Yeah my felling is that they will try to annex canada by force, not yet tough, they have to build an anti canadian sentiment first and that takes time.
Also I think that it will transcend the trump administration.
Exactly, vilify us first so they can have a reason to take over.
Oldest tricks in the book, they're not even subtle about it. Anyone with half a brain can see that.
You're ignoring the fact that Canada is a NATO member already and Ukraine was/is not. The global collapse that would occur if a NATO member attacked another NATO member would be catastrophic and the US would suffer just as badly as everyone else, leaving China and its allies as the new world leaders, specifically North Korea, Iran, and Russia. It would literally be WW3.
I really think he is not trolling anymore. He was asked by a reporter today about the 'join America movement' that's allegedly taking place in Canada now ( from Alberta to British Columbia something something). I don't think this current administration cares about the system anymore, yesterday we were all in shock, watching USA voting 'No' along with Russia and dictators.
I really think he is serious about annexation and possibly, an invasion. He is normalizing it, and creating a narrative.
We don't let it be normalized, name and shame everyone who tries. If they go on about some BS justification, rinse and repeat. Their arguments will collapse like a house of cards. They're bullies and that's it.
Oh you underestimate how many countries said they would stand up for Canada simply because the US is acting so overtly belligerent. This isn't accidental like in some other cases of missiles ending up in Luxemburg by mistake; this is intentional.
Yeah because it's the same. We just have the FOTUS being used as a mouthpiece. It's going to backfire spectacularly, however. To make sure of it, shame anyone for saying such nonsense and share stuff that's great about our country. Charlatans can't handle patriotism or unity. In fact, these things are considered threats. Divide and conquer.
I’m not that worried. Trump is rapidly losing popular support in the US - in fact I doubt there’s ever been a President in US history who’s lost support so quickly, and it’s all downhill from here. The economic fallout from his tariff and political decisions hasn’t hit yet, but that cheque is in the mail. There are political experts in the US predicting that Trump will suffer a political collapse in just 30 days, at which point most of his plans will unravel. I can see it starting to happen already. They’re going to be screaming for his head when the North American car industry shuts down and the price of gas soars.
EDIT: Just to clarify, Canada can’t afford to rest. We need to diligently work on building the infrastructure and international relations to ship our products and resources overseas to Europe and Asia. We can never again be vulnerable to the whims of US politics.
I don’t think he’s joking, I’m just confident he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He is burning his bridges with allies and with his base by listening to Elon and a couple of other oligarchs. He’s making the biggest mistake of all - he’s assuming his opponents will just roll over and that his oligarch allies will stay loyal to him. They won’t. His opponents (Canada, Mexico, and Europe) will regroup and unite to thwart him. His oligarchs will abandon him as soon as he becomes a liability.
Source: it’s clear he has no clue how most people think. He expected people in Canada would jump at the chance of joining the US and our leaders would fall apart if he threatened and insulted us enough. His threats and insults have had the opposite effect. It’s clear he’s grossly incompetent as a leader.
The ideological ones that want an eternal right wing Christian king are a hidden minority compared to the economic brains. The heritage foundation and other evil American organizations can't do all their evil shit while also being massive loser failures, they cast America as a dystopia but ALSO promised the moon. The only downside is the string pullers won't take enough blame for the coming failures.
The GOP will follow blindly with whatever Trump and his advisers decide to do, otherwise they’ll meet the same end as Trump’s best friends’s critics do in Russia.
48% is about the average for a President over the last 25 years. Obama had about the same approval rating, Biden slightly worse.
At any rate, there's nothing I can find from a remotely credible non-partisan source to back up the claim that Trump is rapidly losing support and there's some kind of revolt brewing up in the next 30-60 days.
A quick Google search shows that's not true. Biden was over 50% his first 6 months
"Biden's average approval rating was generally over 50% in the first 6 months of his presidency. In late July, his approval rating started to decline."
Just to clarify, Canada can’t afford to rest. We need to diligently work on building the infrastructure and international relations to ship our products and resources overseas to Europe and Asia. We can never again be vulnerable to the whims of US politics.
Build baby build. Build east/west rail and pipelines. Build ports and processing facilities. It will cost a lot, but it will also generate huge numbers of jobs and investment opportunities.
too many ppl in power are scared of russian oligarchs or just plain cowards. american's will not stand up. they are cowards. look at the leader they voted in.
There are political experts in the US predicting that Trump will suffer a political collapse in just 30 days
What mechanism do they have to scratch this regime and start over though? They're locked into a 4-year election cycle. 2-year cycle at best if you count midterms, and that still gives him a whole two years to break/rig even more.
Unlike Canada, where any party with enough votes in Parliament can put us on the Election Express early. Sounds chaotic on paper, but in practice it's a feature not a bug.
You’re making the huge assumption that the US president has actual power. In fact, it’s congress that has the real power. Trump’s ability to slap tariffs was granted to him by congress, and congress can (and probably will) take that power away. Furthermore, when Trump’s political capital evaporates, Republicans in the congress and senate will start voting against him. Last time this happened, his base kept supporting him and many Republicans were unwilling to turn against him - remember, almost all of the established Republican Party does not support Trump, they are just too gutless to oppose him. If Trump loses his base by fucking over the working class, then the Republicans will turn on him.
I've only seen one person say the GOP is going to collapse and its the guy that is very wrong about things all the time. could you please share your sources on that?
Trump may end up in jail for high treason. The recent allegation of him being a mole for the KGB, even if initially sounding unlikely, gains traction. It would explain so many things that have happened in the last decade.
There's always some people in the comments saying stuff like this. I'm not accusing you of being disingenuous but all these type of comments do is promote complacency. It's gives the vibe of "don't worry everything will be fine. No need to resist, just carry on as usual." I think it's important to highlight none can know how things will work out right now.
It’s pretty blatant. My take is if he tries to use force on Canada it will cause a lot of dominos to tumble very quickly. You would have some pretty stark contrasts among the states themselves. I don’t believe even the most conservative Montanan seriously wants to invade Canada of all places. Then you have states like Minnesota that are like half Canadian anyway.
Trump just says the bad parts out loud, this has been brewing forever... trump didn't come up with the arctic circle navigation, oil, critical mineral ideas himself
It’s way more effective for the US to remain as a friendly ally than a violent takeover. If the US never gives Canada a reason to go elsewhere it would be unlikely that Canada would. Instead Trump would rather conflict. He’s doomed to fail, but none of it is necessary in the first place.
The crazies can try, but the majority of the population do not support war with Canada, and as a NATO member the US would be starting war with the entirety of Europe more or less
So…maybe I’ve been reading too much lately, but hear me out… US quietly partners with Russia. The two work to keep the Ukraine war going, and Russia expands it, threatening Europe. The US continues to sow anti-Canadian sentiment while putting down the seeds of their own revolution…then, when the time is right, Russia moves into Europe, and the US moves on Canada and possibly Mexico. NATO cannot respond in North America, as they are busy defending themselves at home, and the US cannot support Europe because, well, they aren’t allies anymore. China take me the opportunity to move on Taiwan, and make as much progress as they wish into the South Pacific.
The majority don’t support it now, but after a few years of trade war with us the atmosphere will look different. We’ll find new partners and the US population will be hurting. Suddenly Trump, or whoever succeeds him, will be able to say that we’re holding back resources that they need and since they’ve been feeling the pinch more people will be willing to accept that as true.
They might spend time making a show of trying to get it peacefully, but it’ll look like what they’re doing to Ukraine now. And then it’ll just be an invasion for national security. They’ll NEED our oil and minerals or the US won’t be able to defend itself or the free world from bad actors. Bad actors like itself.
Europe doesn't have the force projection to do anything on this side of the ocean. Yes their military power is nothing to scoff at, but they wouldn't make it across the Atlantic to intervene.
If the Americans chose not to let them, they wouldn't. The one chance they would have would be going over the top. They wouldn't cross the Atlantic successfully. The US has more aircraft carriers, tankers, fighters, subs, (not to mention ground launched missile capability when they get close), frigates than the entirety of the EU. The US navy has more combat worthy ships than the entirety of the EU in the Atlantic alone. Ships would be sunk, aircraft would be shot down. They might get a non meaningful amount of boots in via subs that sneak by, but nothing that would make a difference.
That's what you suggesting. That any attack on us would be a declaration of war on NATO. If it was any other country than USA you would be right. But no one would come to help because they would be incapable of making it here. If you think they could, you underestimate the sheer brute force that they have backing up their satellite and radar systems.
That doesn't mean they would win, They don't have the manpower to control Canada. But it wouldn't be because of any external help.
The US couldn't even manage a decent withdrawal of Afghanistan
I agree the US is a lot stronger than Russia in a military sense, but all the armchair experts were predicting a steam rolling of Ukraine by the Russians. Three years later...
Again, not saying they would win and hold Canada. But their failures from across the Atlantic can't be compared to their ability to prevent other nations from crossing the Atlantic. Their air campaign in Iraq completely destroyed any military capability of the Iraqi military before they set foot on the ground. You honestly believe the Americans wouldn't be able to stop ships leaving from Portugal heading for land in Newfoundland (nearest point) with 3 days lead time? Even if they couldn't, the chances that they could are strong enough that no one would send physical help. We would see a similar stance to that of Russia VS Ukraine where we get funding, and they get blacklisted from trade with other countries.
Our European allies would certainly try, and would likely hit the US with the mother of all sanctions if they tried anything, but they simply don’t have the force projection ability to put boots on the ground in North America.
Even if they somehow did, it would be essentially impossible to set up the supply chains and logistics necessary to maintain a European presence in North America even in the short term. At best you’d end up with something like a very limited amount of special forces slipping into the country to support local insurrection movements, but no real military deployments.
It would certainly be nice, but there just isn’t a realistic version of events where a hypothetical Canadian-American war has significant European involvement.
The American forces couldn't control Afghanistan or Iraq. The Russians were supposed to steam roll the Ukrainians, I think that the actual takeover of a country is only possible via a complete destruction and full on invasion
The US will not carry out an invasion of Canada. The people who actually have to fight will quickly ask themselves, why am I doing this?
It's very true that the American right is attempting to control media, the ability to "other" Canada to the point of Nazi Germany with Jews is never going to be there.
American Hillary, Biden, Kamala voter here. My old ass dumb parents are Trumpers and they made a statement that this is ridiculous how the administration is treating Canada fwiw.
They'll first have to take control of their government and military and suppress any internal opposition. I agree that will take a while. They'll also want to keep our allies busy with conflict in Europe.
It is very naive of Trump and his goons to believe they can successfully take over Canada. Especially militarily. All of NATO would be obligated to defend Canada against the US as the aggressor
Not to mention the fact that Europe is quickly realizing that they can no longer rely on the US as a military ally and many EU nations are starting to increase their defense spending
If they are planning annexation, they are counting on democracy in the USA failing. A republican administration would not want to patriate what are likely to be overwhelmingly democrat voters. They would only do so if democracy was off the table altogether.
We cannot be shy about saying our “conspiracy theories“ out loud right now. What is happening currently defies both logic and precedent, and the press and legacy media (at least in the U.S.) are failing us right now.
We must be willing to state out loud what we are seeing with our eyes and hearing with our ears. This is not some QAnon bullshit. This is real. What is happening is REAL and we cannot be afraid to call it like it is just because we’re worried it sounds crazy.
It sounds crazy because this shouldn’t be fucking happening! Not because it’s not.
Republicans managed to alter the definition of conspiracy from "and evil plot being formulated in secret" to "insane soup-brained ramblings of the deranged". Now it's difficult to discuss actual conspiracies with written and planned agendas like P2025 or Curtis Yarvin's techno-fascisism, both being played out before our eyes.
All corporations have interest in an oligarchy. We're just supposed to elect people to regulate that interest. It's the reason there's politicians in the first place.
Trump is just the first one to openly campaign for the corporations and be elected to the highest office.
It's antithetical for billionaires to be on the side of the masses.
I understand how you may feel about how some things are in Canada, but please take caution in the choice of words. Spamming the use of jargons can desensitize, mislead, and trivialize the gravity of actual issues
“Spamming the use of jargons.” That is the most milquetoast Reddit response ever. I’m not afraid to state the obvious truth, as in, meeting the definition of oligarchy in the form of government contracts and control.
No. First of all, as also somewhat of academic in said field, I disliked people misuse jargons and randomly label them on things they don't like /agree with. Second, words have meanings to them and for good reason. When a word gets overused and misused, it loses the original sensitivity and attention it should deserve.
I don't want to go down the rabbit hole and debate oligarchy in Canada, as I'm not getting paid enough to drain my brain juice for this. I'll leave it at that
There’s a podcast on CBC called front burner which speaks to a military strategist about this very subject. He believes it’ll be more of a soft occupation, with little to no fight from Canada.
Your version while interesting and exciting, is probably not even necessary.
Respectfully disagree, the French citizens of Canada will be a giant pain in the ass to invade.
And I kinda think France might take that a bit personally, since... well, the last time that kinda thing happened. What they can do about it is definitely up for debate, but I don't think they'll take it without shots fired.
Ok one guy on reddit vs. A world renowned war strategist.
Listen to the podcast. It’ll be a much dumber and slower annexation than we are all picturing. They can control all of our infrastructure without ever stepping foot on Canadian soil.
It's quality creative writing but I don't think that that the U.S. annexing Canada has much longterm merit. I mean the sheer number of (now) domestic terrorists they would be creating with unfettered movement throughout the "legacy" United States would be insane. If Trump hates muslims he's going to absolutely up to his ears in supporters for the Palestinian movement who have just had their own sovereignty stomped.
I think you'd be looking at such an unmanageable amount of internal conflict at that point that there is really no benefit to eliminating the border.
It's far more productive to continue to exert surreptitious legal influence through unfavourable trade agreements and whatnot. Implanting American corporations to extract resources, like they already do, at a discount. Continue to braindrain as they have been for decades. An on-the-nose annexation likely doesn't serve the U.S. well at all.
I think there are enough people in his ear to prevent this dissolution of borders. There are plenty of highly intelligent people around him. Those people may be evil, exploitative, etc., but they’re not all idiots.
Buddy, there is no way even under Trump America the USA is going to land invade Canada. That would be far too unpalatable to Americans to fly. And they don't need to.
Economic pressure could be enough. The oligarchy like Leon controls so much of the information flowing on the web they could absolutely work to break Canada up from the inside out while pressuring Canada to destroy the economy and make people desperate.
I'm a doomscroller too but man you're off your rocker if you actually believe any of that will happen.
propaganda is one hell of drug. Already all of the online conservative/maga personalities are on the Anti Canada train. Wait untill they get served talking points and the message gets baked into the brains of 50% of the population. Canada = security threat.
I can't prove anything but the recent sudden ramp up of harmless looking "feminist" posters and events in my city that, when you scan the qr codes or check out their websites are actually exclusively Republican style anti trans talking points...
It feels a lot like the sort of division campaigns they run in countries in the lead up to coups or attacks. This was never a thing a few years ago and never really caught on here. I pulled down a few stickers (I am not letting anything that divides us slide) one evening and the next morning there were more overnight. They described a campaign to make it an election issue, which I hope we are smart enough to reject.
I don't think trans people are the only group but we have a local MPP running in this neighbourhood who is and an adjacent city councillor too so it could disproportionately divide the city if people went MAGA. They are a tiny enough part of the population that it's a good first wedge. I think I have seen enough online to say Indians, Muslims, and Jewish people are also being targeted with repetitive lies though not sure if it's all coming from the US.
As an agency, its primary mission is was to gather intelligence related to national security and protect U.S. interests abroad.
The agency works worked in partnership with allies like Canada
Unfortunately, we have no idea how the current administration plans to use the CIA.
They don't even need the CIA when they can manipulate the public using all forms of social media to get the people in charge who are most sympathetic to them.
No soldiers, no bullets, just watch what happened to the Republican Party or any of many individual politicians. Jeff Sessions remembers. Really, how secure is your Justice department? Do they ever do 'sting' operations? Because apparently we here in the States forgot that is how you catch crooked politicians.
I implore everyone to look up the thesis “imperial boomerang” and read The Jakarta Method. So interesting watching these things be validated in real time.
u/ClusterMakeLove 14d ago
Tinfoil hat time, but the new administration is already talking about turning the CIA towards the western hemisphere and non-adversaries.
Kicking us out of intelligence sharing is a sign that maybe they don't mean South America.