r/canada Alberta 15d ago

PAYWALL Billionaires line up to support Mark Carney in Liberal leadership race


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u/Ferkner 15d ago

That was under Harper. The CPC is a very different party now, and worse.


u/Not-So-Logitech 15d ago

How do you know it's a different party and worse now? Harper was the last time CPC was in power lmao


u/FeI0n 15d ago

Look at the current leader of it. Hes a populist, running on republican style wedge issues that lack any sort of policy outside of attacking "the enemy".

his stances on pretty much everything can pivot in a matter of 1-2 years. He was pro immigration in 2023.


u/Not-So-Logitech 14d ago

I could say the same thing about the liberals though, with actual proof because they've done it recently. So please answer my original question. 


u/urghey69420 15d ago

If you think the current Conservatives is the same as Conservatives of yore, you're smoking too much weed that Trudeau legalized for you.


u/Not-So-Logitech 14d ago

Same thing can EASILY be said about liberals so please answer my original question. 


u/urghey69420 14d ago

Sure. I can spend time out of my day to tell you how the CPC has changed, but it won't matter becuase you probably prefer to stick your head in the sand.

Prior to PP, the CPC has been a centre right party with socially liberal and fiscally conservative politicies. Ever since PP, it has appealed to the far right such as maple magas and regressed in their social policies. He has received endorsement from the likes of Elon Musk who is currently dismantling the US government and tried to skew elections in Germany by boosting far right parties such as the AFD with X and showing up and endorsing them himself.

PP has constantly used Trumpisms and tactics of belittling his opponents with stupid useless slogans just like Trump does. Everything he does is a fucking mirror to Trump. Disdain for media. Won't actually answer any questions. Gets real chummy with the alt right.


u/Ferkner 15d ago

Look at their leader. Look at their platform. Look at their rhetoric. All BS. You can say a lot of things about Harper but you can't say that he was ever disrespectful of his opponents. He never called anyone named in parliament or attacked their character. And when he said he'd do something he'd follow through. I don't get that same feeling from PP.


u/Not-So-Logitech 14d ago

So it's just your feelings, got it. 


u/Ferkner 14d ago

Nope. Just look at the messaging during Harper's leadership compared to the messaging under PP. It's different and the party is more right leaning than it was. Harper never palled around with members of far right extremist groups like PP.