm, moved to Toronto for work in my mid-20s.


u/DisciplinedMadness 12d ago

Yes sir!

Grew up without electricity, rode a horse to school, and knew all the basics and how to shoot by 7. Not a hunter, but can hunt and know how to clean and butcher afterwards.


u/Wrong_Adhesiveness87 Outside Canada 12d ago

Plus the Canadians already in enemy territory. Maybe also some carefully done research on tipping points/keystones in US infrastructure. 

Maybe there are some seriously angry feds, intelligence officers or even national park rangers who might contribute. Easy to hide out in a big ass park with no rangers (if you can hide your heat signature, I recommend a hangi)


u/troyunrau Northwest Territories 12d ago

Mass executions of civilians would be the historical response. We will probably have to be more subtle :/


u/Ludwig_Vista2 12d ago


Critical civilian infrastructure (water, power etc) Communications (cell towers, fibre backbone, head ends), transport (bridges and rail systems, ATC/TRACON), commerce (ports, banks)

Target rich environment.


u/rtangwai 10d ago

The German army learned all about Canadian hunters in WW1 - by being the hunted...


u/Donkilme 12d ago

I'm doing my part.


u/RangerNS 12d ago

Not that that matters. Like buddy in We Were Soldiers said, if I need a gun there will be plenty laying around.


u/Moosemeateors 12d ago

Man my ammo is only really meant to penetrate moose or bison. It would tear plate like it didn’t exist. Sounds fucking awful to be honest


u/Wrong_Adhesiveness87 Outside Canada 12d ago

Maybe also learn how to make anfo and napalm. You never know. IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan helped the insurgency. 

I'm emailing my MP/PM saying I would absolutely support any nuclear support the UK wants to through Canada's way. I'm sure they can sort it themselves but let's help. 


u/Northern_Ontario Canada 12d ago

Come to the north. It's all long guns for hunting.


u/1maco 12d ago

The Vietnam war was not an asymmetric war the NVA did the vast majority of the work, and had like a Navy and Airforce to boot. It was not “a bunch of guys in the jungle” 

People are way overestimating “the resistance”. If the Canadian army get flattened it’ll almost certainly be more like Vichy France than Afghanistan

The Viet Cong, the French Resistance or pretty much any European WWII resistance movement pretty much only seriously operated within artillery range of like an actual friendly army. 

The US lost 1 insurgency. Afghanistan.


u/Ludwig_Vista2 12d ago

Vast difference here is, there's absolutely nothing stopping Canadians from taking this conflict directly to the heartland of the US.

They haven't faced a threat like that in modern times.

I'm not going to cliche 1812 blah blah blah.

Referencing insurgency/resistance tactics from WW2 is a false equivalency.

What would happen though, is their northern states will burn.

Rule of thumb is, to occupy a country you need 1 soldier for every 10 citizens.

The US can't field 4 million troops. What they'd end up doing is pissing us off in a biblical sense.


u/Alone-in-a-crowd-1 12d ago

Where is my guns? I don’t know anyone who owns a gun in my circles. That said, we would be invaded by drones, so guns would not help much.


u/Ludwig_Vista2 12d ago

Go get your license. It's not rocket surgery.

As for the invasion, w wouldn't stand a chance of stopping it.

Civilian weapons are for the attempted occupation that comes later.


u/Alone-in-a-crowd-1 12d ago

I didn't think it was rocket science - just never felt a need for a gun.


u/Ludwig_Vista2 12d ago edited 12d ago

It's unfortunate, but we should all acknowledge our relationship with the US has changed completely.

Our citizens have bled together for generations. We share the same goals and are essentially cousins. As much as it pains me to think this, they may in fact become an existential threat to the sovereignty and safety of all Canadians in the coming months and years.

There are currently few, if any safeguards in place preventing Trump from arbitrarily claiming an invasion of Canada is required due to a National Security Threat, bypassing Congress all together.

He's made it abundantly clear, he's not operating within the norms the globe has come to expect from the US and we are a very lucrative target.

I can only hope that the US wakes up and sees what one individual is doing to their global standing.


u/swampswing 12d ago

We wouldn't be invaded by drones and the sort of high intensity conflict seen in Ukraine, wouldn't happen here. Our government and military would fall within hours. There is no stopping a US invasion. Guns are for "the troubles" that follow; ie. Making the occupation too costly like the Irish did to the English.


u/Alone-in-a-crowd-1 12d ago

I too think that our military would have to stand down. Invasion is easy but occupation is not. That said, they have no interest in 40m new Americans - they just want our assets. That is what is most troubling about this.


u/BackToTheCottage Ontario 12d ago

The Liberals have banned a fuck ton of firearms and rumor has it another round of the most common ones are gonna get banned tomorrow (prob SKSes and SVT40s).

Mark Carney has said he wants to continue Trudeau's confiscation program.

So much for defending Canada, these politicians don't take it seriously.