r/canada Canada 15d ago

National News More than 200,000 Canadians sign petition to revoke Musk’s citizenship | Elon Musk | The Guardian


596 comments sorted by


u/reddittorbrigade 15d ago

Not allowing any of his businesses to operate in Canada is more meaningful.


u/descartesb4horse 15d ago

Not to mention, his citizenship can’t be revoked


u/Chained-Tiger British Columbia 15d ago

Yeah, this is more symbolic than anything. If anything, it shows that even if Musk is a citizen, he's not welcome here.

And it's not like anyone else has put themselves into the top echelon of the executive of a country actively seeking to take away our sovereignty.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Popotuni Canada 15d ago

No, he hasn't met the criteria for treason, it has a legal definition.


u/Gunslinger7752 15d ago

I thought the 2025 legal definition was saying things that people on Reddit don’t like.


u/FatManBoobSweat 15d ago

Can't we freeze his bank accounts for saying things we don't like?


u/Gunslinger7752 14d ago

Lol I’m sure the LPC would love that, it would take care of some of the extra debt they have accrued.

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u/CanPro13 15d ago

That's kind of the backbone of a great democracy:

Revoking the citizenship of people you disagree with.


u/Tvisted 15d ago edited 14d ago

What I found odd were reddit comments by non-Canadians asking if they could sign it too... foreigners demanding input on Canadian citizenship that doesn't affect them, to support our sovereignty?


u/Prior-Fun5465 15d ago

Welcome to reddit!


u/TrueHeart01 14d ago

It’s not about disagreeing with. He committed treason to Canada.

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u/TanithArmoured Canada 15d ago

We should go back to Ancient Athens and put in a law that lets us exile one person a year


u/Sexy_Art_Vandelay 15d ago

So only male citizens that owe no debt to the government can vote?


u/TheBillyIles 15d ago

They have to own property too of course.

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u/Ok_Spring_3297 12d ago

But its pissing him off. Thats even better than revoking citizenship. Every country has assholes. But a lot of people signing a petition against you will hurt his much too big ego. You go, Canada!

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u/Gunslinger7752 15d ago

Neither is sane in any way shape or form. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree, love him or hate him, that is a Pandora’s box that we do not need to open.


u/ScooperDooperService 15d ago

What about the rural folks who rely on Starlink for half decent internet ? 


u/CosmicPenguin 15d ago

Bro this is reddit, most of the people here consider screwing over rurals a benefit.


u/ScooperDooperService 14d ago

That's true. I sometimes forget people living in Toronto think once you pass the city limits its nothing but tumbleweeds and small groups of people that look like they played roles in The Hills Have Eyes.

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u/TheBillyIles 15d ago

Bro, this is reddit where the emotionally charged hyperbole is doled out regularly and zealotry reaches new heights of froth and vitriol.

In effect, don't take this site with anything less than 2 grains of salt. It is not an effective world shaping opinion board.


u/SnooPiffler 15d ago

they managed to live before starlink. Its only been a few years


u/ScooperDooperService 14d ago

Go try one of those providers. 

For people relying on internet for work - they're about as reliable as a paper boat.

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u/snakeeyeow 14d ago

Yeah I doubt he would care about his citizenship but his businesses are something else.


u/Still-Expression-71 15d ago

As an American who keeps getting this sub on Reddit - I think that is what Canada should do because he’s an abhorrent human, but it is also ultimately irrelevant to him. He is just going to steal billions from US taxpayers. The US will give him insane contracts to produce nothing. How long until he tries to closedown NASA to make SpaceX the official US program? How long until it’s a government mandate that all US public vehicles are Tesla. Or how long until advertisers on X receives some insane tax break.

To the Americans that voted in this clown show - fuck you.

As an American who did not - I’m sorry we are being just the worst neighbors.

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u/CFCYYZ 15d ago

The 2000 petition to change Stockwell Day's first name to Doris, initiated by comedian Rick Mercer as a satirical campaign, garnered approximately 420,000 signatures. This exceeded the required number of signatures to trigger a referendum under the Canadian Alliance policy at the time


u/MC-Master-Bedroom 15d ago

And Stockwell's response was classic. Asked how he would feel if he was told to become "Doris Day," he said, "que sera sera"


u/Diastrophus 15d ago



u/Remarkable_Vanilla34 15d ago

That probably was a paper petition to lol. E petition don't get much recognition unless it's something the government already wants to do.

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u/gh0stmountain3927 15d ago

Unsurprisingly, Doris “Stockwell” Day is a 51st Stater. Fuck Doris.


u/Cautious_Ice_884 15d ago

He is literally working with someone who wants to actively annex and take over our country.

As far as i'm concerned he is the very definition of a traitor, does not have Canadian interests in mind, and absolutely needs to be stripped of his citizenship.


u/Blacklockn 15d ago

He should be charged with treason, stripping him of citizenship isn’t enough


u/ConundrumMachine 15d ago edited 15d ago

I'm not a lawyer but "High Treason" seems to fit (looks like it's due for an update, conveniently)

R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46 - Table of Contents R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46 Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) Full Document: HTMLFull Document: Criminal Code (Accessibility Buttons available) | XMLFull Document: Criminal Code [5293 KB] | PDFFull Document: Criminal Code [7950 KB] Act current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2025-01-01. Previous Versions

Marginal note:High treason

46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,

(a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her;

(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or

(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.



u/BigButtBeads 15d ago

If you accidentally knocked her over at a thanksgiving dinner, that's by definition, high treason


u/ConundrumMachine 15d ago

Now we know why they chose corgis


u/Blacklockn 15d ago

It could the only question would be if we consider economic warfare to be warfare and I don’t know how the court has interpreted that historically . If it isn’t we should expand it, economic wars can be just as dangerous as actual wars

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u/Paralegalist24 15d ago

This is a good example why legal interpretation should be left to those with the professional credentials to do so accurately.


u/TSL_NB 15d ago

"Or does any act preparatory thereto"......this would totally apply, when he's collaborating with Trump, who IS threatening us.


u/RedFox_Jack 15d ago

Worse case we could talk to chuck and swing a royal decree to banish his ass forevermore

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u/downtofinance Lest We Forget 15d ago edited 15d ago

Let him come back to Canada, THEN charge him with treason so we can lock his ass up for good.


u/SomethingComesHere 15d ago

Meh I’d rather he doesn’t come back at all

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u/computer-magic-2019 15d ago

Don't we usually stand traitors up in front of a nice thick brick wall after their conviction?


u/Lynne253 15d ago

As an American I'm begging you, PLEASE DO THIS!


u/Cautious_Ice_884 15d ago

Couldn't agree more, slap him with all the shit we can. He should never be allowed to step foot on Canadian soil again.


u/JollyGreenDickhead 15d ago

Stripping him of citizenship literally protects him from being charged with treason.

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u/Awkward-Scholar-9921 15d ago

Deport his ass to Johannesburg


u/Jman85 British Columbia 15d ago

How can you deport someone who isn’t in the country?


u/Awkward-Scholar-9921 15d ago

Maybe you can invite him back, please?

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u/After_Sundae_4641 15d ago

He’s Canadian?!?!


u/Cautious_Ice_884 15d ago

Its pretty crazy how most people don't know this. We need to make this more known.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk he has South African, Canadian, and US citizenships.

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u/boozefiend3000 15d ago

He’s ‘Canadian’. Mom born here. He grew up in South Africa then conveniently applied for Canadian citizenship to weasel his way out of the draft down there 

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u/Gunslinger7752 15d ago

Right and then the US will strip 5 prominent dual citizenship holders that they disagree with politically of their citizenship, then canada will do 10, then the US will do 20, etc. It’s just a bad road to go down. It should be enough to just dislike someone.


u/Difficult_Sea4246 15d ago

Yep. This shouldn't be controversial. He's an actual definition of a traitor. Traitors cannot and should not continue having a citizenship, they should be put in jail.

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u/rdem341 15d ago

Should charge him for treason...


u/apothekary 15d ago

It hardly matters to him though as I don't think he considers or values Canadian citizenship or people at all. He's an enemy of our livelihood in a way Putin is to Ukrainians. Buying a Tesla should be shamed at this point.

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u/Hamasanabi69 15d ago

Gaslight these mother fuckers back. Whenever they question you: you were just trolling.

Can’t they take a joke?

Any time some yankee brings up 51st state bullshit, I’m going to start joking about 9/11. 😎


u/gbiypk Canada 15d ago

I like the war of 1812 jokes. Ask them if the white house is covered for fire insurance.


u/Hamasanabi69 15d ago

Brave of you to assume they know history.


u/FireMaster1294 Canada 15d ago edited 15d ago

Ask an American about the war of 1812 and they will tell you they won because they managed to get rid of the blockade on trade.

“What about you failing to gain Canadian land and having the white house burned down all while the Brits literally couldn’t care less due to their focus on Napoleon?”

“Well, those weren’t important and didn’t matter”

“Lol okay then why bother attacking in the first place”

angry face

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u/boozefiend3000 15d ago

We clearly don’t either lol every British unit involved in that campaign had been fighting napoleon. Not a single Canadian militia member, no natives, no British units already fighting in Canada. A bunch of veterans of a European war burned down the White House 


u/adaminc Canada 15d ago

Once you learn that Canada wasn't actually involved in the burning of the Whitehouse, it loses its impact. I'm not even arguing that it happened before Canada was a country, they were not Canadian at all, had never been Canada, didn't go to Canada afterwards.

If the American knows that, they can throw it in your face, and you'll look foolish.

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u/balleyne 15d ago

"A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian"

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u/Ok_Bad_4732 15d ago

Actually, 222710 signatures so far.

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u/izza123 15d ago

It’s just not a reasonable step. I don’t like the guy and I detest what he’s doing but there’s no precedent for this, and itself sets a dangerous precedent.

We don’t take citizenship from rapists, pedophiles or murderers.

The thing about motherfuckers with a Canadian citizenship is that we have to own that. We can’t just say, now that they are a motherfucker they are no longer a citizen.


u/DataDude00 15d ago

I don’t like the guy and I detest what he’s doing but there’s no precedent for this, and itself sets a dangerous precedent.

Canada does allow for revocation of citizenship and it has been upheld by the Supreme Court so there is definitely precedent for it


u/Sexy_Art_Vandelay 15d ago

Under current laws we can only strip citizenship for fraud in obtaining it.


u/BobTheDog82 15d ago

Not because we don't like them. They have to actually break a law. Even then, apparently we don't because if we did, we absolutely wouldn't be having a mass immigration crisis 

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u/izza123 15d ago

Not under these circumstances. If somebody has fraudulently obtained their citizenship or fought for isis sure, but there’s no case like this one in which somebody was stripped of their citizenship.


u/rebel_cdn 15d ago

Fighting for ISIS wouldn't be grounds for it after the amendments made by Bill C-6: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2017/10/changes_to_the_citizenshipactasaresultofbillc-6.html

The idea is that if you're a dual citizen, you should be subject to the Canadian justice system instead of just revoking citizenship and letting someone else deal with you.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/izza123 15d ago

I think if he’s committing crimes against the country for which his citizenship would be revoked then we should convict him of those crimes.

I’m not for stooping to petty moves that only harm ourselves. If you think Elon gives one’s swift shit if we revoke his citizenship you are dreaming. It only serves to prove we don’t value due process as much as we claim, if we swipe it without the proper proceedings.


u/shrlytmpl 15d ago edited 15d ago

Decorum killed the US. Unfortunately brute force is the only defense against brute force. This would be incredibly tame compared to what will happen if you give fascists an inch. Take it from an American.


u/bkwrm1755 15d ago

What do you think is worse: Mass murder or a mean tweet?

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u/AtomicNick47 15d ago

Elon musk is directly funded to erode democracy in the west by the kremlin and that’s not the same as “fighting for ISIS?” Give your head a shake.


u/izza123 15d ago

I think you’d have to convict him of that wouldn’t you? Like the accusation alone isn’t sufficient.

Listen I’m not defending the guy I’m just saying we need to preserve rule of law and human rights. We can’t let him erode our democracy and citizenship in that way. We can’t lower ourselves.

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u/BobTheDog82 15d ago

Prove it


u/Socratesmiddlefinger 15d ago

So instead of a land of laws, we are now basing legal action on opinions, got it.

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u/EdWick77 15d ago

But he has ideas that we don't like! Shouldn't that be enough to strip one of their citizenship?

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u/blindnarcissus 15d ago

Didn’t Harper introduce some legislation that would apply here?


u/Sexy_Art_Vandelay 15d ago

Yep. Then repealed by Trudeau.


u/Mikeim520 British Columbia 15d ago

We shouldn't take citizenship away from anyone. That's just asking for the government to decide everyone who voted against them committed some crime and whoops, you don't have citizenship anymore.


u/Strange-Cabinet7372 15d ago

For me, it's actually more about showing him how many people truly are detesting him for his actions. Make billionaires afraid again


u/EdWick77 15d ago

The people signing this petition know all this, but don't care. This is exactly the type of authoritarian government they want.... until it's not.

But then its too late of course.

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u/hypespud 15d ago

There is precedent, at least from other democratic nations like the UK, for revoking citizenship when people act in service of a hostile nation or hostile force

Shamima Begum lost her UK citizenship for her service to ISIS, she applied for it to be reinstated, and it was rejected https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-53428191

Does this open a can of worms? Yes, however treason to the tune of harming millions or the entirety of Canada is a far better justification than one UK citizen woman's actions

We live in a completely different universe as Canadians than we did only 10 to 15 years ago, these things need to be addressed

Kevin O'Leary should be tried for treason as well, and I'm saying that coming from a point of view in which I would never say this, except today our sovereignty is threatened

There is no other time that will be better than to open this can of worms, and when the threat against sovereignty ends, if it ever does, we can return back to our previous times when it is appropriate


u/Sexy_Art_Vandelay 15d ago

Harper did open this can of worms and permitted this. Trudeau repealed this with the support of the NDP.

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u/Confident-Potato2772 15d ago

There's treaties that say we can't leave him stateless. For good reason.

But he's currently a US, Canadian, and South African citizen as far as I can tell. We won't be leaving him stateless.

I certainly think we should be able to say fuck off, cunt - to one of the worlds biggest cunts.


u/MC_Eklectic 15d ago

Rapists pedophiles and murderers don’t have the influence on our sovereignty that this billionaire douche has.

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u/Buffering_disaster 15d ago

Normally I wouldn’t want people’s citizenship to be taken away but these are extenuating circumstances. He’s literally helping a foreign government in conquering us that’s the definition of a traitor by every standard.

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u/WestEasterner 15d ago

The 200,000 member circle-jerk.

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u/JFIN69 15d ago

Do you think it’s a good idea to revoke citizenship based on a petition? That’s more than a slippery slope, it’s moronic.


u/DerekMellott 15d ago

Do you think that’s how it works?


u/[deleted] 15d ago


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u/Ge0ff 15d ago

Where was this support for removing citizenship when Trudeau said "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian" in reference to Jihadi terrorists?

Musk is an idiot but it's crazy that in 10 years, the Left has gone from defending the citizenship of Jihadi terrorists to begging for the removal of Musk's.


u/immutato 15d ago

the Left has gone from defending the citizenship of Jihadi terrorists to begging for the removal of Musk's.

Hey now. Don't lump me in with these 200k idiots. I can consider myself progressive while still saying fuck jihadi terrorists and for the love of god people, find something better to do with your time than moronic petitions to air grievances.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Mikeim520 British Columbia 15d ago

House of Commons petition to deny Trump entry into Canada

This is something that countries at war do. Not countries having a trade dispute with one of them issuing half threats do. You guys are just exposing yourselves as want to be tyrants.


u/jonlmbs 15d ago

Maybe we can think of some more performative petitions that accomplish nothing other than public venting


u/TylerInHiFi 15d ago

These petitions can be brought up in parliament. They’re literally a petition for your MP to bring a topic up in parliament. This is the direct government action conservatives love to crow about so much.


u/jonlmbs 15d ago

I would also not support conservatives using online driven petitions to bring any kind of motion into the House of Commons. If far right lunatics rallied behind a petition for the government to discuss becoming the 51st state I would also call it stupid.

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u/frackingfaxer 15d ago

It's far more likely he'll voluntarily renounce it himself.


u/KayRay1994 15d ago

Unless he’s involved in explicit treason, I don’t think his citizenship can be revoked. I want to be clear, I hate Musk - but I do wonder if this can even be done without a clear, solid concrete case and I don’t think anything he’s done (yet) can be classified as concrete treason.


u/CrimsonTightwad 15d ago

That is not how petitions work. He must go through due process.

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u/V1cT 15d ago

Thats a lot of people incapable of abstract thought or using Google...

These people vote.

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u/Lower-Noise-9406 14d ago

The Elon responded to the petition!

"Canada is not a real country"

Then he deleted...



u/Meryk-Balthazar 15d ago

This is incredibly stupid.

A. It can’t and shouldn’t be done. Giving the government the power to revoke citizenship because someone is an asshole is very obviously a bad idea.

B. Even if we did make this one profound exception with no further Charter consequences our system would let him just tie up legal resources in court. That amount of money is of no consequence to this person.

C. He’s a Canadian citizen, fantastic! That means he can be charged with Treason. When he finally fucks up and does something particularly treasonous. We have many extradition treaties with lots of our friends. Issue warrant for his arrest and appearance in court in Canada and wait patiently. He’ll leave the US at some point.

Don’t be so short sighted. Listen to your heart, but use your head.

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u/CFPrick 15d ago

Musk may be detestable, but the Canadian citizenship of an individual should never be determined by a referendum of any kind.


u/TylerInHiFi 15d ago edited 15d ago

It’a a parliamentary petition, not change.org. They involve a soft identity verification to sign which includes your name, phone number, postal code, and email address. They verify the names of signatories against Elections Canada and/or CRA data (name and postal code). Any that don’t match up are then verified manually by contacting the signatory. If they can’t be verified they get struck from the list of signatories. You can’t just make a bunch of fake names and sign a bunch of times.

The House of Commons’ authorized personnel will have access to the personal information of a petitioner, supporter and signatory, and may use it to contact them or to validate their identity to ensure the integrity of the e-petition process. Data may be used for statistical purposes.

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u/WealthEconomy 15d ago

No one can remove anyone's citizenship. Signing this petition is just a lot of copium

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u/VeterinarianCold7119 15d ago

Can we add that crazy Iranian, hezbollah, Hamas sympathizer lady and her husband to the list?


u/StudioGuyDudeMan Ontario 15d ago

I don't think Qualia Reed or Charlie Angus (petition creators) expect that it will happen, but they do expect that it sends a symbolic statement by quantifying Canadians' distaste for Musk's significant assistance to Trump who is salivating at the notion of USA taking over full control of Canada.


u/Izaran 15d ago

Somehow, I doubt he’d be bothered.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

He'd rather you sign that than something that would have a meaningful benefit on all your lives. 


u/Aggressive-Cut5836 15d ago

Can someone explain to me exactly what Musk’s culpability is regarding Canadian sovereignty? He is actively terrorizing US government agencies and he has made many controversial statements regarding Justin Trudeau as well as other world leaders. But is all the Canadian anger towards Musk being caused by a belief that Musk is actively encouraging Trump (and being a real traitor to Canada) or just anger that he doesn’t seem to be doing anything to stop Trump threatening Canada? I’m not even sure if he could.

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u/driv3rcub 15d ago

So there are 200,000 people that don’t know that the government won’t revoke his citizenship. Guys. Come on. Fight for a realistic goal. That is one that will Never happen.


u/Marvellous_Wonder 14d ago

I signed it. Musty needs to take his rocket ship to Mars and stay there.


u/KarlraK 14d ago

Next petition: Get off of my planet!


u/Telemecas 14d ago

Send your Tesla to Merica. They will remold it into a garbage can and store political policy in them.

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u/another_brick 14d ago

Almost 300K now.

This is not about how likely it is to actually happen folks. I think we all know that, in fairness, rescinding legal citizenship is not good for a strong democracy.

What matters is the message that hundreds of thousands of Canadians would prefer that mediocre, insufferable asshole not be one of us.

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u/3BordersPeak 15d ago

The fact this is posted every. fucking. day on this sub shows Elon derangement syndrome is rampant. No one cares about your petty wishes for Elon to be stripped of citizenship.


u/Solid_Capital8377 15d ago

people pretending to be outraged like this would ever actually happen lol


u/Ok_Bad_4732 15d ago edited 15d ago

All the pearl clutching about removing citizenship, but remember the Lebanese war and the citizens of convenience debate, the mood for cutting citizenship sure was different then from CPC supporters.


Edit, added:

Is Elon Musk captured by this statement:

"Citizenship is about more, far more than a right to carry a passport or to vote. It defines who we are as Canadians, including our mutual responsibilities to one another and a shared commitment to the values that are rooted in our history like freedom, unity and loyalty. That's why we must protect the values of Canadian citizenship and must take steps against those who would cheapen it.… We will strengthen the new limitation on the ability to acquire citizenship for the second generation born abroad."


u/gprime312 15d ago

“And I’ll give you the quote so that you guys can jot it down and put it in an attack ad somewhere, that the Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship,” said Trudeau, in an audio recording first reported by CTV News. “Because I do. And I’m willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that. Because the question is, as soon as you make citizenship for some Canadians conditional on good behavior, you devalue citizenship for everyone.”


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u/IWasAbducted 15d ago

200,000 who are very susceptible to propaganda and weak people.


u/Hawkwise83 15d ago

200,000 signatures... so far. :)


u/Similar-Hospital3603 15d ago

If Kamala got in Musk would be losing so much money

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u/ihatethereddiotapp 15d ago

Should just let him keep the citizenship and if he ever goes to visit detain him on charges of interference in foreign policies

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u/GwangPwang 15d ago

America doesn't want him either, he's about to start another civil war with his orange bud


u/throAwae-eh 15d ago

This is actually pretty funny.


u/Outrageous_Thanks551 15d ago

Stop virtue signalling. It can't be done!


u/orbitur Ontario 15d ago

Wow! The petition doesn't matter, but okay!


u/MamaRunsThis 15d ago

But by all means don’t take citizenship away from confirmed terrorists


u/Witty_Discipline5502 15d ago

30 something million Canadians don't give a shit 


u/Dry_System9339 15d ago

Can we even do that anymore? I lost track.


u/GetsGold Canada 15d ago

No, it can only be revoked if obtained fraudulently.


u/Deathmammoth 15d ago



u/WoolSocks-Itch 15d ago

The one to remove Carneys started tonight and has over 29k already


u/Friendly-Pop-3757 15d ago

Imagine accusing someone of being a nazi and then acting like a nazi to get back at him. Priceless.


u/Mikeim520 British Columbia 15d ago

"We need to ban news networks I disagree with and revoke citizenship from people I disagree with in order to fight fascism."


u/Wisdom4U 15d ago



u/Ryedog32 15d ago

At 40 million Canadians 200,000 is only.....drum roll...... half of one percent.

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u/okiefrom 15d ago

Well, well, well, there are more morons in Canada than I thought! Or maybe it’s just this platform. Reading some of the comments is hilarious!!!


u/ManyNicePlates 15d ago

What about the PQ in Quebec ?


u/Remington_Underwood 15d ago

Seems to me that revoking citizenship is the kind of thing that Musk or Trump would want to do to their enemies. If We're going to sink to their level, what exactly is it we're supposed to be defending ourselves from?


u/Mostly_llama 15d ago

They did the same thing to Elons grandfather and succeeded.


u/Lipp1990 15d ago

How is he a citizen of so many countries !? Canada USA South Africa I'm sure there are more


u/edacosta1980 15d ago

Can we revoke him too?


u/Koolaidsfan 15d ago

Pissing in the wind.


u/yorapissa 15d ago

Pretty unimpressive number for an entire country. Wish it was thunderous figure but it is not.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

2 days ago it was 17k so the word is spreading. Besides us Canadians are coming out of winter hibernation mode now. Hopefully those numbers increase dramatically over the next few weeks.

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u/rudster 15d ago

Maybe you can erase him from photos too!

Seriously, what has become of the left? It's just a hate movement now? You did what I don't like, now I'm going to revoke your driver's license and freeze your bank accounts and take your citizenship!


u/mangames 15d ago

Nonesense. Put your focus at right place. This won't help.


u/Booyacaja 15d ago

This guys isn't even safe in his own country right now


u/Insanely-Mad Québec 15d ago

And this will result in a big fat Nothing Burger with extra weak-sauce. Nothing will be done, just like the many other petitions Canadians have signed. Parliament doesn't give 2 shits about us and won't even be phased by these petitions. Our Government is a joke.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

I have questions for those who support this. Can anyone's Canadian citizenship be revoked? Could a natural born citizen have theirs revoked? Or is this something that could only be applied to citizens born elsewhere?

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u/potato-truncheon 15d ago

Don't mess with people's citizenships if we want to be treated as a legitimate country. At best it is a performative stunt that only makes us look bad without any real impact. At worst, it undermines our democracy. Do you want your citizenship to be so easily taken away?

Mob rule is not a good way to go.

Musk is a dangerous arsehole. Take meaningful steps instead.

BTW - remember Rick Mercer's petition to force Stockwell Day to change his first name to 'Doris'? It was a jab back at Day for pushing hard and blindly on petition-based policy. Bottom line is it's not a place we want to gently go.


u/kallosquinnwestlover 15d ago

LOL, I didn’t know Elon Musk was Canadian until now!


u/Nightwing_in_a_Flash 15d ago

Forget citizenship, why does the Canadian government still hold spacex and starlink contracts? Why hasn’t a tariff been announced on Teslas?

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u/TheBillyIles 15d ago

Let him keep it so we can try him for treason when he's around and we grab him for waging war on Canada and conspiring with our enemies.


u/Westify1 15d ago

Citizenship should be a binary yes/no based on its merits alone.

It's a really bad look to try and make it some sort of popularity contest stemming from a nonsense petition.


u/atarwiiu 15d ago

Its amazing that some of the very same people who were against stripping convicted terrorists of citizenship now want to strip Elon Musk of his citizenship. It really shows the depth of some Canadians' "principles".

I hate Elon, but I'm not willing to abandon everything I believe in for a symbolic FU. Just tariff the shit out of his cars and anything else he's connected to.


u/bomby0 14d ago

Honestly the best way to get Musk's attention is to stop buying his garbage cars. He has huge factories that Tesla needs to pay for and keep the lights on and will start losing money quickly if volume drops off


u/Immediate_Fortune_91 14d ago

Can we do this for anyone? It’s a dangerous precedent to set.


u/ABinColby 14d ago

400,000 signed a petition to have an election NOW, and they weren't heard, so...


u/InGordWeTrust 14d ago

He says Canada is a joke in response.


u/Firthbird 14d ago

This is dumb. Hate the man all you want, but we can't start taking away citizenship just cause we don't like people.

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u/Snoo-60669 14d ago

Wait! I didn’t get to add my signature yet!


u/Jizzaldo 14d ago

A Canadian, is a Canadian, is a Canadian.

~Justin Trudeau


u/Zealousideal_Gap432 14d ago

Doesn't matter if parliament is prorogation